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Author’s note

I urge readers to read the Happy New Year – Spring Festival (part 1 of this story), before starting with beautiful second part of the story – Lantern Festival.

I assure you, you will love it.

Lantern Festival

February 1, 2020

Mama and I woke up in each other’s arms. Our body heat got us all sweaty and sticky.

I kissed her cheek and said, “good morning.”


She smiled and said, “what?, No more Mama!” She remembered my coquetry from last night. Then kissing my cheek, she said “good morning.”


“can I?” I asked her.


“I would have it no other way.” she instantly replied. “From this moment onwards you shall, and must, call me Mama.” Then she gave me a peck on my lips.


I got so excited. I rolled on her. We laughed and played with each other. I kissed her forehead and said, “I love you, Mama.” I kissed her cheek and then said, “I love you, Mama.” I held her face in my hand and planted kisses on every inch of her face, and between each kiss, I said, “I love you, Mama.”


To each of my kisses, she replied with a, “I love you too.”


Finally I rested my head on her shoulder, burrowing my forehead in her neck and snuggled for some more time. My hand found her breast – the one that wasn’t squished under me – and I played with it. She let me.


“From now on, I will be your daughter, and Taio your son-in-law,” I said bashfully.


To this, she laughed, and we both ended up giggling.


Later, around breakfast, we all met again and enjoyed a late brunch.


“How did you sleep, Yenay,” Wong asked me playfully.


I swatted his arm and laughed. Everyone chuckled, and Mama blushed.


Half an hour of family banter later, we got on to some serious discussion. Despite everyone individually knowing it, Wong felt it deserved an announcement, “Taio and Yenay have agreed to come back to Beijing.”


To this Mama shot up and started to clap. Even as she alone showed her excitement, she couldn’t help grinning at the outcome.


We all laughed at her reaction. She came around and hugged Taio first and then reached where I was sitting to hug me before sitting back on her chair next to me.


Wong continued, “I am delighted to share, Taio has agreed to join SinoPharm as a Director and in due course of time he shall be elevated to Managing Director.”


Both Mama and I clapped to this and Taio smiled looking towards us. Wong took his hand out and gave Taio a firm handshake, binding an agreement between both men.


Wong wasn’t done, “From what Taio tells me, Yenay has decided to join Swivel and steer it into the future.”


To this, both Taio and Mama clapped hard and Mama, copying my style, shouted, “woohoo.” Her impression was lower in volume but high on excitement. She gave me a little hug from her chair.


Wong continued “ which I am confident she would do a fantastic job.” Wong looked towards me in appreciation and made a slow clap imitation for me.


“Taio tells me Chang would agree. Well, I do hope he does.” Wong continued.


“The year of the Rat has begun in the most rewarding fashion for this family and I am happy that we are together and will remain together forever,” he completed and all of us clapped to that.


To enliven the moment further, I announced, “I have a condition though.”


The manner in which it came out, everyone knew I was playing around and it wasn’t serious. Everyone smiled and looked towards me, indulging me with my light-hearted drama.


“well, if we are going to do this immediately, I want Mama to come with us to Singapore so we can do it faster, and properly” I demanded. It had little rationale but it was my demand.


Wong laughed the hardest in response. Mama and Taio also joined him.


“I am not joking.” I shook my head but they knew I was not serious at all.


Mama indulged me without a second thought. “I will come visit and if anything, I’d get you packed up faster than you can imagine.”


I raised my arms and did a little dance in my chair. Then I extended my hand to Mama in appreciation.


By the time we finished, it was one o’clock. Mama and I had decided that we would go to the salon.


By the time we got ready and left, it was three. Wong and Taio stayed back home. I am sure they would, from now on, have a ton to discuss.


Mama and I had fun at the salon getting our hair and faces taken care of. We shopped a little and then sat at an al-fresco restaurant for some coffee. The weather was chilly and Mama came up with an idea that I should buy a couple of fur coats.


I told her, “Mama, maybe later. We should get back to Taio and Wong.”


Mama would have none of it and insisted we head for the Oriental plaza again.


I tried a few fur coats and got myself two extremely fancy real fur coats. One Sable fur coat from Karl Lagerfeld and a Lynx fur coat from Helen Yarmack. It must have cost Mama a fortune, although she felt every penny was worth it for me.


Back home, Wong informed Mama, “darling, I might have to go out tomorrow for some time. It’s an emergency.”


“But you promised me, these fifteen days would be only for the family.” Mama protested, even though she knew her argument was going to be futile.


“I know. I have kept my promise. Plus, I won’t be going to the office. There is some kind of an outbreak in Wuhan and it has been spiraling out of control. The government has called all pharmaceutical and healthcare industry leaders for a conference tomorrow. Even the president is involved. It can’t be taken lightly.”


“ooh. That sounds serious.” Mama said in a low voice. Taio was already aware and he listened to the conversation.


“so you would be gone the whole day tomorrow?” I asked.


“I don’t know yet, Yenay. But in all likelihood, it might take a few hours. But we will only know tomorrow.” Wong replied looking towards me. He added, “But I am not going anywhere, I will be in Beijing.”


Not much could have been added.


We changed the subject over dinner. “Mama bought me two beautiful fur coats. I just love them.” I announced looking in the direction of Wong and Taio.


Both of them smiled.


Wong asked, “I am sure she got you some real fur?”


“Yeah. They are fantastic. The softest fur I have ever touched.” I replied excitedly.


“I am glad.” Wong happily nodded.


As an afterthought, Wong asked Mama, “If you are all ok, then we could go to the cabin the day after.”


I saw a gleam in Mama’s eyes. She looked towards me, and asked, “We have a cabin near the Huaibei resort. If you want to, we can go there for a couple of nights.” she proffered.


“I am definitely going.” I stressed on ‘definitely.’ I could guess Mama liked the idea already. My confirmation made her happy.


No one bothered to check with Taio. Wong volunteered, “I will get it organized.”


Mama further added, for me, “you will love it. It’s a beautiful place in the hills and we are on a private estate. Not very far from the main resort, we can even go to the hotel for dinner if you want to.”


“I love it already.” I giggled. “I’d get to test out my new coats as well.”


The weather wasn’t extremely cold in Beijing at this time of the year, in early February, but in the hills would certainly be colder.


Post dinner, we reconvened in the family room for a nightcap and some more family time.


Before I could demand a game of Blaccarat, possibly reading my mind, Mama said, “I have to report a theft from earlier this morning.”


All three of us gave a surprising look towards her.


“Someone stole the Blaccarat set from the house.” She smiled.


We all rolled in laughter and I could not control myself. We laughed and we laughed.


“We could go straight to blindfold penalty for Mama.” I chimed in. “After all she could not identify anyone from last night.” Everyone had a good laugh. She blushed a little.


Releasing her of the anguish, I said, “maybe at the cabin.” There was no more teasing her tonight.


We bid good night after another hour of family banter. Mama hugged me and Taio good night.


If anyone noticed, I had been calling her Mama since morning, they ignored it as a welcome change. There was no reason to discuss it. I loved to call her that. She loved when I called her Mama.

February 2, 2020

Dressed to the pin, Wong left us around noon the next day for his conference. We all assumed he would return by dinner.

The three of us skipped lunch and lounged around the pool. The indoor swimming pool was a temperature-controlled fifty meters long narrow pool, only six meters wide. It was fantastic for laps.


Taio and I were decent swimmers and did our quota before lounging next to the pool.


Mama joined us with sandwiches and tea a while later. She wasn’t a swimmer and hence wore a long single-piece dress with no intent to get anywhere near the water.


I coaxed her to come in but she declined. “I am not comfortable in the pool, Yenay. Please.”


When I insisted, she confessed, “I can’t swim.”


“But the level is about five feet. You can virtually stand in the pool on this side.” I pushed. Her height was about the same as mine, at five feet four.


“I am not even wearing a swimsuit,” she shrugged.


I hastily got out of mine, to their surprise. “well me neither.”


I stood up and held her hand, ” Mama, it’s either with the dress or without.” I was back to my child-like insistence with her.


I wasn’t giving her an option. I started taking her dress off, unbuttoning her front. To ease her mind and lighten the mood, I added, looking towards Taio, “close your eyes, Taio.”


A smile broke on her face.


By the time I had her dress, bra, and panties off, she was shaking. She whispered in my ear, “I am scared of water, Yenay.” Still hoping that her pleading might stop me from dragging her into the pool.


With as much genuineness I could muster, I told her softly, “don’t worry, Mama. I am with you.”


On my lead, she tentatively climbed down into the pool from the side of the stairs, with her hand holding mine. As soon as she was on step two, her grip on my hand tightened.


As soon as she touched the floor of the pool she clutched my arm. I relaxed her by telling her, “I am here, Mama. Relax. I am here.”


She realized she was gripping me hard and loosened her hand but still held my shoulder.


I reckoned she would slowly settle down and started talking about random things to distract her. We stayed in the corner, with our backs to the swimming pool wall. The water was warm.


About five minutes later, her hand still held mine but she seemed to have relaxed.


“Mama, should we walk in the pool,” I asked her. Her hand tensed up instantly.


“Don’t worry, Mama, I am with you and the water is about your neck level.” I tried to soothe her, though it was at her chin.


She hesitantly walked the sideways six meters hand-in-hand with me. By the time we returned to our original spot, I hailed her efforts. “Great job, Mama.”


I hugged her from her front and we stayed like that for a minute. My slightly larger breasts mashed into hers, with our height almost the same, her chin rested on my shoulder as did mine on hers. Her hands holding my back tightly, and I had one of my hands roll on her shoulder and the other on her lower back, supporting her.


“This is better Mama. Isn’t it.” I could feel her nodding with her chin on my shoulder. She didn’t speak.


From the corner of my eye, I saw Taio approach us in the pool. He must have felt the need to be near us. Of course with his naked Mama in the pool why in the world would he stay on the poolside and eat a sandwich.


I squinted my eyes a little telling him to not push her any further. She was comfortable in my arms, as was I. Both of us were on our feet.


She acknowledged Taio’s presence next to us, as he stood opposite us a foot away. Staying in each other’s arms, I was slowly spinning us around, trying to get her to feel the water.


Taio did a couple of laps smoothly before returning next to us.


I pulled Mama from my shoulder and asked her, “Mama, I’m gonna ask Taio to hold you for a while.” I did not give her a reason but implied as if I was tired.


Without waiting for a response, I plotted Mama in his arms. Taio bent a little and got both her elbows on his shoulders. When the transfer completed and he straightened his knees, Mama rose a couple of inches off the floor. Though the water level was an acceptable below-shoulder level to her, she still clung tighter into Taio. Her breasts squished into his chest. Her head perched on his shoulder.


For good measure, I stood next to them. With each passing second, her grasp on his neck tightened, as her feet remained raised and slowly flapping.


Taio gradually traced her back and got his hands under her bum and then around her thighs and lifted the thighs up.


He traced his hands under her thighs and slowly helped pull them around his back.


Moments later, Mama was clinging to her son, like a baby panda. Her arms tightened behind his shoulder and her legs folded behind his butt. Her head loosely parked on his shoulder.


Deciding to give them a moment, I told her, “Mama, let me go pee and come.”


She nodded, apprehensive to say anything.


I climbed out of the pool and looked at them for a moment. I adored Mama and loved Taio. I relished the sweet moment they were having and left them in each other’s arms.


I did not need to go pee, but I went anyway. I took my time going to our bedroom, tried to look for a swimsuit for her. Then decided against it.


I picked up two robes, pulled one on, and slowly made my way back to the poolside.


I found them how I suspected, or should I say expected. In each other’s arms, and in each other’s mouths. Their lips were glued and their tongues were exploring.


Mama still clung to Taio and her pussy grinding on his groin. Her hands slowly running in his hair and his unsuccessfully trying to find a mole on her back and her tush. Well, he could keep looking I thought.


I chose to silently observe their canoodling from the poolside and quietly sat on the lounge chair with a direct view. Not that they paid heed to any intrusion.


Their kisses grew steamier and their hands exploring deeper. If I hadn’t seen him come in the pool in his trunks earlier, I’d have guessed his dick was inside her already. But I didn’t know for sure if he was still wearing them.


They kissed and they kissed endlessly. Each passing moment became tougher for me as well. I don’t know about them, but I was squirming in my chair.


I was feeling a hankering to get in with them, but I managed to suppress my urge. I stayed out on the lounge chair and admired them without making any noise.


Finally, they got out of each other’s mouth. Noticing me, they started floating towards the stairs of the pool.

If Mam said anything in his ear, I couldn’t say.


Mama looked up towards me sheepishly and Taio helped her a couple of steps and then she slowly took the stairs where I held out my hand for her.


I offered her the large robe I had gotten for her.


“Mama, How was it? Did you like it?” I asked referring to her being in the pool. I did not comment on their kissing or even recognize it, making it a nominal event.


She tried to think about it and decided she did not feel very nervous this time around, as she usually did. “It was okay. I don’t want to do it often.” She responded.


“Unless you are with me.” I smiled and said, “or Taio.” I added it as an afterthought.


She smiled back.


We sat on the padded poolside loungers for a bit. When tired, we got under the open shower at one corner of the poolside.


The toweled robes came off and Mama and I went under the shower together. We stood naked under the shower for a minute to get the chlorine off. After we got out from under it, Taio took a quick one.


Later in the evening, we had changed into some casual evening clothes, as we waited for Wong to come before dinner.


“Mama, have you tried him on the phone?” I asked her, concerned.


“yes. It is switched off. I spoke to his assistant who is with him today. The meeting is still going on. It apparently started late. He should be back as soon as the meeting finishes.” She informed Taio and me.


We sat in the drawing-room and discussed the plan for the next day.


Mama told us, “Wong had gifted me the cabin on our first anniversary. We spent two weeks there last year. And then again in December, we spent two days there. Actually, that’s when we got talking about our future plans and Wong told me his idea of bringing Taio on board.”


“how many hours is the drive to the cabin?” Taio asked.


“We would take our green bus. It would take about two hours to reach there.” Mama informed us.


She added, “It takes a twenty-minute drive from our cabin to the International ski resort complex, if you feel like skiing or hanging around at the resort.”


We shrugged. Both Taio and I weren’t skiers. I guess neither was Mama but I did not know that at that moment.


“Maybe we can go to the resort for a dinner one night.” Mama volunteered.


“Sure. Let’s decide that there.” I chipped in.


We drank some wine slowly, taking it easy. I asked her if we had a music system in the room. I could not see one.


She smiled, and said, “yes. It is a concealed system with speakers around all the corners. To turn it on, you say “Bixi, play me some jazz.” She said the last part only slightly louder.


Instantly, Coltrane’s saxophone sound came from every direction.


I giggled. “Bixi, play me some dance music.”


The music changed to some English dance music.


I giggled again, and said, “Bixi, play me some Chinese classical music.”


Instrumental Chinese traditional music came on.


By then, I had decided what I wanted it to play.


“Bixi, play me some romantic dance numbers,” I announced.


English slow dance music started streaming. I opened my hand towards Taio and asked him to come dance with me.


I slow danced with him for a few minutes and decided it was time to change partners. I tapped him a couple of times on the shoulder and moved towards Mama to come to dance with me. She hesitated at first but knew that it wasn’t going to work with me.


I danced with Mama for fifteen minutes and hugged her tight. At the changed of the fourth song, I offered Mama to Taio and asked them to dance on.


Taio jumped to take her hand and they danced close and slow. ‘What a pair,’ I thought.


An hour later, Wong still hadn’t arrived. We had stopped dancing but Mama and Taio sat hugging after their last dance together.


Mama received a message from Wong’s assistant that the conference was over but Wong was still meeting some people.


Mama insisted we should have dinner. We had a long, slow dinner and nibbled slowly and chatted about everything in general.


After dinner, Mama asked, “If you both would like to go sleep, please do.”


Under no circumstance would I let her wait alone. I did the next best thing, left mother and son alone.


“Mama, I want to change and freshen up,” I told her. “I will see you in a bit.”


Taio kept Mama company for a bit longer. Instead of sticking to my plan and waiting for Wong in each other’s arms, they too went in to change for the night. The wait for Wong was getting longer.


Ten minutes later, I stormed into Mama’s room, with Taio on my tail.


She was midway in wearing her nightgown and said, “Yenay!”


I paid no heed to her mild objection and harumphed my way in, “you have to settle this between Taio and me.”


She instantly knew I was throwing a tantrum but indulged me nonetheless.


“okay. What is it?” She asked patiently. Taio stood back at Mama’s bedroom door smiling.


“Taio is being a moron. I told him until Wong has returned he should stay up and give you company and he insists that I should stay with you and wait.” I protested as if Taio wasn’t returning my toy train.


Mama laughed at my argument.


Then she smiled and replied, “well if you ask me, then I’d say both of you should stay right here with me until Wong has returned, which should be anytime soon.”


I jumped up and hugged her, for having agreed with me even if she didn’t deny Taio his request.


All of us sat in her room, Mama on the bed, I on one chair, and Taio on another. I got up fidgeted around her cabinet where I remember she kept her lingerie. Then I went to her cupboard and checked out her wide range of dresses. Of the hundred, I liked quite a few. Most were elegant and sophisticated. Nothing worthy of her beauty and sexiness in my opinion.


“Mama, I want to take you shopping. When you come with me to Singapore, I am going to take you to my favorite places and we will shop for nicer clothes for you.” I announced.


Mama frowned, “what’s wrong with the clothes I have?”


I smiled, “I couldn’t find anything that is half as sexy as you are. Nothing in there is worthy of your beauty. I want you to look the best and I will make sure you get something that reinforces your mein.”


“Okay, okay. We will see when we get there.” she deflected.


“Mama you are so beautiful, so lovely and charming. I love you so much.” I came in front of where she sat and bent down to kiss her forehead and then her cheek. Taio sat a few feet away and looked at our affectionate hug.


“Anyone here?” Wong said from outside the bedroom walking in.


“Wong!” I shouted and excitedly ran towards him.


I caught up with him a couple of steps inside the bedroom. I jumped on him to hug him. He instinctively bent a little and with some struggle, I clung to him, my arms around his neck.


I pushed up and lifted my legs. Wong realized what I was doing and helped me climb on him. As I clung to him, Wong’s arms automatically went behind me – one behind me and the other under my bum.


I planted kisses on his face and then a couple on his lips. He seemed hesitant but I wore him down and we kissed without abandon with his tongue in my mouth. ‘Oh lord, I loved the way he kisses.’ I thought.


His arms around me tightened, and mine around his neck pulled him into my mouth.


When he came out of my mouth, I was swooning. He said, “this is quite a welcome.”


“You better get used to it. This is how I am going to welcome you home every day.” I stressed on ‘every day.’


“Well, I wouldn’t object to that.” He smiled.


“You couldn’t even if you wanted to.” I was back to being brattish. He smiled back in my face. I slowly climbed down.


Mama and Taio were grinning at my mischief.


Wong explained briefly that the situation was grim in Wuhan. But he did not want to bother us with the detail.


He looked at me and said, “We are going tomorrow. The plan is on.”


I raised my hands and did a show dance. Everyone laughed. I hugged him again.


Mama became motherly for a moment, and said, “Now everyone let’s rest up. We all have to travel tomorrow and it’s late now.” It indeed was almost midnight.


I kissed both of them on the cheeks and bid good night. Mama kissed me back on the cheek and Wong air-kissed me.


I frowned and told him, “kiss me good night as if you mean it.” He smiled and kissed me on my cheek like Mama did.


February 3, 2020

If the Blue van was deluxe, the Green Bus was twice as luxurious. It was like we were driving a small home. It had a bedroom with a dressing table, a sitting section for four recliners that could swivel around, a sofa that could double as a bed, a kitchenette with a fridge, a decent size shower, and a proper toilet. The separator between the driver section and the back had a big flatscreen tv, accompanied by a fantastic sound system. The windows and the roof were large blocks of glass on frames. All the glass panes could be converted to transparent, and back to dark shade.


I complimented Wong and told him, “I love this bus. Very nice.”


“I am glad you like it,” Wong replied, smiling.


We had left after breakfast. On the bus, Wong told us, “There has been a virus outbreak in Wuhan which has caught everyone by surprise and the entire government in a frenzy. Apparently, the virus is contagious and is spreading fast, so there has been a major decontamination drive going on. After failing to achieve success, the government has locked down the Wuhan region from the rest of the country to contain the virus.”


“Where do you fit in?” Taio had asked.


“Sinopharm could not have been of much help since we do not specialize in this domain. The government, leaving nothing to chance had called all major pharmaceutical company leaders to understand from them the options possible.”


He added, “I spent a couple of hours after the conference to analyze the impact and also talk to some others about the possible outcome.”


Taio, asked, “and…?”


Wong liked Taio’s inquisitiveness, “We might have been able to dive in and maybe cash in on some of the government investment in this. They are throwing in plenty of resources to whoever is stepping up. But I chose to step away for two reasons.”


Everyone was looking at him. “First and foremost, it would have meant that I would not be able to spend the rest of the holidays with my family. and Second, …”


Before he could move to his second reason, I got up and hugged him even as he sat in his recliner. I kissed him on his cheek, making a loud, “Muaaaah.” Then I returned to my chair.


Mama was sitting beside Wong and took his hand and kissed the back of his hand and said, “I love you, Wong,” and then added, “Thank you for this.”


Wong added, “the second reason is that we already have enough on our plate. Short-term thinking isn’t Sinopharm’s policy, plus diversification at this stage, when Taio is joining us, would not make sense. It would have to be a decision we will take together and later. Though this one is big, there will other opportunities.”


Wong had elevated the mood with his business decision and expressing his priorities for his family.


On the bus, we played soft music and sipped soft drinks as the bus cruised towards Huaibei.


Wong and Taio sat in the recliners. Mama and I had shifted to the sofa, my right arm locked into her left. My head resting on her shoulder. For the rest of the journey, we sat talking softly, mother and daughter.



To call it a cabin would be a travesty. A hundred-acre estate with a mansion size wooden home is not a cabin in the woods.


The fully heated house had four bedrooms, three recreation rooms, two sitting rooms, one drawing-room, a full kitchen, and a large porch. Besides this, it had ten-cars covered parking that easily gobbled up our huge green bus. It also had an outhouse for the four support staff and another shed for storing supplies.


This was luxury redefined. Money had been spent in all the right places and trappings which would keep us cozy.


One of the first things we did was cover up properly take a long walk in the snow. We played a little in the snow before returning. It was a lot of fun.


The staff was very congenial, gentle, and helpful. The fireplace was lit, though the house itself was properly heated.


We changed out of the wet clothes before sitting together for some refreshments Hot cocoa for Taio and me, tea for Wong and Mama.


I wore an oversized woolen sweater. Just the sweater covered me until my thighs. The neck was wide and it was way off from one of my shoulders.


Wong couldn’t help but appreciate it, complimenting me, “you look very nice, Yenay.”


“Thank you.” I accepted it modestly.


Mama frowned at Wong, “nice?… you look beautiful, Yenay.” she turned and looked at me complimenting me properly.


Wong laughed it off.


Mama was wearing an elegant designer dress and a thin cardigan on top of it.

“Mama can you please wear my dress. Please…please.” I pushed her.

“Maybe later. Let’s first have dinner. It’s ready. Nobody’s had any lunch.” Mama implored.


We settled in for an early dinner.


“you know Wong,” I said, “When Mama comes with us to Singapore, I am going to get her some new clothes. Something more stylish and sexier.”


Wong smiled.


Mama protested, “Yenayyyyyy.”


Wong smiled on, seeing our bantering.


Mama said, “I am fine with what I have, thank you.”


Wong found something to take my side, “What’s the harm buying a few clothes if it makes her happy.”


Mama knew she had lost the argument. Wong’s tacit approval also meant he too wanted her to wear something sexier sometimes.


Mama changed the subject, even as she served us the food, “I have asked Yenay to stay back with us for another two weeks, instead. We can let Taio go ahead and start the process. Yenay can join him a couple of weeks later and wrap up.”


I countered instantly without giving her time to think, “Only if you come with me to Singapore until we return.”


Wong shrugged. This left her with no option. Mama agreed, “Okay, I will come.”


“And until then, you will wear every day what I ask you to,” I demanded.


Mama protested again, “what is this, Yenay.”


I started to pout. Mama frowned towards me.


I kept my fork back on the plate as if I was upset.


Wong nodded as if Mama had been wrong the entire time in denying me. Taio looked on grinning, seeing my performance and getting away with it.


Mama instantly agreed, “Okay okay. I will wear what you want.” She picked my fork, pulled a morsel on it, and fed it in my mouth, as I opened my mouth for her.


“you are the best, Mama.” I thanked her sweetly.



At the dinner table, Wong informed, “Newa and I were thinking of throwing a small get-together for some close friends. Maybe a few senior colleagues.”


Mama said, “Yes, it would be great. You can meet some people and make friends.”


Taio said, “sure. It would be great.”


I shrugged and decided to play along.



After supper, we reassembled in one of the recreation rooms to play some monopoly.


Midway through the game, we all got bored and shut it off. We picked a couple of other games and I said, “God, I wish we had Blaccarat here.”


Everyone started to laugh.


We narrowed down on scrabble and enjoyed a couple of rounds of scrabble. Each time Wong won the game.


“can we put on some music here?” I asked, looking towards Mama and Wong.


Mama smiled, “you can ask Pu lao.“


I laughed, catching the dragon reference.


“Pu lao, play me some jazz music,” I said out loud.


Thelonious Monk’s piano composition started to play.


After listening in for a minute, while I took time to decide what I really wanted. After making up my mind, I asked, “Pu Lao, play me some romantic English music.”


Slow English music became the background score of our next round Scrabble.


“I want to dance,” I announced without letting the game finished.


Nobody volunteered. I stood up and asked for Mama’s hand.


Mama gave me her hand and we hugged and slow-danced for the next ten minutes.


I whispered in her ear, “Thank you, Mama.”


She looked in my eyes and my eyes were misty. She stopped dancing and smiled at me, cleaned my eyes, and kissed both my eyes softly.


She knew what I was thanking her for. It need not be said. She need not even say ‘I was welcome.’ In fact, in her mind, I should not have even thanked her.


I wanted to thank her for everything. For welcoming me into the family, for loving me and for letting me love her, for caring for me, for indulging my child-like – and sometimes artificial – tantrums, for letting me call her Mama, for just being herself. I could not have asked for anything more in my life. I had a perfect family and I knew this was exactly how she felt.

Taio stood up to check on me. I nodded to him I was ok. Recovering, I said, “Taio, dance with Mama.”


I reached out and gave my hand to Wong, “Dance with me?”


Wong took me in her arms just as Taio did with Mama.


Like Mama and Taio, we were barely dancing, we were hugging and enjoying the company in our arms as we swayed to the music playing in our hearts. We just oscillated slowly for another half an hour.


Before we stopped Wong was way deeper in my mouth as was Taio in Mamas.


Wong was the best kisser I knew. I was going to make the most of it, in this lifetime, I promised myself.


Tired due to all the activities and the travel, we decided to call it a night.


Before we slept and we all resolved to start early and go for some skiing and to check the resort. It would be my first ski lesson.




February 4, 2020


Taio and I woke up late having fucked like rabbits late into the night. Also, the weather was pleasantly cold and the bedding extremely cozy.


After our showers, we met Mama and Wong at the breakfast table, and I apologized, “I’m sorry Mama, we overslept.”


“you don’t have to be sorry for that,” Wong volunteered.


I kissed Mama good morning on her cheek and then moved to Wong to kiss him good morning as well. He offered his cheek voluntarily.


Taio followed me a moment later and apologized again to Mama and Wong. “I am sorry, we seemed to have slept in.”


Wong smiled and said, “don’t worry. We don’t have to go. Let’s stay in and enjoy ourselves in here.”


I seconded that, “I would like that.”


Mama seemed cheery and said, “whatever you want.”


Our breakfast turned out to be a long brunch session. We just lazed at the table, nibbling titbits until late.


After we got up, I told her, “Mama, it time to dress up.”


She looked at me and frowned. But she knew it was now a deal. I get to stay an additional fifteen days, even though Taio would return.


I held her hand and led her straight to my bedroom, even as Taio and Wong looked on, amused.


Within minutes of getting Mamam in my room, I had her strip naked.


I got her to try one dress and then asked her to take it off because it wasn’t a good fit.


I got her into a gown, with oversized arms. The white silk robe had a white embroidered flower design on it.


When she wore it, and then tried to look for a belt or something to tie it up front, but there were none. That was the beauty of this gown. It hung on until her knees. With an untied robe, it left her cleavage open, right until the end – including the clear view of her pussy.


She made a big fuss. “Yeany, you can’t expect me to wear this. There is no belt or buttons. Everything is exposed.”


I wasn’t listening.


“At least you have to let me wear my bra and panty.” she pleaded.


“Mama, this is unfair.” I scolded her.


Her eyes looked pained. I relented.


“ok Mama, you can choose one.” I consented.


With great anxiety, she chose the panty. She pulled up her white panty back on. It didn’t gel with her gown, but I let it pass.


As she walked with both lapels of the gown in her hand to keep them steady and closed, I stood in front of her to remove her hands and get a final look. The lapels gave away peeks of the swells of her breasts, her navel was invitingly bare and her panties would court stares all evening.


I decided she needed a small additional change in her appearance. I sat her down in front of the dressing table and started to comb her hair. She played along. I tied her hair up. Then we both looked at her in the mirror, I was happy with the sexiness of my Mama.


“Let’s go and get the boys hard,” I said.


“Yenay…” she complained about my comment.


She still walked with her hands on the lapels. I asked her, “Mama you can’t keep holding these things all evening. So you might as well enjoy the attention you are going to get.”


She knew what I meant but willingly doing it was going to be difficult.


As we entered the drawing-room where Taio and Wong were sitting, Mama would have gotten wolf whistles, had the boys been able to close their drooling mouths.


Wong finally uttered, “Newa you look beautiful.”


Mama loved the attention. and replied, “thanks, Wong. It’s Yenay actually.”


Taio added, remembering he must also compliment and said, “Mama you look great.”


I nonchalantly moved to sit on Taio’s lap and discreetly held his dick in my hand. It was hard.


I said, “Mama, yes. you look hot.”


She walked past to the table for some random chore, trying to avoid the stares.


The men knew better than to make her cautious. But for the rest of the afternoon, everyone wanted to talk to Mama.


As was expected the gown continued to provide enticing peeks of her boobs all of the afternoon but at no point did they reveal completely from under her lapels. Thanks to her panties, her pussy remained surreptitiously under covers.

An hour later, we were in the recreation room.


Assuming it to be a safe game Mama had suggested, “Since there are four of us, we can play Mahjong if you like?”


I readily agreed. I too would love to do what she asks of me.


Wong won the first round of Mahjong. Long before we could get in the game, he said, “Sik wu.”


Another round later still the same result. He won.


By the time we completed the third round, and Wong said, “Sik Wu.” I pouted. Wong and Mama noticed this with smiles on their faces.


Wong said, “Why don’t we take a small break and organize some tea along with our next round.”


I would possibly have preferred to just shut the damn thing, but I indulged them. Mama had asked to play and I thought I could soldier through the stupid game for an evening.


Mama asked me, “Come Yenay, give me hand please.”


After a while, we returned with the teapot and cups. Mama didn’t need me to help but possibly she wanted my company.


On return, I didn’t give it too much of a bother that Wong had shifted into Mama’s seat, on my right. Mama didn’t give it a bother either and happily sat to my left, the seat Wong had vacated.


Mama smiled and poured everyone a cup, even as she said, “Let’s start.”


Low and behold things seem to turn in my favor and ten minutes later, it was I who said, “Sik Wu !” as loud as I could. I made a mock dance in my seat with my arms raised.


Everyone laughed it off.


We finished our tea and got into another round.


The next round was also wonderfully easy for me and I enjoyed my luck with the tiles. Fifteen minutes later, I had won yet another round, “Sik wu !” I exclaimed and did my jig.


In the next round, I began to see the pattern, Wong was intentionally giving away tiles. It started to fit in place, Mama and Wong conspired to have me win. She used the tea excuse to get up and Wong changed seats so he could ease the game up for me by facilitating me with the necessary tiles.


Midway in the game, I looked towards Mama and she was playing innocuously. When she saw me looking she smiled, as she normally would.


I turned to look at Wong and he too played along normally.


I took another rotation for me to confirm it.


“OOOOOH, I know what you are doing.” I look conspiringly towards Mama and Wong.


“Mamaaaaa….”I said looking towards her.


She said, “What, I am sitting after you.”


I shook my head and smiled toward Wong. His smile gave up his play. I stretched my left arm and fisted his leg a couple of times in false anger.


He had made the play easy for me to win because I was unhappy with the first couple of rounds.


As I thought about what there were doing, what he was doing, It made me emotional. I got up and sank on his lap, with my face in his shoulder and hugging him tightly.


This is the family I want. If I found anything difficult, no matter how small, they would do everything to make it easier for me. If I found any impediment in life, they would do everything to remove it from my way.


Oh, How my much I love them. I felt like crying. But these were tears of joy.


On seeing me emotional, Wong patted my head a couple of times and said, “Yenay, please don’t be like that. I just did it to make you happy. I am sorry.”


I cut him off and looked towards his face and kissed him. He realized that I was overcome with emotion but I was glad he did what he did.


I kissed him again and then again. Until my tongue forced its way in his mouth and I hungrily tongue kissed him. His hands behind me supported my back, as I sat on his lap with my knees on the carpet on both his sides.


As I moved forward forcefully, pushing him back. Even though he could have, he didn’t pull his hand behind him to keep himself straight up. He rolled back along with me in his arms.


I must have made out with him for five minutes before giving up. Not once did he push me away, or pull back. He just let me have my way.


After removing myself from his lips, I looked him in the eyes, mine still misty. I mouthed a low, “Thank you,” that only he could hear.

He gave me a big smile back. It was nothing in his mind.


I returned to my seat and looked towards Mama. She pulled up a corner of her robe and cleaned my eyes softly. I rose to kiss her cheek.


Sitting back, I said, “I don’t wanna play this anymore.” Back to my childlike tone.


All three of them had a good laugh at my expense.



We had an early dinner that evening, and I asked “Pu lao play me some romantic dance music.”


I danced with Taio and Mama with Wong. After a few songs, I switched to Wong and gave away Taio to Mama.


We danced slowly for a good half an hour, loosening ourselves and swaying into relaxing romantic music.


After that when we were sitting together, Mama suggested, “maybe when we return we could stop over at the Huaibei resort for a lunch and then go on to Beijing.”


Everyone agreed. It was our last night there.


Wong offered Taio and me, “do you two want to take the snowmobiles for a spin?”


Taio seemed keen. Mama said she wasn’t comfortable on those machines. I offered, “I’ll stay with Mama, why don’t you two ride them for a while and have fun.”


His mother had kept him hard all day long. Taio laid it on me heavy that night.




February 5, 2020


Early next morning, Taio got up having set an alarm to go on the snowmobile ride along with Wong.


As he got ready, he told me, “you can sleep in, we will be back in a couple of hours. Mama is resting too.”


I got out of bed naked and started walking towards their room.


Like Taio, Wong was ready in his ski-outfit and surprised to see me groggily walking around the house naked. I hugged him, said “good morning,” and kept walking towards their bed.


I slipped under the covers next to Mama and snuggled into her. The fact that she too was as naked as I was made me smile.


She put her hands around me and pulled me in, as we nestled into each other.


Wong smiled and carried on along with Taio.


Two hours later, Wong and Taio came back. I was still in Mama’s bed. She was pampering me with some tea in bed and whatever else I needed.


When I saw Wong, I excitedly got up in bed and shouted, “Wong!” and ran to the end of the bed, still naked. I opened my arms for him and he instinctively opened his to let me in. I climbed on him and my legs went behind him instantly locking tight. I kissed him on the lips and his cold hands behind me sent shivers through me. But I kept going and laid a few more kisses on his face all over.


When I released him, he said a bit surprised, “I just came back from riding?” questioning why was I giving him an excited welcome.


Mama entered, walking in behind Wong.


“Do you mind?” I asked him.


“well, not to the slightest.” He pulled me in his arms and kissed my cheek.


Then he headed into his bathroom for a shower.


I gave Mama a light hug and said, “I am going to my room to get ready.”


“We will leave in the afternoon. So pack up as well.” She said.


“Mama, once you have showered, please come to my room to get ready,” I ordered, in case she had forgotten that I was going to be picking her clothes for her.


If she frowned, I didn’t bother turning and looking at her.



An hour later, Mama came to our bedroom in her bathrobe.


Taio smiled on seeing her and possibly wondered why was she indulging me beyond a point.


She smiled back at him.


He knew he should leave and left us alone. “Yenay is in the bathroom, Mama.”


When I heard him talk, I realized Mama must have come in. I came out of the bathroom to greet her.


I had been applying makeup, but besides that, I was buck naked. For what I had in mind, I needed nothing else.


I told her, “Mama, since we are going outdoors today, I thought we should break in these fur coats you bought me.”


I pulled both coats from the cupboard and laid them on the bed. “Which do you prefer?” I asked.


I picked one for her, the white Lynx. I asked her to try it on.


Mama reluctantly took the bathrobe off and I saw her in a bra and panty. “Mamaaa,” I exclaimed.


I asked her, “take them off. Mama, we have a deal. Please do as I say.”


She seemed visibly upset. We were going to be out. I again gave her an option, “Okay, you may choose one.”


Given the length of the fur coats it was obvious she would choose to wear the panties.


She removed the bra slowly and let me put the coat on her. I forced her to buckle it low and show some cleavage. The thigh-length coat in any case showed Mama’s lovely legs. Her mid-size heel matched perfectly with her furs.


She looked ravishing. I told her, “Mama, you look wonderful.”


I wore the Sable fur coat without anything under it. My fur was a couple of inches longer than Mama’s, and I guess she understood why I wanted her to wear the Lynx.


We looked at ourselves in the mirror, standing together.


Mother and Daughter, two smoking hot girls.



Wong and Taio were ready by the time we came out.


Mama and I both got compliments from Wong and Taio.


“Mama you look great,” Taio exclaimed, and “and Yenay, this looks exquisite.”


Wong showed his compliment to his wife by kissing her in appreciation and then saying, “Newa, you look marvelous.” He looked at me and said, “as do you, Yenay.”


We had the staff load the bags and we were off to the resort. The weather was chilly. I didn’t feel anything with my coat on, but my legs felt cold. I loved the feel of my fur.


Mama wrapped her coat tighter and I frowned looking at her. I am sure the cold in her cleavage must have given her nipple a rise. She ignored me as we climbed the Green bus.


At the resort, we roamed around a little before settling down in a corner of their restaurant.


The staff obviously knew Wong and Newa and was hovering around us like bees for the hour we spent there. We snacked on some Dim Sums. The crowd and the families rushing about were a welcome break from the calm vacation we had for the last two days.


An hour later, I had had enough. Wong asked if we wanted to stay on for while and stroll the skiing range. I said, “let’s go.” Nobody countered that.


Before we got on the bus, we took a toilet break to the ladies, despite having a perfectly nice one on the bus.


In the toilet, we didn’t bother using the facilities. Mama had been sitting cooped up in her fur coat all this while.


I stood in front of her, and said, “Mama I didn’t say anything this entire while in the restaurant but let’s just march out of here in style. I assure you, Mama, of the hundreds of people out there, you are THE most beautiful woman.” I stressed.


I opened her lapels and the wonderful cleavage revealed her smooth skin. I snaked my hands in and pulled the lapels a little bit further, her belt stretched. Mama flinched but didn’t say anything.


When we walked the two hundred meters from the restaurant to the green bus I could swear there was not a straight man who wasn’t looking at Mama and every woman must have been burning down in envy.


I made Mama walk with her arm in Wong’s and I took Taio’s as we walked a few steps behind them.


I was so proud of her that my own gait felt confident. I tightened my grip on Taio’s hand as we walked.


Wong could virtually feel every pair of eyes on them and he knew most of the stares were for her. He too loved it. Mama walked like a gazelle – confident, haughty, and sexy.


I caught up with her before we got on to the bus. I kissed her cheek and said, “Mama, I love you.”


“Not half as much as I Love you, Yenay,” Mama replied instantly. I smiled.


We both climbed in. For the next two hours, Mama and I gave the boys a hard time. Harder in their pants. Mama never drew the lapels back to close her cleavage. I too made sure the boys knew that I wasn’t wearing anything under my fur.


Back home around evening, we relaxed around some tea and snacks, in the family room. All of us talked about the cabin, the pictures we took, and the lovely time we had. Mama and I stayed in our furs until later in the evening.


“Bixi, play me some music.” I didn’t specify which, and it chose some Celine Dion music.


Mama signaled to me and then whispered, she wanted to change.


I liked the idea that now she was asking me before changing her clothes and recognized that my approval was necessary.


I smiled as we excused the men and went in for changing into some sleepwear. I whispered something to Mama on our way out of the family room.


In tandem, both Mama and I removed our furs a couple of steps before we had exited the drawing-room. If the boys were looking, which I am sure they were, they would have fun checking us out.


Mama and I giggled when we were near my bedroom, laughed harder when we were inside.



I made Mama wear one of my baggy jumpers. It went until her thighs. The neck was so wide, that if she wore it straight then it would fall off from both her shoulders, and worn on one shoulder meant it had to show off sufficient skin and if she wasn’t careful she would flash us a lovely tit. The arms too were long. I am sure she felt good in it because I liked wearing it.


Mama’s tits were a tad smaller than mine. The jumper was big for me, and I wondered, what would the jumper do with her, but we will know soon. I knew no harm could come of it.


I wore one of Taio’s vests that I usually wore and a pair of satin hot pants under it.


All evening, Mama managed to keep her jumper from flashing us but could not help but make Taio and Wong place mental bets as to when that would happen.


The arms on my vest were comfortably allowing small peeks for the gents.


Wong offered, “Should we play a few rounds of Mahjong?”


I laughed hard, so did Mama and Taio.


“Maybe we should stick to safer options,” I said. I gave him my hand and asked, “Bizi play me some romantic music.” My hand wasn’t a question for Wong, he took it willingly.


As slow music strum in the air, Wong took me in his arms and we slowly swayed to the music. Our bodies stuck to one another with my head resting on his chest.


Taio did the smart thing of offering Mama a dance, motioned towards the center.


Every time I came in Wong’s arms I remembered what a great kisser he was. I naturally gravitated to his lips and we started kissing. From earlier hesitating to make the first move, Wong was comfortably looking forward to kissing me.


As we swayed, his lips took over mine. He paid a lot of attention to my lips licking and sucking them softly. His tongue entered my mouth with fluidity and finesse. Then he started exploring. Within seconds, his tongue pulled mine in his mouth and he sucked my tongue. I was swooning by then. His hands simultaneously rubbed my back. By the tenth kiss, one of his hands had dropped to my hot pants. I was suitably aroused and drooling.


Taio moved into Mama’s mouth slower than Wong and but by the third song, he was as deep in her mouth.


For the next couple of songs, we switched partners and Taio lapped me up and Wong cleaned off Mama’s tonsils.


Each one of us was horny as hell and Taio made a sad excuse for us, “We will be back in ten minutes and then we can have dinner.”


“We will be back in half an hour. And, If you too are done by then, we will have dinner together.”


I giggled without looking towards Mama and Wong and went back to our bedroom tugging Taio with me.


About half an hour later, I was satisfied, as was Taio.


Wong and Mama joined us another ten minutes later. Their sheepish smiles gave away what they had been up to.


No one brought the subject of what we did in the last hour, and our conversation on the dinner table veered to Swivel, Taio’s pet project.


Taio passionately explained, how Swivel functions, “If our tech is implanted on a phone or a piece of tech equipment, when activated the technology would generate many micro-vibrations to have the handset rotate three hundred sixty degrees on its axis.”


After thinking for a few moments, Wong interestedly asked, “what would be its applications.”


Taio went on, “from a simpler application of taking three-sixty degrees panorama pictures without holding the handset in your hand, to complex applications of having remotely rotate or spin engineering equipment in inhospitable terrain or inaccessible locations.”


Wong was impressed.


Taio carried on, “we have patented it. As of now most of the interest is coming from the consumer side. A mobile phone user can download it paying a small sum, and use it at her discretion. For now, mostly it is to take pictures. Interestingly we heard someone was using it for presentations in a group – you know a group sitting around.” He explained animatedly.


Wong nodded as if he understood it completely.


“How about space? You know, can’t we use the technology to help program some space equipment to spin and gather data or input?” I asked.


Taio thought about it for a minute and said, “actually, come to think of it, might be possible. Though not outside the spacecraft because of zero gravity but in a compressed chamber, yes it’s possible, the micro-vibrations would work.”


Wong was nodding heavily and Taio leaned forward and kissed me appreciatively.


Mama, more impressed with me than I deserved, proudly kissed my cheek.


The conversation eventually changed to the upcoming party.


Wong confirmed, “Almost everyone has RSVPed and confirmed. I think we would have quite an event.”


Taio asked, “how many guests are you expecting?”


Wong said, “It looks like there would be approximately fifty to sixty.”


I was surprised, so was Taio.


Looking at my reaction, Mama said, “Wong has expanded the group somewhat.”


Wong added, “I took the liberty of inviting some other businessmen as well. It would be great for Taio to get introduced to some of the major business families in Beijing.”


Mama translated, “The businessmen he is talking about are all major business leaders. This would be a creme de la creme of Beijing.”


It all impressed me and Taio, though we did not think much of it.




February 6, 2020


Taio went for a jog, early in the morning. I didn’t feel like getting up.


An hour later, Mama came to check on me. “good morning, Yenay.”


Upon seeing her, I didn’t respond. I pulled her into bed with me. I hugged her and tried to shut my eyes for a bit longer, sinking my face between her breasts.


Mama lovingly patted my hair and said, “what do you want to do today.” As if her day’s plan depended on me. Well actually, they did. I was the center of her world now. I loved it.


“Mama, I am tired. Can we get a massage?” I asked her.


“certainly, I will get it organized. I will call the masseurs home.” She said.


I didn’t take my face out of her bosom, “no Mama. Let’s have Wong and Taio do it. It will be fun.”


I couldn’t see but I knew Mama shook her head. She mumbled something too that I couldn’t make out. My head was in her nightgown clad cleavage.


In response to her complaining, I peeled the lapel of her gown and took her nipple in my mouth.


“Yenay, stop horsing around.” She shook me off and tried getting up.


I resisted. “Okay okay. Mama, please stay for a little while; please.”


She gave in and we stayed in bed for another fifteen minutes. I hugged her, played with her.


“Mama, I love you,” I told her, feeling close.


She instantly responded, “Not even half as much as I do you, my darling.”


Just for that, I kissed her umpteen times on her cheeks, and every corner of her face.


She patiently let me kiss her and smiled as I showed her my love, in my style.


She brought the subject of the party, “Would you like to go shopping later to wear something for the party?”


“Tell me about these people, Mama. Who all would be there? Would it be a casual do?”


“On the contrary, this is going to be a major show-off for Wong. He is going to project Taio as his heir in Sinopharm. He wants the world to know he has someone by his side. We want you to meet everyone, and let them see our family.” Mama gloated.


“un huh.” I was surprised.


“We are known to be a private family, Wong prefers his privacy. With him doing this, a lot of these people who are rich and accomplished in their own right, are going to come just because Wong is inviting them. It isn’t an easy invite to shrug off.”


I was impressed, Mama said that with all modesty.


“Mama, then we ‘have to’ go shop for a dress. I have seen your collection, and I want us to shop for something stylish.” I said excitedly and stressed on ‘have to’, making it impossible for her to deny.


“Yenay, ….” she was going to say something when I cut her off.


“Mama, I want you to dress to the level of your beauty. I want you to get something nice and sexy. If other billionaires are coming, they may have the same, or more, money than Wong, but I bet my ass, they won’t have anyone half as beautiful on their arm. Before the night is over, I want every man at the party to be envious of Wong, not for his money but for who chose to marry him. Because they know, money, they can earn, this they can’t get. My mama.” I held her face in my hand and kissed her near her lips.


I could see, Mama was pleased to hear what I just said.


“Okay, okay. Flattery would get you anywhere” She got up said, “but for now, you sure you don’t want me to call the masseur?”


I moved sideways to envelop her tit in my lips, teasing. She didn’t resist, instead, she caressed my cheek. Encouraged, I carried on, pulling on her tit, her areola, and then flicking her nipple. She ended my exploit by pulling back.


I came back to her question and said, “no. We are going to ask Wong and Taio to do it.” I tried not to make it sound lewd.


Later on, when we were sitting at the breakfast table, Mama and I skipped breakfast and stuck with juice.


“Mama and I want to get a massage?” I asked, looking towards Taio and Wong.


Taio paid no heed to me, assuming I was going to ask to go to a spa or something.


Wong was attentive to my demand but didn’t know how he could help.


I helped, “We want to get the massage done here.”


Wong happily volunteered, “why don’t you call the masseurs home, Newa?”


“Mama wants you to do her massage and Taio can do me?” I cheekily turned it on her.


Mama spontaneously cried out, “Yenay, When did I ever…?”


“Okay, Okay. Fine, you don’t want Wong to do yours? He can do mine. Maybe Taio can do yours.” I nonchalantly accepted her objection and gave in to her wish.


She groaned. “Yenay, you are too much.” Then she smiled at my mischief. She couldn’t summon any angry thoughts to direct towards me.


I just sipped my juice and smiled at her.


By the time Taio was clued into the discussion, he did not object to being a party to the plan. His face though gave away that he was pleasantly surprised.


Twenty minutes later, we went to the fully equipped home gym, which had attached Sauna and Steam rooms. We chose the center of the gym to set up the tables.


Without any questions, Wong took charge of one table and Taio another. I guess in their mind the most diplomatic thing to do was, let the ladies lead themselves to where they wanted to get massaged.


I got Mama to take off her gown and then I took off my own. Without asking her choice, I got up on Wong’s table.


Mama was hesitant but she had to take Taio’s table.


We lay face down and eyes closed. Wong showed his hands could do this well, very well.


He started from my feet and rubbed in meticulously each part of the sole of my foot, only then moving to the other. Then he laid a thick layer of massage oil in his hands and moved on my calves. After some ten rounds of going up and down, he moved to my thighs and his grip became firm and tight.


He doubled the up-and-down trips on my thighs getting every part of my thighs to cooperate. The pressure from his fingers left traces of red bloodshot on my skin. It felt great. He skipped my bum and went all the way up. He splashed a decent amount of oil on his hands and started coming down on my shoulders. He used his knuckles to pressure my shoulders, and the base of his fingers to roll on my bones. His circles remained on the top half of my back.


When he did reach my lower back and waist, his pressure eased. He played with this part with his fingers and his rotations stayed low. By the time his hands reached my bum, I was already putty in his hands. His hands played with my bums instead of massaging them. He squeezed them like lemons and stayed away from the crack.


Satisfied he restarted his journey in reverse and ended back at my feet. I was so far gone.


When I was turning to face up, I looked at Mama and Taio. They had sped up and Taio was on her tits, playing with them without even a pretense of a massage. I smiled and closed my eyes.


Wong took his job at hand seriously and raised my leg forty-five degrees, resting the foot on his chest. His hands holding my thigh and leg and rubbing it animatedly. He repeated the same job on my other leg.


Wong picked my arm and drew softer rounds on it with both his palms squeezing my arm and then my forearm. He gave a similar treatment to the other arm. Inquisitive, I stole a look at Mama and Taio. She was slowly quivering. Taio one hand was between her thighs and the other on her pussy mound.


It sent shivers through me. I shut my eyes again. Wong had reached my neck and my chin. He cupped my face from below and gave a good couple of small rubs from the base of his palms.


Wong went back to his bottle of massage oil and another palm full later, it was the turn of my breasts. My chest was already heaving, my nipples though weren’t erect yet. Not for long.


Wong groped my tits and I remembered how he had played with them a few days back on the sofa. I had loved it. His hands worked from the periphery and climbed in. Upon reaching my nipples her rolled them in his fingers and Voila!, they were erect.


His hands played with my breasts until I could take no more. He shifted to my navel and then my pussy mound. His fingers played with guitar-like precision on my pussy mound. He pressed and rubbed and pressed again. Music came from my throat. I started to moan and purr.


Wong hadn’t even reached my pussy lips and I was creaming. He used the palm of his hand and fingers to make a cup and squeezed my full pussy like a wet tennis ball. More the juice more he pressed. I was cumming now continuously. I was squirming all over the table.


When two of his fingers entered my pussy, My hands spontaneously caught hold of his wrist and held him there. His hand stopped moving because of my grip, but his fingers were inside and they performed some magic tricks and got me to produce juice like an open tap.


I wriggled and convulsed and moaned as climax after climax hit me. Mercifully, Wong drew out of my pussy. I was buzzed, my head seemed to spin, my eyes were half shut as I tried hard to make the room stop spinning. I saw from my half-open eyes, Wong took his fingers in the mouth and cleaned them dry.


I raised one arm, beckoning him to come forward. He bent in my mouth and kissed me slowly, languidly, and lovingly.


Even while he kissed me deliciously, I lowered my hand on his dick and took out his rock-hard member from the top of his slacks.


I knew the table couldn’t take the load of us both, so I swung up and sat at the edge of the table. I was now looking towards Mama and Taio’s table. I could see Mama squirming heavily, Taio’s head was in her pussy, surely doing some massage with his tongue inside her.


I pulled Wong between my legs and invited his dick to come in. With his slacks still hanging around his knees, Wong came forward and aimed at my pussy. I helped grip the base of his cock and set it inside an inch.


Wong sank his thick cock in my pussy as slowly as he could, trying to be considerate. His arms were behind me, supporting me to sit up straight as he pushed in. My hands reached behind his butt and pulled him inside harder. He caught my drift and moved in with more ease than he had presumed. I was sufficiently lubricated.


We hugged and stayed as-is, both of savoring the immeasurable pleasure. With Wong tightly pasted to me, I perched my head on his shoulder to look directly at the pair behind him.


Taio, probably inspired by Wong, had got her to sit straight up like me. Mama looked me directly in the eye, as Taio went deep inside her. Her hands tightly gripping his back, from near his shoulders. With every inch he got in, Mama’s eyelids closed in. When he was all the way inside, Mama shut her eyes and her face showed a contended look.


Wong’s back was towards them, as was Taio’s to us, but both were surprisingly synchronized with their in-and-out thrusting.


Mama and I moaned in delight and alternated our exults, “mmmm….. mmuummm….mmmm….mmuummm.”


Not very late after that Wong deposited a chunk of his cum inside me, just as Taio did inside Mama.


I climaxed on Wong’s cock, just as Mama did on Taio’s.


The best part of our session was that we untangled with zero amount of guilt or embarrassment or discomfort.


I was so nicely satisfied that I felt a surge of energy in my body.


I looked towards Mama and Taio. They were almost done too. Taio was giving her a hand to get down from the table.


I went ahead and held Mama’s hand. As I helped her with her gown, I whispered to Mama, “Didn’t I tell you it would be fun, to have Wong and Taio do our massage?”


If she liked it she didn’t say. In agreement with what I was saying she nodded.


I thought this was a perfect outcome of the morning. The guys got to legitimately grope every inch of our bodies, play with us without abandon, got to release their sexual tension. We girls got plenty of pampering, fun, climaxes, and we got filled, properly.


We headed back to the bedrooms for our showers.


Wong asked, “Do you want to swim?”


“Hell yeah,” I said, excitedly.


Mama turned white with fear. I told, “Mama didn’t you like it the other day. We helped you. Today, we even have Wong.”


She knew when she was cornered.



The robes came off again. Wong shucked his slacks, Taio took off his shorts. No swimming suits were necessary. All of us took a light poolside shower.


Mama looked skeptical again, tentatively moving forward towards the pool behind us, Wong in lead.


It seemed like Wong too was surprised to note Mama’s hesitation of the swimming pool. He had apparently never had an opportunity to get her in the swimming pool with him, although he was a good swimmer.


He asked Mama, “why are you worried? we are here right next to you.”


Mama sheepishly nodded and agreed to move on ahead.


Wong, from where he stood – halfway in the pool, on the stairs – returned out and went into a room next door.


It was Taio’s duty to escort Mama in. He did so chivalrously.


I was right next to Mama keeping with her pace.


Wong came on out and walked in along with us. Mama was already in, Taio’s hand all around her keeping her safe from the water dragons.


I took a couple of dips in the pool before Wong walked up to us in the pool. Mama was getting comfortable by the minute as we realized the water level had reduced to our chests.


Wong had apparently gone into the control room and got the water level dip to four feet.


Mama too noticed the comfortable water level. Her confidence increased manifold, standing in the pool. I admired Wong’s presence of mind to help induce belief in Mama in an altogether different manner.


Also, the staff brought around drinks and some light snacks. All of us ignored the food but held the cola and iced tea in our hands. Deflection of attention too helped put matters at ease for Mama.


Thankfully the water level was boob level for Mama and me. Both pairs of our nipples were level markers for the water. With each little wave the pool water created, the nipples would dip in and then come back up – raising men’s spirits commensurately.


We were having fun. We stood around, in the pool, chatting about random stuff, a loving family enjoying each other’s company.



After our massage and pool session, we took a quick poolside shower, retreated to our rooms for a proper bath.


We decided to meet back for lunch in an hour, it was already past one by then.


After more than an hour, we were all back at the balcony table, for a late lunch.


“Mama, I am famished,” I said, as soon as we arrived next to them. Thoughtfully the table was already set.


Mama smiled and quickly started offering me stuff from the table so I could start first.


Bending next to her, I kissed her cheek, “Mama, I am proud of you.” then I added, “You came out like a rock star in the pool. No hang-ups whatsoever.”


Mama grinned, acknowledging a major milestone for herself.


I had given Mama an AC Milan team jersey, for today. She looked fabulous in Red and Black stripes that went from her shoulders to her thighs. Below that she had on ankle-length jeans. Mama looked half her age. I just loved her look.


I wore tight slacks along with a cashmere cardigan Mama had bought for me when we had gone shopping. It was extremely soft, superb feel on my skin. It caressed my nipples with every step I took, making them beg for a touch.


The guys had had an unimpeded look and feel of skin all morning, they must have felt at least a bit surprised to see us this way.


Somewhere during the lunch, during our conversation, Wong and Taio realized they were both fond of Checkers. It possibly hadn’t been mentioned earlier since only two could play.


Mama permitted them, “why don’t you guys play and I want to spend some time alone with Yenay.”


I hugged Mama for saying that.


All of us moved to the family sitting room, which had a nice table to set up the checkers’ board on. Wong’s board was an exquisite and antique set, with white pieces made of ivory and black pieces with marble. They started their play even as we found a comfortable sofa to sit and chat, “out of earshot for the guys.”


Mama said, “I am so relieved that you are happy here with us, Yenay.”


“I am delighted to be here, Mama,” I responded.


“I keep wondering if it would be even possible without you,” Mama said.


“Why do you say that, Wong has made every bit of effort to smoothen our paths back to Beijing. And you have ensured we are welcome in your life.” I certified.


“I believe what you and Taio have done is no less. Especially you.” She asserted. “If Wong has brought the family together with financial means you have bonded the family with intimacy, with your boundless love. I can already feel our souls are getting woven together with love for each other. And it is you, who has made that happen.”


From my seat, I fell forward in her lap, pulling an arm behind her. Mama caressed my head and moved strands of some wayward hair from my face. Then she caressed my cheek. I felt emotional, as did she.


She finally added, “You are true ‘Yenay’ just like your name, ‘the one who loves’.”


For the next hour, her hand did not stop stroking me lovingly, not until the guys called it a day and finished their game and joined us on the sofa. Each took a chair opposite ours.


Wong sounded worried when he saw me somber and asked, “Newa what’s wrong? Is Yenay upset?” It was almost as if he was accusing Mama to have caused me pain.


Mama said, “It’s nothing. We were arguing whether to name her’s, a Pink van or a white van.”


I was surprised. I shot up and looked at her surprised, “what?”


Wong instantly got a whiff that Mama was joking and that it was indeed a surprise for me.


Wong pitched in and said, “We are asking the Mercedez fellow to come for discussing customizations for your and Taio’s vans.”


Mama explained, “If you are going to be here, you need to have your own vans to go about.”


I hugged Mama and thanked her with a kiss on her cheek. A good solid juicy, “MUUUAAH.”


I got up and skipped with delight to Wong and sat on his lap hugged him and kissed his cheek, before thanking him. “Thank you.”


“Well, you will need to decide what customization you want soon because it would take them a few weeks to get ready,” Wong added. I kissed him one more time on his cheek, very near his lips. One of his hands circled behind my back to hold on to my waist.


Our lounging there turned into a round of tea and all through our tea session, I excitedly talked about the features I would like to have in my van, checking every time with Wong, if it were possible. He did not deny even once.



It hadn’t gone without notice that all evening one or the other assistants kept calling in. Wong excused a couple of times to take a couple of calls but did not leave home.


Over the dinner table, Wong slowly said, “I think I might have to squeeze out for a couple of hours tomorrow.”


Having seen that he was being bothered by staff earlier in the evening, I volunteered before Mama could object, “It suits us perfectly. We too have plans to go shopping tomorrow for the party.”


Mama looked towards me unsurprised.


Wong though looked relieved. “In that case, I can have Taio accompany me to the office. We won’t take more than a couple of hours.” Wong announced, glad that it worked out.


Taio shrugged his approval.




February 7, 2020


Taio went for a jog and was gone for almost an hour when Mama came to greet me, “good morning, Yenay.”


I pulled Mama from her hand and got her into the covers, and snuggled into her bosom. Her satin nightgown felt silky on my naked skin. I didn’t return her greeting.


Without any hang-up, I dragged her lapel aside and pulled her tit in my mouth. Mama did not object and caressed my head lovingly. She knew I was just being playful and let me have my way.


When Taio returned, he found Mama in bed with me and greeted her, “good morning, Mama.”


Mama fidgeted a bit and said, “good morning, Taio.”


Taio kept on walking into the bathroom, not disturbing us anymore.


Mama calmly peeled me off and bent forward to kiss my cheek. “Yenay, let’s get ready. Wong and Taio would be gone after breakfast.”


I reluctantly let her slip out of the bed.


“I will see you at breakfast,” Mama said and left me in the bed.


I joined Taio in the bathroom. He was in the shower, as I brushed my teeth.


He got out of the shower, and hugged me from behind, kissed my neck, and groped my breasts in his hands. My whole back got wet from him.


I protested, “mmmm, mmm,” shrugging my shoulders to get him off of me.


At the breakfast table, the men were dressed in their business suits. I appeared with Mama, a little later.


God, they must have wished, they had no work to attend to.


I wore a faded denim full-length overall, ripped on one knee. With no t-shirt or bra beneath it, the bib part barely covered my tits. The sides and top of my tits hung out, the bib covered the nipples though. The cut on the sides ended on my hips, revealing my curved waist for the boys.


I got Mama my stretch vest t-shirt. The top hugged her beautifully and gave away every curve on her. My Daisy Dukes that she wore, did not cover even half of her bum. The ripped denim had stray little threads hanging loose around her cheeks. Mama looked way younger in her garb. With nothing underneath, her nipples poked through the shoulder-length t-shirt. Two of the three tiny buttons on her t-shirt were open. The sides of her breasts craving for an out.


If the plan was to finish breakfast hurriedly and leave, we had dampened their plan. Taio and Wong left only an hour later, I’m sure reluctantly.

Taio kissed me before going, and Wong kissed Mama more than generously as they left.

Mama and I, sat in the family room, giggling and chatting until twelve. By then we had decided where to head to. We changed and got on to the blue van. I came to know this one was for Mama. For work, Wong used his own grey-black van.


We went directly to Vera Wang, which was less than fifteen minutes away, within the Chaoyang district.


Fortunately, I was able to nail down two dresses from Vera’s marvelous Spring 2020 collection.


When Mama wore the white, I could not hold myself back and kissed her on her lips, right there in the store in front of the staff. I knew, for certain, what she would be wearing at the party. When she wore the red dress, she looked ravishing. Thematically for the Lantern Festival party, she would look great in the red dress. But to take over the party, she had to wear the white.


We ordered both, and they were asked to finish the alterations by the next day. They already knew who they were dealing with, and assured us that both the dresses would be ready by the next morning.


Mama insisted I buy a dress as well. No matter how much I resisted, Mama wouldn’t take no for an answer. I tried a couple of dresses and found a red dress from her Simply Vera collection. The alteration needed was minimal and we were assured the three dresses would be ready the next day.


Mama took me out to lunch to a nearby hip restaurant, Nooxo. Mama was well known around the place and the owner rushed to greet her at the reception. We got the best table near the huge glass front windows. Guests, at the almost full restaurant, recognized Mama and I could feel them whisper and stare. Wong and my Mama were celebrities in their own right. I felt proud to be her daughter.


As was expected, we were back home before Wong and Taio. We waited for the men in the family room and had some tea.


As was in the restaurant, and on the bus, we discussed the party a lot.


Mama informed me, “yes, the caterers are handling the party.” “yes, the decorators are handling the party.” “yes, the guests are being RSVPed by the staff.” “yes, it will be in the front gardens.” “no, we haven’t done a party before; Not since we have moved into this house.” “no, we don’t like too many people coming over.” “yes, the valets will take care of the…..”


Mama patiently answered all my questions.


At home, I asked, “Mama tell me about the guests. Is there anyone in there you want roasting on coals?”


“what?” She asked surprised.


“Mama, what I mean is someone already jealous of you and you want them to be even more jealous.”


To this Mama laughed out loud.


“When you are in Wong’s position, half the town is jealous of you. And no, I don’t want anyone antagonized.” That’s my lovely

Mama, not a speck of malice in her.


I smiled. Around six in the evening, Wong and Taio came back.


Wong came in first and Taio right behind him. My back was towards them and from Mama’s smiling expression, I realized they were home.


I turned to look at them and shouted, “Wong!” I rushed to his arms.


Having practiced the drill with me, Wong bent his knees a few inches. My arms flew around his neck. My lips met his with force.


His hands supported my butt from below, as I flung my legs behind his waist, eventually locking them together.


Mama and Taio smiled at my reaction. Taio moved in Mama’s direction and kissed her cheek to greet her.


After the immediate impact, Wong and I slowed down. Wong let me take the lead and I kissed his lips a few times, before opening my lips inviting him in. He took me up on my offer and kissed me passionately. My arms loosened around his neck to let him breathe, his hands behind me held me firm.


We went on kissing for a few minutes before he put me down.


“Mama and I had a fun day today. Mama got me a dress.” I nonchalantly moved into a conversation, without anyone giving any second thought to my special greeting to Wong.


“That’s great,” Wong replied, “I’m sure you will look lovely in it.”


Taio asked, “weren’t you going to get Mama a dress?” he was a bit surprised.


“Of course, we got her a dress, in fact, we got her two. She has got the perfect dress for the party. She is going to look great – the best – at the party.” I announced.


“Fantastic,” replied Taio grinning. Wong was nodding.


We sat through another round of tea. Mama asked Wong, “How was your day at the office?” She gave him a knowing look.


I guessed it was possibly because of his return to the office after many days of holiday.


“everything is good,” Wong replied, again a knowing smile in return to Mama. I let it pass.


After relaxing for another half an hour, Taio and Wong excused themselves to go change for dinner.


Wong returned to the dinner table in his khakis and Lacoste t-shirt. Taio in his long shorts and a polo t-shirt.


There was an animated discussion about our plans.


To tease her, I said, “Mama, I was thinking it would be best I go along with Taio, day after tomorrow.”


Her response was loaded with anguish, “what..?” The creases on her forehead apparent, and her face cringed pleading.


I went further, “Mama, it would be better if I could deal with the home front. I think Taio would be too busy with the office.”


Her face winced further. I felt as if she might cry.


I could not have allowed that. I quickly retrieved from my ruse and said, “relax Mama. I am not going anywhere. I am not leaving you, EVER.”


Her body visibly relaxed and tension released out of her. She couldn’t say anything, because she felt emotional suddenly.


I climbed out of my chair and hugged her from behind, kissed her cheek and I said, “I’m sorry Mama. I was only teasing. I should have known better. I’m sorry.” Then I kissed her cheeks a couple of more times.


After Mama had relaxed, Wong said, “Yenay, we had thought about talking this over for later, but now that we are on the subject….”

All of us looked towards him, unaware of what he was going to say, at least I was.


He went on, “I think you should keep the Singapore apartment as well. I spoke about it with Taio today. We want you to buy the place and retain it. Think of it as your home away from home.”


If I had surprised Mama, Wong took it back on me. I looked towards Taio, puzzled.


Mama seemed delighted and was nodding her approval already.


Wong carried on, “For now, you need not go back to wrap up the home stuff. Taio would deal with the business front and deal with Chang. Your home would be retained just as it is. You can go there on vacation or whenever you want to travel. Or maybe when Taio has to go back there on business sometimes.”


I was dumb-struck. I had stopped eating. I looked towards Taio and he just shrugged, as if saying, ‘what can I do.’



After dinner, we changed back into some nightwear and I announced, “I want to see a movie.”


Mama nodded and agreed. As did Wong and Taio, containing their enthusiasm as far as they possibly could.


I wore a black satin chemise that reached my bum along with a tiny pair of matching panties. I made Mama wear a short thigh-length gown and nothing underneath. She had the belt tightened but the cleavage looked inviting.


I let Mama choose the movie and she chose a Jeff Bridges classic. I and Taio hadn’t seen it, but I was not sure about Wong though.

Taio and Wong took the ends of the sofa with Mama and me cuddling in the middle.


As the movie progressed, I had turned into Taio and had my leg climb up his thighs, pushing my breasts into his side. His arm around me caringly pulled me in.


Both of them had gotten bourbon for themselves which they left on the table after a couple of sips. Mama and I had poured ourselves some white wine and that too remained untouched mostly. We had kept some nuts to munch that were on the table and remained there.


Mama too had nestled into Wong and his arm behind her back pulled her in lovingly. I couldn’t see his other hand but I knew where it was.


Halfway through Crazy Heart, I asked Mama if we could take a break and get a pair of blankets.


Mama and I went to her room to find something to bring back. She took out a couple of thin lambswool blankets from the drawer. I removed my panties in front of her and she knew I was up to some mischief. I pulled on her belt and drew it out. Her nightgown was now open in front.


I pulled on her arm and tugged her along with me. All she could say was, “Yenay…”


On the way in, I reduced the light and dimmed the room lights to mild.


I doubt when we reached the sofa, Wong or Taio was able to make out the missing items on us.


I asked, “I wanna sit with Wong, please sit with Taio.” All Mama wanted to do was hastily sit and get covered so no one would notice her open gown.


She snuggled in Taio’s open arm as they pulled the blanket up. All but her head vanished under the blanket.


I turned with my back towards Wong, I opened and raised our blanket before I sat on Wong’s lap. I pulled the blanket up as I adjusted in his lap. If he wasn’t aware of the missing piece of apparel earlier, he was surely aware now that I was no longer wearing any panties.


I am sure he thought I was going to cuddle up with him, just as Mama had with Taio. But I placed myself high on his thighs and nestled onto his shoulder. He naturally responded by placing an arm behind me that got his hand rest around the side of my breast, and his other hand holding me from my hip. Our blanket too covered everything until the top of my breasts.


If Wong wanted to see the movie, I was going to wreck his plan. I placed my hand behind his and, like a magnet trying to move metal, slowly I got his hand to slide lower. In a minute his hand was on my pussy, and I removed my hand from behind his. I did the same magic on his other hand and parked it on my tit. Once I had his hands where I wanted, I moved mine behind his neck and got his head to tilt lower. He knew what to do and took my lips with his.


His hands started to play with me and his lips with my lips. His coordinated entry into my pussy and my lips got me to moan. He seemed to be in no hurry and spent a long time exploring both my warm, wet cavities.


Very soon he had me dripping wet and leaking. I became restless and horny.


I moved my hand from behind his neck and dived in his slacks. His erection poking my ass demanded relief. Without feeling any need to be inconspicuous I got Wong jr. free and aimed.


I sank on his cock remembering the exquisite feeling. The thick pole going up inside me sent pleasure waves to every muscle in my body. I exhaled loudly, “hhhhhhhuuuhhh.”


If the original objective was to have his cock go inside my pussy and then we could possibly sit normally through the movie, under the blanket, that part failed.


I moved rapidly enough to create a ruckus. Wong, in this chaos, found my lips and got me steady. He knew I was creaming on his pole and made tiny jerks inside me so I could relish his joystick for longer. That is exactly what I did.


My hand returned behind his neck and our lips joined. His cock inside me pulsed and jerked to stoke attention. His hand groped my tit and his fingers pressed my nipple. I was on the edge of a major orgasm.


Then his other hand dropped from my pussy mound and slowly went down to find my clitoris. I grew mad with lust and started cumming on his cock. My spasms got me stiff at first and then convulsing after a bit.


His hands holding me steadied my movements as much as he could. My lips had got removed from his and the moaning had turned into grunting as I came. “UUUnngh, Unngh, Unngh.”


As I recovered from my climax, I was grateful that he had chosen to remain inside me. Wong hadn’t cum and was just as hard as earlier. My joyride continued.


We restarted kissing and I was reminded again what a great kisser Wong was. He made love to me with his tongue and his fingers playing with my nipple. Gradually the twitching and pulsing of his cock picked up again. I could feel in his muscles that he was readying for an eruption inside me. I could feel his anxiety, trying to decide whether to spray my insides or pull out. Surely, I won’t let him pull out, but he didn’t know that.


I started to grind my butt in his thighs and squeezing my pussy, the same one, which his cock was stretching delightfully.

It took me few rolls of my hips and a couple of tugs with the pussy along with a grind to have him let go. His cock released streams of sperm and cum inside me that climbed up into my belly. What a rush.


I started cumming along with Wong. We heaved and grunted until each had released a bucket of cum.


I relaxed in his arms all full and satiated. His half-hard cock remained inside me for a while longer.


I stole a look towards Mama and Taio. Unsurprisingly, Mama was riding Taio. Under their blanket, all that was visible was Mama’s head. It was obvious, Taio’s head was in her bosom as she rocked and grind her pussy in his groin.


It was anybody’s guess if his cock was inside her or they were dry humping. I had done my part by delivering a naked mother to Taio. If he can’t fuck that, then he needed to see a mental doctor.


I returned my gaze back into Wong’s face and replanted my lips on his, satisfied that my Mama was being taken care of.


Wong continued to kiss and inflate my lungs with air. His cock had let itself out from my pussy but we enjoyed the warm mouth to mouth we were giving each other.


A few minutes later the movie credits started to roll. If anyone noticed that they didn’t say. When the sound went blank on the TV, the air was filled with Mama’s heaving and moaning. If there were any doubts earlier, there weren’t any longer.


Mama knew the craft well and had mastered it to release her climax silently if need be. This was one such occasion when she wanted to draw little attention to them. But the hush around us gave away the advantage Mama and Taio had.


The waves that Mama’s blanket created with her back and her bum, relayed everything that was happening on the other side of the blanket.


Mama and Taio let go of their climax in close tandem. If we were expecting paroxysm, we would be disappointed, because they buried their exults into each other’s lips and muffled their exhilaration.


Mama sank on Taio for a long post-sex cuddle. I stayed in Wong’s arms. I so wished we could sleep like that.


“can you please carry me to my bedroom? I don’t wanna walk,” I whispered to Wong, but was loud enough for Mama and Taio as well.


Wong gladly carried me in his arms, the blanket still around us. He let the blanket fall to the floor and pulled on his slacks with one hand clumsily. The walk to my bedroom though was pleasant, I lay across his solid arms, my head on his shoulder, my arms around his neck.


When he lay me in the bed and drew the cover over me, I pulled his neck and kissed his cheek, “Good night.”


He let me kiss him and then kissed my cheek back before wishing me back, “Good night, Yenay.”


Mama and Taio had sufficient time to untangle and gracefully make a retreat to their respective rooms.


Taio joined me a couple of minutes after Wong had left me in bed.




February 8, 2020 – Lantern Festival


The next morning, Taio had gone for his jog. Mama came to my room around eight to find me lazing in.


I was kind of hoping she would come.


As soon as she came and greeted me, “Good morning, Yenay.”


“good morning mama,” I said pandiculating.


Mama cupped my cheeks in her hand wished me, “xīn xiǎng shì chén.” I knew she prayed that all my wishes would come true this Lantern Festival.


I held her face and kissed her cheek and I said smiling, “Tāmen yǐjīng yǒu, Mama,” adding, “they already have.” I was translating for myself, to make myself believe, everything that I ever wanted has come true.


Mama laughed, “xiào kǒu cháng kāi.” In my style, she translated, not that I needed it, “Be always happy and keep laughing.”


I was already up and pasted to her cheek, kissing her.


“Okay, Okay. Enough. Don’t you want your Red Envelope?” Mama asked.


“yes, I want it,” I exclaimed excitedly like a kid. Mama knew I was overreacting in my response.


“All right we have tons to do. Let’s start early and then we will give one to you and one to Taio.”


Just then Taio walked in.


I got up along with Mama and tugged on to her shoulder.


She brought her arms around Taio and warmly wished him, “bù bù gāoshēng.”


“Thank you, Mama,” Taio thanked his mother for wishing him prosperity and growth. “shēntǐ jiànkāng,” he in return wished her good health and long life.


I took her left cheek to kiss and Taio took her right. Her hands automatically came behind our heads.


A while later, we met Wong at the breakfast table. He first welcomed me with open arms and hugged me tight, wishing me, “May you remain forever happy and the life of this family.” then he kissed both my cheeks one by one.


I thanked him, “Thank you, Wong. May all your wishes get fulfilled this year.”


He replied, “but they have, but they have.” he said excitedly.


I knew what he meant. He meant that he wished for us to be a family and that seems to be getting fulfilled.


To greet Taio, Wong held both of Taio’s arms in his hands, standing in front of Taio. He grinned and wished him, “I wish you have a harmonious and prosperous life ahead.” His tone, a notch higher than usual.


Taio returned his gratitude, “Thank you Wong and I wish you good health and a long life.”


With Lantern festival kicked off, we enjoyed yet another family breakfast together.


Even while we ate, I asked, “Mama, Where’s my Red Envelope?”


Everybody cracked at my joke. They knew I meant it as one. I smiled too.


Just before breakfast was over, Mama said bending towards me, “I got a call from Vera’s boutique. The dresses are ready. We need to go, give it a final try.”


I nodded, giving her an impression I understood and we shall get on to it soon. The store wasn’t far. I knew we could swing by anytime during the day.


As we finished breakfast, Wong asked, “Taio, Yenay, can we do a family meeting. I have something important to discuss with you two.”


From his tone, we gathered it was important. But the grin on his face conveyed that it wasn’t serious.


We freshened up and reassembled in the family room in fifteen minutes. Hot tea was left for us on the table by staff before we came in. Wong and Mama were in the room, standing next to each other.


What was in Wong’s hand gave away his important talk, a Red Envelope. I laughed and looked towards Mama as I walked in. She too had a Red Envelope in her hand. I came next to her and hugged her. “Mama, I was merely joking…..” Mama brought her finger on my lips and shut me up for the first time.


She made me sit on the sofa and sat next to me, up close.


From my vantage, I saw Taio, who had been walking behind me from our bedroom, dish out a Red Envelope as well.


I took my face in my hands and blushed. With the three of them carrying Red Envelopes, I was surprised, I didn’t catch it earlier. I was going to get traditional gifts in Red Envelopes, as I used to from my parents when I was a kid.


Wong ordered, “Taio, you go first.”


Taio sat on his knees in front of me on the carpet and handed me the golden border red envelope, with both hands. Then he kissed my cheek and said, “May your life be filled with happiness, forever and ever.”


Before I opened the envelope, I kissed him back. My lips on his, a soft kiss of gratitude and thanking him for everything, for being my partner.


He stayed on his knees, his hands on mine, as he looked towards me, expecting me to open it.


Instead of the money stuffing that I was used to in a Red Envelope, I was a bit surprised to see it had a couple of papers.


I took the paper out and then I also saw it had a ring inside. I quickly pulled the ring out. It was a Cartier. A trinity ring; recognizable distinctly from its three colored bands.


I instantly wore it and kissed Taio on his cheek. Then I opened the two folded sheets of paper.


The title of the document read – Letter of Appointment. Even though I knew of it, as I read on, my heart started to thump hard.


It was a letter of appointment, placing me as a Director in Swivel, with immediate effect.


I was overwhelmed. I hugged Taio and pulled him into my arms. I don’t know when and how he had managed to talk with Chang and how this happened, but all that was secondary. That he chose this moment to give me this, was very thoughtful and it made me infinitely happy.


Finally, when I let him off, I turned to Mama and hugged her hard. She kissed my cheek and said, “Congratulations, Yenay,” without reading the letter or hearing it from me. I realized, that she knew of it. I smiled in her arms.


Then I rose to hug Wong, who kissed my cheek like a gentleman and said, “Congratulations, Yenay. You deserve every bit of this. I am sure you will take Swivel to new heights.” Then we hugged again for a good while. He didn’t let go until I out of my emotional moment.


Then we all started laughing. I returned back, next to Mama.


Wong cleared his throat, “hrrrhngh.”


We all looked at him. He stood up and extended both his hands holding a Red Envelope, and offered it to Taio.


Everyone looked at Taio with anticipation.


His envelope was slightly thicker with papers. He pulled them all out. On top of the heap was a cheque of Twenty-Two million Renminbi. Taio’s face expressed surprise and a grin. He was expecting Wong to be extravagant with him but in his view, this was a big sum that he didn’t need.


Seeing Taio’s expression, Wong volunteered, “That’s a million for every year of your life. You deserve every bit of it, probably needed it more than ever earlier than you do now. Think of it as symbolic from me, and keep it as a token of my appreciation, from Newa and me.”


Taio looked towards Newa and she nodded. Taio shook hands with Wong to thank him. After a firm handshake, Wong hugged him to congratulate him.


As Taio went on to sit, Wong reminded him that he has another set of papers to read.


“oh,” exclaimed Taio and opened the first folded paper.


The document’s title read – Letter of Appointment to the Board of Sinopharm Limited. Now it was Taio’s turn to be emotional and he hugged Wong in appreciation and thanked him.


“You are welcome. I am sure you will take the Sinopharm onward and forward.” Wong exclaimed.


Taio, if anything seemed happy but not in any manner overwhelmed. Like me coming on board Swivel, he too was aware this was coming.


Slowly he opened the final piece of paper. If anything else hadn’t floored him, that one did.


The title of this document said – Deed of Transfer. As he read below, he realized the impact with every word he read.


Wong had transferred twenty-five percent of the company – Sinopharm to Taio.


Suddenly, Taio was now a billionaire.


Instead of reacting with delight or happiness, he looked towards Wong and his eyes were misty. No words came out of his mouth.


Wong hugged Taio once again, congratulated and reassured him, “Taio, without a doubt, I am confident that you will do great. I am sure this is something you can handle very well and you shall shine bright.”


Taio showed me the letter. I was shocked at the unfolding of the whole thing. The fact that Taio was going to be heir and all that meant there was going to be time for him to own any piece of this fortune.


But I guess there were no half measures in Wong’s dictionary. I was delighted for Taio and congratulated him and kissed him. Taio took rounds in hugging and kissing Mama and me.


Mama also congratulated him, and they hugged for a good amount of time. I went to Wong and hugged him and kissed him on his cheek, pulling him to bend so I could do that.


It took everyone, especially Taio and me, to calm down. After everyone settled down, Mama looked towards me and opened her arms. I sank in and hugged her.


Then she slowly pulled back and handed me a red-and-gold envelope. I uttered, “Mama.” But she just nudged me to open the envelope.


Anxiously, I opened it. My Red Envelope too carried a couple of papers.


Right on top of the sheaf was a cheque drawn in my name for Twenty-Two million Renminbi. I was shocked to see the amount. I reckoned to give Taio that kind of money made sense, but why me?


Even as I was struggling to make sense of it, Mama stepped in, “so you thought only Taio should get yuans. I am personal;y giving you the money for every year that I haven’t up until now.”


Tears started to roll down my eyes, and I heard Mama say, “you are a daughter I never had and we want to make up for that from now on.”


I hugged her and started sobbing. “Mama, oh, Mama.”


Mama kissed me on my cheek and cleaned my tears regularly until I stopped sobbing.


Eventually, she made me smile and kissed me on my lips lovingly. We both got smiling.


Mama said, “yeaaay,” and everyone laughed.


I hugged and kissed Taio, who didn’t say anything. He was happy that I was happy.


Wong engulfed me in his arms and said, “may this be the last time we ever see tears in your eyes.” Then he kissed my cheek as well and we exchanged smiles.


I said, “thank you.”


I had left the second bunch of paper on the sofa when I was hugging Mama and she handed the paper along with the envelope back in my hand, along with the cheque. The way she handed it to me meant she wanted me to go on, there was more.


If I was overwhelmed, I was most certainly not prepared for what was next.


The next piece of paper threw me off completely.


The title of this document said – Deed of Transfer. I had just read a similar document that Taio had shown me.


I read the names below to realize, Mama had transferred twenty-five percent of the company – Sinopharm to me.


In an instant, I was now a billionaire.

After having read the first paragraph suddenly my eyes became blurry and I could read no more. With every word that I read, its impact started to sink in.


I looked towards Mama with an open mouth and the letter in one hand trying to figure out what to say or do.


Mama could make out that I was overwhelmed. She moved a little towards me. Overwhelmed was the least thing, that I was, at the moment. My chest was choking, and I could barely breathe.


Mama took me in her arms and said, “What is mine Yenay, is yours.”


I started to sob again and Mama said, “shh, shh,” The more she tried to calm me down the more I kept on crying. My sobs turned into full-blown crying.


After Wong realized I was inconsolable in Mama’s arms, He took over and started to calm me down. He lifted me off my feet and sat back on a sofa nearby, with me in his arms. My head on his shoulder, he rubbed my back until I was quieter.


When I had composed myself, I went back into Mama’s arms and hugged her tight.


Mama explained, “when we asked you to come and be with your family, it was never meant to be a superficial or a symbolic gesture. Both Wong and I want you to be part of the family in every sense of the word.”


Wong added his endorsement, “What I have shared with Taio, from my half of the company, is in every respect his as my heir.”


Mama added, “and what I have shared with you Yenay, from my half of the company, is every bit yours as my daughter.”


I again bent forward and kissed her cheek.


I hugged Taio for eternity and he tried to calm me, even though I had stopped crying.


For the next couple of hours, I sat with heaviness in my chest and said very little. Mama kept holding me in her arms.


Our lives had got turned around.


I had never been the one who went crazy after money. I had lived my life on spontaneity, mostly. Money for me was means and never a destination.


What Mama and Wong did to Taio and me, was way beyond the monetary aspect. It was certainly by no means symbolic. The weight it carried on my soul and my heart was overwhelming.


After a short while, I asked Mama, “I’d like to rest a little.”


Mama realized I wanted to be alone for a bit. I went to my bed and lied down.


When Mama came into my bedroom, my mind was so fuzzy that I might actually have dozed off. But when Mama came in I stirred up.


Mama waved towards me to stay in and joined me in my bed. We went into our usual deep hug.


Mama knew what I needed and she started to explain, “I understand the whole thing has been overwhelming for you. Someone who has not bothered with something like money beyond a point would easily find it unsettling.”


“I say this because I have had a first-hand experience to this. Let me tell you this, and I haven’t even told Taio about it, when Taio’s father died, Wong felt responsible. Genuinely. He credited Taio’s father for a lot of the success in Sinopharm’s research and that has also been the foundation of his company. Wong persevered after Taio’s father passed away and got past the incomplete work Taio’s father left behind but he made it a successful company.”


“Wong supported us through our tough times, financially and more importantly, emotionally. Initially, I doubted his intent, but it took me a year to understand him well. We became close.”


“He convinced me that his intentions are clean and he would like to honor Taio’s father. He also admitted he had fallen for me over the year and would prefer if I accept his offer to marry him.”


“Wong delivered half of the ownership of the company to me, unconditionally. But then I did marry him for his clean soul. He is an honorable man.”


“Our earlier intent was to bring Taio on board and be part of the management of his family’s company. To ask him to take over when the time is right. But I don’t know why I missed this earlier. You are going to be a glue to our family. Your infectious energy, your unconditional loving nature, your angelic soul are going to keep this family together, forever”


“We have no way to show you our love for you than in these small gestures. To convince you that we are every bit indebted to you to be part of this family.”


By the time Mama finished, streams of tears rolled on my cheeks as she too was choking with emotions.


I kissed her on the cheeks, cleared her tears. I said, “sorry, mama. I had no intention to make you cry. I am sorry”


She in turn cleared my tears and kissed my cheek. Then we stayed hugging for a long time.


Finally, after she saw I was pepped up a bit, she said, “let’s go out and relieve the boys. They are worried sick for you.”


When we met Wong and Taio in the family room, I was almost back to my normal self.


As soon as we went in, I rushed straight into Wong’s arms. He didn’t even have time to get up from his chair. He welcomed me in his arms, as I hugged him. I kissed his neck and cheek many times. His hands were on my waist, supporting me, holding me. He moved one hand on my head and caressed me a few times, calming me.


I pulled myself off, and announced, “Mama and I are going for our dresses. We should be back in an hour.”


Everyone laughed as I cheerfully bounced out of the family room, with Mama in my arm.


From the door, I hastily returned to where my two Red Envelopes were kept and I picked them up with panache and walked out animatedly. I waved the envelopes to the men, both of whom smiled seeing me happy.



Mama’s dress was everything that I had imagined and more.


After retrieving the dresses we rushed back, as soon as we could. We were able to sit for a late lunch.


The family affair was joyous in every sense of the word. We enjoyed lunch together with white wine.


Wong made a toast, “may this Lantern festival be the first of many where we cherish each other’s company, respect, and most importantly, love.”


Mama toasted, “to Taio and Yenay’s coming back.”


Taio toasted, “to family first. May God bless us all with peace, prosperity, and happiness.” and then he added, “and togetherness.”


I toasted, “to Wong and Mama, two of the loveliest people in the whole wide world.”


We had good fun, great laughs, and soaked in the festive mood.


After our late-ish lunch, Taio and Wong went to inspect the arrangements. They sat with the staff managing the party. Mama tagged me along, and we met with the caterers. Mama was where the buck stopped for the food, wine, and desserts. Once satisfied, we started back in and met with the stylists.


Mama had called in the hairstylists, make-up artists, beauticians. Mama and I got a full treatment and got ready. By then it was six o’clock.


Once the stylists had left, the only thing left was for us to try on the dresses. The guests were not due until another couple of hours. Mama and I decided to not get dressed for another hour.


We moved in our nightgowns to the family room. I called in Taio and Wong to give us company.


I told them, “We still have some time before the first guests arrive. We don’t wanna get ready until another hour. Let’s have tea if you are ok.”


Wong and Taio shrugged their okay and we sat together for tea.


Wong commented first, “Newa you look lovely.”


Mama teased, “In this frumpy nightgown?”


“no. well yes. I meant you look lovely in everything.” His hint was towards her face and her hair.


“well thank you, Wong,” she replied, accepting his praise.


“what about me?” I asked him.


Wong replied, with a little bit of excitement in his voice, “Gorgeous as ever. You are going to be the star attraction tonight, Yenay.”


I smiled, looking towards Mama. Little did he know, our intent was something else.


An hour passed away a lot quicker than we reckoned. We excused ourselves as Mama and I headed towards my bedroom.


Our dresses were kept in the spare bedroom next to mine. We used that room to get into our dresses.


When Mama wore the dress and needing just the zipper help from me. I started jumping with joy.


“AAAAAAAAA!” I excitedly jumped. Then I said, “Mama you look beautiful. SUUUUPER SEXY.”


“Mama, I love you, I love you, I love you,” I said kissing her cheek as softly as I should have. I didn’t wanna risk her make-up.


My dress needed some help from Mama. But I was in it within a minute.


“Yenay, you look BEAUTIFUL,” Mama stressed on beautiful. She was seeing me in a different light altogether.


Our roles, and dresses, had got reversed, so it would seem.



“Game time.” I took Mama’s hand and we walked to the family room, to the anxious men waiting for us. Both Taio and Wong had got dressed in dapper black Armani suits and looked handsome.


Without a doubt, the party was thematically going to be a sea of red. The lanterns, the decorations, the women, the atmosphere were all going to be red and gold.


Mama, on the other hand, dressed in a snowhite gown would be a cynosure of every eyeball at the party, that was a given.


Mama’s full-length sheer gown was made of a thin, transparent mesh, with flowing embroidery all over. The gown hugged Mama everywhere, from her breasts to her waist to her hips, and fell free only from below her thighs.


The embroidery and lace’s tress-and-flower design on the gown got dense at all the right places – on her breasts, on the crack of her tush, on her pussy mound. The dress sat wide on the edges of her shoulders and only a thin band made of just embroidery going back high on her shoulder. This held the front of her gown in place.


From her shoulders, thin strips of embroidery led to wrist bands made of embroidery. It gave the gown a noble feel.


A very thin strip of beads lined her spine along with a zipper, besides which her unblemished back was completely and deliciously bare. The dress restarted on her lower back and went down to her toes. Low near her thighs, at the back, a tulle fabric trail protruding out, a foot long.


The dress covered her full chest but her back was bare. The mesh on the swells on the sides of her breasts told everyone, loud and clear, that she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath.


The embroidery too was crafty in its workmanship. Tantalizingly revealing her skin through the mesh fabric while hiding just the perfect amount.


Similarly down below, the embroidery grew dense at the front near her groin and on the back around her crack. But on her hips, it shouted out loud the absence of any garment underneath.


Her hair pulled up in an intentional less-than-neat bun, projected an image of a sexy woman wearing an unbelievably hot dress as if it were her casual dress.


That’s my Mama.


Upon seeing her, Wong and Taio started drooling.


Both men raced to compliment her, “Mama you look wonderful.” “Newa, you look beautiful.”


“and me?” I asked, standing there next to Mama.


I had intentionally chosen to wear a traditional evening gown but it was very stylish.


My dress was bright red and gold and certainly outstanding in many ways. A full brocade up in the front on top, with a dragon design made with gold thread, topped with a Chinese collar closed around the neck with a small black flower button. The brocade portion reached up to my waist and from then on the red flowing skirt dress made of soft chiffon reached my toes.


On the back, the red chiffon covered me from the nape of my neck to my heels.


The high-sleeves of the dress left my arms bare.


Mama gave me a tiara from her collection to sit atop my hair. In her view, a princess must be recognized from afar.


“Mama, then it does make you the queen tonight,” I had remarked.


Wong and Taio gulped at their faux pas with me.


“Yenay, you look exceptionally beautiful,” Wong said, Taio immediately followed with, “You look marvelous tonight, Yenay. Very traditional.”


I swatted their comments with a wave of my hand. I was already gloating with making Mama’s dress a success. Nothing else mattered.


We welcomed the first guest around eight-thirty. These were mostly from the Sinopharm office. The senior team members and the board of directors. Others started to trickle in around nine onwards.


By eleven at night, I sat on a sofa in the garden, satisfied that, as intended, Mama was indeed the center of attraction at the entire do. Not a single man had missed an excuse to come closer to Mama and greet her, for one or the other reason. Most could not gather the courage to compliment her on her appearance, so they complimented her on their house.


Not a single woman in the party was half as beautiful as Mama. Every lady at the party cast individual spells on Mama for bewitching their husbands into a trance. Mama wreaked havoc in many a marriage tonight.


Before midnight, we all lit our lanterns and made our wishes before letting them soar up. Within moments, we had close to a hundred lanterns clouding the night sky above our garden and our house, slowly climbing up into the clouds.

Mama took every opportunity to introduce me to people. Wong did the same with Taio all night long.


Around two at night, all the guests had gone, many reluctantly. The party had been an ultimate success in every respect.


Back in the family room, we sat together for a moment of relaxation.


I reconfirmed to Mama, “every man at the party was eyeing you, Mama.”


She smiled.


“As I promised you, you were the most beautiful person out there. Not a single woman there can claim that she wasn’t envious of you.”


Mama cupped my cheek and said, ‘thank you.”


Wong and Taio couldn’t hear what I was saying to Mama. I lowered my voice further and said, “Wong is the luckiest man in all of Beijing. No one comes close to his wife, my Mama, in beauty and charm.”


Not bothered any more of the lipstick or the make-up I kissed Mama hard on her cheek.


After a while, we hugged each other and said our goodnights. We were all tired as hell.




February 9, 2020


Assuming Taio had gone for his daily jog, Mama came to my bedroom to greet me in the morning.


“good morning, Yenay.” she started talking before reaching the bed.


Mama realized very late that Taio was in the bed too, and that his head was between my legs – one of his quirky styles to wake me up. I loved him for it. Often, if we slept horny, too tired to make love, Taio would do that. It was his reminder to me that he needed to have sex.


Mama possibly realized what was going on, but by then she had walked next to the bed. She hastily turned around.


“Mama!” I said out loud. I extended my hand to catch hers, but my reflexes were too slow. She had walked a couple of steps ahead.


“MAMA!” I cried out loud, with a stern command for her to stop. She half-turned to silently apologize and then move on.

Instead, she saw my extended hand and then into my face.


Mama took a step back towards me and loosely took my hand, kissed it on the back.


I pulled her, tightening my grip on her hand. She was confused as to what was I asking of her.


At the same time, Taio had jerked up and pulled out of my pussy hearing me shout, “Mama.” He assumed it was my way of saying Mama’s here and that he should quit.


Covers came off from my chest, my tits became bare. My other hand from the back of Taio’s head too got free. I turned to sit, tilted on my elbow, and continued to hold Mama’s hand in mine. By then I had pulled her close to the bed.


With my other hand, I undid her belt of the gown and was extremely pleased to note she wasn’t wearing anything else, but for a pair of panties.


Neither Mama nor Taio could make sense of what I was doing. She was by now habitually indulging me with everything and rarely objected. Even at that moment if she had some objection, she was trying to figure out a way to say it out loud.


I pulled myself up and put my arm around her, to get her in a hold. Then I drew her in bed, nothing forceful but just pulled her in.


“It was her,” I told Taio.


Taio and Mama were confused as to what I was saying. What I meant to say was, Taio, it was his Mama because of whom he was all horny and worked up, not me. But, I did not bother to explain further.


I had her in bed, and I rolled her over on top of me and started kissing her in all earnest. She eventually started to respond. Taio decided to stay between my legs.


I rolled her further and got her in the middle of the bed. I lowered myself on her tit and took in a nipple. Mama’s hand came behind my head. I used a free hand to sneak into her panties and tried pushing it down. I managed a couple of inches, and without looking in Taio’s direction I waved at him to do the rest. This part he caught instantly.


I raised my head from her nipple and looked at her face. Our eyes lovingly looked into one another.


“Mama, like all the other men yesterday, you have got your son extremely horny. Since last night he has been dying to make love to you.” I slowly told her.


Mama flinched at the way I put it. She was glad she couldn’t look at him.


I narrated to her what was in Taio’s heart. “The first thing he wanted to do this morning, possibly all night, was to make love to me, to compensate for how excited you got him last night.” “This, indeed, is the start of his lucky year.” I waved at her with my free hand, conveying that her being in our bed at the moment was his wishes coming true.


Taio had done his task sincerely. Mama’s panties were gone. I looked up towards him and then took the dumb idiot’s head and showed him the way.


Taio dived into Mama’s pussy and I reattached myself to her tit. Her hand that was already behind my head, started to caress me. It did not take long for her other hand to reach behind Taio’s head and rub it lovingly.


With experience, I can confirm Taio is a fabulous pussy-licker, but with an added zest of licking his mother, I was sure he must have brought his A-game to play. Mama was squirming delightfully.


I left her tit and concentrated on looking at her face from up close. Her eyes were shut, her face gave away the most content and happy expression that I will remember for a long time. I caressed her cheek and her chin slowly with my knuckles.


Taio was wreaking havoc in her pussy, because moments later Mama was writhing violently and started giving Taio a bucket full of juice. Taio was in no mood to exit heaven. He stayed in. First, he diligently cleared everything she had produced and then he started his assault on her clitoris. Mama started to shake again. The muscles on her face tensed.


Just then Taio exited her pussy. The juices from her pussy were now dripping out regularly. He chose this moment to make another kind of entry in her pussy.


He wobbled forward on his knees. Then he bent forward, parking his hand on Mama’s side. I was attached to her on the other side.


As he bent forward his face came near her chest. On impulse, I pulled his head. he knew what I wanted and kissed me. I licked Mama’s juice from his lips, and then from inside his mouth.


Down below Taio had used his other hand to guide himself into the gateways of heaven.


Mama moaned out loud, confirming her son was home, “mmmmmm.”


I left Taio’s mouth to let him concentrate on Mama. Taio did just that. He started to make love to Mama slowly.


Mama moaned her approval, “mmmmm.”


Encouraged, Taio picked up the thrusts and pulls. Mama had moved into exhilaration mode, moaning, “mmmmm, mmmmm, mmmmm,” with every thrust that hit home inside her.


I continued to caress Mama’s face with my knuckles though it became difficult to keep her steady, what with Taio shoving in and out of her, rocking her continuously.


Enthused by Mama’s moaning, Taio increased his tempo and started to really piston in and out.


I turned my head and looked at him with a frown. I meant to ask him, ‘do you have to be somewhere? Are you in a rush?”


He understood from my face that he had in his exuberance gotten a bit hasty and harsh. This was his Mama and he was supposed to make love to her.


Taio slowed down reluctantly. It was a difficult resolve, but he did.


For the next twenty minutes, he made slow love to Mama taking her to no less than four climaxes before releasing his own spray of sperm and cum deep inside her.


Mama and Taio were sweating when he was done. I took the sheet from the bed to dab the sweat off Mama’s face. After catching her breath, she opened her eyes to look at Taio in his eyes.


In appreciation, Taio bent down and took her lips and kissed her multiple times. Mama cupped his cheek and let him kiss her.


For a long while after, the three of us lay side-by-side, Mama in the middle, and confessed how much we loved each other.


I said, “Mama, I love you.”


“not half as much as I do you, my love.” She replied instantly even with her rapid breathing.


Taio said the same thing, “Mama, I love you.”

Mama replied in a coquettish manner, “I love you too.”

I grinned wide.


Mama left before Taio and I did. She asked us before leaving, “come for breakfast. Wong must be waiting”


It was a fantastic Sunday morning. Wong was busy reading the papers. Mama was on the other side of the table when Taio and I joined them.


“good morning, Wong.” I bent next to him and kissed his cheek.


“good morning to you, Yenay,” Wong replied with enthusiasm.


Taio and Wong greeted and exchanged a handshake.


The front page was almost half-full of news about the virus spreading across more towns and districts across China. The news that Wong was telling us about a few days back was now apparently out there.


Taio was to leave for Singapore in the afternoon around four. Now a Director of Sinopharm, he would take the company’s private jet to Singapore.


I teased, “Mama, I think I should go along with Taio, at least for a week maybe.”


Mama turned towards me, ready to growl but she saw my sneaky smile and grinned back in response. “ha, ha.” she smirked.


Wong looked on, amused at our bantering.


Before Lunch, Taio and Wong spent an hour in the home office on the first floor. I had been there for fifteen days and I was yet to see this part of the house. An expansive office with four large rooms and space for staff. Six of them were clucking away. ‘Where did these people come from,’ I thought, ‘I didn’t see them come in or go out.’


Wong and Taio spent time discussing the plan for Taio to execute while in Singapore. The sooner he can wrap it the better.


Returning back to the family room, Mama and I idled around even as they were busy discussing.


Mama asked me, partially serious, “I hope you don’t really want to go to Singapore with Taio?”


I looked at her and relieved her of her anxiety, “Mama, it won’t be possible for Taio to take me with him unless he knocks me unconscious and hijacks me rolled in a carpet.”


Mama smiled at my expression.


I added, “I am happy here with you.”


When Taio and Wong joined us back a couple of hours later, it was time for lunch.


For our benefit, Taio shared with us, “I think the apartment part is the easiest. With the right inducement, buying the place from our landlord won’t be difficult.”


Wong nodded.


“We have spoken to Chang.” Taio meant, Wong has spoken to Chang as well.


“Chang seems glad that we have Wong’s connections on Swivel’s side and he is looking forward to welcoming you on board.” Taio looked towards me and said.


“The relocation of Swivel is tricky but we can manage it. I think it can be done before the end of February. Wong has allocated Sinopharm’s legal team to help us get the licenses and permits to start here.” Taio seemed confident of the plan.


Wong pitched in, “It would take a couple of visits by Taio and Chang back and forth before the entire process is completed. But I am sure it would be done before the end of the month.”


Taio continued, “We have decided to maintain a small office of Swivel in Singapore. It would help retain some key staff members who have been with us for long.” Being in the tech sector, remote offices were nothing absurd. Taio added, “but they will be only on the technical side. Chang would be able to manage it. For business, and for all practical purposes, Swivel would be located here in Beijing, China.” Taio reassured me about the company he was going to hand over to me eventually.


“While Taio is taking care of Singapore efforts, you and I would be scouting for a nice office for Swivel here,” Wong said, addressing me.

“What? You have such a large company and you don’t have space for a small office for me?” I took artificial offense.


Wong laughed out loud, as did Taio and Mama.


“Okay, Okay. I think it does make sense.” Wong responded thinking about it.


“Sinopharm head office shall incorporate Swivel office too. I shall see to it. This would also help Yenay’s transition smoothly with Taio around most of the time.” Wong announced.


Mama caressed my hand proudly, as we got up after lunch.



Mama and I tagged along with Taio to the airport, to see him off. Both of us gave him a loving kiss goodbye.


When we returned, Wong was in the family room, reading a book.


As soon as I entered, I shouted, “Wong.” I shucked my purse and my phone on the sofa nearby and rushed.


He knew what was coming, and turned to face me. He bent his knee a little to give me height. His arms opened and I climbed in, giving him a strong hug. My lips caught his, and we french-kissed, even as I clung to him like a panda and his hands behind me holding me up, encouraging me to keep kissing him.


Later that evening, in the family room, we listened to music, drank tea, and had fun talking about the party.


I guess Wong felt the same way as I did. He realized his status had changed in society from a billionaire to a billionaire-with-a-sexy-wife. Mama had told me, Wong was a private person and avoided, as far as possible, the focus lights on him. But I am sure, last night made him proud, my Mama made him proud.




After dinner, we spent a little while together. Mama asked if we could sleep early. I readily agreed.


Mama and Wong went to their bedroom. I went to my bedroom and brushed my teeth, got out of my clothes, pulled a robe on my shoulder, and walked to Mama’s bedroom without tightening my belt.


When I opened their door, I was surprised to see their bedroom lights were off. A small stream of light came through from the bathroom for the sake of nightlight.


Both sat up, surprised to see me at their door. Wong flicked the bedside lamp on.


I raised my hands in surprise. “Do you really think I was going to sleep alone?” Then I shook my head.


Wong smiled and Mama giggled. Mama opened the cover and invited me between them.


Wong flicked the bedside lamp switch off.


“Mama, I love you.”


“Not half as much as we do.” my Mama said.

Dear Readers,

This is my favorite story. I wrote this one keeping a very dear Chinese friend of mine in mind.

I hope you agree with me when I say that the story has a lot of heart.

I would love to hear your comments. – Author

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