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  • Sciolist I


Updated: Jun 26, 2021

He got lucky!

Part 2 of the tales

Sheherazade caressed Sultan on his chest slowly as she started her story.

A young man, Alladin lives with his mother. He was a small-time scrap dealer. He traded in metal scrap and resale of old utensils, tin, and such. His father passed away a few years back, and he took up the mantle to handle the small business. They are a small family and happy and content.

Amongst items that he thinks need cleaning up, Alladin discovered a lamp in the attic. An old brass lamp that looked finely crafted and antique. Intrigued, Alladin tries to brush it off to see the carvings on the lamp.

After getting dusted off, the lamp did look exceptional and old. Alladin couldn't make out the inscriptions on it still. He used a decent rag to rub it nicely.

What first felt like dust coming off of it, was in fact, smoke. The grey and black smoke started to compound into a shape. Upon seeing this, Alladin was shocked. He had never seen anything of the sort.

Alladin kept the lamp down on the table and stepped back, not aware of what should be done.

The smoke from the lamp formed a shape of a beautiful maiden. A young lady, no more than his own age.

Alladin could not believe his eyes. He had never seen anyone so beautiful. The magic that got her to appear before him was confounding. She wore a tiny silk blouse that shone her breasts and thin ballooned trousers that went until her ankles. Her waist was bare and her navel inviting. Her neck was slender, and her face charismatic. She glowed like a moon.

On cue, Dinarzade stepped in. She looked just as beautiful as Sheherazade but was nubile eighteen years old. Her dress every bit as Sheherazade had explained for Jinni.

Trying to acclimatize to the new environs, she looked around. Someone who transcends time, space, and era, it did not take her long to place herself.

"O, Master. Having rubbed the lamp, you have summoned me. I am Jinni. I can grant three of your wishes to be fulfilled."

Alladin was stunned and mesmerized. His mind was numb. He could not think of anything instantly to say.

"O, Master. I am Jinni, and I can fulfill any of your three wishes, no matter what. You can ask me anything of material value and anything that you can think of. There is no rush. You can think about it at ease." Jinni said calmly.

Unclear of what was happening, Alladin tried to test the Jinni out.

"Are you really going to be able to fulfill my wishes? No matter what I ask for?" He asked in disbelief.

She smiled and nodded, "yes, O Master, All you have to do is say, 'Jinni, I wish for you to ... and then you can say whatever your heart desires."

Well, the no-brainer was already in front of him. Having seen his family struggle for work and money, he decided the very first thing to ask was, "'Jinni, I wish for you to give my family immense wealth, money, riches, and the best clothes, that we would never fall short in this life or the next."

Jinni smiled. She had her first task, and all she had to do was wave her hand.

Within seconds, Alladin's house turned into a magnificent mansion. His clothes changed to fanciest linen. His room was bedecked with elegant furnishings. To reconfirm he was not dreaming, he pinched himself. He wasn't.

He ran around the house, leaving Jinni behind to check on his mother. He rushed from room to room and found her in the courtyard. His mother was wearing the finest clothes he had ever seen on a woman. For a moment he could not recognize her. She looked clean, beautiful, very fair, and had many jewels on her.

It was as if she knew nothing of their past penury, she welcomed him in her arms, asking, "What is the matter, Alladin? Why are you running around like this?"

"O, Ammi. How lovely you look, how beautiful. I am so happy to see you. I am so glad that you are here with me enjoying our fortune." He hugged her hard and kissed her cheeks a hundred times. Thanking God, he shouted, "O great god, my Allah, I thank thee for this great fortune. I thank thee for everything."

His mother was confused and did not understand what had come unto Alladin. Why was he acting strange?

He remembered that he had left Jinni alone, upstairs. He rushed back and said, "Ammi, I will come back in a minute."

His mother laughed at his childish exuberance.

Alladin rushed back into his room and found Jinni waiting, smiling. She strolled around in the room, relaxed.

Upon seeing Alladin, she said, "O Master. I thought you had forgotten about me. You rushed out in such a hurry I could not explain. Apart from this mansion, and the estate that you see outside, you have stables full of horses, camels, cows, and donkeys. You have workers to tend to your every need. You have fields that are plowed by a hundred farmhands. And above all, for gold coins, all you have to do is put your hand in your pocket and think of how many gold coins you need, and your hands will be full of as many coins."

Alladin happily tested it. He put his hand in the pocket and thought of needing a gold coin. Jinni looked on, smiling. Alladin pulled his hand out of the pocket, and there was indeed one shining gold coin in his hand. Amazed, he did it again and thought of two gold coins this time. Same result. His hand came out with two gleaming gold coins in hand. He laughed and jumped happily. Jinni looked on, smiling.

He didn't know what to ask Jinni. She came forward with some help, "I assumed that with the newfound wealth there would be lots of questions, doubts, and aspersions about its source, so I have arranged it in a manner that no one shall know your past. Everyone around you would believe that you have forever been wealthy and a rich gentleman of pedigree."

He was most pleased. He nodded smiling. He liked the idea. He thought, 'Oh, that was the reason Ammi was acting normal despite being in these riches suddenly.'

"I hope you are satisfied with me for the first wish, O Master," Jinni broke his reverie.

"Yes indeed. I am delighted. I cannot believe my luck." Alladin said to Jinni.

Jinni nodded and smiled. Then she asked him, "What, o Master, is your next wish?"

Alladin thought about it, and then he thought hard. He could not think of anything that he wanted. 'When bestowed with such riches, what more could a man want?' He thought.

He requested Jinni, "May I please think about it and tell you later. You see I cannot think of something that I want immediately."

Jinni laughed and said, "certainly, o Master. You can take all the time you need to decide."

After saying this, they both looked at each other. The silence, after a little while, became awkward.

Realizing his confusion, Jinni replied, "O Master, I cannot leave unless your three wishes have been fulfilled."

"That means I have to tell you now?" He acted surprised.

"No, No. O Master, you can take all the time you want. It's just that I cannot go and disappear unless your three wishes have been fulfilled. I will hang around." Jinni replied.

Somewhat troubled, Alladin moved back downstairs. How could he question the logic of someone who is granting his wishes?

As he climbed down the stairs, Jinni a few steps behind; he tried to think of some way to introduce Jinni to his mother. He was trying to come up with some reasonable excuse to explain to his mother, this beautiful young girl, a nymph-like figure with creamy smooth skin and moon-like glow.

As he stepped down from the last stair, Alladin saw his mother come towards him. He wondered, 'Is this my mother for real? My Ammi?' She looked exactly like he had known her all his life. But at that moment she appeared like a beautiful mature woman. Her face radiant like an angel's, her bare shoulders and her thin arms were like carved in marble, her breasts rose from her chest as if delicious mountains of fluffy clouds only half covered by her blouse. Her waist curved in and then out towards her hips on which she wore a skirt that reached her ankles. Lower below, her anklets of silver complimented her thin legs.

'Ammi looks like a angel,' he thought. Did I always have this angel as my mother?

Sheherazade stepped off from the bed. She slowly turned around, got Sultan a refill of a glass of his wine. Sultan looked at her mesmerized and heard her talk of Alladin's mother.

"Oh, there you are. You rushed in such haste I was worried. Is everything all right?" Ammi asked.

Without really responding to her question, his mind zooming in various directions, he said, "yes Ammi, I am fine. This here is Jinni...." he waved his hand towards Jinni as if introducing the women.

"O Master, Pardon me. But other than you, no one can see or hear me." Jinni said politely.

Alladin wondered whether he should be delighted or disappointed. His mother, though, was worried, even more, seeing her son hallucinating in broad daylight.

His Ammi said, "come here, Alladin. Come here, my darling son. It seems that you have been in the sun for too long. You need to rest for a bit."

She shouted instructions to a servant standing nearby. She held Alladin's hand and made him sit. She sat next to him and pulled his head in her lap and caressed his forehead and his hair. She picked a piece of cloth and dabbed his cheeks and his neck for cleaning beads of sweat. She was truly worried for him.

Alladin, on the other hand, was in a stupor. So many things were happening to him. He was unbelievably rich. He had a large estate with every luxury that he could imagine. Even though it felt like a dream, it was all real. His mother, on whose lap he lay, was a gorgeous woman, radiating with energy that he was struggling to understand. He felt his loins energized. Jinni, another supremely beautiful girl was sitting in front of him, smiling pleasantly.

His mother slowly gave him some sherbet, and he slowly came to, sat up, and hugged his mother.

Over the rest of the day, he started to get comfortable with the surrounding, confident with himself, and also with having Jinni around.

He asked Jinni a hundred questions about her and the wishes.

Jinni answered all his questions patiently as they strolled the lovely garden together. Rows of flowers blossomed that smelled lovely as they walked together.

His mother and a few of his staff saw him walking in the garden alone. Since they could not see Jinni, he appeared to be talking to himself. A smart, knowledgeable man walking in the garden, talking to himself was most disturbing for them all, most importantly for his mother.

Jinni told him, "I am four thousand years old." "I am not a fairy." "No, the lamp is not my home." "The lamp is merely symbolic of who would get his wishes fulfilled." "Yes, there is a higher-order who chooses who should get his wishes fulfilled." "Yes, You, Alladin, have been chosen because of your deeds in this life and previous." "No, I cannot change the number of wishes." "Yes, there are things I too cannot do. Like, I cannot change the free will of a person, even if you wish for it."

Dinarzade walked around the room slowly, letting Sultan eye her hungrily.

Their discussion lasted hours. Alladin's mother was worried, and a local hakeem was summoned.

Alladin smiled at his mother and the hakim, telling them both, "Please don't be worried. I am not sick or anything."

Hakeem, on the other hand, knowing Alladin was an important man assumed no precaution was unimportant for his wellbeing.

The hakeem checked Alladin's pulse, found it to be higher than normal. He felt Alladin's forehead and found it to be warm. He announced, 'it was indeed a heatstroke. Alladin should rest for a day.' The hallucinations and talking to himself were part of the same ailment, and they must be addressed by his prescriptions. He must not be left alone.

Indulgently, Alladin smiled and allowed hakeem to blurt whatever he wanted. Looking towards Jinni, he smiled. Seeing him do that, both his mother and hakeem shook their heads, worried.

Hakeem increased the dosage and handed it to Alladin's mother, and whispered his instructions to her. He offered his salaam and left, wishing him, "get well soon, sir."

Appreciating the drama around his health, he begged Jinni to please wait in his room until the whole thing settles down. He said, "If you are around, I will end up talking to you, and they will feel I have gone mad. Most importantly, my Ammi."

Jinni nodded.

Alladin's mother fed him a healthy meal, spread on their large table. She didn't let him out of sight for a moment and then accompanied him into her room.

Sheherazade picked up a bunch of grapes from the fruit tray. She plucked one with her teeth and held it on her lips. Then she descended on Sultan's lips and fed him the grape.

All evening Alladin had this enigmatic smile on his face. He was just relishing the feel, the warmth, and the love he was getting from his mother. He felt like a child and felt invigorated like an adult at the same time. He felt spoilt, and he felt pampered. He liked his mother's care.

Sheherazade plucked another grape in her lips and delivered it into Sultan's lips, leaving his mouth only when the grape was inside his.

Back in his room, his mother gave Alladin the medicine that hakeem had given her. The sedative-hypnotics potion was to help put his mind to rest and to let him sleep.

Sheherazade pulled her finger under Sultan's wine cup for effect.

Alladin laid back, and his mother joined him in bed. Alladin embraced his mother. She fell back smiling, happy that he was feeling the need to be held, to rest.

Sheherazade laid on the bed next to Sultan and pulled his head into her bosom as she told him what Alladin's mother did to him.

Alladin pulled her into his arms and kissed her cheeks, and said, "Ammi, I love you. I love you, Ammi." His voice lilting somewhat.

Sultan getting the drift, kissed Sheherazade on her cheeks. She smiled at the fact that he was participating.

She felt the medicine was taking effect and slowly made him remove his shirt.

In his buzzed mind, he took that as a signal of sexual initiative that she was taking. In his foggy mind, here in his arms lay a beautiful stunning woman, who he loved and adored.

He moved forward and pulled her band of a blouse down, revealing the lovely pillows filled with warmth waiting for him to get buried in.

Sultan removed Sheherazade's blouse from the top, revealing her breasts.

He sank his face into her bosom. He tried to remember who it was. Was it his mother? His mind sent back some foggy signals in return, confirming it was indeed his mother.

Sultan sank his lips onto Sheherazade's breasts.

He repeated, "o Ammi, My Ammi, I Love you. I love you so much." And then he reattached himself to her breasts.

His mother was shocked at what was going on. On the one hand, she was worried for her son, and on the other hand, he was taking too much liberty than he should. But she was genuinely worried for him and assumed he would sleep off any minute now. She caressed the back of his head as he sucked her breast and licked her nipple.

Sultan had latched onto Sheherazade's nipple. Sheherazade continued her story, even as she caressed his head and pulled him in.

Alladin went on and on until she, too, got aroused and got pulled in his passion.

Alladin pulled his face down to her stomach, licking his way down, and pulled on her skirt. She was bare under her skirt.

Sultan felt compelled to follow suit. He, too, sank lower towards Sheherazade's pussy. Initially, he was tentative but her encouragement and her story inspired him to go on licking and sucking her pussy.

His face found her pussy and immediately started licking, sucking, and pulling on her pussylips.

His mother went ballistic. She had never experienced anything like this before. Her hands went behind Alladin's head and pulled him in; she pulled him hard.

The medicinal potion seemed to have started taking effect on Alladin, but nothing in comparison to the overwhelming lust that he felt at the moment.

Alladin sucked and licked her pussy for long.

Sultan continued to suck Sheherazade's pussy. It was a first for him. He had never experienced anything like it.

He, who thought he had seen the world, had never sucked a woman before. 'This is heavenly,' he thought.

She started climaxing as she had never before. Her hands by the end of it, grasping his hair tight in her fists and pulling him as hard as she could to go in.

She wailed a loud orgasm. She never knew she had it in her to shout as much, "AAAAAAANNNNGHHHH."

When Sheherazade was genuinely climaxed and could not speak her part, Dinarzade took over and carried on with the story.

Alladin pulled his head out only after he had cleaned every drop of nectar that came out of his mother. Consumed in passion, he rose up, hastily shucked his trouser, and wobbled in between his Ammi's legs.

Sultan emulated everything Dinarzade was saying.

Alladin's mother was in a haze of lust herself. As he bent forward, she opened her arms for him to fall in. Alladin planted his naked body on hers, and they kissed passionately. He took her lips with his and plotted a hundred sloppy kisses on her. She roamed her hands behind his back. His cock poked her pussy mound and got coated with layers of his saliva and her juice.

The hardened cock between them was irritating their oral lovemaking. So Alladin did the next best thing. He took hold of his cock and aimed it inside her pussy. He sank into her pussy with much effort, but the slide inside was so overwhelmingly pleasant that he forgot that he had to make love to her mouth too.

Alladin went deep inside her pussy. He, on impulse, felt the need to re-live that experience. He pulled out of her pussy almost completely and started to go back in. Slowly, this time. All his senses came alive. He felt excited. He repeated this over and over again, pulling out and going back in his mother's pussy.

The effect it was having on her was even more astonishing. Under him, lay his mother, writhing in pleasure. She tried to hold his head, his neck, his back, and pulled him.

The frantic movement between them was lovely to watch.

Sultan looked at Sheherazade, and he saw reflections of his own mother in Sheherazade. She smiled at him and encouraged him.

In his frenzied thrusting, Alladin's eyes never left his mother's face. Her eyes were misty, and her eyelids half shut. Beads of sweat all over her face and her mouth open to gasp for air.

Sheherazade moaned as Dinarzade related the story to them. Sultan enacted what Dinarzade was telling them, as did Sheherazade.

Low moans and muffled groans left her throat that encouraged him to keep going. Her hands spoke volumes for what her mouth could not. She lowered her hands on his butt to suggest to him that he should come back in her pussy. With every dive back inside her pussy he felt her pull him.

With her hands lowered, on his back, he saw someone sitting on the chair next to them.

Surprised, he looked and saw Jinni waiting there, smiling back at him.

Sultan looked towards Smiling Dinarzade.

As he acknowledged her, she smiled and waved back.

In his haze, Alladin remembered he had sent her here to wait for him.

He remembered who she was.

He remembered what she could do.

In his deep pushes and pulls in his mother, Alladin told her, "Jinni, this is my mother. I love her."

Jinni nodded, smiling back at him.

Then Alladin said, "Jinni, I wish that I keep making love to this woman, my mother, my Ammi, every day. All of my life and the next."

He said it out loud. He wanted to speak it out to reassure himself that it was indeed what he was doing, that it was indeed what he wanted to continue doing. He was sure of that.

As those words left Dinarzade's lips, Sultan starts bursting inside Sheherazade. Rope after rope of his cum and his sperm blasting into Sheherazade as he imagined making love to his mother.

Jinni smiled. She had her second task, and all she had to do was wave her hand.

Alladin kept on making love to his mother until they had both passed out in each other's arms.

Jinni sat on the chair until the next morning, waiting for them to wake up.

To get Alladin to be able to make love to his mother every day, Jinni had to ensure the awkwardness between them had to go. His mother had to accept Alladin as her lover. She did just that.

Day after day, from that moment onwards, Alladin made love to this lovely woman, his mother, his Ammi. He could not think of a better life than this.

Even as Dinarzade told the story, Sheherazade dabbed beads of sweat from Sultan's forehead and licked him clean. She cleared his dick that was laced with both their juices.

Jinni shadowed him at every point. They conversed for hours, and Jinni had taught him to speak with his mind. She could understand. Just like that, she could respond, and he too could understand what she was saying.

Jinni pushed him to tell her the third wish. But Alladin could not think of anything that he wanted, and he loved having her around. He realized he could hold on to her until his third wish is complete. Even if he longed for something, he wouldn't ask her.

Just like that, a year passed by. Alladin continued to make love to his mother every day, their passion remained strong. But his proximity to Jinni made him long for her too. His love for his mother was devotion, but his fondness for Jinni was increasing.

He decided to ask Jinni his third wish.

One day, Alladin asked her, "Jinni, I wish that you grant me three more wishes. And until those three wishes have been fulfilled, you take a human form and become my wife."

Jinni laughed at that. In the hundreds of years that she had been granting wishes, she had never met someone who had looped the wishes. Alladin knew she could grant him his third wish - that was, he wanted three more wishes.

More importantly, he got her to take human form and be his wife.

Before she did that, Jinni informed Alladin, "O wise Alladin, I can do what you wish for. In fact, I would be glad. But remember, if anyone else rubs the lamp, then I shall turn from mortal into a djinn that very instant."

Alladin happily accepted the terms. He thought, 'I will hide the lamp so far deep into the earth, it shall never see the light of the day.'

Jinni smiled at his thought. She had her third task, and all she had to do was wave her hand.

Moments later, Alladin was looking at the princess that Jinni had become. Every feature of her was magnetic, every part of her inviting.

Sheherazade took over the story for the Sultan, as Dinarzade got up and, slowly, stepped closer towards them.

Jinni was wearing just jewels and a loincloth. Through her jeweled necklaces, Alladin caught a glimpse of the tender skin of her breasts. The jewels and pearls could only partially hide her breasts, her skin, and her nipples peeked from behind strings of gold that hung from her neck.

Alladin gazed lower and was taken by her bare, thin waist. Her navel spied furtively from above the thin ornate cummerbund adorning her hips.

Jinni's loincloth was but just for the name. It hung on a pair of red strings going around her hips. The cloth in the front covered nothing other than her pussy mound. The thin red fabric made of silk wavered with every step she took, and Alladin already longed to see beyond it.

Jinni's long and thin legs were like carved of ivory, completely bare. An anklet with tiny bells sang with her every step.

Sheherzade described Jinni in an emsemble that almost what Sultan was seeing in front of his eyes. The impact of this was deep than just his eyes.

Alladin's glistening gaze returned to Jinni's face, and their eyes met approvingly. On her head sat a small tiara made of diamonds and rubies. As she walked towards Alladin, he could not help but fall in love with her deer-like walk.

Jinni walked towards the door to shut it. It allowed Alladin to admire her from behind. She was spotless from her neck to her lower back. Only a few threads holding her jewelry and her cummerbund shielded mere millimeters on her back. A tiny rectangular loincloth covered her crack on her butt. Two delicious white melons peered on either side of the red silk cloth. Her cheeks looked firm, round, and inviting.

If making love to his mother was exceptional, then making love to Jinni was out-of-the-world.

Dinarzade climbed on the bed with Sultan and Sheherazade.

Alladin married Jinni at a grand wedding. Hundreds of people were invited for a wedding feast.

Once their marriage got solemnized, Jinni entered the life of Alladin as his wife and consort. His mother and Alladin welcomed Jinni to their bedroom as if it was the most natural bond.

Sheherazade extended her arm for Dinarzade to sit on Sultan's cock. Her descent on Sultan's large cock stretched her beyond pain. After Dinarzade settled on his cock the pain turned into pleasure, and she started bucking Sultan.

Sultan, on his part, had never had a woman sit on him like he was a horse. He had always fucked women and ensured they were below him. Sheherazade held his wrist and pulled his hand up to Dinarzade's breast. Sultan went berserk with a completely new experience in making love.

Sheherazade brought her head down on his lips and took his lips with hers passionately. They kissed as Dinarzade rode him as if she had known to do it for ages. Her instincts were that of a natural.

Sultan burst the second time that night so far into Dinarzade that she felt it deep inside her stomach.

Dinarzade's orgasm had been a long one that lasted until long after the first string of cum from Sultan hit her inside. She felt the stimulation too hot to handle.

Sheherazade restarted the story as she saw both of them settle down.

Alladin's mother had a cousin in a town near Smyrna. He ran into some rough times on finances. He assumed it would not be inappropriate to ask his cousin for some short-term assistance.

He traveled a couple of hundred miles and met his nephew Alladin, his wife Jinni, and his mother.

"Salaam, uncle. So good to see you," Alladin hugged his uncle.

His mother stood nearby smiling. She had already welcomed her cousin and they were both waiting for Alladin and Jinni to come and meet him.

"So good to see you, my dear nephew. Congratulations on your marriage. I see you have a beautiful wife."

"Salaam, uncle." Jinni offered her salaam.

"Salaam, my dear. My name is Alibaba. I hope he has told you about me." He offered his greeting back to Jinni and blessed her.


The first ray of sunlight broke into the window of Sultan's bed-chamber. Sheherazade and Dinarzade knew their time for reckoning was around.

Sheherazade went quite. Sultan asked, "what happened? Go on." He was surprised. "Tell me the rest," Sultan demanded.

Sheherazade bent down and kissed Sultan's hand and said, "O Great Sultan. It is morning now. The sun is going to be up any moment. If you would like to hear the rest of the story, please gift me life for another night, and I shall tell you the story tonight and entertain you."

Sultan smiled, 'This was a cheap bargain.' He had thoroughly enjoyed their night together. He let Sheherazade live for another day.

When the court came to know the next afternoon that Sultan's new bride would not get murdered in the morning, there were shock waves in the court.

As the news traveled to Vizier, he was ecstatic.


End Part of 2


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