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Spring Festival

January 24, 2020

I was not upset but was not really looking forward to Taio’s family reunion. But, I loved Taio, I knew his mother Newa but the long vacation idea was not exciting to me somehow. But it was the least I could do for Taio, the man I loved immensely.


“Yenay, I know you don’t want to go. We really don’t have to, if you don’t want.” Taio asked me.


I knew he loved his mother and was really looking forward to meeting her. Going home after four years was something already too much for him. But his company that he launched a couple of years had really taken off. We married just over two years ago. Newa had joined us at our wedding here in Singapore.


“Not unless you don’t want me to go. I am more than happy to visit Newa and your new stepdad” I teased.


Taio was home when his father passed away under mysterious circumstances. His father was a scientist and was involved in pharmaceutical research. One day, out of the blue, the news came from his office that he was dead, a lab accident of some sort. The reason for his death seemed odd since he was head of the research and development department but not really engaged in day-to-day research. He had grown senior into the organization over the years and was next only to Wong, the promoter-director of the company.


After Taio’s dad passed away over four and half years ago, Wong helped the family in every possible manner that he could. From whatever little I know, I guess Wong grew close to Newa over the next year or so, and asked her to marry about six months after we married.


Their marriage at Newa’s request was a small affair with just the couple and a few family members. For some reason, Newa had insisted Taio to not come for her wedding. It also coincided with Taio’s ramp-up of his new venture in Singapore. Taio had met Wong after his father’s death and respected the man for his success and his accomplishments.


“I most certainly want you to come.” Taio insisted. “New year celebrations won’t be the same with you not by my side.”


Taio chose New Year as a reason to go back home, to Beijing. Having grown up there he was fond of Beijing. His family and mine had lived in the same Hutong in suburban Beijing. Taio and I have been childhood sweethearts. Even back then, we both knew we would be marrying each other.


My family stayed back when I shifted to Hong Kong to study for my bachelor’s degree. Even while I was studying, I took up modeling on a whim. Initially, it was a spur-of-the-moment decision, then after a few good assignments, I chose modeling as a career instead of becoming a nutritionist.


I kept going back and forth between Beijing and Hong Kong while Taio finished his Masters and started working in the IT field. After his father’s death, he stayed back in Beijing for a year before shifting to Singapore to start his IT venture. His business partner was his college buddy and they got along very well. For a year, they both worked hard before they could get the project going.


Two and a half years back, on the launch day of his tech company – Swivel – Taio proposed to me, asking, “Yenay, I want to get on this phase of my life and I want it to be with by my side. Will you Marry me?”


That I said “yes” was a given, but his words still got me giddy with joy.


We married within three months, in Singapore. That was just over two years now. Things have been looking up since then. Swivel has bagged two rounds of investments since launch and is continuing to grow.


As soon as we landed at the airport, I could see that Taio was happy, his smile had widened, and he felt happy to be home.


“Welcome to Beijing, Taio,” I exclaimed.


“haha. As if you aren’t glad to be home.” Taio responded defensively.


“Yeah, I am,” I said.


Newa met us at the terminal. From even a couple of hundred yards away, you could recognize her. She looked magnificent. She seemed to be glowing. Her face, a smiling charming oval, topped with straight hair on her back and her shoulders. She was clearly the most lovely person in the group of people waiting for their guests or their loved ones.


Taio rushed upon seeing her and they hugged each other for a long while, clearly having missed meeting each other.

By the time I caught up with them, Newa’s eyes were misty. When she saw me, She opened her arms, “Yenay…..” She then hugged me and then kissed me on my cheek. Our long, warm hug probably lasted half as long as theirs did, but I felt welcome.


I had met Newa hundreds of times while growing up. At the time my interest was in Taio. Then there was a gap when I had left for Hong Kong and could not meet Newa often. My last meeting with Newa was during our wedding. The whole atmosphere was festive and celebratory that I couldn’t spend enough time with her. She came to Singapore a day before the wedding and left a day after, as we were leaving for a week-long honeymoon to Bali. Still, I was impressed with her and glad to have caught up with her. We had both changed from our old days, or maybe she was the same and I had changed.


My immediate impression upon meeting her, and her welcome today, was that of warmth, love, and care. She had this charisma that instantly attracted me towards her.


Once outside the terminal building, we entered a blue-colored van that was about half the size of a bus.


“This is sweet!” I exclaimed as soon as I got in.


I had seen some great makeup vans in my modeling career, but nothing even close to what I had just entered. It had all the trappings of a home – a luxurious sofa, a couple of plush leather recliners, a bar, a screen, and lots of other contraptions.

Just as Taio and I made ourselves comfortable, Newa went into the small bathroom.


“I’m impressed,” I told Taio.


Taio for some reason did not seem to be bothered about everything. His mind was elsewhere.


Newa came and joined me on the sofa, Taio sat opposite us as we chatted on the short ride to the Chaoyang Park district where Wong and Newa lived.


When we reached their home, I was overwhelmed, to say the least. Their house was a mansion, a massive forty thousand yards of luxury with every extravagance possible, every bit lavish and stylish.


“God, Taio, This is posh,” I slowly whispered to Taio.


Taio was also impressed and was taking in everything.


Wong wasn’t home when we arrived so that gave us lots of time to catch up, especially Taio with Newa.


I stayed in our room giving them space. I could have sworn if there was a more fluffier, comfortable, or soft bed out there in the world, I had not seen one. For no purpose of resting, I just lay on it for a while.


For some reason, I just had this strong urge to lay naked on the bed. And on impulse, I did just that. I took off all my clothes and lay spreadeagled on the bed.


I realized what it felt like, it felt like I was on a fluff of snow.


I was in my own world, my hands waiving as if I was rolling in the clouds, my eyes were closed. Just then, Newa and Taio came to the room.

“hhhmmmgh,” Taio cleared his throat when he saw me.


Hearing his voice, I sat up to see Taio staring at me. My breasts jiggled in front and then I saw Newa. I hastily pulled my purple lace bra in front of my breasts, and smiled sheepishly at them both. His mother blushed and turned around instantly on realizing that I was naked. She chuckled on her way out.


I could have died of embarrassment. I stood on the bed, jumped on Taio, and mock thrashed him for putting me in that situation.


“How could you….” I was punched in his chest, as we both fell back on the thick carpet.


Taio could not stop laughing. He couldn’t hold back laughing at the absurdity of the whole thing. But at the same time, I was naked and in his arms.


Moments later, we started kissing. He kissed my eyes, my cheeks, and then my lips. We exchanged long wet kisses before his tongue entered my mouth. I welcomed it and sucked it hard.


I untangled quickly and rushed to the bed, pulling him with me. While I was rolling in the bed earlier, I had this strong urge of making love in it. As luck would have it, now was as good a chance as any.


I sat on the edge of the bed and started to unbuckle Taio. A few minutes later, when he entered my pussy and started thrusting slowly and steadily, I felt as if I was getting fucked on the clouds. What a fun feeling.


Every time his cock went in, I swear I went inside the bed a few inches and bounced back when he pulled back. My tight puss got stretched by his cock and I was in heaven. The feeling was exhilarating.


Taio looked me in the face and increased the tempo and I started cumming in a quick climax.


“uuuungh, unnghh, unnngh.” I exclaimed.


Right after I did, Taio, exulted, “aaaaangh,” and started unloading his sperm in my pussy.


We spent a deliciously long time making love. Taio could see I was extremely happy and asked what was that about.


“I just loved this bed. It felt so comfortable and fluffy. I had this craving to feel it on my body. That’s when you came in with Newa.” I blushed again.


“hahaha,” Taio chuckled again. Then we hugged.



A few hours later, we were in the sitting room, enjoying tea together when Wong came in.


Everything about Wong shouted, ‘this is a man loaded with money.’ Dressed very handsomely in an expensive business suit, a fine watch, studded cufflinks, gleaming shoes, and an expensive pair of shades.


Taio and Wong shook hands and he said, “Huanying hui jia.”


Taio knew what he meant and said, “glad to be here.” He smiled back.


Then he hugged and air-kissed me, “Yenay, we finally meet.”


“So glad to meet you. Thank you for having us. You have a beautiful home as I was telling Newa.” I complimented him for the house and everything.


“Just some small luxuries for the family. Please make yourself comfortable and this is as much your home as it is mine.” He said humbly.


An hour later, he had changed into some casual khakis and a Lacoste t-Shirt. We all sat together and chatted about work, life, and Beijing politics. I found Wong to be an affable, well-mannered gentleman.


We all had dinner on the terrace. The table was set informally and yet it had every trapping of luxury. A butler and his aides shuffled about inconspicuously that made them invisible. At no point in time were any of them intrusive during our conversation or during our evening of family time.


Wong was very interested in Taio’s work and asked him many questions about the developments as well as also about our life in Singapore.


In every manner he made both Taio and me feel at home. He was especially keen to know if I was still been pursuing my modeling career, and was disappointed to note that I had chosen to give it a break.


After a stretched dinner and drinks we returned to the bedroom after bidding good night to both Newa and Wong.


The next day was New Year and the festivities were planned.



January 25, 2020 – Spring Festival

“Happy new year, Mama.” Taio wished Newa when they met.

“Happy New Year, Newa,” I eagerly wished her before she could respond to Taio.


Gong Xi Fa Cai!” she replied to both of us, beaming with her effervescent smile. Her vivacious smile was so infectious that it would put anyone at ease. “2020 is the year of the Rat and that means it would bring us closer, and bring our family peace.”

Newa was a beautiful lady in her mid-forties. She looked younger considering her physique but a few lines on her face seemed to have elegantly matured. Her face was her best feature and she looked truly gorgeous. Everything about her beautiful. She usually wore very elegant clothes.

Newa’s personality was her attraction. She was the most humble person I had known. She was modest in every manner of speaking. From her parental side, they were old money and that’s why wealth did not have an effect on her personality.


Plus, Newa was a hugger, she hugged me and Taio on every occasion that she saw us. If she had met us twenty minutes earlier, she would still hug and welcome us back. Every time she hugged me, she kissed my cheek as well. I just loved her for it. I never felt so welcome. I had known her almost my entire life and I vaguely remember her being the same, always. Probably more now that I was her daughter-in-law.


“Happy New year, everyone.” Wong greeted us, as he entered the sitting room where we all were sitting. He obviously had wished Newa before so the greeting was directed towards Taio and me.


Taio got up to shake his hand and wished him back, “Happy new year to you too.”


Wong hugged me and wished me again, “Happy new year, Yenay.”


Smiling, I wished back, “Happy new year to you too.”


We sat around in a group with our teas and chatted again for an hour.


The house had been decorated in traditional style and there were strings of paper decorations, in various shades of red, all across the front of the house.


Wong wasn’t going to work on the holiday. We all stayed in and the afternoon turned into early evening celebrations.


We shifted to the roof to see the fireworks and an hour was spent looking at all kinds of pyrotechnics in a distant clear late January sky.


The atmosphere just gets to you when you are happy, and this was a happy day for all of us.


At one point I stood near the front railing with Wong’s hand around my waist, protectively. Taio was a few feet ahead of us, with his hand on his mother’s shoulder and her arm around his waist, with her head resting on the outside of his shoulder looking into the sky. All of us had champagne glasses in our hands. An hour and two bottles later, we all came down to our sitting room and had a casual light dinner.

No one wanted to go back to the bedrooms and we stayed there and talked some more.


We enjoyed a round of desserts, some traditional Chinese along with some of the best puddings I had eaten.


We retired back late that night.



January 26, 2020, to January 28, 2020


Over the next couple of days, our routine was almost the same. We would have breakfast together, over an hour-long talk about our lives covering up on whatever we had been doing off late.


We would usually have a late lunch.


Talk through the evenings and then post-dinner sit in the family sitting room to chat some more.


I could feel the comfort growing amongst us. I loved Newa for the warm welcome we were receiving and the homely, cozy feel of it all.


I liked the fact the Wong was dedicating his complete time to be with the family during the festive time and he didn’t seem distracted. This, spending time with us, was his choice.


On the fifth evening, after an early dinner, Newa suggested, “let’s watch an old film.”


“sure,” both Wong and Taio said out together.


I smiled my consent.


Newa went to the cabinet and chose an English movie with Chinese subtitles. She was a huge fan of Jeff Bridges.


As Newa got the movie started, we started shuffling around to come to the sofa. With Wong in one corner, Taio in the other end, I ended up in the middle. By the time Newa came back a couple of steps to the sofa, everyone realized there wasn’t sufficient space for a fourth person to sit.


“You come here Mama,” Taio instantly offered to get up, as soon he saw his mom return to insufficient space on the sofa. She was a couple of paces in front of him.


Simultaneously, I squeezed as far away as possible to make space for her, getting right next to Wong. “There’s enough space for both of us here,” I said.


This stopped Taio from getting up. But as I squeezed further, Taio and I could well see there still wasn’t sufficient space for four people to sit comfortably. The first booming scene of the movie started rolling, with drumbeats, et all.


Just as Newa started to turn to sit on a solo sofa seat next to ours, my heart cringed for Newa, as must have Taio’s.


Taio put his hand out, held Newa’s, and slowly pulled her towards him. Simultaneously, he turned sideways to pull his right thigh up on the sofa taking some of the extra space I had cleared. With his left leg straight down, bent on the knee, his legs made a triangular loop. With a little nudge, Taio had Newa sit in the gap between his thighs.


Newa giggled out at the spontaneity, and Taio chuckled at his reflex. I laughed with them, pushing myself further into Wong to give her space. Wong too laughed, amused.


Newa sat comfortably but had no support on her back. Taio pulled her into his chest and wrapped an arm around her as they snuggled. Newa’s head rested on the front of his shoulder. Her legs hung down from above his left thigh with her hands resting idly in her lap.


As Newa settled with her side leaning into her son, Taio’s right arm wrapped around her shoulder, to provide her support.


Smiling I turned to look at Wong, who too was looking at them. When he saw me looking at him, he turned to look down at me and smiled.


With Jeff Bridges went on playing the tenacious Tucker on TV, Newa had sunk deep into Taio’s arms. He had also brought his left hand up rubbing Newa’s neck from the front. From my view, all I could see were the tips of a couple of his fingers, moving just a little.


Wong had stretched his left arm behind me on the sofa, though he was reluctant to offer me a cuddle. Wong’s hand was barely an inch above my shoulder on the backrest, yet he held it there.


Another half an hour into the movie and Taio’s left hand that was cradling her neck was cupping her chin – away from our view. His cupped palm held her cheek.

Trying to relax, I leaned into Wong and his hand instinctively came on my shoulder bringing me into his arm.


Taio had never before held his mother in this manner, not for this long, and warm loving intoxicated bodies in such closeness have their way of showing magic. Taio’s hand had moved lower from the front of her cardigan and her face had nestled deep into Taio’s neck.


Taio did everything in his power to ensure that what his hand was doing in front of his mother remained invisible to the two of us sitting behind Newa. But we knew. His hand inside the cardigan was playing with her breast, the waves that the fabric of her sweater created even on her back, clearly gave away the nuanced activity on her front.


Wong, if had seen this, was ignoring it. I had stopped watching the movie altogether and had my eyeballs turned left without turning my head. Any more and I would have given away my inquisitiveness. I had mixed feelings developing deep within. I had no idea how to respond. Just then Taio’s right hand, which was on Newa’s shoulder, rose near to her neck, pulling her even further into his neck.


I had to turn and see. I feigned trying to stretch and went down further on Wong’s lap. The back of my head touched his belly, I sat on an elbow digging on his far thigh propping me up. Wong’s hand, which was on my shoulder, dropped onto my stomach.


Taio had brought his right hand from Newa’s shoulder to her neck to turn her head up. As soon as her face turned up, Taio brought his lips down on hers. Newa welcomed Taio’s lips and received a very hot, very languid, very wet kiss. Taio’s hand inside her cardigan stopped being inconspicuous and was groping her breast in his palm.


I have no idea if Wong could see this open display of affection between mother and son. With my head facing forward, I had to just look down for a direct view of their frisking. I couldn’t see their faces, but the fact that they were in each other’s mouths could not have been more apparent.


Taio and Newa made out for the next half an hour. Their lips never left each other’s, their tongues went to and fro. His hand never came out of her cardigan, not until the movie credits started to roll.


It was only when Wong was pulling his hand out of my loose-fit pullover, did I realize that his hand was playing with my breast. My hand was holding his wrist tightly, in an attempt to keep his hand inside. As he pulled his hand out, my hand resisted, encouraging him to stay in, but he persisted. Only then did I realize that the movie was over.


When I shuffled up to sit, the movement made Taio and Newa realize the movie was over. Their next couple of actions to untangle were clumsy, almost comical, but she had to button up her cardigan before she could get up and face us.


“What a movie.” Newa defensively said to Wong and me.


Wong too was sheepishly smiling, as did I.


Taio on his part was oblivious to what had happened. He felt lucky that he himself hadn’t been caught red-handed making out with his mother.


My pussy was leaking like a cat in heat. I decided to let Taio be, for now, and fuck his brains out first. I was desperate for some release.


Needless to say, Taio was horny as hell himself and gave me a good pounding. I knew why. I felt devilish knowing that he, at that moment, felt as if he was fucking his mother, right when he was giving it to me good, looking right into my face and imagining it was his mother.


Every couple of seconds he closed his eyes, obviously to visualize that it was Newa under him and not me. I just loved it, I had no idea why.


When he started spurting inside me, he groaned, “Aaaangh.” Louder than he usually would.


His cum inside me got me going equally hard and I started my climax, with a strong throaty, “uuuuunngh.”


We slept cuddled together naked. There was no way I was wearing anything in that luxurious bed, ever. The luxurious bed got me hot, its lush covers felt erotic to me.


‘ooh what a feeling.’ I thought.



January 29, 2020


The next morning in bed, I teased Taio, “how was the movie last night?”


Taio avoided eye contact with me, “good, good I liked it.”


“unnnhuh?” I exclaimed.


He thought he had been caught and gave me a surprised look, “what?”


“don’t tell me with your Mom in your lap, you were concentrating on the bloody movie!” I exclaimed.


“Whhhat? She is my mom. What do you mean?” He feigned surprise.


I had provided him with my ignorance, so I played along, “c’mon. She is a damn hot woman. You know it. She was in your lap for two hours. Your hands were all over her. Don’t tell me you didn’t at least cop a feel?” I said boldly.


“Yenay!……” he couldn’t find appropriate words.


“I am just saying. If I had her in my arms for two hours, you have no idea what I would have done with her. She is the most beautiful woman I know, she is the loveliest person in this family, and that includes you. She is hot and she is sexy.” I looked him in the eye directly to catch a glimpse of acceptance. I got more than that.


Taio blushed hearing some very gracious compliments about his mother. I bent forward and kissed him.


“you’d think I would be upset if you accepted that you have hots for a sexy woman. You idiot. On the contrary, I would feel you are impotent if you didn’t have feelings for someone as beautiful as Newa.” I encouraged.


“I have you. And you are all the sexy I need in my life, you crazy woman.” Taio replied comically, deflecting his mother out of the conversation.


Taio stepped forward and kissed me on the lips, then on my cheek, and then in my ear. He flicked his tongue around my earlobe. That was very erotic for me.


I giggled and I climbed on top of him. His dick was hard. I knew for sure it wasn’t for me. All the talk about his mother had gotten him hard. I ambled up, brought my hand lower, aimed at his dick before settling down. My pussy ate his cock completely, in a swift set of motions.


Then we went to town.


I gave him a good morning fuck and we both came hard thinking about Newa, of that I am certain.


As Taio lay in bed, I went in for a shower.


Inside the bathroom, I ended up choosing to sit in a bath instead of taking a shower. A hot long bath would clear up my mind, I thought.


I was soaking in the tub when I heard giggling sounds coming from the bedroom. I could make out it was Newa, along with Taio.


I could hear them talk but I could not listen to their conversation. Curiosity got the better of me and I hastily got out of the bath, wrapped a towel to come out of the bathroom to catch them in some shenanigans.


On the contrary, Newa was standing near the bedroom door and Taio was in the bed.


Taio seems to have managed to get himself in a pair of boxers after our morning session but was still without a T-shirt.


Amused at my towel wrap, Newa raised an eyebrow before composing herself and said, “good morning, Yenay.”


“Good morning, Newa.” Recovering from the embarrassment of a small towel around my breasts that did not properly cover my pussy, “I thought I heard you come in.”


“Yes. I had come to ask you if you’d like to come to the spa with me today. Maybe have some pampering, if you feel like it?” She asked looking in my direction trying to avoid looking lower below.


“Definitely. Yes. Let me get ready and we will go.” I said excitedly.


“Meet me downstairs whenever you are ready, Yenay.” She tuned while speaking and smiling at the same time.


As soon as she got out I shucked the towel to the gleaming eyes of Taio, who hungrily looked at me as if he was ready for another session with me.


‘A loving husband is so much better for your confidence.’ I thought. I jumped into a panty and quickly started to gather my clothes. I chose to stay casual with a jeans and tank top.



Newa and I took their blue van to the spa. On the bus, we sat on the sofa next to each other, close enough for her to have an arm flung around me.


For many years before our marriage, Newa knew I’d be her daughter-in-law. She had always been caring and loving to me. For some reason, I had started seeing her in a different light since our arrival a couple of days back. I couldn’t really put a finger on it but I felt a lot closer to her, I liked her even more and undoubtedly found her more prettier and sexier than ever.


The spa was not far. It took us about fifteen minutes to reach. Time flew by as we chatted.


“I hope you like it here,” Newa asked.


“Definitely. I like it here. Thanks for having us over.” I replied.


Newa acted surprised. “Nonsense. This is your own home. You need not thank me for anything. If anything I thank you for taking care of Taio; for being with him.”


“I like this style of bus travel. This is super.” I changed the subject.


“Yes. I like it too. It’s so much more comfortable.” Newa lovingly removed a couple of strands of stray hair from my face to tuck them behind my ear. Then she slowly caressed my cheek with her knuckles and then looked me in the eye.


“Would you consider living with us?” She asked.


I could not gather her question immediately and before I could ask her what she meant our bus stopped in front of the spa complex. Our conversation got cut off.


I opened my mouth to say something but we both got up as the bus door opened, automatically. Deciding to take it up inside, I followed her lead and got into the spa.


The spa was unquestionably for the rich and famous. A vast complex and yet a very limited number of guests. Those I did see, seemed well-off.


I got into a gown in one of the changing rooms and met Newa outside. We walked straight toward the massages section. As if natural, she held my hand, locking fingers over the short walk to the pair of massage tables reserved for us.


Newa had selected the massage section that was open-air with no roof, cabana-styled, but discreet setting. The entrance to the section was wooden walls and a door, but the rest of the section was separated from the main building as if it was a rear porch, with a thick bunch of trees behind our section that gave it a jungle resort feel.


Two very young girls welcomed us into our section. The first impression looking at them was, how fit and athletic they were. They were in all whites, tank tops, and tights.


Without much thought, they took our gowns baring us completely. I was looking forward to checking out Newa without clothes. ‘There would no better opportunity than this.’ I thought.


Before she got on her table, I admired the beautiful and well-proportioned Newa. I could not help but swoon in awe. Though slightly smaller than mine her breasts sat firmly on her chest; topped with a pair of deliciously pink nipples that invited admiration.


I was instantly attracted.


Then I looked down towards her quim and realized she had very little hair on her pussy. They seemed to be a sparsed-out small patch of hair, finely trimmed.


I knocked myself in the head and wondered at the moment, ‘what was happening to me. Why was I looking at her like I was?’


Just then, she said, “Yenay, you look very beautiful.”


I realized I too was naked just like she was at that moment, and she too was looking at me appreciatively.


I blushed. Newa stepped forward and hugged me, as she usually did. with no height difference, our nipples kissed each other’s before her lips found my cheek.


We lay prone on the massage tables, with our faces turned towards each other resting on our folded arms and hands.


The girls did their magic on our bodies, as we chatted about old times at the Hutong. She inquired about my parents, who had separated.


“Dad is in Guangzhou, running his apparel export business. Mom, as you know, remarried and is now settled in Shanghai. I visited my father last year.” I told her.


She stretched her hand to reach out to me, my hand met hers mid-way and our fingers touched in a moment of compassion and care.


“you know I have always wanted ‘you’ to be the one for Taio. I have never imagined him being with anyone else. You two are perfect for each other.” She changed the subject to someone that we were both fond of.


“I have always loved him.” I gushed.


“As does Taio. I know. I have never heard him talk of anyone else,” motherly instincts made her inform me of her son’s affection.

I smiled back knowingly.


When we were asked to turn around and the ladies started to give us a good rub up our fronts, I was in heaven. I closed my eyes and the first thought that came to my mind was imagining Newa giving me a massage with her own hands. I instinctively opened my eyes to check. The masseur smiled at me even as her palms gripped both my thighs rubbing the oil in. I closed my eyes again, as her hands glided all over my body.


An hour later, we were sitting in a sauna, again a private section with just the two of us. We were naked and the room was filled with hot vapors.


Newa was possibly looking forward to getting me alone to restart her interrupted conversation from the bus.


“Do you like it here?” she asked again, hinting she was picking up on our earlier conversation.


“I love it here. I definitely love your company. Thank you again for everything.” I excitedly responded.


Newa stretched her arm out again, giving me her hand. I took it in mine. She asked, “Would you consider living here with us?”


It was an odd question. Definitely an odd request. She knew Taio’s company was doing great and their initial start has been fantastic but there was a lot more to do. We were looking to settle in Singapore for a good reason.


Seeing my hesitation to respond, Newa added, “We would love to have you both stay here with us. Together. After a point what is the essence of all the money and wealth if you don’t have your family and your loved ones near you.”


My mouth opened and I could not find a reasonable response.


“I want to be there for you when you give me a grandchild. I want to be with both of you. I want to take care of you when you become a mother. We want to play with our grandchildren and not grow old looking at their pictures.” She trudged on.


I knew she wasn’t done so I kept listening. My hand tightened the grip on hers.


She got emotional, and a tear formed in her eye, “I want both of you to be happy in whatever you decide to do in life. I love you both.”


I stood up on the wooden bleacher and took a step and kneeled one level lower, in front of her, to hug her. Sweats on our bodies greased each other and she hugged me tightly. My head properly nestled between her breasts, her hands caressed my head and my hair. My boobs mashed into her tummy as I sat between her legs, my hands behind her back.


I still had no response to the offer, despite the emotions.


“Wong would be talking to Taio about it,” she informed me.


I pulled my face out of her breasts and looked up towards her with surprise.


She knew what I was thinking, “It is important that Taio also sees his future here. I know, only then will he consider making an important decision like this.”


I had no idea what will Wong discuss with Taio, but it gave me the impression that Newa and Wong had already discussed it at length beforehand.


Newa did not loosen her grip around me, and looked down into my eyes, asking, “If Taio agrees, would you like to stay with us…..”

The look in her eyes was as if she was pleading. With my cheek nestled in her bosom, I looked up in her eyes and confirmed without thinking twice…”If Taio agrees, there is nothing in the world that I would want more.”

I could see my answer delighted her to no end, she lowered her lips and took mine in a kiss of respect, appreciation, and gratitude.


Our lips were joint, both of us did not open our lips, we stayed fixed for the longest time. our eyes closed. It was a kiss of mutual regard and affection. It was not meant to be sexual but it would be absurd to think it had no effect.


Another half an hour later, we took shower cubicles next to each other and cleaned off all the oil and sweat.

We reached home around lunchtime. The men were waiting.

A long afternoon lunch with the family has a great feeling to it. The jokes and the table talks were fun, and the spirit was festive.

Wong and Newa retired for the afternoon for a short nap and we went back to our bedroom after spending an hour in the drawing-room.


I did not broach the subject with Taio about what Newa had asked of me. I knew it would be sensible to let him know ahead so that he can take an informed decision. But I also wanted to know if Wong had discussed anything with him. Surely he would raise the subject. He never did.


We rested in our bedroom, and I made calls to wish my parents.


Later in the evening, we drank and enjoyed our wines as we had our dinner at the dining table.


Wong and Newa were going to retire early but Taio offered to watch a movie together.


‘I am not surprised,’ I thought. I bet you want to watch a movie. My eyes squinted, looking towards Taio.


Nobody seemed to have any objection.


I was offered to choose a movie and I picked one from the range they had. A Chinese hit with English subtitles.


After I got the movie to start, I asked, “Taio, I am going to change into something comfortable. why don’t you all start.”


Newa was already cuddled into Wong’s arm just as I had the previous night. Taio sat on the opposite end of the sofa with barely sufficient space for me to squeeze in if I wanted.


“We can hold on until you come.” Newa offered.


“no, no. I don’t mind. I won’t take long.” I countered, insisting they go ahead.


I went to the bedroom and took off all my clothes including my undies. I pulled on a crop top and shorts that usually wore at night. The shorts reached just about the lower part of my butt. The crop top barely reached my navel and at the lower end was two times the size of my waist, leaving my breasts airy.


When I reached the drawing-room, everyone looked at me to various degrees of affection. Newa squeezed in further towards Wong to make space for me to sit next to her.


I would have chosen to sit next to her, but Taio offered me his hand, just as he had his mother just the night before.

“aren’t you sweet,” I said. Then, I smiled.


I took his hand and the offer to sit with him. Instantly, he lifted his right leg on the sofa to make a similar loop as he had for his mother. I sank in the pocket created between his legs, dug my shoulder in his chest, and rested my head on his shoulder. His hand naturally went up under the front of my crop top, as from experience he knew Wong and Newa could not see his hand from where they sat.


Taio’s other arm around me held me close, as his hand started to grope my breast and play with my nipple.


Half an hour into the movie and Taio had me craving for more. His fingers played so thoughtfully with my nipples that they poked out like rubber bullets. I could only wonder what he did to his mother with the same digits last night. It only got me hotter.


When I could take no more, I pulled his hand out and had it rest on my tummy. Sign for him to stop because he was getting me horny. Instead, he mistook my reaction as an invitation to go into my shorts. He squeezed his palm, under the band of my shorts. It was not possible to get his hand inside without some movement from both of us. Without creating any ruckus I let his hand in.

Some jostling later, his open palm had my pussy in his grip. He cupped my pussy along with the pussy mound and must have discovered that it was dripping wet. With my thighs joint shut, his fingers could not have entered inside my tight pussy. He chose the next best thing, his palm squeezed my pussy and had me moaning in no time. He kept doing it again and again. The rhythmic pressure his fingers created on the pussy lips went way deeper than he intended.


The fact that Wong and Newa were right behind me, probably oblivious to our shenanigans, only had me going crazier.

I started to spasm and convulse. I was shivering. I started cumming like crazy on Taio’s hand. His hand froze seeing my reaction. His mind went into an overdrive trying to find a way to contain the situation.


Just then I felt more hands on my shoulder. The hands were pulling me back. I opened my eyes, it was Newa. She was trying to help me lay back. A shocked Taio loosened his hand from around my shoulder and let me fall back. Newa held my shoulders and let me fall all the way back. The back of my head found her lap. My convulsions went on and on. Her eyes caringly looked into mine and encouraged me to have my release without inhibitions. I did just that.


My thighs opened spontaneously and because of Taio’s squeezing at least two of his fingers entered my pussy. I went berserk. I tilted my head and caught Wong’s eyes as well.


I felt no shame, I felt no embarrassment surprisingly. I felt at home.


After I had settled down from my orgasm, I lay on Newa and Taio’s laps. My head on Newa’s, who was caressing my forehead and dabbing away beads of sweat from my face. My hips lay between Taio’s thighs. His hand no more in my shorts. I didn’t remember him taking it out.


Belatedly I felt a pang of embarrassment and I blushed to turn my head inwards towards Newa’s tummy. She welcomed me and caressed my head to have me lay like that for as long as I wanted.


The movie was nowhere near over. I felt her elbowing Wong. Within moments, Wong got up and left us on the sofa.


I could not see it but Newa must have nodded for Taio to leave us. He picked my butt up and squeezed himself from under my legs and left me in his mother’s lap.


Newa continued to caress my head for the longest while giving me all the time in the world to settle down.


When I did, I reluctantly looked up towards her and said, “Newa, I …..”

“shhh. Think nothing of it. Things just got out of hand a little bit, but we are all family. Just forget about it.” Newa replied understandingly, comforting me to the best she could.


I rose up on my elbow and she kissed me on my cheek as she always did.


I was overcome with admiration of her. Even more, than I had felt earlier.


I sheepishly went to our room and found a repentant Taio, anguished and embarrassed as to what he had done.


I projected some mock anger at him and did not speak to him throughout the night.

I needed time to think, my mind was buzzing. And I was still horny.


January 30, 2020

At the breakfast table the next morning, Newa coaxed me to come shopping with her. I, for sure, did not need a lot of



We left around noon and started at the New World Shopping Mall and then she took me to the Glory Mall next door. We had lunch at a fancy restaurant.

Newa wouldn’t take no for an answer and took me to Oriental Plaza in the afternoon, where we also spent time at a salon getting pampered with manicure and pedicure.


Newa spoilt me silly with the shopping and bought me anything that I looked at more than once. I had some twenty bags by the time we were done.


At the Oriental Plaza, we stepped into the La Perla boutique. Newa and I splurged on some twenty different lingerie items, each sexier than the other. After a couple of rounds, we changed in a common trial room and laughed and giggled like young girls having a ball.


In between our discussions, I got to know that Newa had never worn a corset.

“I am surprised,” I told her. “you’ll look stunning in it,” I commented.


Newa shrugged.


I went out into the store and I fetched a couple of corset tops that I liked. I joined her back in the trial room to help her try them on. After getting her into a black lacy corset top, I grabbed each of her warm, supple boobs in my palm to adjust them into the cups before tightening the hooks.


Of course, I took longer to settle her breasts into the cups and made sure every millimeter had sitting properly before I started clasping the hooks on her back.


When she turned to look at me, Gosh, I was mesmerized.


“Newa, you look stunning in it,” I gushed and got her to turn around and looked at her from every angle. She too blushed looking into the mirrors.


“you think I should…” She asked.


“Hell yeah.” I cut her off to ensure there was no doubt she took it.


I asked her if I should take a couple of pictures for her. I took a couple of pictures of her, as she shyly posed.


Then I got her out of the black one and made her try the nude color that had a very fine mesh fabric.


I, once again, played with her boobs, struggling to get them comfortable in the cups, before going behind her to hook the corset up.


We both looked into the mirror together, with me peering over her shoulder. Every inch of her body was visible through the corset and it pushed her breasts deliciously up, like two scoops of mouth-watering ice-creams. Her white alabaster flawless skin on the top of the boobs started to turn pink, with the pressure that the corset provided.


“I think…..” She attempted to say something.


“Don’t even think about it. You have to…have to…have to take this.” I insisted.


She smiled and complied with my childish insistence. I clicked about five pictures of her posing in the second corset.


By the time we reached back home, it was after six. We all enjoyed tea in the family room.


Before dinner, Taio said something, that gave me a clear impression that Wong had had a talk with him.


“I think we need to talk. Can we go out for lunch tomorrow. You and me.” Taio asked.


“sure. Is everything all right?” I asked, ignorantly.


“Yeah. Everything is good. I just need your opinion about something important.” Taio offered.


“We can talk now,” I replied.


“no. no. I want to talk privately. Let’s do it over lunch tomorrow. Don’t make any plans with Mama tomorrow, please.” He said insisting.


“ok.” I was aware of what was up, but couldn’t figure out his mind on the issue.


Even though it was my mock anger, Taio did not volunteer to watch any movies later that night after dinner.


The weather had turned and it was chillier than usual for that time of the year. But the house had central heating and we felt very comfortable in our PJs.


I was back in a tank top and shorts. Newa was in a modest satin night suit with a top with buttons in front.


For a nightcap, the gents opted for bourbon, Newa and I settled for some hot cocoa.


I think it was Newa who offered a round of gin rummy and everyone agreed. We were playing for an hour paired up and had great fun. I and Taio lost every round, Newa and Wong could make out cards wasn’t our forte.


I think it was Wong who suggested, “can we play Blaccarat?”


Newa’s head jerked suddenly towards Wong.


Surprised, Taio offered, “If it is any easier than this. I am in. Isn’t it Baccarat?”


Having got the look from Newa, Wong fell silent and tried to figure out a response.


“I suppose Newa doesn’t like it.” I pitched in, having noticed her reaction.


“no. It’s not like that. It is a party game for young people like you. Not for family time.” Newa defensively offered. Reluctant to say even this much.


“Now I have to play it. Show me what is it?” I was a pampered child for Newa now. Our bonding was becoming stronger each day and it was apparent to all of us.

After a couple of minutes of cajoling, Newa reluctantly shrugged asking Wong to get the cards.


Taio was silent, apprehensive. I was in a hangover of our joyful day. And Newa just wanted me to be happy.


Twenty minutes later, we were playing an adult roleplay game – Blaccarat that basically played like Baccarat but the loser got penalty cards to pick from with some raunchy punishments.


The game needed no teams, each player had to play for himself or herself.


Needless to say, I lost the first hand. The penalty card said, ‘kiss your partner.’


Huh, I shrugged.


I gave Taio a full kiss on his lips.


Five minutes later, I lost another hand. My penalty card said, ‘make out with your partner.’


Now we are talking, I thought. I kissed Taio full on his lips. Then sent my tongue in his mouth, which he reluctantly accepted in. I held his hand and made him grope my butt.


I started moaning, “mmmuuumm.”


Taio took control and slowly peeled me off.


Another five minutes later, it was Newa who lost a close game with me. Her penalty card said, ‘kiss your partner.’


She got up and kissed Wong on his lips, briefly before shyly sitting back down.


Both Newa and I giggled.


Then Newa added, “I think you have got the hang of it now. Let’s now wrap up the game. I am sleepy.”


I was surprised and raised a protest, ” let’s play one last time.”


Newa shrugged and agreed. I was beginning to learn to have my way with Newa. Another round of play and I lost, unsurprisingly.


The penalty card said, “suck your partner.”


All of them looked at me with the card in my hand. I had no idea how to proceed next. Even with my confidence, I did not have it in me to open Taio’s trousers before his mother and suck him off.


Before Newa came to my rescue and wrapped the game without any penalty, I changed tack, and read the card out loud, “Suck your partner.”


I moved a couple of strides on my knees towards Newa. Everyone looked at me surprised.


I started to unbutton her silk top. One button, she looked at me surprised at what I was doing but didn’t stop me. Second button, she looked into my eyes inquiring. Third button, she pulled her hand up and held my wrist but did not drag my hand off her top. Her cleavage was showing. Fourth button, the sides of her breasts were clearly visible. Her eyes pleaded with me to hold back. Mine never left hers, requesting permission to go on.


Of course, I won; I peeled the lapel of her top from off her breast and instantly brought my lips on her boob, enveloping more than the areola around her nipple. I had played with this very pair earlier in the day.


I spent the next minute suckling on her breast as if it were giving me milk. Her hand came up behind my head, possibly with an intent to draw me back, but ended up supporting my neck.

I possibly would not have given up, had she not slowly nudged me off from her tit. As soon as her nipple popped out of my mouth, she hastily covered her breast pulling the lapel back.


Unwittingly, I had in one set of actions changed the dynamics of our evening. I was too horny to care.


Newa remained composed and calm, even though Wong and Taio were jostling with the surreal turn of events.


We broke off for the night.


I bid, “good night Newa. good night Wong.”


I got a “good night” from both Wong and Newa.


Taio was ahead of me and was in the bathroom when I came into the bedroom.


I shucked my clothes off and got under the covers.


Taio came out, and looked towards me smiling, and asked, “what was that about?”


“Shut up, come here, and fuck me,” I ordered. I slowly took the cover off revealing my hungry body, open legs, and a wet pussy.


The grin on his face widened and he gave me a heavy fucking. Both of us climaxed within minutes. Only to restart a slow lovemaking session a few minutes later, that took us a good half an hour to finish.


In the middle of his thrusting in and out, I reached for my phone, scrolled the Newa pictures I had clicked earlier in the day. I reached one in her nude corset, and then laid the phone facing up next to my head. Taio went mental looking at his mother’s photo in the nude color corset.


Taio gave me a proper fucking that night. And, I loved every second of it.



January 31, 2020


The next morning we stayed in until late, and by the time we joined Newa and Wong at the breakfast table, they were already halfway through theirs.


“I’m sorry we started without you. We were not sure if you wanted to rest and take it easy today.” Newa said apologetically, genuinely feeling uncomfortable having started without us.


I came behind her and hugged her, preventing her effort to get up for us. I kissed her cheek, and said softly, “please don’t worry. I am sorry we should have come out earlier.”

Then I kissed her cheek one more time, before sitting down next to her and picking up a small plate of fruit first to start.


Taio sat opposite us, next to Wong, and started his breakfast with an egg, a toast, and coffee. He usually started his day with coffee.


During breakfast, I told Newa, “We are going out for lunch if you don’t mind.” It was not a request for permission, but yet I felt after her giving me an indulgent couple of days I needed to be courteous and tell her of our plan.


The way she responded, gave me an impression she knew, what was going to be on our agenda. “Sure, you must make most of your time. Enjoy the city, the weather’s good, it’s surprisingly sunny today. I recommend King’s Joy. It’s new and very good.” Then as an afterthought, she said, “I’m sorry. Maybe you have already made your reservations.”


I reached my hand over, asking her to calm down. “No Newa, we haven’t. We would prefer going wherever you recommend.”


She smiled wide and asked Wong to help us with the reservations. It was the festive season, and even at an upmarket place like that, there would still be a rush.


We exchanged glances and chatted softly at our side of the table.


“I guess Wong has spoken to Taio then?” I asked.


“Yes. he told me last night. They had a detailed chat yesterday when we were shopping.” Newa confirmed.


“Convenient…” I joked.


Newa felt awkward to have me assume that she ensured I was out of the way when Wong spoke with Taio.


She squinted her eyes and questioned my logic, “No. Yenay. I really wanted us to go out and spend time together.”


I knew she was serious. I chuckled and gave away my pretense.


She smiled back at my acting naughty.


On impulse, I bent forward and hugged her from the neck, awkwardly sideways. Clearly, the men couldn’t hear us talking but did notice us having a lively chat though. Taio and Wong smiled back towards us. We smiled back.


By the time we left the house around noon, I was already anxious. I had already made my decision but I had no idea what Taio wanted. I played along with the suspense that Taio was building.


We took their blue Mercedes bus, to the restaurant. I could have sworn this was the ultimate way of commuting. No matter what the best car offers you, under no circumstance can it offer you a home-like luxury on the road. I liked the style.


The restaurant King’s Joy was a very swish, royal-style restaurant that served the choicest vegetarian dishes and desserts.


We spent about half an hour before our appetizers were through. We held back on ordering the main course, adding to our time there. Taio broached the subject.


“When Mama and you were out shopping, Wong and I had a chat yesterday.” Deciding to play ignorant, I just nodded along. Newa and I had pledged to keep our discussion strictly entre nous.


I had assumed from my discussion with Newa that what Wong might discuss with Taio was the possibility of our coming and living here in Beijing. I was not averse to even that idea but given Taio’s company in Singapore, it seemed like a tough call for Taio.


On the Contrary, what Taio told me was way beyond what I had been expecting. In summary, Wong had offered to make Taio his heir, and everything Wong owned would be Taio’s, should he choose to accept.


As Taio said, “Wong told me that he and Mama wish for us to come to live here with them. He wants to make me a Director at Sinopharm first and start getting me on board. In time, he wants me to take charge of the company and be his heir. He wants the business to stay in the family.”


I was bowled over by Wong’s benevolence, but this wasn’t charity or altruism. It was a family issue. In my eyes, his stature had gone higher manifold.


Wong was forty-one, about four years younger than Newa. A self-made man in every respect. He credited Taio’s father for steering the research and development side of the business. He persevered even after Taio’s father passed away and ensured the company succeeded in finalizing the end product they were working on. Now, the company was just under ten years old, a pioneer in Ayahuasca-based Alzheimer’s medicine. Taio’s dad had got some Chinese herbs to infuse with ayahuasca and what he developed was now a pioneering product gaining global popularity rapidly. His company’s valuation was over eight billion. With no siblings or dependents, he was the sole owner of the privately-owned business. Last year, he had been featured in Forbes China in an elite club of forty-under-forty. A list of top forty Chinese billionaires who were under forty years of age. Wong was at eighteen.


I was in such a swivet I could not speak. Suddenly it was not about just relocation but a life-changing decision.


Taio continued, “Not that Wong is dying or something. He wants me to do my business too from Beijing, even as I start spending some quality time in his business as well. He would take me under his wing and mentor my way through into the leadership of the company.”


Taio added, “In his opinion, I should do the same with you. He sees tremendous potential in you and he believes I should get you onboard in Swivel immediately. While Chang can directly handle the tech side. Over time, Wong suggested, you can handle the business side of Swivel fully by which time I can dedicate more time with him, after handing Swivel’s reins to you.”


‘Damn,’ was my spontaneous thought.


King’s Joy waiters never once bothered us and gave us as much time as we wanted.


As this part of the conversation was sinking in, we ordered our food. Until it was served, we discussed it further.


Taio said, “More important than his business or mine, in Wong’s opinion, and as per him Mama’s as well, we should stick around as a family. They have decided not to have any kids and we being their only family they hope to have us live with them. They want us to raise our family around them. I appreciate that. I am only surprised why Mama did not speak to me about this.”


I ushered in, ” Newa probably did not want you to be influenced by your love and respect for her. It has to be a broader decision and not one merely hinged upon emotional factors.”


“I know what you mean,” Taio affirmed.


We stayed quiet for a long while, grinding the idea in our heads.


Our meals arrived and we enjoyed some of the best food in all of Beijing. With both our minds elsewhere, we mostly played with the food on the plates.


I finally asked to understand his thoughts, “So what do you think?”


“I respect the fact that Wong is honoring me with a responsibility which I cannot imagine. Handling a business so huge, I could not comprehend it earlier. The more I think about it, the more sense it makes. His thought process is pellucid and the opportunity itself is fantastic.” Taio confirmed what I thought.


I nodded.


“I believe the real reason would be personal. You and I both are not overly influenced by money. I would like to speak with

Mama about it but before that, I wanted to talk to you.” Taio said something that increased my love for him even more.

I grinned. He smiled back.


“you know what this means, we would have to shift back here. You would have to live with Wong and Mama. You would have to start working at Swivel. Your life would change completely. Your kids would be raised here in Beijing.” Taio laid it on me.


“yes… yes…. yes to everything you have said. I would love to come to stay here in Beijing. After all, this is home,” I assured him. ” I just love Newa, you already know that. She is the best. And after what you told me, my regard for Wong has only gone up ….many levels up. What a Mensch.”


“As for kids, we want the best for our future kids, as I am sure their grandparents would. So this isn’t even a brainy question actually. The kids are still a few years down the road, we don’t know how things will shape up, but this, right now, isn’t something you can put on the backburner. Unless you have some other concerns, count me in.” I gave Taio my thumping vote.


Taio was grinning at my response. I think it helped him make up his mind. Surely he wanted to discuss it with Newa before finally agreeing to anything.


I asked, “do you really think I can handle Swivel?” I was joking. My smile gave up my pretense.


Taio only smiled back. He knew I was up for it, it’s just that it took Wong to shake it up.


The plan looked evidently clear. He fain would accept, I knew it.


Back home, our smiles told them more than Taio would have wanted to share at the moment.


There was no need for discussion. I reached Newa, hugged her, and with my lips near her ear, Sotto voce, “I think you need to have a final chat with your son before the final decision.”


She drew back a bit, looked me in the eyes, and with moist eyes thanked me.


Once she had settled down we walked towards the men to decide our plan for the evening.


We decided to stay in and have dinner at home and possibly enjoy some Tangyuan.


Around tea, Newa and I sat on one sofa. Wong and Taio took the two single-seaters as we sat together in the family room.


Softly, I looked at Newa and pouted as I told her, “I am upset with you. You told me only half of what Wong told Taio.”


Newa loving took my cheek in her palm and indulged me, as she said, “I haven’t told you anything at all. Taio told you everything.”


She was mocking my request to keep our conversation private.


I took the joke but pushed further with my feigned anger. “But I shouldn’t be talking to you. I thought we weren’t keeping secrets.”


“I’m sorry, my fengmi. How can I make up to you?” She leaned towards me, caressed my cheek again with the tip of her fingers, and lovingly asked.


Her face was merely inches away from mine. I smiled, waited for a long while, thinking what I should ask her, but my mind drew a blank. Her eyes held mine. I said, “nothing. I just want you to know, I’m ok shifting to Beijing. I would love to be here with you.

We both want to stay here with you.” I stressed on ‘both’.


Delighted, she moved forward and kissed my cheek. Then out of happiness, she kissed me a couple more times on my cheeks. It had me slowly turn to face her to give her access. I cupped her face in both my hands and planted a long kiss on her lips. When our lips moved away, our faces did not, we leaned our foreheads together into one another. Each held the other’s face lovingly.


Before dinner, Taio and Newa found a corner to discuss something in a low tone.


I felt it was upon me to engage Wong into a conversation so Newa and Taio could talk.


I already liked Wong, but the latest developments made me look at him in a different light. An affable, handsome man; rich and well-traveled; accomplished yet level-headed. I wanted to know more about him.


“So Yenay, tell me about Singapore. How do you spend your time when Taio is working.” Wong asked me, probably with the same intent as me, giving Taio and Newa some space to catch up.


“I have been taking some downtime after marriage and have been looking to get out of the Niksen zone, as they say.”

Wong laughed at the reference and the pun I intended in it.

Surprisingly Taio and Newa joined back.

Newa asked Wong softly, “can we go for a walk. Taio and I have something to discuss.”


“Of course. I will bore Yenay until you both return.” Wong happily permitted and joked at the same time. I laughed at his quip.


Wong and I were standing. We chose to sit on the lounger overlooking the balcony. Both of us sipped warm tea and looked out towards the garden ahead of the balcony.


Newa and Taio walked hand in hand and climbed down the porch started to stroll into the garden. We saw them walk out far away on the walkway that went in a large loop around the edge of the garden. The weather was cold, but I guess they didn’t mind.


“Have you ever worked with Taio in any manner?” Wong asked me.


I knew he knew the answer already. “Taio’s work is mainly tech and that is not really my expertise. Apart from hanging around at the concept and drawing board stage, I really haven’t been a part of Swivel. It is all him and Chang, his college buddy.”


Wong nodded. Then looked out towards the garden. Newa and Taio were obviously engaged in a somewhat more intense conversation, as they walked alongside each other.


“Do you like Beijing more or Singapore.” He trudged into another line of questioning.


“Beijing is home for us. I have grown up here so this is always a comfortable place for me. So is it for Taio.” I helped him a little.


“Even more for him because Newa is here. He misses her all the time.” I corrected, “I love it here with her.”


“I remember you have known her for long.” he queried.


“Yes, we have stayed in the same neighborhood and our families have known each other since Taio and I were in school together.” I reconfirmed what he possibly already knew.


“Don’t you miss your parents? Would you be meeting them on this trip?” He asked.


“No. I met my dad last year. My mom has shifted to Shanghai. I don’t want to meet them…not on this trip. This one is for Taio.” I responded.


When Taio and Newa returned their smiles spoke volumes and what needed to be said, their broad grins conveyed.


I jumped up and hugged Newa and asked her out loud, “Why don’t we all dress up for dinner. Like a formal do?”


Newa smiled and nodded.

Wong offered, “We could go out for dinner if you wish?” He helpfully suggested.


“No, No. What I meant was, let’s have dinner at home, but let’s dress up for it. Maybe that would be fun…..?” I asked suggestively.


Newa couldn’t say no to me. Taio shrugged, as did Wong.


We sat near the balcony in a semi-circle for a little longer until it was dark and got colder. Then we moved back to our rooms to get ready for dinner.


An hour later, I was dressed in one of the designer dresses from my shopping along with Newa. Of course, like everything else we shopped for that day, this too was Newa’s gift to me.


Taio had brought a couple of formal suits with him, just in case, and it came in handy. He looked handsome in a dark grey custom-tailored Valentino.


When he saw my dress, his jaw dropped. The pleats on my dress, a cowl halter neck up in front, covered my breasts despite a deep plunging neckline. The dress extended to the top of my thighs, below which my legs were bare. I wore black high heels to complement my golden dress.


Seeing Taio’s response, I turned to show him the back. I turned to look at his reaction and saw his mouth literally open. The dress was backless. The pleats from the front converged on my ass, just a couple of inches from above where the crack started. And the dress covered only my bum and just like in the front it ended at the top of my thighs. The dress’s sequined gold fabric shimmered with every move I made. I had dabbed a lot of tone on my skin to give me a bronzed look.


I could swear this was going to be Taio’s favorite from amongst my dresses. I giggled at his response and said, “how do I look.”


Taio made no bones about the audacity of the dress, “Yenay, this is the sexiest dress I have seen. You look lovely in it. I can’t say this is wearable outside the house.”

“thank you,” I said, taking the compliment.

“I am going to show you tonight how much I love the dress,” Taio said drooling.

“so you wanna make love to the dress and not me?” I smiled back.


Taio took the repartee sportingly and gave me his arm as we walked out of the bedroom ready for a formal at-home dinner.


Wong and Newa met us in the dining room. The table had been set formally as if we were expecting guests. I guess Newa ensured that I get the experience that I was hoping for when I suggested we have a formal dinner.


Wong looked dapper in his tux and had could not hide the gleam in his eyes when he saw me in my revealing dress.


When we hugged and he air-kissed my cheek, welcoming me to dinner, his hand on my back found zero fabric. The twitch in his hands was felt in my spine. Then he composed himself and stepped back, smiling.


Newa was a couple of steps behind him, and when she saw me she instantly recognized the dress. She possibly would not have let me buy the dress but I had loved it and she could not say no. She complimented me, “you look beautiful, Yenay.” She said.


Seeing her dress in a formal two-piece dress that was way too modest, I cringed a little. I bent forward near her ear and told her,


“When we said formal, this wasn’t what I had in mind.” Looking at her dress I signaled my discontent. “you are way too beautiful for this.”


I kept my phone on the table, held her hand, and turned to look at the guys. “We need some time to change. Please bear with us for a while.” I dragged her along with me towards their living area.


The house had two huge sections. The section on the right was where Wong and Newa had their living room, their bedroom, and a few other rooms for close guests, I guess. Also in their section was a lounge and a kitchen. It looked identical to the other section on the left of the house where we were put up. I decided to tackle this later. Because the layout of the house was similar I almost immediately knew where their master bedroom would be. I led the way, with Newa’s hand in mine. She followed me without resisting.


In her bedroom, which just as resplendent as ours, I turned to look at her, “time to change, Mama.” I called her Mama with a pun towards her dress, signaling that she had worn something a mother would wear.


Catching my drift, she smiled and asked, “so you want me to change?”


“YEAAAH,” I exclaimed.


I started to unbutton her top. She took over after a couple of buttons and I started to walk towards her cupboard. I looked back at her as she removed her top to get into something else I was going to suggest. I noticed she was wearing a lacy bra.

It struck me instantly. “where’s the corset you bought?” I asked.


She smiled but hesitated.


“Newaaaa…….” I insisted.


She slowly raised her finger to the cabinet where she kept her lingerie.


I wanted her to look sexy. I was almost sure she would have a dress that would get the best from her corset.


I picked both her corsets, the black and the light brown, and laid them on the bed. Without any haste, I had only one agenda in mind, to make her look sexy for the evening. I calmed down and asked her to change.


It was obvious once she had to take the bra off, and then I would have to help her into the corset.


I chose the black one for tonight. It would compliment her white, unblemished skin.

I picked up the corset and offered her to pull her arms up a bit. After setting the corset on her stomach, I got her to hold it still. Then, I dutifully handled her breasts one at a time and got them to settle in the cups the way I wanted them. Of course, this was a tedious task and needed impeccable attentiveness. I handled it assiduously. Only after I was satisfied did I turn to the hooks.


Once I had her hooked, I unbuckled her skirt to look adjust the corset low. As I pulled the corset low, her boobs made the wonderful appearance above – two lovely globes of mammary waiting to be eaten, dying to be licked. Not fully satisfied, I went behind her and pulled the hooks a level tighter. Her boobs got the red color from the blood gushing up into them. She was looked ravishing standing in just the corset and panties. Clearly, the panties did not match and I scoured into her cabinet for a matching pair and found one that could pass.


I kneeled in front of her to roll the panties down her thighs and was face to face with her gorgeous pussy mound, neatly trimmed with some scanty little thatch of hair.


Newa took a step at a time to get out of the panties she had on and I offered her the black lacy one that was the nearest match to her corset. Having brought them to her waist, I adjusted and caressed the invisible wrinkles out her panties even though it was glued to her hips like a second skin.


I took a step back. I was glad the way she looked. I was so dying to take her out just like that. God, what the men would do to her. I decided she needed some more makeup.


“I think you need a little more makeup,” I told her.


I made her sit on the bench at the foot of the bed. Then I went to the dressing table on the other end of the room. I glanced around the table at some extremely posh items laid out neatly.


I picked the primer, the blush pallet, a couple of make-up brushes, two shades of lipsticks, and a kohl pen.


I sat next to Newa and both of us turned to face each other. I started with the primer. There was this pleasant enigmatic smile on her face that majestically resonated with beauty, love, and acceptance. She was letting me have my way with her. She was smiling all along. For her, it was not about what she looked like. She felt overjoyed that she had me, someone who wanted to look out for her, someone who cared for her, someone who felt she had the right to ask things – something usually a daughter has with her mother.


Newa had the most pleasing smile on her face as I played doll with her. Her eyes never left my face, as she saw my expression working on her face.


I slowly sank into the moment too.


After clearing her lips with what she was wearing, I picked a lipstick for her. She smiled. With her face only inches in front of mine, I delicately applied lipstick on her. Slowly I finished the lower lip and admired my handiwork. Then I started on her upper lip.


For some reason, applying lipstick to her from up close was a very erotic thing to do. I had this phenomenal urge to kiss her. I bent forward and kissed her lips, mashing my lips into hers. My hands went behind her head and I pulled her, even with the lipstick in my hand.


Newa responded, bringing her hand on my neck. The smile on her lips changed to a pucker and we kissed a few times before parting. I giggled and she smiled. Then we both laughed it off, seeing that I had made a mess of her lips and my own. I restarted and slowly cleared the smudge on her lips. She took the cotton swab from my hand and cleared the lipstick on my face that had run over.

As Newa dabbed slowly around my lips, I could not stop myself from kissing her one more time. I bent forward and held her lips on mine and kept kissing her again and again.


After a few steamy ones, we both reluctantly removed our lips from each other and sheepishly moved back. Her smile, as always, had this calming effect on me. I resolved to finish the job and picked the lipstick to touch up her lips. I was amused to find this was the most difficult thing to do, especially when the person inches in front of you is someone you love dearly.


I forcefully leaned forward and took her lips. Newa responded again. For the first time with her, I brought my tongue out exploring her lips. Tasting her lips. Then they parted, I was giddy with joy. I dove into her mouth enthusiastically and kissed her aggressively.


We kissed with our tongues. I was pleasantly surprised when she sent her tongue in my mouth. I was overjoyed.


When we parted, we were panting. We giggled into each other’s faces before I brought the lipstick back up to finish her lips.


Newa politely took the lipstick from my hand and said, “this looks accident prone to me. Let me finish this.” I blushed and handed her the lipstick. She got up and reached the dressing table, and in some well-practiced moves finished the task in a jiffy.


Then she kneeled in front of me and touched up my lips without any further assaults from me.


After the makeup was done, we started to look for a dress. She laid out about ten dresses, and I could not find a single one that would help her corset produce some magic. I decided it would be best if I gave her one of mine. I had an idea which of mine would be best for the purpose.


I insisted, “I don’t think any of these would work for tonight. I have something in mind from one of my dresses. I want you to wear that.”


“let’s go to my room” I added.


“no, I couldn’t.” She feebly resisted, knowing very well I wouldn’t take no for an answer.


I helped her into a bath gown. For purposes of making our intent clear, we walked from right in front of the men to the other wing of the house where Taio and I were put up.


The men were drinking and waiting for us to join them. Upon seeing Newa in a bath gown, both were bewildered.


I haughtily announced, “we will take only a little while longer.” Without telling them where we were headed.


Surprised at what we were up to, the men sipped their drinks even as we exited the hall towards the other end, leading towards my bedroom.


I knew what I was looking for. The dress I had in mind was my little black dress. A strapless version, it started at the top of the breasts and ended at the middle of the thighs.


Skeptically, Newa wore the dress, and given that the corset had squeezed her in, the dress fit her perfectly. More importantly, the swell on the top of the breasts remained beautifully visible with her pinkish-white scoops of flesh.


I manhandled her breasts more than a few times to get the right elevation on top. There were just a couple of crease layers on the dress around her hips. I so wished I could go under and pull her panties off to give her dress a couple of millimeters but I resisted.


When I was satisfied, I took her hands in mine and I said, “let’s see how they resist this.” I raised both her hands in a toast and was delighted with my choice. With her full chest bare and her breasts ready to pop out, she looked sexy as hell.


When I noticed Wong did not have a heart attack seeing Newa in the dress, I thought surely his heart is built of cement. Taio, on the other hand, was visibly aroused seeing his mother in this avatar.


Newa literally meant ‘mother goddess’ and she looked like a sexy mother goddess.


Newa and I entered the drawing-room side by side, our hips next to one another, one arm behind each other. Without possibly audaciously touching my butt, Newa had no option to park her palm on my bare skin. The only fabric on my back was on my butt; any higher, her hand had to be on my skin.


Wong complimented her appreciatively, “Newa, You look beautiful.”


Newa blushed a little and said, “thank you.” And then added, “it’s Yenay’s choice.”


The men had probably had a few drinks, waiting for us, but gave us company with the champagne. It was the finest champagne, I noted.


By the time we reached for the dinner table, Wong had eyed me more than once but the life of the room was indeed Newa. Each one of us tried to stand up close to her, almost wanting to lick and eat the scoops of her breasts tantalizingly peeking from the top of the dress. I could tell, she loved the attention.


Before sitting at the table, Newa and I excused ourselves to the toilet. After taking a pee, I gave a final look at Newa and felt the need to bring some more of her boobs out. I groped as much as I could from the top and set them high. She blushed when I bent forward and kissed them both.


‘Score one’ I thought. I was the first one to kiss them tonight, I gloated with pride.


Sitting, through dinner, on the table was a toughie for the men. Her breasts were tormenting us all, and each one had bet in their mind, when would one fall out.


Newa and I ate little, spent most of the time soaking in the attention. After dinner, we enjoyed some Tangyuan for desserts.


Even around midnight, none of us wanted to leave. Everyone was intoxicated in love and desire. Wong’s eyes never left my back, and when they did, he spent the time drooling over his wife’s breasts, which he seemed to have rediscovered.


Taio was in a state of perpetual arousal. His eyes were glinting.


I offered that we play a couple of rounds of Blaccarat. Not the slightest sign of hesitation came through, not even from Newa.


Newa looked for and found the cards in the adjoining room. We kicked off our heels and sat on the plush carpet in the family room. A flat board in between. Taio and Wong took off their shoes and their coats.


As if I was hosting the game, I announced a rule. One that might have a profound outcome on our night. We would find out soon.


“I say when the penalty card says ‘do something with your partner,’ the choice of partner is of that person,” I blurted. I had no pre-plan or something. I wanted us to have an option to do what we needed to do as part of the penalty, with whoever we were comfortable doing it with. At the moment it sounded innocuous.


After our first round, Taio lost and the penalty card said, ‘Kiss your partner.’


Taio moved next to me and took my lips politely and softly. No tongue.


In the second round, I lost the hand and my penalty card too said, ‘Kiss your partner.’


I looked towards all three and moved towards Taio and kissed his lips. I did not let him go with a peck, I kissed him as I should have, a long smooch added with some tongue in the end.


When we stepped back, I shouted, “woohoo,” excitedly. Everyone laughed.


In the next round, I was lucky. Wong threw an ace. I took it. Newa lost. Her penalty card said, ‘Make out with your partner.’


Newa was slightly embarrassed but she braved the attention and reached out to Wong. Instead of making out, she kissed him and the no-tongue kiss ended in a whimper.


I cried out, “Booo hooo. This is cheating. That’s no make-out.”


Wong supported her back and kissed her properly. When he kissed her neck and her bare shoulder, Newa purred. Wong’s hands reached her butt and he pulled her into his mouth. As his lips reached the top of her breasts, I felt as if his evening-long craving had been satiated. He kissed her chest and the top of her breasts, her hands flew behind his head as she held him near.


They separated and I shouted, “WHOOOOOOAAA,” clapping at their performance. Taio had no option but to join the clap, as he too laughed.


Newa had turned beet red and flushed. She could not look towards anyone else, and directed her eyes towards me in mock anger, asking me to move on.


I helped. I took the cards and restarted a new round. I fumbled and made a mess of the count and opened a couple while serving them. I crackled and laughed at my goofiness, so did everyone else. Wong kindly obliged and took charge and shuffled before starting the next round.


Five minutes later, I lost the next round. I drew a penalty card that said, “undress for the next round.” It did not mention, to what extent.


Feeling raunchy already, I made no fit about it. Plus, I wasn’t wearing a bra.

When my dress came off, Wong and Taio were oogling. As I dropped my panties, to show the family my bare pussy, I could have heard their heartbeats from a few feet away. I sat back, with my legs closed, not allowing a view any more than necessary.


If there was a hard-fought round it was the next one. I guess the group wanted to have me sit naked for as long as possible. My breasts were heaving and my nipples rock hard. In between the game, nonchalantly, I pushed in my nipple, in an attempt to hide my state of horniness.


Taio lost the round, possibly distracted. His penalty card said, ‘suck your partner’. Taio looked around in embarrassment and approached me. I fell back on the carpet and opened my arms. He kneeled between my legs, pushed his face in my bosom, and went after my nipple. I would have asked him to go for my pussy but it was his call to suck my tits. He took the right boob in his mouth and then licked my nipple with the base of his tongue, sending shivers into my groin. My hands instinctively held his head and pulled him into my chest. Emboldened, he did a repeat on my left tit and had me squirming. He could have given a superficial lick and suck but an aroused Taio went for a proper job.


The silence post the penalty was awkward.


Before the next round could start, Newa handed me back my dress. My penalty was for one round. I smiled and took the dress. I pulled it back on. I left the panties in my hand. I kept the panties in front of me and said, “the loser gets the penalty card and the winner of the next round gets this.”


Another round – I lost. The game went on and Wong won the hand. Before I pulled the penalty card, I handed Wong my panties, which he sheepishly took. Jokingly, he sniffed the panties in front of everyone and everyone laughed. He gallantly handed the panties to Taio, who took it laughing and sniffed it too. Then he kept them in front of him, not having the courage to give his wife’s panties to his mother.


My penalty card said, ‘lick your partner.’


I calmly got up and moved in Taio’s direction. He was embarrassed as hell.


I unzipped him and unbuckled his trousers. I had to drag his trousers off because he wasn’t helping. I growled at him. He complied.


With his trousers off, his boxers were next. The group was graced with a hard dick that was well over seven inches at the moment.


The card distinctly said ‘lick’ and lick I did. I started at the base of his cock and licked his sack. Then I raised my hand to hold his dick and licked it from the bottom to the top. On the crown, I rolled my tongue and gave it a good layer of saliva all across. Once I had covered the top, I licked all around his dick but never took him in my mouth.


It was a miracle that he wasn’t cumming already. I looked up and his eyes were tightly shut. I guess he was imagining nastier shit so he wouldn’t spurt in front of everyone.


Just then I took the crown in my mouth, going beyond my penalty card, and gave the eye on his cock a lick. It sent shivers in his spine. He opened his eyes to complain. Fortunately, his face was tilted towards Newa. He started shooting strings deep into my throat.


“huuuunh,” a grunt coming out of his mouth.


One of his hands held my head to steady as his cock pulsed in my mouth going in a further couple inches. I gobbled every drop, and his eyes remained locked with Newa’s.


When I let him off, and he sighed a big relief.


Before I went back to my seat, I raised my arms and shouted, “woohoo.”


That loosened the mood, and Wong and Newa laughed even as Taio scampered to get back in his trousers.


Newa asked everyone if we all were up for a round of tea. Probably subtly helping me to clear my throat.


I scoffed at her and said, “Nooooo.” Wong offered a round of champagne and I nodded aggressively.


Glasses were already there, as were the bottles. The flutes were filled and everyone sipped as the next round was served. I also took a small sip and savored the concoction of Taio’s remaining cum in my mouth and champagne.


The next round was probably the shortest. I intentionally made a mistake. If Newa, sitting on my right, caught my mischief, she didn’t say anything.


My penalty card said, ‘french kiss everyone in the group.’


I squinted my eyes and looked at all three of them, and then showed the card to them.


If there were any apprehensions, none were made apparent, at least not before I excitedly started on my punishment.

I started with Newa to my right. Nothing sweeter than to transfer the slivers of her son’s cum from my mouth into hers. I believe Newa possibly would have suspected the same.


I got up, and sat on her lap, with my knees on her either side. Facing her, our breasts mashed as my hands came behind her. My elbows on her shoulder and my hands behind her head. We exchanged a loving look, lust in my eyes and love in hers.


I came near her ear and whispered very softly, “This is from your son.”


I sank on her lips comfortably and I kissed her for more than twenty long kisses before entering her lips, by which time we were moaning and sighing. She willingly volunteered her tongue in my mouth and cleared every part of my mouth and my hands caressed her head, her neck, and her shoulders. If there was speck inside my mouth, she had hungrily licked it off.


After letting me kiss her for long, Newa cupped my face and slowly pulled back. As I unlocked our lips, we were both crimson red. I kissed her cheeks before getting up.


I sat similarly on Taio’s lap next. I tongue kissed him for a shorter time than I did Newa but he must have been wanting for more. I pulled back and went for Wong, who must have been squirming in anticipation.


Wong welcomed me in his arms, as I sat facing him on his lap. We smiled at each other. I found his lips and plastered some wet juicy kisses on him before he opened his lips to welcome my tongue. I was floored with the style and elegance with which he kissed me. His lips were around mine as he pulled my tongue way in and instead of wayward tonguing we engaged in some long loving deep kisses. His hands roamed around my bare back and stopped just above my asscheeks.


We both slowly disengaged and I slid back in my seat. I stretched my hands out, Wong to my left and newa my right. Both held my hands and Newa kissed the back of my hand.


I gulped the rest of my champagne in one go, as my throat felt parched and adrenaline coursed through me.


Newa was distracted in the next round and lost it within a couple of minutes.


I laughed and clapped. She was embarrassed.


However, she modestly picked the penalty card and it said, ‘Stay in your undies for the rest of the game.’


When she showed the card to everyone, I laughed hard and shouted “Yeah.”


Excitedly I got up and started dancing and shouting, “NEWAAAA, NEWAAA, NEWAAA.”


Newa got up blushing and turned her back to me. I helped unzip my dress that she was wearing. As the dress fell around her ankles, her corset was revealed.


She turned to coyly show the men what she was wearing. Wong’s mouth was open, as was Taio’s.


I shouted, “tadaa,” as if I had opened a gift package. In a manner of speaking it was a gift for the men, no doubt.


The top of her corset reached only half an inch above her nipples, and the upper arch of her pink areolae peeked deliciously. Her milky white tits were squeezed upwards and now threatened, even more, to fall out. A couple of rapid moves and the possibility of her revealing more was real.


Newa hastily sat, as if that would block the view for the men. On the contrary, the scoops of her pinkish-white skin on top of her breasts were now eye level to everyone sitting around her.


For sure, the next few rounds of the game, from here on, would be distracting for everyone.


I, fortunately, had a strong hand in the next round. Newa played the round flustered. She lost that round as well. Embarrassed, she lifted the penalty card hastily.


The card said, ‘dry hump your partner.’


She felt that she had got off easier. She smiled. Newa got up and moved towards Wong.


I was surprised when Wong suggestively welcomed her and straightened his legs to have her sit directly on his erection.


Newa, on her part, rode his dick and made some provocative moves dry humping his dick. As she moved her butt on his dick, her arms swung around his neck and they kissed lovingly. She laid it thick on him and if it had gone any longer, I am sure he would be spurting in his trousers.


I started cheering with claps and shouts, “Oh yeah, Newa. Ohh Yeah.”


Taio joined the fun and clapped hard, and laughed.


Wong lowered his mouth and dug his lips on the top of her breasts. He kissed them hard and licked them discreetly.


Wong became the second person to have done that with her tonight, after me. She held his head in her hands and then slowly lifted his face into hers, kissing him with tongue before getting up.


On her way back, she stopped next to me, kissed my cheek, and then smiled before moving to her seat.


The wonderful corset still held strong in keeping her nipples contained. “Damn, I should have loosened her hook, one level. That would have made them bounce out by now.” I thought.


Things were heating up, the antique grandfather clock in the room showed the time was past twelve.


Newa once again got served a soft hand. Worried things would end up getting out of hand soon, Newa took charge and said,


“Let’s play the last round and call it a night.” She turned her head towards me, knowing well it was I, who would be creating the fuss if any.


I gave a coquettish grin and thought for a second before saying, “Only if I decide what the last penalty is going to be….no card.” My stress on ‘only’ ensured that she had no choice about it.


With only a partially decent hand, Newa was certain to lose. She was caught between a rock and hard place. She sensed I would be naughtier if she lost the hand, and if she chose not to agree and played a few more rounds, things would possibly get out of control.


She chose to bear the penalty – my penalty – after she conceded the round.


I jumped up and hugged and kissed her cheek before sharing what I had in my mind.


Then I moved to her lips and kissed her like I meant it. Our tongues dueled and I groped her tits, letting slip a nipple from the corset.


After removing myself from in front of her, I said, “let’s start with kissing the boys while I prepare for your penalty.”


Newa frowned, to the fact that kissing was an interim thought and not the actual penalty. Denying kissing Wong was not going to go well. She couldn’t say, ‘no kissing’ at this stage.


She moved towards Wong. Of course, he noticed her nipple had got out from the corset and was inviting him to suck it. Instead, they kissed on the lips and tongued abundantly until Newa retreated


By the time she was in Taio’s arms, she was panting. Her breasts were heaving aggressively. Taio sat straight and she fell back in his arms, her back touching his thighs. The nipple that had slipped looked up towards her son. Her head rested in the crook of his elbow. She was looking up into his eyes. Taio lowered himself and at the same time, pulled her up as they kissed. The passion of their kiss resonated in our little group.


I left Newa in Taio’s arms and told them, “Keep going until I return.”


They had no idea what I meant. Should Taio and Newa keep going? or Should Wong and Taio keep swapping Newa until I return?


I guess they chose the latter because when I returned she was in Wong’s mouth.


I was carrying a makeshift blindfold. Wong released her and I helped her up.


“Now I am going to blindfold you. You will remain like that until I take it off. We all would be fooling around with you. You have to identify who is doing what. If you guess correctly, then the blindfold comes off, and we can call it a night, otherwise, we keep going.” I shared the plan. She sneered at the plan and was not going to play along.


I pouted, and said, “Newa. This isn’t right. You promised.”


Looking at my face, she gave a short smile and nodded her consent. She loved me to death and I was going to take complete advantage of it, ‘forever.’ We both knew it.


I handed the blindfold to Taio to fasten. As he was getting the knot behind her, I got hold of her face in my hands. I kissed her full on the lips, and said, ‘Thank you, mama.” I would love to call her that. I just loved the sound of it coming from me. I wasn’t sure how she would respond, but I took that liberty for now.


For good measure, I gave her a couple of spins. Awkwardly, the men looked at her and then me, not knowing what to do next.


I took charge. I held Wong’s hand and led him behind her. Showed him the hooks and beckoning him to take the hooks of her corset off.


One by one, the hooks started to come off. After about ten hooks her breasts fell out of the corset. Her breasts swelled as if air had just been let in them, having got free of the corset. She stuttered, “Yenay.”


I was in front of her, admiring Wong’s handiwork. I took her breast in my hand and kissed her next to her lips, “no. not me.”

Wong continued to unhook all of the eighteen hooks and I took the corset in my hand and kept it aside on the sofa. All of us stepped back to admire Newa.


I started to get near her to peel her panties off her. The only piece of apparel left on her. Just in the final moment, I decided against it and extended my arm towards Taio and pulled him.


I kneeled in front of Newa and invited Taio to kneel too. I took his hand and put his fingers inside the top band of her panties. His job was to pull the panties down.


I stood back up and joined Wong. I held his hand in mine, giddy with joy grinning. Our fingers locked as we both looked on, Taio started taking his mother’s panties down.


Taio shifted to the center, still kneeling in front of her. He put both two fingers from both his hands in her band. His hesitation was only momentary as every inch of decline hypnotized him into going ahead. After her pussy mound was revealed, his eyes stopped blinking.


I am sure somewhere in there Taio must have been salivating, because as soon as her pussy appeared his head inched forward to breathe in the waft of perfume coming from his mother’s pussy. He hesitated for a moment longer than he should have.


Newa was trying to recognize the fingers, the knuckles, and the hot air on her pussy.


Then suddenly, he picked up the pace and rapidly pulled the panties lower, scared she might hold him off.


Newa panicked and shouted, “Yenay.”


My decision to not volunteer to strip her was paying off. I stepped forward and kissed her cheek again. “No, it’s not me.”


Taio, kneeling in front, had already got her panties in the bunch around her ankles and had frozen in front of her pussy mound admiring his mother in all her naked splendor. His eyes stuck on her pussylips that peeked from between her thighs.


Newa shouted, “Wong.”


Wong standing just a step behind me, I took his hand and brought him up to Newa and got him to hold her breast. “no, Newa. You get only one chance. But this is Wong here. It was Taio who undid your panties.”


Impulsively, Newa’s legs tightened as if it had any benefit.


All three of us were staring at different parts of Newa and wanted to eat her, lick her, kiss her and fuck her.


I had decided what was next. It was clear, to stay ahead in this game with her, we had to disguise and be somewhat uncharacteristic.


I held her arm in both my hands and slowly led her to the sofa, where we would continue. She walked out of the panties around her ankle and walked with me. Taio still kneeling ensured she did not trip.


I used my hands to spread her legs, clearly giving her the sense that it was me taking charge. I waved towards Wong to sit in front of her. Wong kneeled on the carpet in between her legs.


Her pussylips were open, dripping wet, and inviting Wong to lap her up. Which Wong did more than willingly. He kept his hands away from touching Newa anywhere but as soon as his lips enveloped Newa’s pussy, she whimpered and gasped.


Newa wanted to say something but words failed her. The pleasure she felt was baffling. She wanted to say a name, but at the nick of the moment decided against it. Newa thought, ‘Can I let it continue for a little while, just a little while?’


What if she says a name and it’s wrong. She concentrated on the tongue, trying to identify the tongue. ‘How can I do it?’ she thought. She hadn’t been licked by all three of them.


Wong continued doing magic tricks inside her pussy with his tongue.


The first words that came out of her mouth were, “Oh god.”


I giggled. Because of that, she got to know that it wasn’t me, even though my hands were on her thighs.


Newa panicked, was it Taio licking me? Oh no, she thought. On impulse, her hands came to the head between her thighs and she held Wong. She instantly recognized the head between her legs.


She exclaimed, “Wong.”


It was as if we spoke together. I told her, “that’s cheating Newa. This doesn’t count.”


Not that she was objecting, certainly she wasn’t pushing Wong out of her pussy, possibly relieved that it wasn’t Taio.


Wong indifferently went along and kept licking her.


Moments later she climaxed in his mouth. Her moans were muted and low, “mmmuummm.”


Newa fell back, her shoulders resting on the backrest. Her back curved. Her body was almost limp after her climax. I tapped on Wong’s shoulder to get up.


I pulled on hungry Taio’s hand and hastily made him kneel in front of his mother. He started where Wong had left. He first lapped every drop of her juice that was leaking out. His kisses were more tender, his licks were neater and then he reached inside. He first cleared all the cum she had produced and then his tongue dove in further, cleaning the walls of her pussy as far as he could go. She started whimpering again. Then he traveled up, flicking her clitoris and he had her squirming in no time.


In her fuzzy mind, Wong had not yet given up on her. Because she did not attempt to name the intruder. She just whimpered and slowly rose to yet another climax.


I too desperately wanted a taste of her and settled for the next best option.


I made Wong sit back on the sofa and sat on his legs. My breasts pushed in his chest and I whispered in his ear, “Can I please taste some of her from you.”


Without waiting for his answer, I slowly licked his lips. Then I kissed his lips. With no rush in the world, I slowly, carefully entered his mouth to lick clean every part of his mouth. If there was any corner that had Newa’s juice sneaking I wanted it.


Long after the juice was gone, I kept on kissing him. Wong’s hands roamed on my bare back, moving up and down. His hands never got lower than my small of my back from whereon the tiny dress covered my butt.


I pulled my hand behind me, caught Wong’s wrist, and pushed his hand in. His palm stayed on my skin, going in. Seconds later, his hand had my bare butt cheek in his grip. My g-string panties covered no more than an inch more than the crack. His hand found my firm round butt and he played with it. Not content, his second hand also joined in, without any prodding from me. He groped both my butt cheeks, even we passionately kissed long after having gulped down Newa’s juices.


Newa’s whimpering gasps and groans broke our focus. I moved out Wong’s mouth to look at them. Newa was holding Taio’s head and pulling him as much as she could inside her.


Before I could get up from Wong’s lap, and join the fun, Newa started convulsing and shaking. Her orgasm hit her strong. She held Taio’s hair between her fingers trying to pull him inside.


“Unnnngh, Unnngh, unnngh.” she exclaimed.


I giggled and waited for my turn. Wong’s hands got pulled out of my dress as I turned to look at Newa’s exhilarating expression. Wong too was aroused beyond comprehension.


Taio had no intention to leave Newa’s pussy until she was spot clean and coated with thick layers of his saliva all around her pussy.


Intentionally, I said, “okay Taio. Enough.” Pulling him away from her. Newa could be visibly seen squirming. If she did not take the blindfold off, it was only out of the embarrassment she felt that it was her son in her pussy all this while.


When I had pulled him out, I said, “Newa, let’s take a short break while I taste your juices from Taio’s mouth.”


Her spontaneous reaction was, “Tiān a!”


‘Oh, God. You bet.’ I thought. I turned towards Taio’s mouth and I smiled before kissing him. I started cleaning Taio’s cum covered lips. Then I dove in his mouth hungrily to lick and suck his tongue and his mouth. I could vividly smell and taste Newa’s fresh juice on his tongue. Oh, what a feeling.


Our moaning and kissing noise, reached Newa, sitting not far from us. She was conflicted beyond the pale.


I felt mischievous and was loving every second of it, as did everyone else, I am sure.


I finally decided it was time to shed my dress. The panties came down next. There was no bra.


I took a step and sat on Newa’s thighs. Facing her, my breasts mashed into hers, my nipples kissed hers. Then my pussy descended on hers and my lips touched hers.


She started to say, “Yenay,” slowly, very slowly.


I whispered in her mouth, “We haven’t started after your break.” Then I kissed her and gave some of her juice back into her mouth. She weakly accepted my tongue in her mouth, barely kissing me back.


After I had puffed some air into her, she had started to respond. I moved back a bit and turned our joined bodies. I got her lying down on her back. Spontaneously one of her legs came up on the sofa, as the other stayed down with her foot on the carpet.


I was mounting her with our quims, bellies, navel, and breasts pasted together. My face was inches above her. I looked around and saw the two aroused men dumbly looking towards our foreplay.


I nodded towards Wong. He hastily unbuckled and shucked his trousers. He left his shirt still on. His boxers came next and out came his dick. I was surprised to see him for a moment. His dick was an inch thicker in girth than Taio and surely at least an inch longer. Strangely my first thought was, ‘I wonder how it would fit me.’


I kept passing instructions by nodding my head. Thankfully understood the sign language and joined us between our legs. Once he had kneeled between Newa’s spread-out legs, he had an enviable option of taking his wife whose pussy was pulsing and waiting, or he could veer away from the plan and take me. My clean-shaven pussy too was sent him a compelling invitation.


Newa lay on her back, with my body pressure on her. My hands holding her unresisting arms up, above her head. She must have been waiting for me to make the next move.


Wong chose Newa. His dick tapped a couple of times on her pussy lips and he started entering. I could feel the tension on Newa’s face just a couple of inches below mine. My eyes were level to her blindfold. She recognized who it was. Newa was going to say something, I lowered my lips on hers and muffled whatever she was going to say.


Wong got in. Newa huffed a little but gave in when I attacked her mouth with my tongue. Wong got in further. I let Newa breathe and released her lips.


By then Wong was all the way in, the top of both his thighs were caressing my butt. He stayed in. To find support, he held my waist.


Newa reopened her mouth to speak and I lowered my mouth on her. Wong started to go back and forth. A minute later, I withdrew from tongue from her throat and released Newa’s mouth, by then Wong was giving it to her nicely.


Newa knew better than to say anything. She was getting her pussy fucked properly and she was enjoying it like anything. My method to keep her quiet worked, she mustn’t open her mouth. She didn’t. By now, she too did not want it to stop. She was loving it.


The moans from Newa’s throat were louder than before, “MUUUUANNGH, UUUNNNGHH, MUUUUAANNGH.” He was stretching her.


I let Newa have it for a couple of minutes and her expression told me she was near. I brought my hand behind, squeezing it between Wong and my ass. I lowered my hand and held the base of his cock, signaling him to draw it out. I did not release the base and moved him a few inches up, guiding him into my pussy.


Giddy with joy, Wong knew what to do next. He placed his cock at my pussy lips and slowly started to push in. He stretched my pussy to a tearing level. My legs were already spread on top of Newa’s and the pole going in stretched my pussy as I have never been before.


Halfway in, my face fell on Newa and lips on hers. My open mouth was gasping. Newa knew what was going on and kissed my cheek and shushed me, ‘shhh shhh.”


When Wong was all the way in, I felt as if this was my first fuck ever. The pleasure of it all far outweighed the pain it caused me. I brought my hand to Newa’s face in front of me and whispered in her mouth, “He is inside me,” without telling her, who. She knew though.


Wong started pumping in and out as slow as he could. It rocked Newa under me and she released her arms from my grip and brought her hands behind my back, trying to steady me and herself.


Our lips met again, though Wong’s cock inside me, going in and out, didn’t let us kiss properly.


Wong slowly made love to my pussy, trying to be considerate, and then he picked up tempo and started to pound me some twenty times. Sensing from his urgency it seemed Wong would not be able to control himself for long. He felt he was going to cum and withdrew from me and then hastily pushed his cock back into his wife. She welcomed it wholeheartedly.


Moments later, he started spurting strings deep within Newa’s pussy. He was slowly hissing from his nostrils as he sent waves of cum inside her.


His thrusts slowed before he exited Newa, who thought she was done for the night. I, on the other hand, knew she wanted to cum but hadn’t. I too wanted a good orgasm and I knew how to get it.


I nodded towards Taio and asked him to come quickly. For some reason, he had chosen to remain in his clothes. What a dope.

He rushed through his buckle and shed trousers. Then he let his boxers off.


Like Wong, he climbed behind me and aimed his dick in my pussy. Wong had already stretched me aplenty and Taio dived in calmly. As he started to fuck me back and forth, Newa was visibly surprised by the movements. How is it that Wong had it in him to go one after another? She must have wondered. She was in denial that it could be her son, Taio.


But the rocking muddled her head as it did mine. Taio was rushing in and out of my pussy.


I again brought my hand back, behind me, and got the base of his cock in my grip, and pulled him out. Even though he knew what was expected of him he remained frozen.


My hand pulled his cock down towards Newa’s pussy. His cock head touched Newa’s pussy and her mouth opened in a gasp. I kept looking at her excited to see her reaction.


Newa was not confident but she was going to shout within a second or two. She was trying to remember the all too familiar Wong’s cock and compare it with the one knocking at her doorsteps.


Tentatively, Taio stepped up and entered his mother slowly.


Newa knew instantly it wasn’t Wong, and she said, “T….” faster than my reflexes. My lips cut her off and muffled her voice.

Taio was halfway in. He was savoring his first fuck with Newa – his Mama.


With Taio gliding in smoothly inside her slowly, our mouths remained pasted, but we weren’t kissing. I raised my head off Newa.

Newa started to say something again, “t…” I caught her again with my lips and silenced her with my mouth. I started to moan to soften her voice.


“mmmuuummm.” I exclaimed in her mouth.


Taio was all the way in. He stayed in and waited. He was soaking in the pleasure of a lifetime. His lifelong fantasies had come true.


I raised my head from Newa. We were both panting.


Around the same time, Taio started pulling out. Before Newa could respond he went back in.


She opened her mouth to say, “…” but was too late. I caught her mid-way and cut her off, muting her completely.


Taio picked up the tempo and started his in and out motion in his mother’s pussy.


His thrusting into Newa got my mouth off from her lips.


By now Newa was long gone, her son was fucking her. She was exhilarated and her mind had become numb. Her body was reacting passionately. Her hands came behind my back and held me tight, to steady both of us, or was she embracing in gratitude.


She said, “Wong…”


I was surprised. She had knowingly erred in naming Wong as the person inside her.


As per my rules, she had one chance, and that was blown.


‘Mind-blowing, Newa,’ I thought. I kissed her slowly, for her thoughtfulness even in this state of mind-numbing arousal.


I brought my hand to her cheek and caressed her lovingly.

Having already cum one in my mouth a little while back, Taio could last longer, way longer. He went on and on and on, giving her the time of her life. He picked up the pace and then eased down, and then started pumping in and out faster. He more than made up for the lack of girth or length, with his play.


Newa must have climaxed twice just in one session with Taio. Or maybe it was one long one.


She kept moaning, “muuuaaahh, muuuaaahh, Huuuaaahh.”


In between moans, she again said, “Wong,” and then again started moaning.


I knew what she meant. She had erred and she had to take the penalty. She wanted this punishment to go on. She did not deserve to be released from this one.


No matter how strong my urge to make love to this beautiful creature, I wanted to let them have a clean personal session.


I squeezed out of the grouping and slowly extricated myself from the pair. Taio assisted in raising himself a little and I moved upwards and then off from Newa.


Now it was just mother and son. Taio on his knees in between Newa’s thighs with no impediment between them. Wong had his hands supporting his weight and his palms grounding on the sofa on both her side. It kept him raised.


If there was ever a doubt in Newa’s mind of the identity of her lover, it should have got allayed when her hands roamed around Taio’s back, lovingly pulling him into her pussy.


I walked a few steps to Wong, who was now sitting on a single-seater sofa, enjoying the show. I was drawn to his hard cock. Even after cumming a short while back, his cock was hard as steel.

I moved between his legs and sat on his lap. I gripped his cock in one hand, straightened it, aimed at it, and then sat on it.


Gravity helped And I gasped as he went in. My legs should have been outside his I thought and pulled them out one after the other, to open my pussy further. He gained more inches inside me. I slowly sank deeper and the back of my thighs found the top of his.


My back rested on his chest, as we enjoyed the show in front of us together. I held both his wrists and brought his hands up on my breasts. He instantly started playing with my nipples and softly groping my boobs.


We had a ring-side view of Taio and Newa going at it. The erotic show in front of us was intoxicating. Our own fucking was adding to the lewdness of the events. I slowly started grinding my hips on Wong’s cock, even as his hands squeezed my tits and his fingers rolled my nipples.


I moaned like I meant it, “MuuuuuuAAAH, UUUUNNGH, UNNNGH.”


By now Newa would know, whatever she was getting I too was. If Taio was fucking her into delirium, then Wong was taking me to heaven.


If I could read her mind, I would find out that, Newa’s thoughts, on the contrary, were, ‘Wong is too big for my baby girl. I hope he doesn’t end up hurting her.’


Well, that is typical Newa for you. The mother goddess.


As I looked towards Taio making love to Newa, the one thing that never even came close to touching my heart was any jealousy. I thought about it and realized, all I felt was a deep love for them both, and of course, as of that moment, incorrigible lust.


I came on Wong’s cock like there was a flood gushing through me. Had he not be holding me, I would have fallen like a rag doll. Wong instead, helped me fall back on his chest as he held me until I was steady.


Taio had Newa cumming soon afterward for the nth time.


Taio kept pumping in Newa until he too had given his mother some cum. His spray inside her went deep into her womb.


Newa’s prolonged orgasm continued until they both settled in each other’s arms. Newa blindfold remained as-is, Taio brought his lips on hers. If there was even a small fraction of a doubt she had that it was not Taio in her pussy, then it would have shattered as soon as Taio kissed her, sending his tongue in her mouth. I knew firsthand, Wong’s and Taio’s kissing styles were very distinct.


I recovered from my orgasm. Wong gallantly helped me up on my feet. Taio raised himself from his mother. Newa had no idea what was the next instruction for her.


I asked the men in a low voice. “Good night guys.” I waved both my hands and signaled to them to scram.


Each picked their trousers and left the room with their dicks leading the way out. Both dicks were dripping wet and they must have left a light trail on the floor.


I kneeled in front of Newa and helped her sit straight.


Then I undid her blindfold. She took some time adjusting to the light in the room but remained dizzy.


I opened her legs slowly, moved ahead, and held her in a strong hug. It was a loving, caring, affectionate hug that lasted a couple of minutes. Her hands behind me, patted me as my cheeks rested on her breast. Her other tit was tantalizingly close in front of my eyes. I raised my hand playfully to grope her, she flinched and swatted my hand off.


As we moved apart, I asked her, “please let me clean you off.”


I brought my hands behind her butt and pulled her forward until her she was sitting near the end of the sofa. I nudged her head back, and that opened her pussy up somewhat.


Cum was already drooling out of her pussy and a lot got wasted, dripping on the sofa. I quickly shifted forward and dove right in. I lapped the cum that was spilling out and slurp the rest.


Then I slowly cleaned the area around her pussy with my tongue. Only then did I go inside. I used the tip of my tongue to pierce through her pussy lips and once inside I flicked a few times to welcome all the cum that was hanging around in her pussy.


After clearing the apparent juices in her pussy, I started drilling for more and went deeper. The heady concoction of Wong, Taio, and Newa was like nectar to me. I mined for every drop and ensured that none got wasted.


By the time, I was assured there was none in her pussy, Newa was whimpering like a bitch in heat. I left her pussy for a moment and climbed back to her face.


I kissed her with everything that was in my mouth. I invited her tongue in and she savored every drop around from my mouth.


She was moaning and whimpering. Her pussy was begging for a final lap and I sank back down.


This one was for Newa and me. I took my time getting her high and inched my way up to her protruding nub. As soon as I started making love to her clitoris, Newa gasped hard and pulled my head into her pussy. She wanted me to stay stuck on her pussy. She wanted me to keep doing what I was doing. She wanted me to drink what she was going to give. I willingly did what she desired.


Then, Newa spasmed and rocked. Not hard, but for long.


I slurped everything that came from her pussy.


When she settled down and relaxed, her grip on the back of my head eased. I kissed her pussy lips one final time and went in search of her other lips.


I cupped her chin in one hand; she opened her eyes. I kissed her lips lightly and made her open her mouth and we tongue-kissed and played with her remaining juice on my tongue.


Before our kiss ended we had tilted into lying down on the sofa, still hugging each other. Usually, it would have been insufficient for two persons to sleep side-by-side. But not two slim ladies who were in love and were deep into each other’s arms in a tight embrace.


We slept like that on the sofa.


Half an hour later Wong came to check on us. Seeing us sleeping, he did not have the heart to wake us up. He went back in, got a blanket, and covered us properly.


Fifteen minutes later, Taio came in to check on us and found his wife sleeping with her face snuggled into his mother’s neck.


The layers on the blanket would give away that his wife was half striding his mother and their arms were around one another. He left back to his room.



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