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  • Sciolist I


Updated: Oct 4, 2021

and the forty thieves

Part 3 of the tales

Sheherazade had held back her story at the right moment in the wee hours of the morning.

Sultan was way too worked up all through the night and was enraptured by Sheherazade's storytelling. More importantly, she had enacted many parts of the story, and that drew in Sultan deep.

Sultan has never had sexual or amoral feelings towards his Ammi, and somewhere during the lovemaking, his mind had played tricks on him. He felt it could be because he was intoxicated. Sultan was captivated by Sheherazade's beauty and imagining his Ammi image while making love to her was mesmerizing.

Sheherazade, on her part, was bent upon taking Sultan on a joyride to wonderland. At his position, he had seen, heard, and experienced a lot. It wasn't easy to charm a fellow of his stature.

Throughout the following day, Sheherazade rested along with Dinarzade and curated the story she wanted to tell the Sultan later that night.

Vizier came to meet his daughter and blessed her as a father would.

Late in the evening, she started to get ready. She took a long and soothing bath in a mixture of milk and water infused with attar. At least seven maids from the harem helped her get ready. They rubbed her skin with oil and honey, then cleaned every part of her body, touched her to reassure themselves that she was indeed real.

Dinarzade got no less attention or appreciation. But Dinarzade was a younger spoilt child of the family. She was already used to undivided attention and love from everyone around her. She, in turn, doted only on her elder sister, Sheherazade, who was as wise as she was beautiful, as charming as she was eloquent, as confident as she was articulate.

After her hour-long bath in a sunken tub, the assistants dried off Sheherazade. Her make-up took another hour, and even then, a mere square foot of fabric covered small portions of her delicious body.

Seemingly excited to meet Sheherazade, the Sultan reached his bed-chamber earlier than he usually did. As a seasoned warrior, his physical fitness was a level of a horse. He could survive quite a few days without sleep. Now that he was anxious to meet Sheherazade and to listen to the rest of her story, his pace was faster than his usual royal stroll.

As was expected from a consort, Sheherazade sat waiting for the Sultan. As expected, he looked at her from head to toe and stood captivated all over again by her beauty.

Sheherazade looked magnificent in her ensemble. On her neatly combed and perfumed hair was a couple of strings of gold chains that glittered in the light from the fire-torch that hung on the wall. On her nose was a large ring that drew Sultan's attention to her face. Their eyes met, and Sheherazade held his gaze for longer than he wanted.

Sheherazade's chest was covered in a thin layer of metallic armor-styled fabric. It was an artificial cover but was suggestively shaped around her breasts to highlight the fact there was a pair of melon-shaped orbs inside. It ended in a loose crop-top style at her midriff and flared with her movement. Below that, her navel was delightfully bare. Her waist was invitingly slim, leading to her uncovered hips.

Sheherazade's waist adorned a slim chain that held a loincloth in front of her pussy. A gold embroidered piece of apparel that assured the Sultan of the treasure that lay beneath it. Her thighs were covered with thin golden strings of wrap-around creeper-style accessory. Her ankles were decorated with small anklets with a tiny bell that announced her movement.

Sheherazade's face glowed like a moon, and her body smelled like a flower. Sultan nuzzled on her neck to smell her and felt intoxicated before he could have the first sip of wine.

Sheherazade held his hand and led him to the bed. She had him sit and cupped his face in her palms, and then she kissed his lips slowly. After leading him on, she let Sultan take charge, and he passionately kissed her with urgency. Their lips mashed into each other, and after a few passionate kisses, Sultan entered her mouth with his tongue. She welcomed him in. They played with each other, their tongues dueling with each other, and Sultan's hand groped around her body.

After a long bout of kisses and making out, the need to gasp air got them to part. Sheherazade looked into his face and smiled.

"O, great Sultan." She whispered in his mouth.

Sultan had trained himself to overlook momentary weaknesses and pursue what he wanted. He composed himself. Sultan tried to remember his beloved Morsal and how she had betrayed him. He reminded himself of his pledge to kill women. Until Sheherazade, his resolve had never got shaken even once.

As the moment passed, Sheherazade got up and walked to the tray near the bed. She got hold of the jug and poured two glasses of wine. Sultan looked on hypnotized at Sheherazade's back. He could not find a shred of cloth behind her from the back of her neck to her feet. Every inch of her body was glowing with an inviting aura.

Sheherazade walked back towards Sultan, two glasses in her hands and a wide acknowledging smile on her face. She sat a step lower than the Sultan, on a bedside stool, taking her position.

They gazed into the night sky when not looking at each other. Sheherazade engaged Sultan in a discussion, asking him, "O Great Sultan, would you tell me what is the farthest of land you have seen?"

Amused at the question, Sultan indulged her, "I have traveled to Hindoostan in the East and Samarkand in the North."

Sheherazade nodded, acknowledging.

Then after a few sips of wine, Sheherazade asked, "O Great Sultan, what is the most fascinating land of all?"

Sultan thought a little and said, "I'd say the Tibet." He closed his eyes as if visualizing it and then opened his eyes and said, "Tibet is beyond the Himalayas range of mountains. I haven't been there, but as soon as time allows, I shall go there."

Sheherazade nodded, appreciating his resolve. As their discussion went on for a while, Sheherazade collected priceless information that she might need in the future.

Soon, Sultan said, "I believe you had a story to complete Sheherazade?"

Sheherazade smiled. It was a subtle way of reassuring herself. If Sultan asked her to start the story, she knew she had a good hand.

"Yes, indeed. I was only waiting for when the great Sultan wishes for me to continue on the story," Sheherazade confirmed.

Sheherazade stood up and took both glasses to refill the wine. Sultan's glass was refilled, and hers needed only a few drops to reach the brim. She started telling the story even before she was back near the Sultan.

Jinni welcomed Alladin's uncle with a proper greeting.

Alibaba was glad to meet his nephew and his bride.

Over dinner, Alibaba told his sister and his nephew the reason for his visit.

"Sister, you know, as a logger, I have been working hard all my life. You are elder to me, and I respect you immensely. I have never asked you for assistance. But Jamaal, with his machinations, has usurped all of our family's property and rights. Since he, too, is a year older than me, I never raised any objections. Now I have to stay in our own ancestral property and yet pay him rent."

Alladin and his mother nodded in agreement, listening carefully. As a matter of fact, Alibaba was just in his mid-thirties but looked tired and older than his age.

"Sister, I have run into some debt on account of the poor yield of the wood we logged this year. My expenses have overshot my realization, and I have had to borrow to run my business. This year has been extraordinarily adverse because my stockyard caught fire mysteriously. Furthermore, Jamaal is threatening to vacate me if I do not pay up the rent in full." Alibaba dejectedly recounted his misery.

Alladin and his mother felt sorry for him.

"Sister, I need a small loan with which I need to pay rent to Jamaal and have a roof over my head while I figure a way out of my ordeal." Alibaba pleaded.

Alladin and his mother both nodded instantly without any second thought. Alibaba was a nice fellow with a clean soul and a hard-working lifestyle.

After dinner, Alibaba looked towards his sister in anticipation. She said to him consolingly, "Brother, please rest in the guest room and relax. We will talk again, tomorrow morning." She smiled and caressed the face of her young cousin lovingly.

Alibaba was tense. He had come to his sister and nephew with high hope for a small loan. He felt somewhat dejected that he had not got a straight answer from them.

He twisted and turned all night in anxiety.

Alladin and his mother took time later that night to consult and come to a conclusion. She did not want to impose on Alladin her decision on this matter and wanted his concurrence, as well. As soon as she heard Alladin's response, she was delighted.

Unsurprisingly, Alladin was delighted to find his mother also agreed with his opinion of what should be done to help his uncle.

Alladin's hands held his mother in his arms. The mutual appreciation of each other was way beyond physical. His mother's heart was pure gold, and he loved her for that. She admired his maturity. Their conversation transitioned into a moment of admiration for each other. That moment led to them kissing.

Alladin's kissed his mother, and she received his lips with love. She returned every kiss with a kiss. His tongue moved ahead, and she welcomed his tongue in. Their bodies tightened, and her breasts mashed into his chest. His hands moved ahead further to envelop her in his arms tighter. Her hand reached behind his neck to pull his face into hers.

It did not take long for Alladin to get her clothes off. As she stood in front of him in all her naked glory, he bent on his knees in front of her to kiss her belly.

Sheherazade changed her position and rose on her knees. She took off the small pieces of her garments, one by one. As she described the story, she kept her hands busy taking off one piece of jewelry at a time, like a striptease.

Then Alladin slowly kissed his way lower and reached her pussy mound.

She whimpered in delight, and her hands weaved in his hair in appreciation.

Sheherazade walked on her knees to get atop the Sultan, whose appreciative eyes had never left her. The stimulation from her story only enhanced what he saw.

Encouraged, Alladin lowered further into her pussy, first kissing her lips as if they were on her face. Her pussy pulsed, and her lips opened. His tongue licked the length of her pussy.

She moaned in delight, "mmmm." Her hands pulling on his head now.

Sheherazade moved on top of Sultan's face. She lowered her pussy on his lips encouraging him to do what Alladin did.

Sultan's tongue licked Sheherazade's pussy, and he was delighted to taste the most unique of flavors of passion infused with heady guidance from Sheherazade.

Alladin's tongue dived in.

Sultan's tongue drove in.

Alladin dove deeper and flicked his tongue and drew out juices from deep inside his mother, his Ammi.

Sultan's tongue went deep inside Sheherazade. He drew out juices right from inside her pussy.

Alladin kept kissing, licking, and flicking inside his mother's pussy until she was writhing in pleasure. Only then did Alladin changed tack and went after his mother's clitoris.

His mother shouted a large gasp and froze as she orgasmed in passion.

Sheherazade went on grinding her pussy on Sultan's face and ensured the story only moved on when she had achieved a fulfilling climax of her own.

Sultan drank every drop of her juice, as had Alladin of his mother.

As she climaxed and found relief, she found it difficult to stay up herself and slipped back. Alladin calmly made her sit, else her legs would have given up.

Alladin stepped back and slowly disrobed, as his mother slipped back on the bed and rested on her back.

Alladin got on the bed between her legs, and his raging hard-on was ready for a passionate attack inside his mother.

Sheherazade lay back and waited for Sultan to get up, disrobe and come between her legs, even as she goaded him with her story.

Alladin rested his knees between his mother's thighs and slowly bent forward. His hands found the bed on her either side, and his face leaned into her neck.

His cock tried to find the entrance on his mother's pussy. Her hand dropped between them, and she held his cock from the base.

Both shivered in excitement.

Sheherazade held Sultan's cock on her pussy.

Alladin's cock delightfully entered his mother, slowly and leisurely.

Sultan entered Sheherazade at a pace that was in sync with the story as if it were a command.

Sheherazade moaned in delight.

Alladin's mother clasped her hands behind him and pulled on his lower back to encourage him in.

Dinarzade took over the story. Sheherazade held on to Sultan's back and pulled him in.

She moaned, "mmmm."

Jinni entered the room and saw mother and son making passionate love and decided to sit next to them and enjoy the show.

Jinni lay sideways next to Alladin's mother and caressed her strewn hair off from her face. Alladin pumped into his mother calmly, admiring the beauty that lay beneath him and unable to believe his luck.

After he had sprayed his cum inside his mother, he turned towards Jinni.

Dinarzade took her clothes off slowly to tease Sultan. By the time she was naked, Sheherazade had nudged Sultan on his back.

Sultan was horny beyond his senses. His hard-on had barely eased.

Dinarzade took over and sat astride Sultan before slowly taking in his cock in her pussy inch after an inch. Sultan's cock stretched her plenty.

Sheherazade took over the story as Dinarzade fell silent.

Jinni started riding Alladin and bucked slowly until his cock was comfortably moving inside her pussy. She rocked and bucked. In between, she was grinding her pussy on his cock. Her hands rested on Alladin's chest, trying to help her lever up and down, forward and back.

Alladin had gone far into his fantasyland. He was letting Jinni take lead and enjoyed the pleasures of a nubile fucking him.

Alladin's mother pulled one of his hands and parked it on Jinni's soft pink breast.

Sheherazade picked up Sultan's hand and parked it on Dinarzade's soft, beautiful tit.

Alladin grasped on it, played with it, and squished it happily.

Jinni climaxed ecstatically and moaned aloud her appreciation.

"MMMMMMMM," she let out.

Dinarzade climaxed on Sultan and fell forward on his chest. He held Dinarzade in his arms and caressed her back, soothing her.

By then Sultan was excited again for another go. Dinarzade made way for Sheherazade.

Sultan turned to take his position between Sheherazade, but she stopped him and smiled.

Sultan was perplexed.

Dinarzade took over the story as Sheherazade turned around on her knees and bent forward parking her forearms on the cushions.

Sheherazade's round beautiful bums rose high in front of Sultan and she spread her legs wide.

Alladin went mad in excitement and slowly held his mother's butt cheeks in both his hands and opened her up.

Sultan saw the unblemished back of Sheherazade from her butt to her neck. His hands grasped Sheherazade's butt as he opened her rear.

His cock was raging hard now. Alladin slowly sank inside his mother from behind.

The hole in her ass expanded as if it would tear her apart. But she exclaimed in delight.

Alladin had never felt anything like this before. He slowed even more than he had earlier.

His mother relaxed her muscles and that allowed Alladin to enter some more but the pleasure was immense.

Sultan reached bottom at a glacial pace and never wanted to come back out.

But the carnal desire to experience this exquisite slow pain again made him pull back out almost completely only to repeat this journey back in.

Alladin did that again and again until it was time for him to spurt his cum inside his mother's ass.

Sheherazade whimpered her own climax as Sultan spurted his cum deep inside her ass.

The storytelling ebbed for a short while as Sultan and Sheherazade settled down.

The next morning, Alladin, his mother, and Jinni welcomed Alibaba for breakfast. He had clearly not slept well, he was tense, bracing for denial and hoping for a miracle.

Dinarzade continued the story as Sheherazade was still trying to catch her breath.

"brother, how did you sleep?" she asked her cousin, Alibaba.

"Okay. Thank you." he tentatively replied.

As they ate their breakfast together, Alladin's mother brought up the subject of the loan Alibaba had asked.

"brother, without keeping you in any more anxiety, I have discussed with Alladin and we have decided to offer you the help you need." She smiled towards him.

Alibaba was ecstatic, and his smile showed how relieved he was. "I shall be forever grateful. I shall return the loan within..."

She raised her hand and stopped him mid-sentence, "brother, I would like to correct you. It is not a loan. It is our gift to you and your wife. A small token of our appreciation to you and your family. After all, what is ours is also yours."

Alibaba was taken aback. He was not expecting this at all.

"Plus, you have asked for a mere forty gold coins, and Alladin shall give you a hundred gold coins. Both of us do not believe that you will be able to come out of this problematic phase with such a small amount."

Alibaba was aghast. He took his cousin in his arms and thanked her a million times. He hugged his nephew Alladin to thank him for his benevolence as well.

Jinni was happy that Alladin was magnanimous and kind when and where he needed to be.

Alibaba did not waste any time that day, and after receiving the gold coins, he started back towards Smyrna in the afternoon.

He had suspected the journey would take long, and he ideally would have wanted to reach back home before dark, but he could not. About a hundred miles before Smyrna, he stopped for a small meal. The fruits that his cousin had packed for him were his dinner that night. He rested for a bit near the edge of the woods that he had almost crossed. He reckoned his home was no more than a few hours now.

Suddenly, Alibaba heard noises. As he listened hard, the noises turned louder. They were getting near. Clearly, the noises were of horses... lots of horses. The noises going up meant that the horses were coming from the town's side towards the forest where he was resting.

Alibaba panicked as the herd seemed large. He quickly hid his horse behind the thicket and hastily climbed on a tree. He was worried about the gold coins that he was carrying. He tightened the bag of gold coins on his waist as he sat scared atop the tree.

As luck would have it, the group of men came and stopped near the tree where he was perched. One by one, they started to dismount. If Alibaba was panicking earlier, now he was delirious. Somehow, he managed to stay silent and held his breath. Thankfully, the little noise made by his horse got submerged in noises that tens of their horses made, leaving the group of men ignorant to his, or his horse's, presence.

Alibaba held his breath, scared like hell.

The men grouped and stretched for a little while as everyone relaxed. From their discussions, their behavior, and their conduct it was clear to Alibaba that these were thugs or bandits. Their full bags were a sign of their recent exploits.

One man told a pair of thugs standing next to him in a huddle, "I am delighted with this last job we pulled off. It must have been the best one we have had in a month."

The huddle around him laughed off in agreement excitedly. They were making some half-hearted attempts to keep their voices low, but their exuberance was infectious.

The next huddle was already partying, their satchels in their hands, as they drank their alcohol.

After the hubbub of their animated chatter settled, the group gathered around one fellow, who addressed them to assemble and listen in.

"Friends, as you know, the job we successfully took out tonight has been indeed one of the best in quite a while." The leader said.

There was a roar of laughter and hooting that interrupted him.

After they settled, the leader started again, "We must take a break for a few weeks and head North in the direction of Ankara. The search of the guards would end in a couple of months. That is also how long it would take for us to return." Everyone hooted their approval.

"so finally, let's split the loot into forty equal parts and put the rest away in the cave."

It took them over an hour laughing, bickering, and having fun at the same time. Their weapons lay on the ground, and it made Alibaba shiver in fear, scared that he might get exposed any moment.

Sheherazade took over the story. She lay on Sultan's shoulder and her arms slowly caressing his bare chest. Her soft melodic voice was soothing to Sultan. Her lips only inches away from his ear.

After their distribution was done, they realized that the loot was even bigger than they had initially believed it to be. Inebriated, and in joy, their voices and laughter only increased, now almost shouting.

The leader was composed and wrapped up the party and asked them to head for the cave.

They moved a few meters towards the right of where the party was going on and all forty of them assembled in front of the few rocks near the thicket. From his vantage, Alibaba could clearly see them facing a group of large rocky stones, but he couldn't see any cave.

Just then, the leader raised his right arm, and everyone slowly fell silent. Then he raised his voice and said, "Open Sesame."

After a couple of seconds, the large rocks in front of them started to move sideways. Alibaba was scared and trembling like a leaf. He realized the ground under him was shaking with the rocks making way and that was also making the tree vibrate a little.

After the stones gave way to the cave, the thugs went in one by one. 'If all forty of them have gone in, it certainly must be a deep and big cave,' reckoned Alibaba.

The leader from inside said something out loud, but the command wasn't audible to Alibaba sitting atop the tree. The cave closed behind the group. Two members of the gang stayed behind, outside the cave, possibly to guard.

His first instinct at that moment was to silently slip down from the tree and get away as fast as he can, away from the thugs. But his instincts told him, he had survived thus far by staying quiet and silent. Any hasty move could potentially lead to him getting exposed. What he was witnessing was surreal in itself, and he could not jeopardize getting discovered.

He waited for almost half an hour before his tree started to shake, and the stones began to move away again, opening the cave. The entire group came out one after the other.

Once again, with the gang facing the cave, the leader raised his hand and said a command, "Close Sesame." His booming sound was followed by the sounds of the stones turning inwards, effectively shutting the cave back into its original position.

Alibaba sat on the tree, amazed.

It did not take the gang long to get astride their horses and start making their way northwards. It took Alibaba longer to absorb all that he had just witnessed and then gather the courage to come down from the tree.

When he was assured there was no one around, Alibaba climbed down and slowly approached the set of large rocks that were at the mouth of the cave. Under no circumstance, anyone, man or animal, could find a way inside the cave. For that matter, no one could even figure out that there was a cave behind the rocks.

The frightened man inside Alibaba prompted him to turn around, get on his horse and run the hell away from this place. The inquisitive man inside Alibaba inspired him to check out the cave and see what the thugs had in the cave. Having heard the leader, this much was clear, that a major part of the loot had been hidden and stored in the cave. They had taken a small manageable portion of the loot with them.

Alibaba looked around, and when he was reassured there was no one around, he said softly, "open sesame."

Sheherazade's hand was roaming on Sultan as she told the story. She felt Sultan tense up in anticipation of what was to happen next when Alibaba went into the cave.

She smiled inwardly.

Nothing. The cave didn't open.

Alibaba was surprised. He looked around, disappointed. He remembered the leader had raised his hand and said the command. So he did the same, raised his right hand, and softly said "open sesame,"

Nothing. The cave didn't open.

Sheherazade was improvising and smiling. Her hand reached Sultan's dick, and she played with a sizable appendage even in its limp state.

Alibaba was livid. He gave it a last try and shouted, "OPEN SESAME."

The rocks took a few seconds to open, but open they did. The rocks moved aside to reveal a large cave that lay beneath. Alibaba surmised the command just had to be loud enough and it did not need any hand signal.

He looked around again to reassure himself and then entered the cave. He lit a torch and slowly went in. The cave was going downwards and it had rocky uneven steps.

Before he could reach the last step he saw what was inside.

Sheherazade was playing with Sultan's dick and his balls, as she told her story. She slowly working him back to an erection. Her soft grip around him moved up and down. Not going over the top but keeping him excited.

Alibaba looked down to see heaps of gold, silver, jewels, and ornaments strewn all around the cave. Barrels upon barrels of wealth. To make himself believe that he was indeed looking at that much silver and gold, he picked up a few items and rechecked. He was astounded by what lay in front of him.

He already possessed a hundred gold coins from Alladin and his mother, and now what lay in front of him was many carts full.

Alibaba's first impulse was to collect as much as he could on himself and his horse and then rush off. But he reconsidered smartly to collect only gold coins, something that was portable and something that could be put to use. This way, he could also tell his wife that the gold coins were part of the loan he had received from his cousin. He knew gold coins would be easily tradeable instead of stolen jewels and ornaments, which would possibly be recognizable or raise suspicion.

Alibaba collected a few hundred coins of gold and silver, along with some precious stones in the couple of bags that he had on him. He exited the cave by shouting, "Open Sesame." The rocks gave him the way.

After coming out, he once again shouted, "Close Sesame." The rocks duly went back in place, effectively shutting the cave. He was amazed at his luck and the turn of events.

Alibaba was no crook. On the contrary, he was an upright man with a simple life, but he rationalized that what he was taking away from the thugs was not, in fact, stealing from anyone.

After taking the coins, Alibaba rushed back towards his home. He hid all the coins and precious stones. Alibaba's wife, Afsa, was happy that his cousin had come good in the time of their need.

Alibaba was a simple man, and when a simple man is burdened with such a massive secret he is often scared and overwhelmed.

Alibaba took many days to settle down with the secret. He put the gold to good use. He repaid every bit he supposedly owed to his brother Jamaal. He got his business back on track quickly, expanding it to everyone's amazement.

Jamaal was shocked to find Alibaba back on his feet. He knew Alibaba had been helped by their cousin but was amazed at the extent of his turnabout. Jamaal's scheming continued. He tried every bit to fleece Alibaba of his riches but failed. Alibaba's luck had turned. Every time Jamaal squeezed money off of Alibaba, he would still have more.

Even while Alibaba had coins, he was not happy. He was keeping a secret, and this was eating him up. Despite his gut telling him not to, one evening, he told his wife everything. Afsa was a simpleton herself. She did not understand the magnitude of what she had heard. On the one hand, she was happy that her husband had confided in her, but she too could not contain within her this grave secret.

Alibaba and Afsa had been living in one corner of the large house of Jamaal.

Jamaal's wife was Liba. She was very beautiful, and a very wise girl from a noble family. Her behavior towards Alibaba and Afsa had been quite the opposite of Jamaal's. She was very kind to both Alibaba and especially to Afsa. She treated Afsa as if she was her own sister. Behind Jamaal's back, she would sit with Afsa for hours, chatting with her and talking to her kindly. Afsa, too, felt close to Liba.

With a secret this large, Afsa could not but hold back without telling Liba in a candid moment. It just so happened that Jamaal, who was already in a quandary, trying to figure out the good fortune of Alibaba, was eavesdropping on the ladies hoping to catch an update from their discussion.

Afsa told Liba, "The fortune and wealth that Alibaba has seen is countless and in heaps. He told me that if he had six elephants there would still be gold, silver, and ornaments left. But yet he brought just a hand full."

Liba exclaimed, only half believing her sister-in-law, Afsa, "Oh, that would be a sight. Isn't it?"

"I kid you not. Alibaba has never lied to me. The loan that he received from his cousin dwarfed against what he collected from the cave." Afsa announced.

"mmm.hmm." Liba nodded, unwilling to bite.

Jamaal, who was already wondering about his brother's fortunate disposition off-late, was now even more intrigued with this piece of information. He had heard of a band of thugs who moved from town to town looting rich people. Jamaal himself had gone the extra lengths to live a muted life so as to not announce his wealth and possibly avoid dacoits or theft. Of this, he was proud.

Later that night, he asked Liba, "I happened to cross when Afsa was telling you about Alibaba having looted people. Is it true?"

Afsa was surprised, she and Afsa were sitting in the ladies section around the kitchen, and it had no passage through which Jamaal could have possibly crossed, but she ignored his imprudence and said, "nothing. Make nothing of it. Afsa has a wild imagination, and sometimes kids with me. You know Alibaba has been able to secure a loan from your cousin and her son Alladin."

Jamaal did not dare to tell Liba that he had already usurped that amount from Alibaba on one or the other grounds. Liba knew it too, but she stayed out of his business.

The discussion was over, but Jamaal was restless.

A couple of days later, he found a way to corner Alibaba and asked him straight, "I understand that you have come across a cave of bandits. I am told you have looted the dacoits themselves."

Alibaba shirked his head in disbelief. 'How could you tell them, Afsa?' he thought. Knowing his wife, he knew that her mistake was inadvertent but he still cringed at the position he was now in.

Seeing Alibaba's color change to white, Jamaal pushed, "I will not inform any of the thugs or the guards if you show me where this cave is." It was not an option but a command.

After some blackmailing and then some cajoling, Alibaba agreed to show Jamaal the cave filled with treasure.

It had been a couple of months since he had last gone there, but Alibaba distinctly remembered where the cave was.

The next morning, Jamaal and Alibaba reached the cave on their horses. After inspecting the vicinity of the cave, Alibaba showed Jamaal how to open the cave, "Open Sesame," he shouted.

The stones started to move and make way for them. They entered tentatively, unsure whether the thugs were inside. There was no one there. But the light from their torches shone on the jewels, the gold and the silver were strewn around the cave - on the floor, in satchels, and brimming barrels.

Jamaal was overjoyed. He started to shout and dance ecstatically. He had never seen anything like that.

They took bags full of coins, ornaments, and silver and loaded their horses. Before leaving, Alibaba said, "Close Sesame." and the cave started to close. The stones fell back on the mouth of the cave.

Jamaal and Alibaba returned home to their wives.

Sheherazade's hand played with Sultan's dick and his balls. Her handiwork was getting him back to an erection. Her grip around his dick tightened, jacking him conspicuously. She ensured he was excited but nowhere near cumming.

Alibaba informed Afsa again what had happened and told her to keep quiet, now that she had caused enough trouble.

Jamaal, on the other hand, informed Liba nothing.

Afsa avoided meeting Liba, upset that she had told Jamaal about their secret.

Liba could sense Afsa was avoiding her, and she tried to check but found Afsa pouting.

The fact that Jamaal had gifted Liba beautiful rubies and precious stones necklace had her puzzled.

Greedy that he was, Jamaal decided to make another round to the cave. He concluded that before anyone discovers the secret hiding place, it would be best that he makes a go a few more times, and pick whatever he can.

He left early the next evening, as soon as he realized Alibaba was not to be seen. Instead of one, he took two horses with him.

"There is a trade-related emergency. I have to go to Konya immediately. I shall return tomorrow." Jamaal informed Liba before leaving. He could not find a reasonable explanation of why he needed two horses.

A while after Jamaal had left, Liba saw an opportunity to have a heart-to-heart chat with Afsa. With both Jamaal and Alibaba not around in the house, Liba called upon Afsa in her bedroom.

This was unusual, even for Liba. She and Afsa would usually sit in the ladies' area when they wanted to talk, and neither Afsa entered Liba's living rooms nor Liba come to Afsa's. Mostly because Jamaal did not approve.

Seeing that Afsa was miffed for some reason, Liba made an exception and came to check on her sister-in-law. Coming in unannounced, she caught Afsa changing for the night. Surprised to see Liba in her room, Afsa pouted and asked, "Liba...?"

Liba smiled and said, "Is something the matter, dear Afsa. I noticed, for the last few days, you have been avoiding me. You have not been talking to me either. Have I said anything to upset you in any manner?"

Afsa asked, surprised, "As if you don't know. I told you about the treasure in confidence. You, in turn, ended up spilling the beans with Jamaal, and now Alibaba is upset with me. I did not expect this from you," Afsa burst out.

Liba understood everything and came near Afsa, "dear Afsa, please take my word, and I swear to Allah, I have said no such thing to Jamaal. I never would. Suspecting something amiss, Jamaal was eavesdropping on us when you told me about Alibaba finding the jewels and gold."

Afsa seemed relieved. By nature, she couldn't stay angry. She was trying to process all this, and Liba came up to her and hugged her.

"I assure you, my dear, I would never betray your trust. I love you like my sister, and no matter what happens, I shall always be there for you." Liba said to Afsa.

Afsa sank further in Liba's arms and sniffled. She, too, loved Liba and was immensely relieved in getting this assurance back. Even in the backdrop of this recent development, the patch-up with Liba was a comforter.

She hugged Liba, wrapping her arms around her and resting her head on Liba's shoulder. Liba caressed her head lovingly.

Dinarzade moved on cue and joined the Sultan and Sheherazade on their bed. She lay slanted on Sultan's side. Both sisters lay next to Sultan on his either side, facing each other, and their heads at his chest level. Each of Sultan's arms wrapping one sister.

Sheherazade's free hand played with Sultan's dick. Dinarzade's free hand cupped her sister's cheek as Sheherazade told the story.

Liba and Afsa were clearly in a moment; Liba stepped back a little, she took Afsa's face in her hands. She cleaned the tear that had broken out of Afsa's eye and then moved ahead and kissed Afsa on her forehead.

Then Liba kissed Afsa on her cheeks, one at a time. The moment between them became amorous. Afsa lunged her face onto Liba's and kissed her lips with passion. At first, Liba was surprised, and then she responded.

Sheherazade and Dinarzade both left the story and kissed passionately. What was to be told to Sultan was now being enacted, mere inches in front of his eyes.

Both Sheherazade and Dinarzade kissed above Sultan's chest. Sheherazade's hand on Sultan's dick kept pumping slowly. Dinarzade brought her hands behind Sheherazade's head and pulled her. Their lips kissed with energy, turning red in the process.

Dinarzade, playing the part of Afsa, showed the aggression and sent her tongue into Sheherazade's lips, where it was welcomed and greeted with love. Their tongues played for a long while, even as Sheherazade's hand kept Sultan's dick hard.

Dinarzade climbed from over Sultan as if he were just a pillow and rolled over onto Sheherazade, forcing her to turn until she was on her back. Dinarzade lay on top of Sheherazade, and their kisses were even closer, complemented with their breasts mashing into each other. Sheherazade's hands flew behind Dinarzade, and she held her younger sister close.

Dinarzade slipped lower and slowly kissed her way to Sheherazade's breasts. She hungrily sucked on each tit and pulled Sheherazade's nipples between her lips until they were erect.

Witnessing this, Sultan was mad in desire. He was in a double mind whether to hold himself back and stay a mute audience to this enactment of Sheherazade's story or interject and participate.

Dinarzade reached Sheherazade's ribs and licked her way down. When she reached the pussy mound she looked up and saw Sultan hungrily looking towards what she was doing. She smiled back coyly and then dived deeper.

Sheherazade pulled Dinarzade's head inside as soon as she felt the tongue on the lips, on her pussy lips.

Sultan could not resist and bent forward on Sheherazade, taking her nipple in his mouth. Sheherazade smiled and put her hand behind Sultan's head and caressed the back of his head, prompting him to continue.

The fun and games lasted an hour, with Dinarzade never leaving Sheherazade's pussy. That also meant Sultan was even more excited and still hadn't found relief.

After finishing off Sheherazade, Dinarzade turned towards Sultan. She turned Sultan on his back and flipped her leg, and sat astride him. His dick pressed between his belly and her very greasy, very leaky pussy. She humped on his dick, along its length, slowly and suggestively.

Instead of making love to him, she chose to pick up the story. Sheherazade lay writhing next to them in her post-orgasmic trance state.

Alibaba happened to come in and witness the divine lovemaking between Liba and Afsa. He was puzzled at the lesbian interplay. Something he hadn't imagined, leave aside witness.

Instead of getting upset or infuriated he was unbelievably horny.

Upon seeing her husband witness her lewd lovemaking with Liba, Afsa initially panicked. But she was beyond horny and excited. She invited Alibaba on the bed, who, in his own numb state, followed Afsa's hand signal.

Afsa disrobed Alibaba and made him lay back. She sat straddling Alibaba and held his cock in her hand.

Dinarzade shoved her hand between their bodies and reached for Sultan's cock.

Finding it rock hard, she smiled at the Sultan, whose eyes were raging with lust.

Dinarzade poked the cock into the pussy lips, spreading herself deliciously, and started sinking it in.

Afsa aimed Alibaba's cock towards her pussy and started sitting on his cock. It sank in, one pleasant moment at a time.

Afsa had barely gotten Alibaba completely in, when she started to buck downward, backward, upward, and forward. A full cycle of movements with her hips and her butt got his cock to go all the way inside and almost out, before going all in, again.

Alibaba produced tremendous resolve in holding himself back. He was ready to burst any second. His hands rose from her waist to her breasts raising his excitement further, and as he rolled her nipples, he realized they were remote controls to Afsa's excitement as well.

He rolled Afsa's nipples and got her humming.

Dinarzade purred her approval as Sultan did the same, "mmmmmmm."

Alibaba and Afsa exclaimed in their simultaneous climax.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHH," exulted Sultan.

"MMMMuuAAAAAAHHHH," exclaimed Dinarzade.

Their cries were inspired, their love for each other strong, and at that moment, Alibaba desired Afsa more than ever.

Dinarzade orgasmed and fell forward on Sultan's chest as she froze in her climax. Sultan wrapped his arms around her as he kept sending rope after rope of his cum and sperm inside her.

It took both Dinarzade and Sultan a long while to unwind and relax. As they calmed down, Dinarzade raised her head and looked into Sultan's eyes. Love and care had replaced the lust in his eyes. She felt close to him as well.

Dinarzade moved forward and took Sultan's lips. Their kiss was slow, loving, and long. She kept kissing him until both needed to suck in some air. On withdrawing, she smiled again, looking into his face.

Sheherazade got up from the bed and went to freshen up, leaving Dinarzade and Sultan on the bed, in each other's arms, as they lay side by side now.

Both Sultan and Dinarzade lay quietly as she weaved her fingers through his chest hair. His hand caressed her on her bare back.

Sheherazade returned to the bed with a couple of glasses of wine. She smiled at Sultan, who returned her smile and took the glass.

Sultan nodded towards Sheherazade after she sat down on the bed next to them. Sheherazade did not need any instruction to resume with the story, but she had her cue now. Sultan was keen to hear more.

Sheherazade took over the story.

Alibaba and Afsa relaxed, and Liba shyly went back to her room. Their moment of weakness had got exposed, but it had all turned out somewhat even more erotic.

Jamaal reached the cave later that night. He first staked out the location and checked if any of the thugs were around. Finding no one there, he walked up to the cave and said, "open SeSam," as loud as he could.

The cave did not open.

He shouted, "open Shesam," even louder.

The cave did not open.

He tried various combinations as much as he could remember, and in one such cry, he said, 'Open Sesame."

Moments later, the rocks from the mouth of the cave made way. The cave opened. Jamaal tentatively entered the cave, checking if anyone was inside. Finding no one there, he joyously entered the cave, getting it somehow to shut behind him, blabbering similar incoherent messages to close the mouth of the cave, until one worked.

Jamaal's heart pounded heavily as he saw once again the heaps upon heaps of jewels, ornaments, gold, pearls, precious stones, and artifacts. He seemed to be spoilt for choice as to what he would take back on just the two horses he had brought along.

In haste, he filled as much as he could to in the satchels he had brought along. He had filled too much. He realized that he couldn't lift them alone. Too greedy to leave some behind, he dragged the satchels up the uneven stairs.

Upon reaching the mouth of the cave, he said, "open seeesam."

The cave did not open.

Jamaal shouted, "open Shesaaaam."

The cave did not open.

Exasperated and tired, he shouted tens of different variations that he could remember, but never the right one. Jamaal shouted, cried, and screamed, hoping to bell out the correct instruction but never getting it right.

For hours, he wracked his brain, trying to figure out the correct command and checking back what he had failed with. He was tired beyond what his body could hold on to. Exhausted, he fell asleep.

The thugs had returned to the region after a long campaign from up North. Their fresh loot had already been deposited in the cave. They had still not discovered the couple of pilferages on account of Alibaba and Jamaal. More recently, after returning, they had been moving around in nearby regions, scouting for new targets. Each night they would come back to the cave.

As usual, they reached the cave in the late hours of the night and found two fine horses bound to a tree near the mouth of the cave. They immediately became suspicious.

The leader of the gang said, "friends, it looks like we have company. Try and keep the volume low. Spread around and try to find the riders of these two horses. They may be resting somewhere nearby."

The thugs spread around and spent an hour or so trying to find the horse riders. They couldn't find anyone.

Worried that their cave and looted treasure had been discovered, they split up. Some of them stayed on guard, while the rest armed themselves to the teeth and prepared for a man-to-man battle with the intruders.

Facing the rocks, the leader shouted, "Open Sesame." The rocks opened up, making the earth around the cave tremble.

Jamaal woke up hearing the noise. He got scared as hell. His instant reaction was to go deep into the cave and hide.

The dacoits came into the cave with their leader right at the front. Near the mouth of the cave, on the top stair, they saw satchels of their looted treasure packed and ready to be taken out. They realized there were intruders inside, though they could not guess how many. They tiptoed into the cave and diligently scoured through the entire cave.

Jamaal was found hiding behind a barrel of loot, shaking like a leaf.

From his clothes, it was clear to the thugs that this was no dacoit or a thief. He was armed with a small kitchen knife, that could hurt no more than a sack of onions.

The bandits were furious beyond their senses. They beat Jamaal up like crazy. Each one, trying to kick or punch him. Jamaal lay bleeding and panting, crying for mercy and help. He found none.

After letting his men beat him blue, the leader started to question Jamaal. Amongst the first set of questions were, "how many partners do you have?" "Where are your partners?" "Are your partners hiding outside the cave?" "Are they in the thicket?"

To each of the questions, Jamaal scared as hell, said he had come alone. The leader did not ask Jamaal that "if he was indeed alone, why the two horses?" Jamaal could not understand why were they asking about partners? But he tried to be honest, hoping he would avoid getting beaten further by being honest. On the contrary, the crooks didn't believe him and gave him another round of thrashing.

Sheherazade went back to the tray with the wine flask and glasses. She got a refill for Sultan. Slowly progressing with her story and gauging Sultan's expression as the story went along.

When asked if this was his first visit to the cave? Jamaal was scared, and instead of telling that he had indeed come before as well, he thought the best answer for this question was to lie.

"No sir, this is the first time I came here." he shook his head, "I am not a crook."

The leader asked him, "how then did you come across the cave? and How did you learn how to open it?"

Jamaal was trapped. He had said this was his first visit. Now his lie had to be covered with another.

He said, "Sir, It was my brother who told me about your cave. He had overheard you and your colleagues once." He nodded as he threw his brother to the wolves without compunction. "My brother saw you all come in and store the treasure. I had merely come to check it out if he was lying or no. I am not a thief."

The leader could barely believe what Jamaal was saying. His condescension to the brigand was idiotic. Unknowingly, Jamaal was infuriating the gang.

In all the humdrum, the fuming members of the gang who wanted revenge stabbed him. Jamaal lay there bleeding.

The leader was shouting and asking his gang to shut up and let him question Jamaal, but the gang members were furious. After seeing one of them had stabbed Jamaal, another followed with his sword, and then a third knocked him down with his thorny mace.

Jamaal was crying, bellowing, and asking for mercy. The leader could not do much.

Somewhere in the conversation, he had picked up information from Jamaal about his hometown. He hailed from Smyrna.

The doubt that had been sown in the leader's mind was that whether Jamaal was indeed right about his brother? Did his brother know about the cave and the treasure inside?

He scolded the gang members for killing Jamaal before he had gotten sufficient information from him. The looters realized their leader was right.

After a few hours of consultation, it was decided a few of the gang members will spread around Smyrna and try to figure out who this fellow's brother was and track him down.

The easiest way to trace Jamaal's brother was to have someone discover Jamaal's corpse. His family would be the ones mourning his loss.

Jamaal's corpse was left on the outer limits of Smyrna, and a couple of the thugs watched out and were to follow the corpse. A few others spread into town, telling the public about a body lying dead on the streets just outside town.

It did not take long for Jamaal's corpse to get discovered and reach back home. Alibaba, Afsa, and Liba mourned his death as a family should. Their grief was compounded with the fear that Jamaal had been killed by dacoits.

Alibaba apologized to Liba, "Liba, I have no words to convey my grief to you. It is because of me that you are now a widow. Had I not shown Jamaal the cave or its treasure, he would still be alive. O, brother." he cried.

Liba sat sobbing.

Afsa was crying out loud, feeling guilty that it was her fault that Jamaal knew their secret and had, in a moment of weakness, got himself killed.

Jamaal got formally buried with proper rights and rituals. It was clear to them how he had got killed. He had gone with two horses to get some more treasure, and the thugs had found Jamaal stealing from them, and he had to pay the price for his transgression.

Alibaba said, "Having seen the thugs on the first night, and how ruthless they looked, I have no doubt they must have tortured Jamaal to no end. His body showed signs of mutilation at various places."

The ladies sobbed.

Alibaba said, "I think we all are in danger. If they have tortured Jamaal and if Jamaal has revealed to them about us - his family - and more importantly that he and I had gone to the cave previously, then we are doomed." As he imagined this and said it out loud, he started to get worked up and edgy.

Liba, too, worked it all out and understood the risks involved now. Going forward, all three of them had to be over-cautious.

One pair of goons from the gang, who were following the trail of Jamaal's corpse got to know where Jamaal used to live. Even as the scared family was conferencing inside, in the late hours of the same night the goons marked the house with a cross with a piece of coal. They went back to the leader, glad that their scheme had worked.

Alibaba, Afsa, and Liba had barely slept that night. They made schemes for what to do, half of them revolved around running away. They decided to split the next morning, to friends and extended families and stay on the move.

Just around daybreak, all three came out of the house and started walking in different directions. On the way out, it was Liba who noticed the distinct black cross marked on their boundary wall. She looked up and down the deserted street and found no one. No one seemed to have started their workday, an odd milkman and a guard seemed to go about their business. She scanned the rest of the houses and found no mark on any one of them. She analyzed the mark on their home; it was clear that the mark had been freshly made. She found a piece of coal nearby, which also hinted to the fact that the fellow who had done it had hastily chucked the piece of coal aside.

Instead of panicking, she picked up the chunk of coal and started marking other houses with a similar mark. Soon, all houses on her street were marked with a cross drawn in coal.

Then Liba, instead of going to a friend's place, walked back into her house and removed all apparent signs of mourning and death in their house. She then got hold of a sickle from inside the house and sat in her courtyard, waiting for any sign of trouble. The sickle lay next to her on the cot under a pillow. She busied herself peeling potatoes as if going about her day-to-day work.

An hour later, she saw a couple of men on horses with their faces half-covered, possibly trying to recce the street and the targeted house. Unsurprisingly, they saw crosses marked on all the houses on the street. Confused, they returned, unclear as to what should be done next.

Liba exhibited incredible courage under trying circumstances. She was anxious to know if they would return. Her one hand was on the sickle and her eyes on the street.

The goons did not return.

When Alibaba, Afsa, and Liba regrouped later that night, she told them everything and what she had done.

Afsa hugged Liba and sobbed, "Liba, why did you not call us. What if the dacoits had attacked you. I would have died of agony."

Alibaba too said, "Liba, you should not have done that. Even if the thugs had looted the place, but at least none of us would be hurt, especially you. Liba, you put yourself in line of danger."

Liba tried to explain, but it was all in the past now. Her presence of mind was unquestionable in everyone's opinion, and her courage commendable.

All three of them resolved that they would face danger together. Alibaba said, "there was no way any one of us would be left alone. No matter what. We stay together, fight together and die together, if the need be."

Liba and Afsa hugged and calmed each other down. Alibaba was trying to be brave but did not really know how to fight forty armed bandits.


Sheherazade stood up and walked towards the window as the first rays of daybreak greeted her smooth face.

She turned around from near the window and looked towards Sultan. The early morning sun projected a tiny aura around her head.

"what happened? Go on." Sultan asked her.

Sheherazade took the few steps towards the Sultan. She bent down and kissed Sultan's hand and said, "O Great Sultan. It is daybreak. The sun is up. If you would like to hear the rest of the story, please gift me life for another night, and I shall tell you the rest of the story tonight and entertain you."

Sultan smiled, considering her request. It was a cheap bargain. He was inquisitive and keen to hear the rest of the story of Alibaba and the forty thieves.

He let Sheherazade live for another day.

When news of Sheherazade's survival spread, the court was surprised that for some reason, Sultan had changed his mind once again. Nobody knew how and what was happening. But soon, the gossip grew stronger. Sultan's new bride would live for another day.

When Vizier heard of this, he was overjoyed. He traveled to the big mosque and distributed alms to a hundred beggars.


End Part of 3

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this story series is an original work of author with pseudonym - INCESTING

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