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  • Sciolist I

Pole Dance

Updated: Jun 8, 2023

A story set in the beautiful Tatra mountains, Poland

‘I think one sees more pretty women in five minutes in Warsaw than in half an hour in any other European capital, London thrown in.’ – Harry de Windt

This is a story of Julia (42), Jakub (42) and their son Antoni (20) who live in Krakow, Poland.


"Jakub has done it again." I was upset.

"Don't worry, Mama, he will be here soon." Antoni defended his father.

"It is not unusual for him to do this." I insisted, "He keeps doing this, and we keep letting him off every time." I complained.

"Mama, his job is important, and he is making this world a better place." Antoni idolized his father, and hence his defense seemed superficial, but it wasn't far from the truth. Jakub is a smart man indeed, with a serious job. Jakub works for Greenpeace.

On this occasion, he had missed our date, my birthday. His last message, an hour earlier, was that he'd be late but that he would surely come.

Antoni and I had reached the restaurant ahead of him and were already halfway through our meals, and Jakub was nowhere to be seen.

For Krakow standards, the restaurant wasn't fancy but was still an upscale fine-dining place, the other end of town from where we lived. We had decided a long drive would also do us all good.

Antoni was twenty and reading at the Jagiellonian University. He had another year and a half to go.

"Mama, you look beautiful today." Antoni chipped in, trying to calm me.

"Stop patronizing me, young man." I snapped at him.

"No, Mama you do," he said, seriousness in his tone.

"umm..hmm," I accepted his compliment with some hesitation.

Wearing a stylish dress, I did feel slightly overdressed for the evening - but it was my birthday, so what the heck. An off-shoulder dress that showed my cleavage was a present to myself, telling me that forty-two was just a number.

Just then, a young couple reached our table. The guy, about Antoni's age, tapped on his shoulder.

"Hey, Antoni."

"Oh, hi, Jan," Antoni responded, a bit flustered.

In under a minute, it was evident that Antoni seemed intimidated by Jan's presence. Jan had a beautiful young girl on his arm. Although polite, she, too, seemed largely disinterested.

A flustered Antoni forgot to introduce them to me.

Jan confidently took over, "Antoni, you haven't introduced us to your beautiful girlfriend?"

Jan sidelined Antoni and looked directly towards me.

Before Antoni could speak, I said, "hi, I am Julia." The part that I was Antoni's mother got skipped. It didn’t seem necessary for them to know, I guessed.

"Charmed," he replied, taking the hand I offered without shaking it.

Jan was clearly impressed by my presence. More specifically, I think, with the fact that Antoni had a nice-looking girlfriend.

If he had not been with his girlfriend, I would have bet he was hitting on me. It did seem as if he was flirting - or at least maybe complimenting more than he should have.

Antoni seemed awkwardly unsettled in the situation, which could quite possibly be given that he was with his mother.

Jan and the girl finally took off. Before leaving, Jan invited us, "We are headed for the movies. We'd love for you to join us if you wanna?"

We politely declined, without explaining why we couldn't.

Jan repeated, "We'll be at the Kijow if you change your mind. We would love for you to join us."

Then Jan added, "It was lovely to meet with you, Julia."

"And you too," I replied. I nodded at the girl as well.

After they went, I quizzed Antoni about them and found out that Jan and the girl were also attending the same university. Jan was a hotshot of some kind, and before today, he had never bothered to chat with Antoni. They were good acquaintances but not friends.

Antoni acknowledged, "Seeing you with me clearly must have changed his view of me."

I smiled.

"Your playing along in the role of my girlfriend got him intrigued."

I had already gathered that much from the interaction. The positive change in Antoni's mood clarified that it also meant something for him.

I chipped in. "Would you like to go to the movies at the Kijow, where they are headed?"

Antoni seemed surprised. I was pissed at Jakub, so I didn’t mind leaving. And I wanted to make it up to Antoni for sticking around with me.

"Not that Jakub's coming..." I added.

Antoni gave a half-hearted protest and said, "Mama, I don't know if it's a great idea." Antoni attempted but he was clearly double-minded on the opportunity.

"Well, If you don't want to......" I allowed him an out. I didn’t know if the playacting - being his date for the movies, in front of Jan and the girl - interested him at all.

"No, Mama. I would like you to be my date for the evening." He pleaded.

Half an hour later, we caught up with Jan and his girlfriend at the Kijow theatre. Both were glad we had decided to join them, especially Jan.

For the rest of the evening, I played along as Antoni's date and clung to his arm as the girl did with Jan.

Antoni was delighted, and I was happy that he was happy.

On first impression, Jan seemed like an arrogant, brash fellow but as the evening progressed I understood that he was an affable, confident, and sociable guy. Antoni looked up to him, and it was just that before that evening Antoni was never in Jan's close circle - and it looked like Antoni wanted to be in there. That must’ve changed when Antoni came out as someone who had a beautiful girlfriend, or so it seemed. Jan already knew, as did most of his other friends, Antoni’s an intelligent and smart young man.

We entered the second from last rows of the theatre and we approached the twin-seater row.

The rear end of the audi had two rows of twin seats, where two seats were attached at the base, and they had retractable armrests. On lifting each armrest the twin seats would become a two-seater sofa. The outer cushioned armrests on either side had cup holders and enough width to sufficiently distance the occupants from the couple sitting adjacent to them.

Jan and his girlfriend took one set, and we took the next one. It was a no-brainer that the armrest in between our seats had to go up, just as Jan pulled up theirs before we could even settle in.

Our twin seats had become a sofa, and we sat close together hip-to-hip. Jan had his arm around the girl, and Antoni could not muster enough courage to do the same. I took Antoni's hand and pulled his arm behind my shoulder encouraging him to relax. We shuffled a bit closer.

Twenty minutes into the movie and Jan was inside the girl's mouth, kissing her hard. The muffled moans were sufficiently loud for us to hear but generally low.

Both Antoni and I looked over towards my left, where Jan was kissing his girlfriend. The couple next to them were doing the same. On Antoni's right was another pair, who were sitting close together like us, watching the movie.

Jan looked at us from the corner of the eye, even as his face was almost fully blocked by the girls'. Embarrassed for staring, both Antoni and I hastily looked away.

Jan took his mouth off from the girl and smiled at us, before our heads had turned away. His hand had vanished inside the girl's top.

I turned my head to look towards Antoni, trying to see if he saw what I saw. We were merely inches apart, my lips were quivering, our breath met midway, a couple of inches between us.

I knew Antoni needed me to play along as his date. He had become cool in front of his friends and it was time for him to meet the new benchmark.

My eyes blinked slowly, my hand went up his arm telling him to go on. I bent my head a little suggestively and Antoni was only momentarily hesitant, before making our playacting date real.

Antoni leaned forward. Assuming I was allowing him to play-act, he kissed the side of my lips. For some reason, I was disappointed, but I let him choose.

I, too, pursed my lips, kissing the other edge of his lips.

I had half-turned towards Antoni. He could possibly see what was going on behind me with Jan and his girlfriend. I assumed he would carry on until he was satisfied that he had made an impression.

Our kiss was soft and subtle. No one but we knew that we were kissing the side of the lips.

As we continued to pretend, Antoni's mind returned to the woman in his arms. Encouraged, he moved his lips sideways and centered them on mine.

Our lips remained pursed but we were now kissing on the lips - properly. Strangely, I was relieved. I applied pressure, and Antoni reciprocated.

We were kissing nicely until Antoni decided it was time to up the game and opened his lips a little to take mine. Finding no resistance, he merrily kissed, sucked, and licked my lips. I opened my eyes and saw his eyes were closed. I decided to let him go on.

Somewhere around then, I felt Antoni bring his hand around my ear. His palm cupped my head from behind my neck and pulled me towards him. I brought my hand from his arm to his shoulder and then his neck, letting him know it was okay by me.

Antoni continued to lick, suck and play with my lips, and I sat there enjoying the feeling. Both of us had a hand behind the other's head, applying soft inward pressure.

I cannot clearly remember if it was me or if it was Antoni that started the tongue play, but I am certain that neither of us resisted it even for a second.

When I did realize we were french-kissing Antoni was inside my mouth, tapping, and reaching deeper. I had volunteered and sucked on his tongue. After he had cleared the inside of my mouth with his tongue, he withdrew in his mouth, magnetically taking my tongue into his mouth along with his own. I played inside his mouth for a sufficient time.

Before long, we were panting and gasping, both unwilling to let go of the other, even for air. When we did part, we took in quick gasps and dived right back in.

If Jan and his girlfriend were looking our way, we didn't care. If the pair on the other side of Antoni were peering towards us, it didn't bother us.

It took the concession break for us to step back and untangle. Flustered, I pulled away from Antoni. He sheepishly smiled at me as if he had been french kissing me forever.

I was glad Antoni seemed confident. We looked towards Jan and his girlfriend. I couldn’t say if they had just backed off from one another or any earlier.

I straightened my dress and moved forward towards the edge of the seat. Then straightened my hem lower and stood up first.

Jan's girlfriend smiled cheekily towards me and stood up. "Boys, I think we need to use the ladies for a bit. Get us some snacks and drinks." She looked towards me for approval. I nodded.

Both Jan and Antoni sprung up. All four of us exited the auditorium together. Both of us went towards the ladies, and the boys trudged towards the food stall.

Jan's girlfriend started the conversation, "where did you two meet?"

I thought for a moment and replied, "We live on the same street."

"You two seem very close." She added.

I smiled, and my heart warmed up for Antoni, "Yes, I love him. And I think he cares for me too."

"I bet he does." She chuckled.

"When we exited the stalls, we met again at the mirrors and washed our hands. She offered me her lipstick, seeing that mine had vanished.

My hands were wet, and before I could rinse the water off my hands, she stepped close and said, "okay, Julia, you might as well let me."

I smiled and let her. I lifted my head towards her, and she held my chin in her left hand. Armed with lipstick on her right, she stepped close and started to apply some on my lips.

I closed my lips for her. She started her artwork carefully. Moving closer, she completed the upper lip first slowly.

Our breasts mashed, mine a cup size larger than hers - thin pieces of clothing between our globes. My hands rested on her waist.

By the time she finished my lower lip, I puckered to let her admire the job she had done.

She smiled back. Our moment passed.

A few minutes later, we walked back into the auditorium and found the boys chivalrously waiting at the gate. I took Antoni's arm as we returned to the auditorium.

With the snacks and drinks parked in the cupholders on the outer armrests, we snuggled back into each other. As I looked over to see Jan and his girlfriend, they too sat joint from their hips. Jan's girlfriend had taken the seat nearer to me. We both smiled at each other. The movie restarted with a mellow scene.

I turned towards Antoni and he smiled. I smiled and gave him a motherly touch on his chin with my knuckles. He mistook it for an encouragement to kiss. I wasn't spontaneous enough and his kiss landed on my jaw.

Not to be cowed down, Antoni stuck around there, carrying on with the kissing. My hand, instead of coming off from him, moved behind his head. He decided that it was another sign of encouragement, which in a manner of speaking it was.

Antoni moved down and, without removing his lips from my skin, reached my neck. As soon as he found soft skin, he kissed, licked, and sucked. Unwittingly, he had found the one spot that had forever been my weakness.

I was purring in no time. My hand combed through his hair, now formally prompting him to keep doing what he was.

It did not take advanced engineering to figure out that he had hit the jackpot. And boy, did he cash in his chips!

I was now putty and at his mercy. I was not sure how I would explain the hickey to Jakub, but that was for later. For now, I was enjoying my son's lips and hands playing with my body.

Oh, so that was what it was - his hand was fondling my left breast. He was kneading it like dough and his lips on the right of my neck had me mewing. My hand in his hair didn't pull him off.

To reassure myself that all the sensations were accurately relaying events to my mind, I opened my eyes. With Antoni stuck in my neck, my face was directed to the other side.

The first image that I caught with my drunken eyes was Jan's girlfriend. In my horny state of mind, she was expecting too much from me if she expected me to respond immediately to her smile.

Slowly catching up, I squeezed my fingers into Antoni's hair and half-heartedly tried to pull him off from my neck. Antoni's head provided resistance but he realized I wanted him off from my neck.

He complied with my wishes, but in an altogether different manner.

He planted kisses upon kisses from my neck to my clavicle, from my chest, and then to the top of my left breast. His trail of wet kisses left me berserk.

I wonder if it was embarrassment or confusion, I closed my eyes again but my hand fell off from behind Antoni's head. My forearm lay limp on the armrest while my mind tried to recover and muster up some response to my son's assault.

Antoni was licking and sucking the top of my breast, the bare part. Moments away from peeling my dress from the rest of the breast and reclaiming the nipple after almost twenty years.

Just then, my limp hand felt warm, soft skin. Jan's girlfriend moved her hand in mine. I opened my eyes again and saw her give me the warmest, encouraging smile that I desperately needed.

Her fingers interlocked with mine. Synchronized with Antoni taking my nipple in his mouth, our hands tightened their grip. Lust in my eyes must have been apparent.

An oblivious Antoni whole-heartedly sucked merrily on my puffy nipple.

Thanking the girl in my mind, I brought my other hand behind Antoni's head and pulled him in.


I was so much in heat that when we reached home, I fucked Jakub's brains out.

Jakub had been waiting at home for us, profusely apologetic for his conduct. Having made us wait at the restaurant, he had gotten late by over an hour. We had scooted to the movies with Jan and his girlfriend, letting Jakub assume I was upset with him.

In the bedroom, I spoke little and let him say his piece. Within the next few minutes, we were fucking like wild cats. Or I did, I should say.

I am sure I must have left Jakub wondering with stupid ideas of making me wait every time we were to go out, given the massive bout of love he had just got hit with in bed.

The next morning, he discovered a hickey on my neck. When I saw him looking, I smiled at him lovingly and brought my hand to the spot, caressing it.

I did not do anything to refute his presumption that it was his doing. Though, he must have been trying to wrack his brain to recollect when did he do it the previous night.

After Jakub had left for work, Antoni rolled down from his room towards the living room.

He would be leaving in an hour, as usual.

I walked in and met him there, with a hot cup of coffee in my hand.

If he was tense before meeting me, he eased somewhat after seeing me smile.

I smiled at him and sat on the sofa opposite him.

"Good morning, Mama," he said in a low tone, still trying to gauge my mood.

"Good morning, son." Reassuring myself and him of our relationship.

He couldn't recall what could ideally be said in such a scenario as ours. For that matter, neither did I.

I initiated the talk, after taking a sip, "so, about last night."

His face went pale and his heart was in his stomach.

I smiled back and said, "someone got lucky last night at the movies."

He was confused and every wrinkle on his forehead told me he was baffled.

"Mama, I got carried away with the play-acting. I am sorry. I was just trying to impress Jan and Zuzanna." Only then did I realize I had never asked her name.

"I am sure they are more than impressed," I smirked.

"Mama, I just wanted Jan to think that I, too, had a hot girlfriend. I don't know what I was thinking." He was blabbering now.

Glad to have got addressed as hot, I smiled politely.

"Mama, I swear...." he was going to go on when I raised my hand.

"Antoni, I am glad that you were able to make an impression and everything, but it should not have happened." I was not accusatory nor was there any reprimand. I knew of my role in the entire episode and thanked the Lord for the after-party fuck it had resulted in with Jakub. It had been quite a while since I had felt a mind-numbing lust of that level.

Seeing that I wasn't really angry, Antoni cooled off a bit and relaxed.

"I need you to put this episode behind us and ensure that it remains between us and nothing of the sort repeats, ever." I insisted.

"Sure, Mama. I understand." He said, glad to have gotten away so easily.

He stepped up, came near me, and hugged me, even though I was sitting. The hug was awkward but it reassured him and me that we were back to our God-given mother-son roles.

He kissed my cheek and smiled, backing off. His kiss was normal, but him kissing me wasn't usual.


Slowly we went into our routines and the theatre episode was not discussed nor brought up by either of us.

But Antoni was somewhat more confident in his behavior, or possibly I was overthinking it. He became more comfortable hugging me, kissing me on the cheek, and holding my hand. None of which was usual a few months earlier for my twenty-year-old son.

He admitted once to me, without bringing up the Kijow episode, "Mama, thanks to you, I am now popular and have great friends." At the time, he meant it as a compliment. I deduced his extra displays of affections off-late were a result of that.

In another couple of months, Antoni would have graduated from college and, in all likelihood, with honors. Despite that, he seemed dull and disappointed. The dull, long face went on for ten days.

Jakub and I checked on him but could not recover anything worthwhile. He was going to pursue a post-graduate degree from the same Jagiellonian University that he preferred. He was going to continue his preferred specialization in Economics. But it was clear - something was off.

Just a couple of weeks back, Antoni was all cheerful and good-humored all through Christmas and New Year's. And then two weeks later, on his twenty-first birthday, he had been partying with his friends.

With the sudden change, it was evident something was amiss. It was odd for a friendly, outgoing young man to huddle up at home. I knew that he had a bunch of buddies now. He was considered smart, intelligent, and popular amongst his group - the last was some measure of thanks to the reputation he had garnered as a result of the Kijow theatre episode - Antoni was the one with a hot girlfriend and knew how to make her happy.

I asked Jakub, "would you like to have a chat with him and check what's up with him?"

"sure. I will," Jakub replied, eager to help his son if he was in some trouble.

A day later, Jakub surrendered, his efforts yielded no result, except just that he offered, "I don't think it is serious. My gut feel is, it looks like a girl issue. Maybe a heartbreak or something."

Then he asked, "Julia, do you know if he has, or had, a girlfriend? It's odd, come to think of it, I haven't seen him with a girl for the last few years."

I shrugged, "I remember he had a crush on that girl Lena in school."

"I can't say for sure, but he isn't forthcoming with much." Jakub gave up and went about his evening. Then he added, "do you want to give it a try?"

I shrugged again, "sure."

I decided to catch Antoni alone early in the morning the next day. The early-February weather was cold as usual, but it hadn't snowed yet that winter.

Antoni wasn't a lethargic kind, but he wasn't an early morning person either, so it wasn't surprising he was still in bed lazing when I reached his room. College was to go into a break soon, so I was wondering what his plans were going to be for the final college holiday.

I had two cups of warm cocoa for both of us. I peeked in and checked if he was up and found him in bed under the duvet. He was on his stomach spread out wide on his bed, head on the pillow.

I kept the cups on the side table and opened one of the curtains to let some morning light in even though there was no sun.

Antoni stirred a bit but didn't get up. I stepped closer to bed and admired my beautiful, lovely son whom I adored and doted on like crazy. Antoni is handsome, intelligent, and charming.

I pulled a knee up on the edge of the bed and reached out for his shoulder. It was bare, he wasn't wearing a t-shirt. I shook him up a bit and called out, "Antoni, are you planning to get up?"

"Mmmmm," he moaned into the pillow, his voice low.

"c'mon, get up. I have brought us some cocoa. Let's have a cup together before I get off." I asked.

He shook up a little and took his time to move.

At least I knew he was willing, so without waiting further, I got my other knee up on the bed and pulled his duvet up slightly. I moved forward and got into bed with him.

Instantly I felt his warm body next to me. The warmth was soothing on a cold winter morning. I was wearing my flannel gown.

Acknowledging me in his bed, he slowly turned around and stayed next to me.

I rested my back on the headrest and opened my arm for him. He turned and fell in. If he had plans to sit up, that was gone. He moved in and snuggled into me.

Antoni’s head went into my armpit, his face snuggled into my side. He raised his arm around my stomach and crossed it to pull himself into me. For good measure, he raised his leg up and pulled it across my thighs.

I let him settle and then dropped my hand on his bare arm, caressing him lovingly.

We stayed like that for a long while. Antoni snuggled into me, embracing me, and my hand traveled from his arm to his head, comforting him. Our mother-son bonding was evident. If he was vulnerable about something, now was the time for me to ask.

"Antoni, looking forward to your last college break?" I asked.

He nodded into the side of my body where he had nestled and said, "mmm."

"How are your friends?" without addressing anyone in specific, I asked.

Antoni flinched a bit and then said, "they are okay." I sensed a tiny bit of tension.

I paused for a while before asking again.

"Off late, you haven't been going out to meet your friends often. Is anything the matter?" my voice conveyed genuine concern and though my question was direct, it was not at all investigative. My hand grazed on his arm's length reassuringly.

Not surprisingly, Antoni wasn't forthcoming instantly.

I started to get up as if I was going to go if he wasn't in the mood to talk. His hand around my stomach held me back as if pleading to stay; he was willing to give in and talk.

"You can tell me," I reassured him that I won't judge. Antoni had always been close to me, quite often very open about his personal issues.

"Mama, my friends are all going to the ski-resort for a break to Zakopane," he said gloomily.

I smiled and said, "So what's the issue? You should join them. Go." I said as if he needed my permission. I knew there was a bit more than that.

His head nestled in deeper for the next part, "Mama, they are all going together."

I nodded to let him go on. Looking down into his face, though he wasn't looking towards me. He wouldn't have known I was nodding. I brought my hand on his head, patting his hair.

"Jan and others believe I have a girl...I..iii haven't told them anything." He clarified to tell me he hasn't made any false claims.

I listened without responding, my hand patted his head reassuringly signaling him to continue.

"I haven't corrected them either. This last skiing holiday got planned as our last one together before graduating, later in spring." Antoni added.

I connected the rest of the dots. Even if he hadn't been a braggart, everyone believed that the girl with him in the Kijow theatre was his girlfriend, and he had let them believe whatever they wanted because he couldn't say he was making out with his mother that day. Now that it was time for farewell, he was not going to show up just so his - our -secret's safe.

I felt a waft of warmth for my son. I bent down and kissed the top of his head.

"So what have you told them," I asked understandingly.

"that my girlfriend is not keeping well." He said with deep regret. I knew he was referring to me. He need not have to say that.

I understood he was feeling self-conscious about going alone. So I did not push him to go alone.

Suddenly, I did not know how to respond or how to react. It was odd that I had a hand in my son’s recent dull mood. I just held him on my arm for the next few minutes without speaking. My hand in his hair. We had all but forgotten about the cocoa I had brought for the both of us.

A short while later, I asked him, "who all are going?" as if I knew his friends.

But Antoni volunteered, "Jan and Zuzanna, Szymon and Zofia, Filip and Maja."

So now I formally came to know that our star witnesses from Kijow were his friends and were also going to be there for Zakopane. Other names seemed fresh to me, though I remember having heard him talk to a Filip once, maybe twice, over the phone.

"when's the plan for?" I asked him.

"this weekend, Friday." He sounded distant. "They have booked a whole chalet in the hills for a week."

"classy," I remarked.

"It's an Airb&b, mama." He chuckled at my remark, "everybody's sharing."

For the next few minutes, we just held each other. No one said anything. My hand caressed his shoulder and head. Antoni's face nestled into the side of my breast, his hand lay across my stomach, his leg pinning my thighs under his.

Another few minutes later, I had resolved to help my son.

I realized whatever happened at Kijow was spontaneous and not entirely Antoni's fault. In fact, if anything, I was grateful for having a great time and rocking sex afterward with Jakub.

I was appreciative that Antoni had acted maturely after the episode and never once took advantage. Like me, possibly, he had put the episode away as a one-off moment of weakness between us. I was glad it was never brought up in a discussion and even today, he did not bring it up overtly. It was very thoughtful of him.

From the looks of it, he hadn't really used it to his advantage with his friends except for the fact that he had not countered them with facts - which in any case, he could not have. How could he say - "guys, it was my mother whose teats I sucked at in the auditorium." For that matter, how could he have said - "I merrily made out with a random woman, in front of friends." The only honorable way out for him was to let them assume that it was indeed his girlfriend.

My motherly instincts told me I needed to reward him for his thoughtfulness.

"Antoni, If you want, I could join you as your girlfriend. Do you think that will help?" As it came out of my mouth, I could feel the excitement lift his spirits with each word.

He lifted his head and looked me in the face, checking if I was indeed considering it.

I smiled at him. Looking at him all happy made me gush as well.

He climbed off me and sat on his knees and shins, with his butt on his heels, "really Mama!"

I nodded, smiling.

He fell forward in my arms and rested his head on my chest, "Mama, I love you."

"I love you too," I replied instantly.

Later that afternoon, the cheerful and lively son of mine explained the modalities of the plan for the week ahead. With two days to go, Antoni was non-stop on the phone confirming to all his friends and getting the itinerary, et all.

When I returned home, later that day, I got a full download of how we were going to commute, where we'd stay, what all we'd do. Most of the while my mind was zoned out, at first seeing Antoni happy and then reasoning what I was doing was fine. And then there was Jakub.

Around dinner, Antoni had vanished, and I spoke with Jakub.

"Jakub, I spoke to Antoni, and I think he is fine," I informed Jakub.

"Good to know," said Jakub, his tone expressing relief.


"As a settlement, I had to concede going on a one-week vacation with him in exchange for his assurance he won't become a hermit," I added.

"That doesn't sound like a bad deal," Jakub laughed, then added, "for any of us."


"great. Would you be willing to join us Friday for a week to Zakopane?" I dropped the bomb.

'Umm....." surprised, Jakub added, "so it has already been planned?"


"yes, an airb&b has been blocked; we will drive up there. I think he is calling a couple of his friends also to come along." I casually continued.

If there was half an excuse available, Jakub's mind went into overdrive to find one. He feebly replied, "Julia, I...I... I think it'd be best if you go along on this one. I have an important project going on at the office. Can you please...?"

I made a contrived facial expression but acceded to his request.

Jakub, glad to have got excluded from the trip, stayed away from asking further questions, lest he gets roped back in.

Over the next two days, I reconciled in my mind that I was going on the trip for my son. For good measure, I also had a straight talk with Antoni.

"Antoni, I am happy to come along. I will also play the part of the girlfriend as necessary. But you will have to tone down on the displays of affection." I looked at him directly when I said this to ensure my point was well received.

"Mama, you don't have to worry. We will have fun on the trip. We will do a lot of skiing. You love that. We will all hang out and enjoy the snow." In his own way, he confirmed that he shall behave.

He hugged me to reassure me and kissed my cheek. Antoni's new-normal since the Kijow. I kind of enjoyed these proximities with him and loved the attention he gave me.


Friday, 12 February

We took an Uber to our assembly point - Filip's home - in Kleparz North of Krakow. It was early morning, and we had pushed ourselves to get ready and get a good head start.

When we reached Filip's I realized we were the last to reach. Zuzanna rushed to greet me and hugged me. Zofia and Maja followed her to meet me.

In the brief conversation we had, I realized my reputation preceded me. We stayed talking in the nice, large compound of Filips’ home. An impressive building that seemed quite contemporary and exuded the wealth of the owners.

All the three handsome boys too greeted me courteously as well, Jan led the pack, and Szymon and Filip were right behind him.

While Jan chatted with Antoni and me to complain about not having met in a long while, Filip and Szymon chivalrously rounded up our bags and got them into the combi van the boys had organized for the trip.

We girls took the rear of the van and I got to know others better. Well, mostly it was introductions for my benefit since they all knew each other pretty well.

By far Maja was the most beautiful amongst the girls. With a drop-dead gorgeous body, hot as hell tits, and a great height. Her boyfriend Filip was the most affluent of the group yet seemed very humble - nice young man.

Zuzanna and I clicked instantly because of having met once earlier, well maybe also for the fact that she had seen me topless. On the back of the van, she held my hand as we sat. I played along. All the girls were fascinated with me. The fact that their classmate was dating, and scoring, with someone quite a few years older than them, was way too exciting.

Their predictive questions about 'where we met,' 'how long have we been together' were natural and, by now, well-rehearsed between Antoni and me.

The ten-seater combi van had sufficient space for snacks, food, meat, milk, drinks, liquor, champagne, and all our bags.

Clearly comfortable in this group, Antoni chatted with everyone with ease. For the ride to Zakopane, he sat in the front passenger seat with Filip, who drove for the next couple of hours.

An hour into the drive and we started climbing the beautiful Tatras. We could see snow splattered in patches.

I have stayed in cabins and villas on our family vacations, but I was not prepared for what the boys had rented. It was one of the most beautiful chalet I had seen, even while I had come to Zakopane tens of times earlier.

The stone and wooden chalet was a full-scale villa with its own large barricaded compound, a covered garage, and a doghouse. In the backdrop of a thick layer of snow all around it looked like an idyllic house.

We met the manager and her dog at the gate. She walked out of the house when she saw us drive in. She opened the garage for us and we parked right next to the two snowmobiles.

The house manager got us all settled and showed us the chalet and the facilities. She got us comfortable before leaving, giving us her coordinates in case we wanted anything. Her superb husky was well behaved and looked magnificent and at home. No matter how much we begged her to leave the dog with us for the week, she didn't.

Clearly, the house, from inside too, was the best I had stayed in, ever. It had the finest kitchen with modern fittings; the main sitting room opened up to the most beautiful deck - which at the moment was covered in snow - giving a beautiful view of the snow-covered slope and trees. The room next door was towards the inside of the house - it did not have too many windows. It was fitted with a nice comfortable sofa set, lots of books on the shelves, a large flatscreen tv, a nice fireplace, and a thick, comfortable rug on the floor. Along with a toilet, kitchen, and pantry that kind of completed the whole floor.

When we reached the first floor, where the bedrooms were, we could look down into the main living room from the open space after the stairs. Towards each end were the bedrooms. Tastefully set up and well furnished with great views from the windows of both bedrooms. Both had large ensuites. Each room had a twin beds arrangement.

Damn! It hit me then.

'This is going to be trouble,' I thought. For I knew it wasn't going to be girls' and boys' rooms.

Zuzanna and Maja giggled their way ahead and found the place a charming abode for an eventful week ahead.

I was behind them going through both the bedrooms and trying to figure out the arrangements when Zuzanna looked back in my direction and said, "Julia, you and Antoni wanna bunk with me and Jan?"

Well, what could have I said, except, "sure, would love to," with very little excitement.

Maja and Zuzanna must have noticed my lack of enthusiasm and Maja said, "Would you rather share the bedroom with me and Filip?"

"It's not like that," I hastily recovered. My hesitation was followed up by Zuzanna and she said smiling "if you were hoping for extra privacy with Antoni you will have to wait a week.

I blushed.

The boys got the bags in the rooms up and set them in the rooms as instructed by the girls.

Antoni, too, looked at the beds and my expressions and realized the dilemma. But not much could be done in the situation. His shrug and his face expressed an apology.

Within the next hour, all of us settled in the main living room, which was clearly the center attraction of the house. With its high ceiling, nice large windows, very comfortable sofas, a fireplace, it had a good vibe about it. Half of the wall length was stone and the rest wood, natural light from outside filled the entire room, and right away, everyone was glad to be together in this room chilling. The upper floor was all wooden, as was the sloped roof.

One of the boys must have started the fire because, when I came down, the living room was nice and warm. The upper floor bedrooms would be heated with a central heating system.

Before long, the boys got bored and wanted to check out the locale. Snowmobiles were enticing and off they went to check out the slopes and to understand if all of them were ski-worthy.

Filip stayed back with us girls and the three of them took off. Filip, I realized, was the son of a millionaire real estate tycoon. That's the reason he had this air about him but I found him to be a very sweet and humble boy. Maja, the eye candy, too was an heiress of a cosmetic company family and their match was perfect. More importantly, they seemed to be a lot into each other.

The boys returned with food and lots of information on pow-fresh and a couple of pistes. After a late lunch, we took off for our first round.

I had been skiing since I was five and can hold my own with fairly advanced slopes as well, so can Antoni. I wasn't aware of others, but from the looks of it, everyone was good in their own way. Jan seemed the best skier, by far, in our group, Zuzanna the weakest.

We returned to the chalet after six and relaxed for an hour in the living room before changing for the evening.

Zofia and I made hot cocoa for everyone and we relaxed until dinner. Filip and Szymon went to buy dinner and we started playing a game.

By the time dinner arrived, we were all rolling in laughter, playing a game called Heads-Up, where others had to explain what word was on the phone's screen that was held up on the forehead of the guesser. I was hilariously failing to come up to their level.

As the night progressed, the group started to wear down and started moving towards the bedrooms.

If I was to summarize the day and our facade of boyfriend-girlfriend, I'd say, went off pretty well because no one could have guessed.

If I was tense, I probably was working hard to hide it. I changed into my night-shirt and came out of the bathroom, to find Zuzanna shedding her clothes right next to the bed. She climbed into the bed with just her bra and panties, smiling towards me.

I could not make out what Jan was wearing because he was already under the thick sheet, talking to his girlfriend, "Zuz, you'll have to turn the switch off."

I entered the bed from the far side. Zuzanna looked towards us and said 'good night guys" before flicking the lamp on the bedside table nudged between our beds.

"Good night," Antoni and I replied in tandem.

I slid next to Antoni. Hugging and kissing the cheek was good until then but sleeping in the same bed was another level. The bed wasn't wide enough for us to sleep too far apart. So Antoni opened his arm for me and I slid next to him and nuzzled into his shoulder. His hand folded behind me to roll me in.

I settled next to Antoni and brought my hand to his chest. He was wearing a t-shirt. My legs felt bare skin on his and I realized he was going to be sleeping in his boxers.

I kissed his cheek and wished him "good night," assuming that was the end of a good day.

He whispered "good night" into my head and kissed me on top of my head.

It didn't take long for the silence in the room to be broken with the muaah and aaah's from our neighbors.

I looked up to see if Antoni could hear it as well. Sure as hell, he could. He looked down into my face and smiled sheepishly.

I smiled back and went back into his armpit.

Moments later, the sounds of bed screeching and thumping sound filled the room. The slap of thighs was evident and undoubtedly any attempt of Jan and Zuzanna to keep it down was failing.

I was giggling into Antoni’s chest.

When Jan came, his nose hissed, ringing the signal to us all that he had climaxed. Antoni was chuckling as low as he could under the weird circumstances we were in.

Zuzanna climaxed a minute later, she let out a deep throaty grunt, "uuunnngh," to tell us all that she too had climaxed.

The silence returned in the room a few seconds later as their breath settled. To lighten the mood in the room, I said out loud, "good night, guys."

We all laughed out loud, and just like that, the sexual tension was broken.

Zuzanna arched herself on the elbow and looked towards us and said, "sorry, Julia. ......" she tried to think of something to say but couldn't come up with the right words and laughed out loud again, before saying, "good night, guys."

When I woke up in the morning before Antoni did, I realized some morning light was creeping in through the heavy curtains. Antoni was still sleeping on his back like last night but my hand had crept up near his neck and my leg was half riding his thighs. The top of my thigh was touching Antoni's morning wood.

I moved back slowly and receded to my end of the bed, straightening myself before stretching a bit and getting up.


Saturday, 13 February

The morning feeling of getting up first was satisfying. The room, with its thick drapes, was still sufficiently dark for the kids to sleep in. I slowly trudged off to the bathroom to freshen up.

I tip-toed out of the room and slid the door half shut for the three of them to sleep comfortably.

I wandered towards the kitchen lazily to make myself a cup of coffee.

When I was walking towards the kitchen, I saw movement in the main living room and went in that direction.

Maja was stretching and doing yoga. In her tight-fitted halter and smart yoga pants. She indeed looked very beautiful. Admiring her graceful stretches I walked in.

She smiled and welcomed me with a "good morning, Julia."

"good morning Maja"

"Would you like to join?" she asked me.

I thought for a while and then said, "sure, why not? But you will have to lead."

Maja nodded her assent and carried on with her postures.

In the next forty minutes, I was stretched and felt afresh. I had been intrigued by yoga but had never had the opportunity to learn it. Now, it seemed simple to execute, yet fun.

Maja told me, "I do an hour a day of yoga, it helps me stay fit."

"sure it has worked with you. You look fit in every way." I complimented her.

She politely acknowledged and told me back, "No way I can beat your stamina. The way you skied yesterday, I could have sworn you were younger than I was." She meant it as a compliment and then realized it should not have been said because it had put my age issue out there.

I smiled and let it pass and put her at ease. "Apart from skiing and jogging, I hardly ever did any physical workouts. Skiing is something that isn't possible often now. I used to ski a lot earlier. Now it's just jogging a few miles every day."

We made ourselves some hot tea and came back into the living room where Filip joined us soon after. He slid right next to Maja and cozied up into her body from behind.

"Good morning, Julia" he wished me first and then dived into Maja's mouth to wish her with a kiss.

They kissed, and then he snuggled into her and let us continue our conversation.

As Maja and I talked about our fitness regimen, Filip busied his hands around her body - caressing her from waist to her stomach, and then his mouth found her neck.

As they made out in front of me, instead of feeling uncomfortable, I felt a warm feeling towards both of them as if they were my children. I felt happy.

One after the other everyone started to flow into the living room. After spending some time together we all started to flow back into the bedrooms to shower, bathe, and then get ready. It was almost eleven.

An hour and a half later, we started for our lunch. We reached the scenic Koliba restaurant and enjoyed a long session of local food.

After that, we went for another full day of skiing and games. We reached back at the chalet around seven in the evening.

We heated the food we had brought along and had dinner with some Krupnik. Filip and Maja didn't drink, but everyone else drank moderately.

After dinner, we relaxed and talked in the living room, and Filip picked up the guitar and played nice soft music. The atmosphere became very cozy and intimate with the fireplace and the music. Each couple nestled close, often expressing their love by kissing their partner.

By eleven, we started to move back to our rooms. The romanticized evening ended up making most of the group sexually excited.

Jan and Zuzanna were kissing and groping when I walked into the bedroom after they had made themselves comfortable. Before I could change back into my nightgown, and switch the bathroom light off, Jan and Zuzanna were already making out in their bed.

I slid around the other side of my bed. Antoni was already there. I smiled back at my son.

I shrugged my gown and slipped into the covers, momentarily showing the long t-shirt I had chosen to wear for the night to my son. He flicked the bedside lamp off and snuggled next to me.

Antoni was once again in a t-shirt and boxers as the previous night. Instead of laying down straight, he turned towards me. I, too, faced him as we tried to cuddle and sleep.

His arm that was spread under my neck pulled my head towards his chest and his hands held me close into his body. His thigh turned up on my hip and we were in a full embrace. It was more than I would have wanted, but I let it pass.

My arm moved beyond his waist and I parked my hand behind his spine to settle down comfortably.

Before I could shut my eyes and sleep, Jan and Zuzanna’s kissing got louder. Their tongue kissing made the usual muuaah's and aaah's.

Paying no heed to us, they merrily made out and forgot to keep it down.

Somewhere between these noises, I looked up from Antoni's chest towards his face, and he bent down and planted a kiss on my forehead.

I kept bending my head back to look him in the eyes, and he felt it was to ask for a kiss. Antoni bent forward kissing me on the lips. It was as if he was reading my mind. I so wanted to kiss. The evening was working its way into me, and our neighbors were making it worse.

Just as we moved in from the fifth kiss to our sixth, Jan had climbed on top of Zuzanna for obvious reasons.

By the time we were on our eighth kiss, he was inside Zuzanna.

When Jan climaxed inside Zizanna excitedly, we were on our longest kiss of the night and I must have lost count after twenty. We were so lost in each other, I could not say when Zuzanna climaxed unless she did it muted.

Zuzanna cried out and said, "good night" to us and laughed on her own. We were busy in each other's mouths and did not care to even respond.

When did we sleep, and how come we slept is a mystery. We were both so horny, and I guess our resolve to hold ourselves back led us into exhaustion, and we must have slept in a close embrace.

When I woke up the next morning, Antoni was half on top of me, his leg was high on my hip. His open groin leaning his morning wood in between my thighs, poking me. He held me close to his chest which meant untangling would not be easy.


Sunday, 14 February

I slowly worked my way out of his grip, only briefly waking him and slipping into the bathroom to freshen up.

I moved downstairs and found Maja doing her morning yoga routine. She smiled as I joined her.

Maja led the way and took me through a complete routine of yoga-stretches to follow. It was something I was beginning to like.

Maja and I waited in the living room for others to join in. Everyone other than Jan filtered in one after the other, slowly.

After our morning coffee, some of the boys started preparing eggs and bacon. Seeing them stutter, I took over. One after the other dished out breakfast for everyone.

"That's one hell of a home-cooked breakfast, Julia," complimented Filip.

Everyone else chimed in with their compliments and I smiled back.

Jan was the last to join in, and got a comment from me, "good morning, Jan. You've been sleeping in. Quite a workout you seem to have gotten yesterday."

Jan blushed profusely. Zuzanna hopped in and said, "I tell you, it was quite something." She hung on my neck from behind me like a younger sister, and we both teased Jan.

Jan was last to get a helping of breakfast. I stayed back with Zuzanna and Jan while others moved into their rooms to shower, wash up and get ready.

Zuzanna and I sat with Jan until he finished his breakfast and we all talked for a bit.

"Zuz, you guys sure are having a lovely time," I commented.

"Well, everyone is. It looks like ...except you," she said hesitantly.

"But I am, indeed," I countered her, knowing full well that she meant something else.

As a result of a hearty breakfast, everyone stayed back at the house and started around two, for a snack and then some skiing.

After a couple of hours of skiing, we turned in early. Being a Sunday there was too much crowd around and we decided it was best to hang out at the house.

The fun started with a game one of the boys must have suggested. Never Have I Ever.

From the cheese platter laid out, we nibbled at the snacks and downed a decent amount of Krupnik.

The game rule dictated one must drink a sip of Krupnik to disagree with the host of Never Have I Ever.

Somewhere in the game, Szymon said, "Never Have I Ever dated someone older than I am."

Zuzanna, Zofia and Maja took a small sip. Everyone looked towards us. The innuendo was clear. I was sitting in front of Antoni, my back into his chest. He took a large sip at the question. Suggestively, he cleaned his glass in one go, almost choking himself.”

Everyone laughed heavily at the act. Clearly, he had won every heart there, taking the swipe at him in the stride. I indeed was many years his senior.

The fact that even Jakub was a few weeks younger than me helped. I didn’t need to sip from my glass.

For good measure, I turned my head and kissed Antoni on the lips in front of everyone. A First for this trip. The kiss lingered on for quite a while before we broke off.

On the same sofa, on the other corner, were Zuzanna and Jan.

Half a round later, Zuzanna asked a question a few minutes later, "Never Have I Ever kissed a girl."

No one drank a sip. Which basically meant everyone else had.

When Zuzanna was trying to take a sip of Krupnik. I stopped her - stretching my hand towards her - tapping her wrist. She was sitting with her back nestling into Jan, bent halfway into his chest, and resting her head on his shoulder.

She was surprised at first, seeing me move on my knees towards her. With a little bit of jostle, I reached out, kneeling forward into her body, "Can't have you drink that."

Then I bent closer and brought my hand on her cheek, letting her know what was coming. She was overwhelmed at first and then instantly moved up to meet my lips. I dropped my lips on hers for a nice wet kiss. Then I stayed there, letting her know what it meant to kiss a woman. I planted one kiss after another before letting her off.

Before I kneeled my way back onto my son, I saw Maja stand up from Filips' lap and walk towards Jan and Zuzanna. She dived into Jan's lap where Zuzanna was parked and kissed Zuzanna on her lips. Not leaving any chance of regret for Zuz, Maja gave her a french kiss. Their tongues traveled to and fro, and they made out in Jan's lap for a good while.

Not to be left behind, Zofia walked up to Zuzanna and gave her a healthy serving of french kisses.

After a torrent of kisses and french kisses from every girl in the room, Zuzanna shouted a big, "WOOOOOOOO."

All the girls, including me, shouted a big "YEEEEYYY," for Zuzanna.

Everyone laughed and the game ambled on. The mood had lightened further, and it had become gamely.

On Maja's turn, she said, "Never Have I Ever had gone commando." When no one took a sip, the entire group looked at Maja and laughed at her.

Instead of taking a sip, she did the only thing reasonable. She reached under her skirt and slowly wiggled her hands up, got her panties to slip down. Once they were at the ankles, Filip snatched it from her hands and covered his face in it.

Everyone was a pile of laughs seeing that.

When it was my turn, I said, "Never Have I Ever got a tattoo." I took a small sip from my glass.

Four of them took a sip from their glasses, and Filip, Antoni, and Maja did not take a sip.

Antoni upped the game with, "Never Have I Ever had a Lap Dance."

I looked around the group and realized that I might have to fulfill his wish. I jokingly laughed and told him, "you wish Toni!" and then I added, "drink up."

Moments before he was going to take a sip, Zuzanna stood up and reached him. I was sitting attached to my boy, yet she calmly came up. Signaled to Filip, who hastily picked up the guitar and strummed a tune.

Everyone started clapping in chorus and shouted, "zuzaaaaannnnaa......zuzaaaaannnnaa.....zuzaaaaannnnaa."

She climbed on top of the sofa with her knees on either side of Antoni and she suggestively brought her groin into his lap. As she went on, we clapped in the background, her hands slithered on her thighs bringing her skirt high up, and she ground her pussy on his dick, her hands rested on his shoulders, and their faces into each other.

The lap dance itself wasn't long but the act of hers was audacious. They didn't kiss but she planted a soft kiss on his lips before getting up. And then for good measure, she bent forward and kissed me on the lips.

Everyone went, "WWOOOOOOHOOOO." I don't know if the scream was about her kissing me or for giving Antoni a lap dance.

Before we took off towards the bedrooms, every one of the girls, including me, was making out with their partners. Strong french kisses, in between turns, boys groping their girlfriends before the next question came.

We drank, we partied and we had good fun before everyone was so horny we had to retire else it'd have been an orgy right there in the sitting room.

By the time we slipped into bed, Jan and Zuzanna were inside their bed, nude as ducks. Jan was on her boobs sucking her gloriously. With her head following us to our bed, she provocatively blew a kiss towards us.

I was in bed and was equally horny and bothered, like everyone else. I had hoped to make out with my son again. But the heat in my quim needed something more.

As usual, Antoni got into bed with his t-shirt and boxers before I came back from the toilet wearing my nightgown. I did not take the gown out and entered the bed. I sat up with my back on the backrest of the bed.

Antoni started kissing and tonguing me, as he assumed that's as far he was allowed to go. Just when I realized he wasn't going further I opened my gown and he realized I hadn't got a shred under it.

Antoni high with exhilaration jumped forward and took my neck first. He spent the longest time on my neck and that had me creaming and purring. He knew that would work with me, but boy, was he going to be surprised what else could work for me.

Antoni reached my left breast, his favorite from Kijow, and lapped it with kisses and licks as if a dog was greeting its owner. Then he swirled his tongue around my nipple and sent shivers into my spine.

My mind reeled in lust. My hands behind Antoni's head beckoned him to never stop.

He gratefully continued his dedicated service to my nipple and the entire breast. I looked over, and Zuzanna looked me in the eye, her eyelids almost closing in her own pleasure at the hands of Jan, who besides sucking her nipple, was fingering her pussy.

My pussy needed stimulation, and badly. Just then, Jan moved away from Zuzanna's tits and climbed between her thighs.

I pushed Antoni's head down. In that moment of weakness, I wanted what Zuzanna was getting. Antoni misread my push as if I wanted him to go down. So down he went, kissing, licking, and sucking - until he reached the place of his birth. He appreciated it with reverence and then started paying his obeisance.

His tongue reached out and gave my pussy the much-needed first lick. I was spasming. My hands pulled on his head clutching his hair in between my fingers. Had I not been pulling him inside my pussy he would have assumed it was a distress call of some kind.

By then, my throat was sending deep guttural grunts. I was cumming. He lapped my juices as if it was manna from heaven. Long after I had settled he showed no interest in coming back out of my pussy.

I lazed until he got me back high again and got me close to climax all over again. I was spasming in no time.

In the backdrop of continued thigh slaps I was cumming on my son's tongue.

And before I had settled down, he changed gears and moved an inch lower and went into my ass crown and that had me writhing in shivers. I cried out loud, "AAAAHhhh," and then a longer "UUUUNNNGHH."

By the time I came back to earth, I was laying spread eagle in the bed, my gown split open, my hair was strewn and my head rolling on the pillow. Antoni was still in between my numb thighs clearing up the mess he had me make.

I realized Jan and Zuzanna had stopped fucking long ago and both of them were lying down sideways, facing towards us, for a ring-side view of Antoni licking and sucking his mother clean. I pushed Antoni out of my pussy with some struggle. Instead of coming off, he kissed and moved up my stomach, my breasts, and reached my lips.

I did not kiss him back. He felt my discomfort and looked towards our neighbors.

Zuzanna shouted, "WOOOOOWWW."

Jan added, “BOOOOOYEAAAH.”

Then we all laughed. With the sexual tension eased off, we crept back under covers.

Antoni took my lips and we kissed heartily. I hungrily pulled out every bit of my juice from inside his mouth as if it had been stolen by him. I sucked his tongue and the inside of his mouth, cleaning it well.

I do not recollect when we slept, but, for sure, we were in an embrace all night long.


Monday, 15 February

I opened my eyes and my head was deep into Antoni’s shoulder. His hands held me tightly as if I was going to fly off into the night.

Untangling without disturbing him sufficiently wasn’t possible. I also could feel the slight nudge in my naked pussy, thanks to the half-erection of my son.

Much against my wishes I moved an inch at a time and slipped away. I walked naked into the toilet and freshened up.

I caught up with Maja in the living room. She hadn’t started her routine yet and she greeted me, ”good morning, Julia.”

I said, “good morning, Maja.” Then I asked her, “do you ever sleep?”

She smiled and replied, “I’m an early-morning person,” even though she knew I was joking.

We hugged politely, and without her inviting me I joined her in the open section of the living room where she’d been doing her yoga daily.

An hour into the yoga session led by Maja and I felt refreshed. Before we were through, Szymon and Zofia came down. While they fiddled in the kitchen Filip came and slowly others started to trickle in.

By then I was already in the kitchen taking charge of another morning’s breakfast for everyone. They all seemed very appreciative of my volunteering to cook. Filip tried to assist, in a manner of speaking. Breaking eggs, handing out plates, pouring coffee.

Our morning stretched into the afternoon and everyone moved into their rooms to shower, taking turns to get ready.

By two, we were out for another day of skiing and frolicking in the snow. The crowd had thinned, as expected for a Monday and we hogged one piste for a while.

The girls decided to check out some shopping in the evening and we returned slightly late after having dinner at a local restaurant.

By the time we returned it was nine and everyone was in the mood to party. Filip turned the music system on and dimmed the lights. We ended up using various parts of the living room to dance.

Somewhere when the mood had peaked, Filip changed the playlist to some soft romantic music. Each couple hugged, and swayed to soft lovely music, often kissing their partners.

We were no different, Antoni kissed me thoroughly and properly, lovingly and slowly. I was heady by the time the music stopped.

When I looked around, Zofia was riding Szymon, who sat back on the sofa. She was facing him with her knees parked outside his thighs, her hands and arms behind his head, and her tongue deep inside Szymon. She dry humped him merrily. His hands behind her waist encouraged her to keep doing what she was doing.

Filip was kissing Maja in her mouth and they were still swaying even though the music had stopped.

Jan and Zuzanna had stopped like we had and were gauging the remainder of the party.

We nodded at each other and decided it was time to retire to our rooms for the night, or for that matter continue the rest of the party up there.

None of us bothered to go to the ensuite to change. One after the other pieces of our garments kept coming off between kisses and gropes.

Zuzanna with the least amount of clothes on her finished first and they were in bed before us.

Antoni took his time peeling layers off of me and slowly took me to bed. He kissed me continuously and lovingly. Our gasps for air were synchronizing with the removal of a piece of apparel on us.

In bed he started at my neck, knowing well what would make me start down the road to a point of no return. After spending a decent time giving me a hickey he moved down to my tits. He chose his favorite one. For what seemed like an hour he licked, kissed, and sucked on my nipple and areola.

Then Antoni moved to my right breast and spent an equal amount of time on that. By that time I was already creaming.

I held his head in both my hands encouraging him to never leave but he decided it was time for more.

His wet trail started from my nipple and then he kissed his way to my pussy. He stopped momentarily at my pussy-mound and paid respect to the small strip of pussy hair I had curated.

Antoni did not waste time playing around. Knowing my urgency he dived in and started sucking my labia, giving me my first climax of the night. Then he sucked his way in and jabbed my pussy multiple times and got me going one more time.

By the time I reached down from my high, Antoni had decided to send me back to la-la land. He hit my clitoris hard and pulled it between his lips. I pulled on his hair in appreciation and my grunts became louder.

“UNHHHGGNNNGGHH” I cried. My eyes remained closed.

Antoni got me to orgasm once more that night before giving up.

After spending some time lapping my wet thighs, Antoni climbed back up kissing my stomach on the way and then stopping to layer my boobs one more time with my own juice mixed with his saliva.

He reached my mouth and gave me back my juices from his mouth.

“I want that.” I heard a voice, loud. A girl's voice. Making me remember that we had company in the same room.

Zuzanna was talking to Jan, in mock jealousy. Seeing the extreme pleasure Antoni had just given me, she wanted some of it for herself as well.

I could not help but laugh. We all ended up laughing.

We turned into each other after the lights were switched off. And I collected back the rest from his mouth.

Antoni and I played tongues and kisses with each other like lovebirds.

With a full-frontal embrace, I could really feel his erection poke me in the thighs.

I knew he hadn’t found his release and I felt an overwhelming motherly feeling at that moment for my son. I emulated Antoni’s style journey down his front - kissing my way down to his stomach and then through his thin patch of hair before addressing his dick.

I held his dick in my hand and kissed it on its tip. In the dark, I couldn’t see anything but what was in my hand was sufficient for me to carry on. And carry on I did.

I enveloped my mouth around its head taking the thicker part of his cock in.

Just then I heard, “aaw, come on you two.” Zuz cried out in mock anger.

I choked at Antoni’s cock head imagining her reaction. But it was too much to give up. I soldiered on, dropping my mouth further on his cock.

Not long after, I was bobbing my head up and down on his cock taking a large portion of it inside. His hands gripped my head smoothly to encourage me but not force me down.

He tapped on my head for warning, not that I needed one. His first spurt of cum hit the back of my throat. I swallowed it with difficulty because it was followed by another two strong strings of cum that landed in my throat too.

Antoni grunted, “hhhuhh.”

I took part of his cock out until just the top was in my mouth. It helped me swallow and stock the rest in my mouth. I kept licking until he was dry and I swallowed until my mouth was empty. And then I started licking my way out, cleaning his cock of any remainder.

His dick hadn’t softened one bit but I decided it was good enough for tonight.


Tuesday, 16 February

With each passing day, I was learning to untangle from Antoni’s grip in the morning without shaking him awake. He would stir but fall back into sleep quickly.

I met Maja once again in the living room. She had started her routine but greeted me, “good morning. Julia.” And then as I joined her she restarted the yoga routine from the top.

An hour later, not only did I feel refreshed but also energetic. Yoga was growing on me.

Filip and Szymon had come down first. Filip and I took the kitchen and started breakfast. Filip offered to make omelets and I made pancakes for a change.

A respectable attempt by Filip was complemented by my pancakes, syrup, and cream.

The program for that morning was a bit different. Boys were going to go snowmobiling while we girls were going to stay back at the chalet.

Filip rode behind Szymon and Antoni behind Jan. The boys took off just after twelve and left us girls to party together.

Not long after the guys went off, the four of us converged in the living room and relaxed until we got bored. I think it was Zofia who had suggested that we get drunk and it was Maja who had suggested we do Karaoke. And we ended up doing both with lots of clumsy singing and a lot more drinking.

It took us an hour and a half to settle back down. Clearly, singing was not for us but yes, we had a lot of fun trying.

It was Zuzanna who changed the subject to dares and we ended up initiating our version of Truth or Dare.

Not to be cowed down, others agreed. Not to seem frumpy I had no option but to agree.

Zuzanna initiated the game, directed towards me, “Julia, how old are you?” Pretty direct.

I said, “forty-two.” I shaved the ten extra months of my age.

“Oh my god, my Mom’s forty-two!” She blurted.

Then realizing she had said something awkward, she lovingly came to me, hugged me, and kissed my cheek. Instead of going back to her seat, she kept sitting next to me. I smiled and kept my arm around her shoulder.

Having got the round in my favor, I redirected my question to Maja, “how many boyfriends have you had?”

Lame, everyone thought. “I have been friends with Filip since we were both ten.” Maja relief coolly.

Mana’s question to Zofia was, “how many piercings and tattoos do you have?”

“I have four tattoos and one - no, actually two - piercings,” Zofia replied calmly, thinking before correcting her piercing answer.

Out of inquisitiveness, I asked, “may I ask where all, other than the one we can see.” I motioned toward her wrist which had a script written which was unknown to me.

Zuz jumped up, “oh my god, she has the most beautiful one on her back. Show them Zofia” Zuzanna shouted.

She calmly showed the one on her wrist and explained - this is a sign called ’Carpe Diem’ which is Latin for ’Seize the day.'

Then she calmly pulled her skirt up and showed one on her thigh. This one was a Honeybee. A colored tattoo, the flying bee on the inside of her thigh was heading towards Zofia’s panty-covered pussy. Thematically accurate, the bee was flying towards the honey pot.

Everyone laughed and clapped.

Excited now, Zofia had to take her shirt off. She took off her thin jacket and then her silk shirt. She simultaneously turned and showed a flying angel on her back. It was large and magnificent, the wings spreading from her left edge to her right.

“Beautiful,” I said almost in chorus with Maja.

Even as the three of us were admiring the tattoo that was partially hidden by her bra strap, she turned to show us her fourth and final artwork. This one was right on top of her left breast. A simple dark-red-colored heart, but around it was a birdcage. It must have meant something to her because no one responded except for admiring it.

One would have assumed her piercings were on the belly button or something. She was sitting in just her bra and we couldn’t find the piercings.

Naturally, since Zofia was going through a Show-and-tell, the question Maja asked was, “the piercings?”

Zofia smiled and pulled her hands behind to unclasp the bra and in one swift set of motions opened her gorgeous pink breasts for us to see.

Her baby-pink breast skin was topped with blood-red, puffy nipples through which were pierced two tiny dumbbell trinkets. Her breasts were firm and round.

Everyone gasped in admiration and naturally dropped in front of her to get a closer look.

That was followed with questions. Zuzanna asked first, “do they hurt?” She brought her hand very close to Zofia’s breast but couldn’t find the courage to touch the nipple.

‘Not now.” Zofia smiled and replied.

“When Szymon sucks on them, then?” Was my query.

“Haha,” she laughed and then said, “it gives me a kick when he pulls on them with his tongue and his lips.”

Before asking her question, Maja said, “can I?” Asking permission to touch it.

Zofia nodded her assent.

Maja kneeled forward and slowly twitched her fingers so she’d touch just the trinket, but it was possible without feeling the nipple. The touch sent a tiny shiver inside Zofia.

Maja looked up and touched the full nipple, getting a feel between her fingers. Encouraged, Zuzanna played with the other nipple and dumbbell trinket.

Then Maja looked up towards Zofia’s face and smiled.

It was something she had to do. Zofia nodded.

Maja dropped her mouth on Zofia’s tit and took the broad region beyond the areola in her mouth in an attempt to not hit the trinket instantly.

Whatever was happening inside her mouth was invisible to Zuz and me. But whatever was happening was pleasing Zofia, that much was sure.

Zuzanna wasn’t going to do that, it seemed. She kept tweaking the other nipple and playing with the trinket. Not to be left out, I moved a step forward and moved in on Zofia’s other breast. I took the second nipple and experienced a pierced nipple for the first time in my mouth. Zuzanna’s finger touched my lips before she moved her hand away and caressed my head.

It was a unique feeling, I must say. At first, I was self-conscious of not sucking so as not to hurt Zofia. My sucking was broad but inquisitiveness got the better of me and I moved in. I caught her nipple in my lips and got the cold metal feeling on my lips.

Different, I thought.

Then I gave her nipple a seasoned lick and got a predictable purr. I followed it up with a full tongue massage. My tongue felt an abrasive obstruction because of her trinket and she must have been feeling the pleasure because her hand came up behind my head and encouraged me to go on.

Gladly, I lapped up and down until she was whimpering. Then I decided to do what was naturally next. I sucked on her breast, and her trinket and her nipple went deep in my mouth. It became a play toy for me in the mouth. I played with her trinket as a dog would with a chew toy.

Whatever good or bad I was doing had Zofia whimpering and purring. She wanted more and didn’t let go of my head. I wasn’t sure if Maja was still around on her other tit, and my hand flew behind Maja to reassure myself that we were in it together. We indeed were.

We went on and on until it must have exhausted Zofia into horny numbness because she finally pushed us away.

By then she was a disheveled mess.

It was Zofia’s turn to ask a question and she was panting, trying to catch her breath.

“Have you ever sucked a pussy?” She asked Zuz.

Zuz was ecstatic. Having got left behind on the tit-sucking round she happily offered, “no I haven’t. But can I try?”

“You bet,” replied Zofia and spread her legs slightly.

Zuzanna looked toward me for reassurance. I nodded to her in encouragement. She sat on her knees in front of Zofia and moved closer.

Zofia raised her butt a little until Zuz had taken her panties off. The soaking thin piece of garment was discarded and along came the sweet waft of a cum-ridden pussy. Her pink pussy with pulsing labia came in full view of us all. Also, the bee tattoo got revealed again as Zofia’s skirt bunched around her waist.

Zuz became the real-life Bee and dived in the honey pot. She licked and kissed and sucked like an amateur. Whatever she lacked in skill she more than made up for in enthusiasm and the rest as they say ‘is history.’

Maja and I stood admiring Zuzanna performing her first cunnilingus.

Zuzanna must be doing things right because Zofia was climaxing in a short while.

Maja had her right hand around my waist and I had my left around her waist. We stood attached at the hip, a couple of steps behind Zuzanna, admiring the pair in front of us.

“Unnnggh…aaannghh,” when Zofia grunted and moaned delightfully, announcing her climax, we smiled and looked towards one another.

Our faces were so close, Maja and I could not hold ourselves back either. Our first kiss on the lips was spontaneous - out of joy.

What followed was a barrage of kisses and tonguing. We were frisky and hot.

When Zofia orgasmed exclaiming, we broke off to see her response to Zuzanna’s licking.

Even before Zofia had settled down, “wooohooo,” We shouted in tandem.

Zuz raised both her hands in the air as if she had done something great. Well, she had.

Not to let her have the juices only to herself, Maja bent forward towards Zuz - curling and signaling with her finger asking Zuzanna to come close.

Zuz trudged on her knees towards us.

Maja moved a little further to meet Zuz halfway. She started to lick Zuzanna’s face clean first that had lots of Zofia’s juice spread around. Then she moved into Zuzanna’s mouth to pull out as much of Zofia’s juice as was possible by kissing, licking, and sucking Zuz.

When done, she finally gave Zuz a peck on the lips thanking her for the taste. Then she turned towards me, helping me sit, and then climbed my thighs. Then Maja delivered whatever was possible of Zofia’s juice into my mouth. Even though second-hand I could taste a distinct aroma of fresh cum.

Somewhere around that time, the motors of snowmobiles rang in the air announcing the arrival of the boys.

The disheveled Zofia turned to sit up straight and pulled her shirt back on and sat up.

We all clapped for Zuz and she blushed profusely.

Just before the boys walked in, Maja recovered Zofia’s panties lying on the floor that Zuz had deprived her of.

“What did we miss?” Filip walked in smiling. Sensing something naughty had been going on.

“What?” asked Zofia defensively.

Everyone laughed. The rest of the boys walked in laughing and joking amongst themselves.

“The joke’s on you guys. We’ve been playing ‘truth or dare’ and I won the jackpot.” Zuz raised both her arms high and jumped a couple of times, before jumping into Jan’s arms.

Jan was loaded with dinner bags and almost dropped them laughing.

“All right, all right.” He chuckled.

“Well, I have a challenge for you boys. If anyone can kiss Zuz and rightly guess whose pussy she has eaten tonight then he shall win the same prize.” Maja exclaimed. For reassurance that she wasn't joking she spun Zofia's panties on her finger.

The boys checked out each girl to confirm. Zofia had suddenly turned white as a slab but this wasn’t the time to shy out.

I nodded, as did Zofia, to misguide every salivating boy in the room.

All supper talk was forgotten and Jan got first dibs at his girlfriend. He guessed it was mine.

Szymon took Zuzanna in his arms and gave her a tentative kiss and said it was Maja.

Filip went up to Zuz, artificially bowed in front of her before kissing her with great fanfare, and confirmed it was Zofia.

Last came my son, Antoni. He smiled towards me and then moved to Zuzanna. He kissed her leisurely and sent his tongue in. After he had kissed her nicely, he turned towards Filip and said, “I can taste Filip actually.”

Everyone broke out laughing and the mood got from sexual tension to jovial.

The cat was still in the bag. The winner had not been announced yet. It was clear Antoni had chosen to lose this one but gracefully.

Maja stood up enthusiastically and Szymon must have thought he had won the pot. But Maja moved in the other direction and extended her hand towards a nervous Zofia.

Zofia took her hand and stood up. Maja guided Zofia towards Filip, handing him her prize, and then as an afterthought also handed him her panties.

Everyone clapped as if he had won some kind of a lottery. But he had, indeed.

If anyone had an impression that the date was a joke, it all went down crashing. Filip chose to escort Zofia to the thick rug not very far from the fireplace. She gladly sat on the rug, with her legs folded on one side, not really sure what was expected of her.

Filip looked back towards the rest of us, sitting on various sofas and chairs, and bowed in jest before turning to claim his prize.

Filip first sat down on his haunches and then put his knees on the rug. He nudged Zofia to turn her legs to her front. She did. Her legs were still folded on her knees when Filip started his journey from her feet.

Filip picked her leg from her calf and brought her foot to his mouth. He licked the bottom of her foot seductively and did not stop until he had reached her big toe.

If it tickled she didn’t show.

He sucked on her toe and then moved to the second.

She cooed.

By the time Filip finished her ten toes, she was purring. No longer arching on her elbows.

Filip started his upward journey to her knees and kissed the entire way up.

She let out a soft moan when Filip turned inward from the knee.

The rest of his journey upwards was inside her thigh and under her skirt.

I don’t think Filip could see much but he knew where he was headed. If there was any chance of getting lost, Zofia ensured he wouldn’t. Her hands reached the back of his head and guided him properly.

We only had to imagine what Filip was doing under Zofia’s skirt but with every lick, he was taking, girls in the audience could feel the heat rising in their quims.

Whatever Filip was doing inside Zofia’s pussy must have been good because she was writhing in pleasure on the rug. Her hands were behind Filip’s head and her eyes closed.

Ironically, one of the boys chose he was hungry too, and picked the bag of food and dished out his meal-in-bowl. One at a time the bowls got passed and everyone was eating their dinner while Filip was already on his desserts.

I held my soup in my hands while looking at the couple on the floor. I couldn’t find the equanimity to eat while looking at something so erotic going on in front of my eyes.

My mind went numb at the surreal situation. I kept my soup down after a couple of bites.

Not very later, Filip brought Zofia to a loud climax. She grunted, “uuuuaaaannhhhhhh.”

Filip went on, we assume, to clear off the leaking juices from the inside of her thighs.

A few minutes later, Filip appeared from under Zofia’s skirt. Everyone clapped for Zofia and Filip as if they’d just given a fine performance.

Filip walked over to Maja, who stood up and kissed him immediately. The tonguing was aggressive and urgent as if she was worried about losing the freshness of Zofia’s cum in his mouth.

I did not doubt for a bit what was happening in each bed that night. Every girl except Zofia demanded that she be licked and sucked thoroughly. Every boy complied willingly.

Zofia had got enough oral for one night and she was desperate for a good round or two of boning. That’s what she got from Szymon.

I let Antoni lick me to his heart's content that night. He drilled my pussy with his tongue, licked it clean, then played with my clitoris, and then licked it clean. He kept repeating the routine until I slept in exhaustion.


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