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  • Sciolist I

Mama Mia

Updated: Jun 9, 2023


This isn’t my story, but it is a story of Sophia and her beautiful family. A beautiful Italian actress turned manager – my personal manager.

Vincent and Victoria are twenty-year-old twins. They both live with their mother Sophia.

Back in the day, Sophia was a talented Italian actress who had done some superb work in a couple of Italian films.

A big-shot American director, while vacationing in Italy, met her at a party. Sophia showed a rare gullible side and followed the director to Hollywood. She was assured many enticing roles, and a fabled career was sure to follow.

Their romance that started at a party in Amalfi, Italy ended in Hollywood, California, soon after she got pregnant. She had barely gotten any roles before the director lost interest in her and shed her like old clothes and moved on to newer things. She did make some good press as a foreign celebrity vying for a foothold in the ever-competitive world of Hollywood.

Besides some initial break, the director did gift her with progeny. Barely twenty-one herself, Sophia was blessed with fraternal twins, and she named them Vincent and Victoria. They went by Vinny and Vicky; born at the turn of the century, they turned out to be true millennium kids.

Sophia got herself a soft shoulder in the form of another budding actress, that’s me. Like Sophia, I was also trying to establish myself in Tinseltown at the same time. In a way, I owed a lot to Sophia for my modest success because I got forewarned into what could be possible if I was not forever ready.

I met Sophia around the studios when I was circling the directors without so much as an agent. Even though she had the arm of the director at the time and ahead of me in roles that she had done, she was extremely kind to me. We struck a chord almost instantly, and we used to hang around often. When she got pregnant, I lost touch with her. During her pregnancy, Sophia went silent and went missing. The director cold-shouldered her after she got pregnant. Around that time, the director took a shine at me. Had I not known about Sophia, I would be a goner. Instead, I used the attention and the opportunity to capitalize on the situation and bagged myself a juicy role. Followed by another. Over time it developed into a modest career.

After a few years, quite a few roles later, I reconnected with Sophia and begrudgingly felt I should not have left her side. She was spiraling down, with no husband and two kids, in a foreign country, too proud to go back to Italy. I worked with her and slowly got her out of the hole. Over time she became my best friend. She was also my bridesmaid at my wedding. She was right beside me when Reggie was born. She held my hand when I got divorced.

In time, she became my north star. I had made her my manager and agent. Having got established, I continued to get roles, and Sophia worked diligently not to let my marital issues rock my career. Did I mention she was many times more beautiful than me, still is. Her eyes were magnetic. She could virtually speak with them. She had high cheekbones that dived into magnificent, full lips. Her black hair were slightly curly and went down her shoulders until her breasts. Her oval face was perfect and her skin mildly tanned. Her breasts were full and well proportioned on her five-foot-eight-inch frame. An extra-slim waist and toned hips sat atop carved thighs. She was a complete model-actress before she blew it on the idiot of a director.

Over time, when people from the trade would see her with me, they were amazed at how she let go of the industry so easily, and offers came to her. But, she was so stung with the experience that she deflected all the attention towards me. After all, she was my manager and best friend.

My divorce left me with good money, and I had a comfortable life. A decent acting career helped. Reggie and I lived in a large house with a couple of staff and a chef. Sophia and her kids live in an apartment I used to live in just before my marriage. I had bought the apartment before marriage, and when I shifted in with my husband, I implored on Sophia to shift into a slightly larger apartment with two bedrooms than where she was putting up. It worked out well for her. After my divorce, I got the house from my ex, and the arrangement stuck.

Sophia was aging beautifully, and she is two years older than me. She never took on another client apart from me, and I stuck with her. I did make sure she was well compensated, but after her early run as a socialite, she shed the garb and lived a content life and saved well for her children. As I was busy most of the time, she also virtually raised Reggie along with her own two children. Reggie was five years younger than the twins.

When her children were young, the two-bedroom apartment looked more than sufficient. Vicky and Vinny took one, and Sophia took the other. Barring a couple of times, during a rare fight between siblings that usually lasted between a day to a week, the matter of separate rooms for the twins had never come up. They shared the room and slept in separate beds on either end of the room, with a chest of drawers in between.

When both had turned eighteen, Vinny announced he wanted to be an actor and did not want to attend college. Vinny always had a crush on me, while growing up. It might have also influenced his decision in some manner. I doubt if the twins knew much about their Mother’s stunted career as an actor. Vicky was always known to be a good artist and was going to go to a local college. She had a partial scholarship, not good enough for her to leave home yet. Vinny became Sophia’s next project. He started taking acting classes and did some part-time roles in theatre. With roles came confidence, and Vinny started buffing up as well. In a little over a year, he had bagged a respectable part in a youth musical TV series, thanks to Sophia’s network and his acting skills. He made barely any money for it though and did the part for getting a toe-hold into the acting world. The first season was shot, and the production house was considering extending the series.

At twenty, he was waiting for his big break. His twin sister, on the other hand, was making an impression at her college. She sketched like a professional and was improving her lines.

Life changed for Sophia one blessed late evening when I dragged her from her apartment because I had to go to the airport for a flight to Texas for a shoot. My car did not come on time, and I called Sophia to give me a drop. Her apartment was just a few miles from my house.

She got out at eleven in the evening to drive me to the airport. She told the twins, she was going to the airport and would be late and they should not wait up for her. Before she could make it to my home, my car had arrived. Midway to my home, I called her mobile to tell her to go back home, which she did. At eleven-thirty, she was back in her apartment.

When she turned the main door keys, she could clearly hear the unmistakable sounds of sex. At first, she could not believe there could be anyone in her home having sex, with the kids around in the apartment. The sounds were clear, and she realized Vinny and Vicky were involved. The rumpus was picking up with each passing second.

Vicky was moaning loudly, “Ooooh, brother, Ooooh.”

Vinny followed that up with, “huh, hhh, huh.”

Sophia looked at them, humping on the drawing-room sofa. From her vantage point, only the bouncing back of Vinny was visible. Neither Vicky nor Vinny, could see their Mother because of the backrest. They thought they were taking advantage of their Mother’s absence for a couple of hours.

Even though there was no doubt as to who was on the sofa and what they were doing, Sophia still moved to the side to get a look, more in disbelief than inquisitiveness.

Sophia was so shocked that she froze at the sight of her children fucking right in front of her. From her view behind them, she could see Vinny’s cock going in and coming out with each hump. As she stood frozen, their grunts became louder.

Vinny, “now, now.”

Vicky responded, “cum in me, cum in me. ooooh.”

The fact that Vicky was asking Vinny to cum inside her pussy, shook the hell out of Sophia, and she shouted.

“Vinnyyyyy.” Sophia shouted.

Vinny was so down the slope that he could not figure out who was shouting his name and where was the voice coming from. All he could hear was an impassioned loud voice of his name; in his mind, it was from an inviting Vicky under him.

“Huhhhhhh,” was his response.

Realizing that probably he had not recognized her voice, or her shout, Sophia moved towards their side.

She stepped forward and came between the sofa and the center table in the drawing-room. Her presence was no longer a doubt.

She stood next to them shouting, “Vinnnnyy.”

Vicky below him went blank.

Vinny was on the verge of cumming, and his pelvis like a motor continued to pump, even as he looked up to his mother.

It took only a couple of pushes, and he started spurting inside his sister. With each spurt inside her, he shoved involuntarily.

By the time he stopped, his business inside his sister was done. His shoves slowed, and he reluctantly withdrew. There was no way Vicky could climax; a few seconds later, and she would have also been in a no-retreat position, but the timing of her mother blunted her orgasm. Her pussy spasmed, cringed as Vinny climaxed inside her, but she lay limp, looking into her Mother’s face.

When Vinny got off of her, he stood up and tried to look for his jeans and t-shirt. In his dumb rationale, he chose to pull his t-shirt on first with his cream-laden dick hanging in front of him; all the while trying to avoid eye contact with his mother.

As Sophia glared at him in rage, unable to find words to describe her anger, Vinny eventually got his jeans up. Vicky slipped on the dress she previously had on, covering her enough.

Her natural response should have been rage, shouting, crying, and bellowing, but Sophia was dumbstruck and stunned. She sat back on the table, unable to move about in the room. Her feet felt heavy, like a stone.

As a single mother, she had been the bedrock of the family. Sophia was a strong woman, she was beautiful, and her children looked up to her, in every manner. She had never felt disrespect, neither was she ever disappointed in her children.

Vicky and Vinny were always close; twins most usually are. But their closeness was never construed as sexual. They were always touchy, feely, and open; having grown up in a common room in a rather small apartment, they were also very comfortable with each other’s partial nudity, which was not voluntary, but it grew upon them naturally. In time, they had started exploring, and they had been screwing for almost an year albeit only occassionally.

The next morning, Sophia resolved to discuss it and the family gathered in the drawing-room.

“Why?” was Sophia’s straightforward and simple question.

Even while Vinny and Vicky had been up for hours in the night to face the onslaught in the morning, their Mother’s one-word question remained unanswerable with a reasonable response.

They mumbled this and that, and somewhere in between sentences, Vinny mentioned, “we were just exploring.”

The fact that it was merely a sexual exploration, and not something deeper or serious somewhat sat with Sophia as logical with two hormonal youngsters.

Vicky offered, “Mom, we aren’t serious with this. It was more for fun than anything else.”

With each loosening muscle in their mother, the twins trekked this line and eased her further.

Sophia said, “I am disappointed in you both. This must stop now. This instance and we must not discuss it any further.”

The talk down was over for the time being. But Sophia was glum for quite a while after that. She spoke very little and was sullen for many days.

Both Vicky and Vinny worked on her and slowly brought her to her normal self with assurances and their best behavior.

When I saw Sophia dull, I queried her, “are you doing ok, Sophia.”

She responded, “yes, I am ok. Just worried about Vicky and Vinny.”

“O. They are the best kids, and you know it. They are both smart and will do well, i’m sure.” I said, “stop worrying.”

About a month later, Sophia could not trust her ears, and she had to see for herself to believe it.

She was sleeping, and somewhere in the middle of the night, she heard a loud thump. She had in her mind, believed that she had gotten an assurance from Vinny and Vicky that their lovemaking had stopped.

She walked the ten feet from her door to theirs and opened their door without knocking.

Vicky was on Vinny, and she was bucking on him like a cowgirl and moaning, “mmmm,” probably with her lips between her teeth, trying to stay silent.

The single bump, moments earlier, was because of a book having got knocked down from the table when the lovers had turned upside down with Vicky trying to ride her twin brother. Not paying heed to the noise they made, in the dim of the night, cost them dear, with Sophia coming around to their room.

A repeat conversation the next morning.

“Why now?” asked Sophia, exasperated.

“Sorry, mom. Once in a while, we do it to hold on to the urge. It’s a passing thing.” Vinny replied. He looked nonchalant in his response as if his transgression was relative to take a car out for a ride without parental permission.

Trying to recollect whether she actually got a commitment from them to not go ahead with their lovemaking. She remembered there wasn’t any such conversation. Which basically meant they have been at it even after their mother has come to know of it.

This made her furious. But so much had happened that her efforts of mere talking, seemed little more than bluster at the time. She harrumphed and hissed but could not think of what should be done under the circumstances.

They were both adults, and throwing both of them out of the house did not seem like a swell idea. Throwing one out would mean worse, when both were clearly at fault.

Eventually by late that night, she came up with a solution.

“Vicky!” she shouted from her room.

Vicky joined her mother in the bedroom, dressed for the night in a very short nightdress.

Even for a normal day, Vicky’s nightdress would be frowned upon; a slip kind of nightwear with no bottom. Her panties were visible where her nightdress ended, flowing wide around her hips.

Vicky, cocked her hips and stood on one leg, arching her other, inadvertently – while standing in her Mother’s doorway, awaiting instructions.

Sophia, rolling her eyes, “no wonder,” mumbling while straightening herself into one side of the bed.

Vicky wondered what was going on, but knew better to keep shut.

“you are sleeping here, young lady,” Sophia patted the other part of the bed as if Vicky was indeed a twelve-year-old who needed to be told what ‘sleeping here’ means.

Vicky stomped off to her room, without answering. Sophia mistook it for revolt and shouted behind her, “Vicky !” Sophia was not in a negotiating mood.

If there was ever a doubt in her mind, it was set right by the tone. Vicky joined her mother in a matter of a couple of minutes, bringing along with her a plush toy that she could not sleep without.

As was her habit, from early childhood days, the plush toy bear would take the corner of the bed, and Vicky would nestle between the bear and the wall next to her bed, finding a snug position before falling asleep. Times changed, and her behavior in bed sexually may have evolved but her habit of holding the toy bear while sleeping had stuck. She felt comfortable.

Before morning, Vicky was nestled into her mother instead of the bear, and Sophia’s arm was around Vicky’s back, holding onto her.

Sophia smiled when she woke up in the morning, forgetting her anger at the transgression by the twins.

Over the next few days, Vicky felt comfortable sleeping between her mother and her bear, often switching sides to hold on to her mother instead of the bear.

Vicky’s nightwear was always skimpy, and Sophia’s was always appropriate. Sophia did take off her nightgown each night, and her nightie was varied. Often conservative but some of them plunging neck and with some net or embroidered around the top.

Habitually, Vicky would find herself snuggling into her mom each morning and her mom holding her in a half embrace when she got up. Over weeks, Vicky’s favourite nightie on her mom was a satin red nightie that while covered her well, felt superb under Vicky’s hand when she cuddled into her her mom at night. The silk was slippery under her fingers, and she loved moving her fingers and her hands around while holding her mom in the nightie.

Sophia paid no attention to the loving daughter and smiled every day when she found Vicky snuggling into her, instead of her bear.

All was normal in the house, and Sophia had this nagging feeling that never left her head whenever she was not at home that her kids were at it like rabbits in heat. Only when she was home, and things seemed normal, did she sighed in relief.

Her interception technique seemed to have worked well. At work, she was often distracted and would leave early to ensure that she was home before the siblings got together in the evening. At times she, subconsciously, made surprise early returns from work to be double sure.

It was three weeks later, something strange happened. Both Sophia and Vicky lay facing each other with Vicky’s head in the crook of Sohpia’s arm. It had happened before that they found themselves in an embrace while sleeping, but it wasn’t sexual until that night. Vicky’s face firmly lodged inside her mother’s bosom.

Somewhere in the night, Vicky involuntarily brought her left hand up and peeled the nightie off from her Mother’s right breast. She pulled her head inches behind while doing so. Sophia automatically pulled Vicky back onto her breast. Her lips were firmly plastered on her Mother’s supple, soft and warm breast, topped by a nipple pressing on the side of her lips.

Vicky did what was natural in her mind; she opened her lips and firmly got Sophia’s nipple in the mouth and left it there.

Sophia in her half-sleep did not connect the dots enough to shake herself off from the soothing feeling. Her hand behind Vicky’s head comforted her daughter.

Moments later, Vicky was sucking slowly on her mother’s nipple. Slow sucks at first, no sharp pulls. Vicky took her full nipple in the mouth and sucked all the way around the areola, and pulled her lips out to narrow down on the nipple. On her way there, she encountered a slight pimply roughness around the nub, but it did not stop her from aiming for the harder nipple.

Vicky opened her lips and pressed forward and pulled back, closing her lips on the nipple, repeatedly. Her constant up and down movement was blocked by Sophia, who held Vicky’s head down on the nipple pressing her in.

Vicky was enjoying the feeling of sucking on her Mother’s breast. She loved the feeling of the warm globe in her mouth. She smiled inwardly and brought her hand tighter behind her mother.

Vicky knew repeated movement on the tit could wake her up, and she slowly homed in on the nipple with her lips no more than her areola. Until now, she had intentionally kept her tongue pulled in, avoiding contact with the nipple. But the restrained movement of her head and lips urged her to take fresh risks.

Tentatively she touched Sophia’s nipple with the tip of her tongue and slowly enveloped her nipple with the base of her tongue, pressing it in. The sucking changed to licking and then to flicking and then to playing.

Vicky was aroused like crazy, but she did not know how to take this further. But she also did not want to end what she had achieved.

After many agonizing minutes, Vicky pulled up her leg and raised it on her Mother’s hip, pulling her in further; opening her own pussylips, which were now gooey with juices.

Sophia murmured, “mmm,” her approval of what Vicky was doing and retained her grip on Vicky’s head, virtually holding her still on the breast.

Vicky found her approval and restarted her soft attack of her Mother’s nipple and sucked to her delight until she fell asleep with her head spinning in ecstasy.

Somewhere in the middle of the night, Sophia woke up from her wet dream and found her daughter plastered on the nipple and her own hands holding Vicky’s head firmly on the nipple.

She shook off, scared, and slowly moved away, trying to cover up her breast as if it was she who had forced her daughter onto the nipple.

Until morning, she was firmly on her side of the bed, barely able to sleep for the rest of the night, even while sweating as if she had a fever.

Before that night, she had never felt any sexual tension between herself and her daughter, and her actions disturbed her immensely.

For the next couple of nights, she ensured that she maintained a reasonable distance between herself and her daughter while sleeping and half awoke each night to double-check her own behavior.

Three nights later, she wore a silky cotton nightie that Vicky loved very much, and as soon as they lay down for the night, Vicky snuggled into her mother, holding her around the waist with palms open on her Mother’s back. Vicky rubbed slowly to exaggerate the feeling of the silky nightie in her hand, a fact well known to her mother.

Sophia scolded herself as to why did she wear the nightie at all. But gave not much thought and pulled Vicky in her chest before falling asleep, like always.

An hour later, when Vicky was sucking off on her breast, Sophia woke up from her sleep and found her daughter sucking, licking, and playing with her nipple as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

Her hands responded in disbelief and pulled Vicky’s head back from the nipple, albeit slowly and tentatively.

Vicky was lost to the world and paying no heed to her Mother’s hand, she pulled herself back on Sophia’s nipple and licked her like she had been doing moments earlier.

The incredulity of it shocked Sophia into immobility, and her hands stayed around her daughter’s head. As she was trying to figure out her next course of action, trying to get a grip on what was happening, Vicky upped the ante and sucked the entire areola in a proper pull, keeping her tongue pressing on top of the hard nub.

Within seconds, Vicky had her mother creaming, and the sucking was no longer hushed. The sucking sounds were no longer muffled, Vicky was going to business; her lips and tongue were now sloppy on her Mother’s nipple.

Sophia had moved from shocked and surprised to aroused and whimpering. Her hands, instead of pushing her daughter’s head were now pulling her onto the breast. She was conflicted with emotions, and it did not take long for her to stir and shake violently into an orgasm, which she so hopelessly was withholding but so desperately needed.

She moaned a loud, “mmmmmmm.”

She fell limp from having cum by a mere sucking of her breast. It was perhaps the fact that it was her daughter doing it, which did the trick, or possibly the fact that she hadn’t dated for many many years and had not had a good fuck in over fifteen years.

Instead of feeling the shame of what she had done, or for that matter what she had let happen, she instead ignored the egregiousness of the situation and held her daughter’s head on the breast. Vicky had stopped the sucking and waited for a lash back but on not finding one, gave a naughty lick on her Mother’s nipple.

Sophia giggled inwardly, and that wobbled her breast in Vicky’s face.

Seeing approval Vicky restarted sucking Sophia’s nipple and slept with her leg on top of her Mother’s hip.

Their embrace ended in the morning a few hours later, when Sophia woke up and pulled her breast out of Vicky’s lips and untangled her hands from below her daughter.

She sat on the chair with her cup of coffee on the kitchen counter, mulling what had happened and how must she handle it.

The more she thought about it, the more worried she got. The reason for worry was that she was trying to find rationale and logic for her actions instead of figuring out the reprimand for Vicky.

One part of her brain told her, this was a one-off middle-of-the-night episode, and she must not make too much of it. Probably they were both half asleep and did not realize the person who was with them. The other part told her, how inappropriate it was to have her adult daughter suck her tit.

No doubt she loved that she was able to find release to the pent up anxiety she never knew was building up in her. But she was also worried how it would reflect upon her daughter, that her mother climaxed while getting her tit sucked.

Around that time, Vinny entered the kitchen for his cup of coffee.

“Morning, mom,” Vinny said groggily.

Sophia somewhat startled out of her thoughts, wished him, “good morning.”

Her tone signaled to Vinny, that she had something else on her mind. He stepped forward towards her, wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and kissed her head even while she sat on the chair.

He moved forward to get his coffee, fully intending to sit next to her and check on her concern. As soon as he turned, he saw Vicky join in, still rubbing her eyes and looking for coffee to break her stupor. Her hair disheveled, her nightdress riding high, and her eyes almost closed.

Vinny courteously offered his mug to her as she sat next to Sophia, and turned to make himself another.

Vicky lazily hugged her mother and wished her, “good morning mom,” and kissed her cheek. Nothing unusual, or sexual, about her hug. She hung on to her mother long, and Sophia put her arm around Vicky in a loose hug.

Belatedly, Vicky pulled back and picked her mug, sipped a little, and sat back into her chair.

Sophia found herself in a rather unusual position. They were setting around the kitchen which was very routine like almost every morning, even while her insides were on a roller coaster.

Sophia could not muster the courage to bring up the night’s events with Vicky in front of Vinny and resolved to deal with it later.

By the time Sophia got ready and came to the drawing-room, Vicky was stepping out of the main door, and Vinny was on the drawing-room sofa.

Later that evening, at supper as well, Sophia found no opportunity to discuss anything with Vicky alone.

After dinner, Vicky and Vinny stayed up for a movie, while Sophia retired for the night, hoping to see Vicky later on the bed.

Vicky joined Sophia a few hours later, by which time Sophia was half asleep. All the anxiety and overthinking had her mind exhausted. Vicky wasted very little time, in peeling the layer of fabric off from her Mother’s right breast and pulling the soft globe in her mouth without much ado.

She stepped forward near her mother and slowly but steadily rolled her arm around Sophia. Without finding any pushback, she proceeded with the embrace and plastered her face in her Mother’s bosom. It was at this point, Sophia in her half-sleep did as motor response and lifted her arm to get Vicky into her chest. Vicky was all agog and spent mere seconds on the chest before proceeding with lifting her Mother’s nightie off from the right breast.

Sophia’s hand had not left the back of Vicky’s head, and her dreamy murmuring signaled her approval to Vicky.

Minutes later, both were wide awake and going at it like it was natural. Vicky brought her mother to a climax with fifteen minutes of aggressive sucking, licking, and playing. Not once did her hand leave the back of Sophia, caressing from the small her back to the shoulders, always pressing her from the back, pulling Sophia’s chest deep into the mouth.

Sophia, on her part, was whimpering and quivering as her mind went into overdrive.

“mmmm,” Sophia mumbled.

After she had climaxed twice in as many days, she felt satiated and content.

Before Sophia could even say anything to Vicky, she had dozed off, her tit still hanging loose in front of Vicky, who happily pulled the nipple back in her mouth and slept with her mouth full.

In the middle of the night, Sophia awoke briefly and tried to place herself and recollected the previous night’s events. She felt buzzed and looked down towards Vicky, sleeping calmly in her arms.

The loose tit had slipped out of Vicky’s lips, and what Sophia did next would amaze her even if she was stoned.

Sophia brought her hand up, got hold of the loose mammary and pointed the nipple towards Vicky’s lips, and slowly shoved it in. The half-open mouth took in the tit, and Vicky started sucking on it as if she was a baby who had been offered a breast full of milk.

Once the tit was inside Vicky’s mouth, Sophia pulled herself closer to Vicky and shut her eyes again to sleep. She did not realize it, but her lips were stretched to project a content smile.

The next morning was a repeat of the previous, with Sophia sitting in the kitchen alone now, completely perplexed with what had happened two nights in a row. She was in a surreal state.

There was no way she could rationalize her own role, and still come down heavy on Vicky.

Vinny joined her in the kitchen. “Good morning, Mom.” found her lost and bent and kissed her head before going for his coffee.

“good morning,” replied Sophia, almost mumbling.

Vinny asked his mother, “something bothering you, Mom?”

Her response was sudden but half-hearted, “nope, just work.”

They chatted a bit, with Sophia remaining distracted when Vicky joined them and took her chair next to Sophia and got her lazy hug and morning greeting.

“Morning mom,” she said.

“Morning honey,” replied Sophia, pulling Vicky into her arms and kissing her head.

An hour later, Vicky left as usual, and Sophia and Vinny stayed back in the drawing-room for a while longer. Sophia had a late start because I was traveling out of town.

They discussed Vinny’s career for a while before sitting together for breakfast, and eventually, Sophia left for work before Vinny.

The nightly routine carried on for two more nights when Vicky sucked her mother to a climax. On the fifth night in a row, Vicky upped the ante while switching tit and peeled off fabric from Sophia’s left breast as well after giving the right a good licking.

Sophia’s left breast was mashed deeper between the two of them, and Vicky nudged Sophia straight on her back. What was until then a transgression was now going to become a sexual encounter. With Sophia on her back, her nightie off from her breasts, her breath ragged and chest heaving, Vicky rose on her elbow to rise above her mother and started licking and sucking the left tit, which was now sitting atop Sophia’s chest.

As a natural reaction, Sophia’s hand locked behind Vicky’s head, and the sucking, licking, and flicking increased her pleasure further. Vicky’s hand groped the free tit and squeezed it aplenty. Vicky was going forward as if she had been doing this for ages with her mother, leave aside other girls.

Vicky’s head sucked and licked the breast at a glacial pace, and then her left hand removed itself from the right breast and traveled downwards towards Sophia’s pussy. The hand remained pasted on Sophia’s body and moved slow enough to allow Sophia to stop the hand from going down at any time.

Sophia as if daring Vicky, let the hand travel. Vicky, as if recognizing Sophia’s dare, moved ahead until it reached the pussy lips. Her hand was so light on the touch that Sophia had to almost raise her hips, to help Vicky touch the pussy directly on the lips and rub them.

Sophia was whimpering under Vicky, “mmuuuaamm,” her moaning still in her throat.

Against both desiring to have direct contact of her fingers on the pussy lips, Vicky went down until her fingers had crossed the lips downwards. Her palm, completely centering on top of her Mother’s pussy lips.

Once her hand was center to her Mother’s heavenly entrance, Vicky pressed her palm down onto her Mother’s pussy. Her open palm cupped Sophia’s pussy and gave it a small squeeze.

Sophia shuddered, “mmuuummm.” Her voice now, finding the lips.

Vicky kept the squeeze light and frequent, alternating with a suck and lick of the nipple in her mouth.

Sophia never knew she could climax so heavily, but she did, with a louder moan, “mmmmmmmmmmmm.”

Vicky slowed the squeeze but kept the frequency regular. In a few minutes, Sophia did not know when, the squeezes were frequent and stronger.

Vicky was cupping her Mother’s pussy and squeezing it like a wet squishy ball. The lips of her Mother’s pussy were leaking like a tap. When the big one hit Sophia, she was delirious with joy.

“muuuuhhhhaaaaaa,” she almost shouted, and a throaty grunt signaled her complete satisfaction at the hands of her daughter.

Sophia slept like a log and did not wake up the entire night.

On the breakfast table the next morning, Vinny commented in front of Vicky and Sophia, “it seems there’s some kind of stray cat about, and it seemed to be crying aloud last night. Did you hear it?”

In one moment, both Sophia and Vicky burst out laughing breaking the many days of ice from the tension around them.

Vinny seemed puzzled and perplexed as to what had he said. But the girls could not stop laughing.

Later that evening, Vinny was out with his friends late. Sophia had mustered enough courage to have a chat with Vicky. They had retired to bed around ten.

“Vicky, I think we should talk,” Sophia said, sitting on the bed with her back on the headrest.

Vicky knew better than to keep quiet and take a rap on this one, instead of confronting Sophia into acknowledging that she loved their playign as much as Vicky.

“Vicky, I believe we must stop immediately. What we did was inappropriate. I understand that I am equally at fault and that I should not have let it happen. But this has to stop.” Sophia halted after unloading what was on her mind.

“Mom, I…” Vicky did not have much to say anyway. She mumbled.

“I have decided that from tomorrow onwards, you should be sleeping in your own room.” Sophia completed. Sophia’s thoughts were muddled, and could not really reason why tomorrow and not tonight.

Half happy that she had another night, Vicky kneeled forward to hug her mother.

The hug was awkward because Sophia had her back on the bed rest, and Vicky was leaning on her from the front.

Eventually, Vicky slumped a little and ended up attached to her mother at the front. Her face stuck sideways high on Sophia’s bosom and her mother holding her face, caressing the forehead and removing hair one strand at a time, plotting them behind the ear.

Vicky’s free hands went behind Sophia to hold her in a hug, and she lay between Sophia’s legs. The bellies joint as were their breasts.

Sophia had rested her chin and cheek on top of Vicky’s head. Her caresses slowly went down to Vicky’s cheeks and rubbed her jowl with the back of her fingers slowly and lovingly.

After a long wait, Sophia started to feel Vicky’s weight on herself and squirmed just a wee bit. Vicky drew back her right hand from behind her mother and traced her side until the palm was squarely on her Mother’s left tit. Finding no resistance, Vicky peeled the cover to open the most beautiful of view ever seen. Her earlier endeavors on her mom were mostly in the dim of the night and her view blinded often by the pressure of her mother squeezing her into the breast.

Vicky admired the breast for the longest time while continuing to caress it with her hand around all its side. She groped it to lift it a little because it was falling sideways due to gravity. She scooped it to give the top a heft, and the nipple proudly stood sharp on top.

Slowly she descended on the nipple and took an agonizing time to arouse her mother playing with the breast’ every inch, some by hand, some by lips, and rest by her tongue.

Sophia’s hands remained on top of her daughter’s head, and the caresses now had urgency. Her hands ensured Vicky remained where she was, even though she was not pulling Vicky aggressively, not yet.

Suddenly, Vicky dug her other elbow into the mattress and lifted her shoulders, taking her mouth away from the nipple. She started her journey downwards, kissing and licking her mother on the skin all the way; her hands peeling the fabric of her Mother’s nightie wherever it hindered the progress of her lips.

Sophia was in a trance. She was mentally unaware of what was happening and why she was letting it happen. Her hands remained lightly on top of her daughter as if trying to decide to use them to pulling Vicky off from her path or hold her through the journey until she has reached the destination; she seemed to have chosen the latter.

As soon as Vicky reached her pussy mound, staying there for a few extra seconds kissing and licking, Sophia shuddered to a climax. The thought of what was going to happen was perhaps too much for her.

The thin panty fabric was of no consequence to either of them. Vicky licked and sucked her mom through the fabric; surely both must have thanked their luck, that on this day, Sophia has chosen a netted panty. When Vicky reached the pussy lips, the net was letting off streams of juice from her mother. The scrubby feel of the fabric had softened because of the juices, and Vicky willingly slurped whatever was poring through the fabric.

Vicky had shifted low on the bed while coming down from the top of her mother and between her legs. Her hands had come down together and were resting calmly on her Mother’s hips, holding her still. Sophia’s hands were still holding her daughter’s head, ensuring she did not change her mind.

Vicky got into suction mode to pull out whatever she could from her mother. She sucked deliriously. Sophia was in an on-going climax ever since Vicky had reached her pussy mound. She did not recall when had Vicky’s hand left her hip, when did it reach between her thighs, when did she deftly pull the gusset aside, and when had her tongue gone in. She was cumming like there was no tomorrow.

Her head was going to explode, and she moaned in a continuous throaty grunt…”mmmmmmmmmm.”

Finally, when her orgasm got hold of her, she was pulling Vicky back into her pussy with rough force. Vicky held her breath in prolonged pauses after each inhale, and after each exhale. She concentrated on pleasuring her mother and increased her sucking as soon as she realized her mother was orgasming.

“MMuuuuuuuaaaammmmmaaaaaahhhh,” shouted Sophia giving little heed to who could hear her.

Vicky was in no mood to let go, but after a few minutes Sophia reluctantly pulled on her head and dragged Vicky upwards until they were face to face.

Sophia kissed her daughter in a long lover’s kiss. Their lips first met in a sloppy wet clash. Eventually, Sophia entered Vicky’s mouth and her tongue cleaned off the insides of her daughter’s mouth that was coated with her own juices. Vicky let her mother do the work and pouted her lips enough to let Sophia suck to her heart’s content. Once the juice was gone, their kisses got hotter on mutual tonguing.

Vicky’s tongue crossed over to her Mother’s mouth and retrieved some flavor of the cream back but along came her tongue. The to and fro of tongues got them hot and bothered before the pair decided to cool it for the night and slept in each other’s arms, hugging one another.

The morning after, Sophia sat in the kitchen and was in deep thought, almost deciding to hold Vicky back instead of letting her go back to sleep in her own room, when Vicky arrived barefeet, andnin her tiny slip top and hotpants styled panty, that barely covered her full ass cheeks.

Vicky was no more than five-feet-five inch but had a small frame. Her thin waist did well to showcase her breasts eeven though they were smaller compared to her mom. Her hair were short and did not even reach her neck.

“good morning, mom” Vicky mumbled, groggily.

“good morning honey” Sophia responded, coming back to reality and turning towards Vicky.

Vicky instead of moving towards the kitchen shelf for her cup of coffee, moved towards her mother and took her head in both hands, and gave her a sloppy good morning kiss on the lips.

Despite having cum on her lips just the previous night, Sophia was shocked at the lurid behavior, right in the kitchen. Before Sophia could respond, Vicky had moved towards the shelf and had picked the kettle.

“Vicky…?” Sophia blurted belatedly.

“good morning, Mom” entered Vinny, adding slowly, “Vicky”

Sophia fumbled to respond and gave a low “good morning” to Vinny. She was razzled and announced abruptly.

“Vinny, Vicky would be sleeping in her room from today, and you will sleep in my room,” she said sternly enough for both to know it was not up for a discussion.

Vinny assumed the ladies have had an argument and kept quiet, deciding to check back with Vicky later.



Vinny was an affable young man about five-feet-ten, well-built and tanned, but his most significant feature was his hair. He wore them long, usually unkempt and rough. One in a while, he would tie them into a pony, and then his face would get noticed. A great jawline gave him a good chance of being liked on screen.

Ever since the musical, in which he acted, wanted him in long hair, he had stuck with them. He was not very athletic but was gifted with a rather well-toned body. He had buffed up somewhat, exercising regularly to become more presentable for his part.

When compared to his twin sister, he never looked anything like Victoria. Even in their habits, they would usually choose differently. Their common interests included arts – although different streams, music – again different genres, and of-course sex.

When Vicky had persevered into the arts field and was gaining some recognition for her works. Vinny, on the other hand, was lazier, but his interest in acting, recently, had given him some purpose in life. Sophia was handholding him so he would find some momentum early in his career. Besides that, he was a great cook.

Vinny would often hang around our house. Before his acting career kicked-off, he would spend hours around me due to his boyish crush on me. He was a buddy to Reggie, who was often his apprentice when he cooked us a meal. Whenever I was not home, Vinny hung around his Mom.

After Vinny put his foot down that he wanted to stop further studies and work on his acting career, over the last year and a half, Sophia groomed Vinny a lot with his acting skills. I guess, during this time, they bonded even more.

His first break in the musical changed his confidence and his body-language completely. He was now more spirited, yet poised.


Later in the evening, at supper, he brought up the subject.

“Mom, about this morning?” he asked tentatively.

“What about it?” countered Sophia, somewhat lost in the conversation.

“Do you really want me to sleep in your room from tonight?” He asked, unsure as to why he brought the subject up, even as he spoke; if his Mother had already forgotten about it, he should have kept quiet.

Surprised at the question. Sophia fumbled just for a second and collected herself to respond, “It is for the best. For now.” She was still in double mind how to solve the issue for the long term.

Vicky mumbled something into her food, not loud enough for Vinny and her mom.

Both turned towards Vicky to check what she was saying. When she looked up and saw both of them looking at her, she shrugged, “whatever.”

Despite the fact, he was now an adult, the thought of living with his mother and sister had never bothered him until today. All of a sudden, sleeping on his Mother’s bed had his stomach full of butterflies.

Vinny joined Vicky in their room before retiring to sleep. As soon as he entered the room, he was shocked to see Vicky lying down on her bed, buck naked. She had one vibrator lying next to her on the bed and another in her hand – in the middle of choosing which one should go up her pussy.

Vinny hurriedly closed the door and latched it slowly without making any noise. Vicky was giggling by now.

“What the hell?” Vinny asked.

Vicky had no logical answer to the dumb question.

She just tossed her vibrator around in her hands. She was lying down with her back half-up on the back of the bed. Her legs were almost two feet apart, and her pussy bare.

“What do you want?” asking suggestively.

Catching her drift but not taking the bait, Vinny asked, “I came to check with you about Mom. How do I handle the sleeping situation.”

Only one person in the world knew about Vinny’s unending infatuation with Sophia, and that was Vicky. She wasn’t bitchy about it, nor did she tease him for it. If anything, she empathized with him. Their mother was the most beautiful person in their lives, and that was when they had grown up around stars and models.

She instead of replying offered, “come here. let me take your edge off.”

Unsure what it meant, Vinny stepped forward, and before he realized, Vicky had shrugged his pajama bottom down, which he had worn especially to sleep in his Mom’s room.

Vicky sat on the side of her bed, pulled his boxer down equally quickly before the pajama bottom had touched the ground.

His dick was rock hard in anticipation of being on the same bed as his Mom. Vicky pulled on his cock and dragged it inside her mouth without much of a ceremony.

Vinny forgot that he was expected elsewhere and got lost in the pleasure he was receiving, mumbled his first moan of pleasure, “mmm.”

Vicky slowed the attack and drew back on the tip of his cock. Licked it from all sides before closing her lips on the cock head and holding just that in her mouth. She rotated the head and in between licked his dick around its eye.

Shivers went up his spine with a feeling of excitement. His hands came around Vicky’s head, and he held her in place, lest she changes her mind to stop sucking him. He worried for no reason.

As soon as he was on the edge of cumming, she slipped out and slowly licked the base of his cock until his balls. She held his cock in a tight grip and loosened it once her tongue had reached the balls. She slurped a little, creating suction with her mouth.

When she felt he was safely away from the climax, she licked her way back on top of his

cock head and repeated the rotation motion with her head on his crown, but this time she went a few inches further deeper.

On seeing him close to bursting, she withdrew and went back to licking the base of his cock again until she had reached the balls and stayed there, sucking and licking.

She kept repeating this cycle on his cock with adulation. She was in no hurry and took it slow.

Vinny was almost shivering by the time she was on her fourth trip around his cock. On the fifth round, he blew his load in her mouth without much of a warning except for his hands, which tightened their hold on her head. She understood that there wasn’t going to be another round.

Vinny shot string after string of his cum in her mouth with a deep but throaty grunt, “uuunnnggh.” He was loud enough for his mother to have heard it, and had she not been in her bathroom cleaning up before going to bed, she certainly would have heard them.

By the time he left Vicky’s mouth, her face was beet red for the lack of oxygen while sucking. Some of the white fluid around her lips that had slipped out made for a wonderfully sexy picture. At that moment, he reminded himself, he loved his sister to death.

She smiled back at him, understanding his silent confirmation of sibling love. Vicky brought her hand up and laced her chin for the slipping goo and slurped it back in her mouth.

He was still wobbly while standing, even as she fell back on the bed and said, “take it easy tonight.”

He was not ready to leave yet, quite shaken from the exhilarating climax. He stood next to her bed, with one hand on the wall, trying to stabilize his breathing.

She asked, “Do I get a return favor?”

Without so much of an answer, Vinny dropped on his knees in front of the bed and smiled at her. She turned a little and got her legs to turn outwards to the middle of both the beds where he was kneeling, facing her.

As she turned, he held her legs and raised them to his shoulders in one go, and had her wrap the legs from down her knees behind him. Her butt got pulled up off the bed, a few inches in the air, her pussy close to his mouth. From this close up, he could smell her pussy – strong and powerful. He eyed every inch of her quim that was almost pulsing now. Drenched in the heady aroma, he dived in and slipped his tongue flat on her pussy first to clear the leaking liquids.

She blew a muffled moan, “mmmmm.”

He licked her labia clean and went in deeper to draw out more juices. With his every dive, she returned the favor with a louder, ‘mmmm.’

After repeating some twenty dives, he was plunging in and out of her pussy with regular stabs. Somewhere around the time, Vicky threw her hands on the sides, clawing the sheet on one side and a pillow on the other.

Changing tack, he took her clitoris inside his lips. As soon as he did that, she climaxed, with a noisy, “mmmmuuuuuuaaahhhh.” Her flailing hand pulled a pillow and put it in front of her face at just the right moment. She was able to muffle a better part of her cry.

He bent forward and flicked her clitoris a few times and kept licking the insides of her pussy every few seconds before returning to her throbbing nub.

Her second orgasm was even sharper, and she pulled the pillow so hard it would have been brutal had it been someone other than herself pulling it into her face.

Her throat let loose a loud, “uuuuunnnnnaaaaaaaaaaagghhhh.” The pillow was no match to the ecstatic exult by Vicky.

Vinny got worried that it would not be long before their mother would storm in and catch them doing the dirty. There was no way Vicky could recover this fast.

He jumped on his toes and pulled up his boxers, leaving his pajama bottom on the ground.

He was at the door and turned for just a moment to look at the writhing body of his sister on her bed. Vicky’s legs were half hanging down the side of her bed and her face covered with her pillow, loosely held by her hands.

Vinny was in the hall between their bedroom and Sophia’s when he saw her come out, somewhat anxious. She had heard the muffled shout but doubted herself on being paranoid when she saw Vinny in the hall, walking towards her room in his boxers to sleep.

‘Wrong choice of clothes,’ she thought, but let it pass.

She turned around, and they both headed for her bedroom.

Vinny was off his edge but was still buzzed from having cum inside her sister’s mouth and having sucked Vicky to orgasm. The air was filled with tension as he slipped inside the covers next to his Mom.

Sophia was equally anxious with a previous couple of nights’ escapades with Vicky. But she assured herself, this was for the better.

Late in the night, Sophia was mumbling something that woke up Vinny. He didn’t know what to do. When unintelligible muttering grew louder, he mustered up the courage to put his hand on her head and caressed her a little, assuming she was having a nightmare.

They woke up nearer than they had slept on account of Vinny trying to calm down Sophia at night. Sophia, on her part, knew nothing of Vinny trying to help her at night while she slept.

The next night was somewhat of a repeat, with Vinny returning with boxers and a t-shirt as his nightwear. Late into the night, Sophia became restless and mumbled incoherently. Vinny tapped her head a few times and then on the side of her shoulder to caress her out of her unease.

After the same, repeating three of the four nights that Vinny was in her room at night, he asked Sophia one morning, “Mom, did you have a nightmare last night?”

“Me, no. why?” Sophia snapped.

Vinny sat up on the bed and turned towards his mother to tell her about the last couple of nights and how he calmed her back into sleep. “I had to rub your head and shoulder before you went back to sleep. You were almost shivering and shaking. You mumbled something, but I couldn’t make out what.”

Sophia tried to remember and then connected it with her dreams and blushed somewhat before replying, “I don’t understand why.”

The next night, conscious of what her son had just told her about her nightly episodes, she slept uneasily and kept shifting until very late into the night.

In the morning, when she woke up later than usual, and her son was in her arms, calmly asleep as if lost to the world. She extricated herself, trying not to wake him up. By the time she stepped off the bed, Vinny was up and said, “Good Morning, Mom.”

Surprised, she turned back to see him up on one elbow and wished him “good morning, honey.”

Apparently, it was she who had pulled Vinny in her arms. She wouldn’t dare ask, nor did he offer to clarify. He wondered if she even recalled pulling on him. He himself was asleep when she had tugged on his arm in the middle of the night.

The next evening, assuming that his mother needed his help, Vinny offered his arm to her as they lay down. He stretched his arm and asked his mother to rest her head on the crook of his elbow. She tentatively did without being awkward. The comfort in his demeanor was growing, the sexual tension down. He had mastered the art of masking his feelings towards her for years, and any flare-up with the recent sleeping situation was now under control.

Facing Vinny, she moved forward and rested her right hand on his waist, as he used his free hand to rest on her shoulder.

Maybe it was the body heat or possibly the fact that he wasn’t wearing a t-shirt that he felt an impinging current in his dick an hour later. His cock twitched at the thought of his mother’s warm female body in his arms, and he slowly worked to move forward an inch every five minutes.

After about an hour, the comfort of someone by her side helped Sophia sleep, but Vinny was in hell. His dick was straining to break out of his boxers, and he was almost sweating in horniness because he had reached a point where there was no more space to go ahead. He had mashed into his mother from the front, her breasts squeezed between them and pushing into his ribs. His lips dug into her hair. He moved his hand lower behind her, on her back, and calmly it traveled up and down her spine.

When she woke up in his arm, she delicately peeled herself off. She realized how rested she had woken up and credited it to Vinny’s thoughtfulness.

It would not be possible for her to untangle without waking him up, and she lay in his arms for a while longer and waited for him to get up.

Vinny looked down on her a few minutes later and wished her, “good morning, Mom.”

She moved forward and kissed his bare chest and said, “good morning, honey.”

As she pulled off and moved back, she could not help but notice that his morning hard-on was evident and the crown of his dick was just about visible.

She should have been flustered, but she was not. That surprised her. But she disguised her response and turned away to look the other side before getting up, allowing him the opportunity to adjust his dick.

Vinny did adjust himself without his Mom noticing and thanked his luck that it had not peeked out any more than it did.

When they were sitting in the kitchen having coffee, Vicky entered and said, “Morning, mom,” and then added, “Vinny.”

She stepped forward and bent next to her mom and kissed her on the cheek.

“Did you sleep well?” Sophia asked

“yes, I did,” Vicky replied and moved for her mug.

After the first smooch on the lips, to which Sophia had reacted with surprise, the kiss each morning on the cheek had become somewhat more acceptable. In her morning haze, Vicky was often sloppy with her target and sometimes missed the cheek to land around the corner of Sophia’s lips. Almost always, Vinny was around, and Sophia never reacted.

Almost daily, they would spend another half an hour together every morning before dispersing for the day, leaving one after another.

Later that evening, realizing the calming effect of the proximity of someone next to her, Sophia offered her arm to Vinny instead of the other way around.

Vinny, somewhat pleasantly surprised, moved forward and parked his head – ear first – on the crook of his mother’s elbow. His eyes level on her clavicle, and as soon as he brought his hand on her side, he felt a silky nightie material which would have made his hand slip, had he not been very self-conscious.

In a swift couple of motions, Sophia rolled her left arm, reeling in his head closer until his nose touched her sternum; her right hand went behind his head and held it there loosely, her fingers inside his long thick hair; as she tugged him near his hand slipped forward and stopped on the opposite end of her upper back – pulling her on its own; her breasts were now touching his chest, and their bellies were inches apart, legs still in their own courts.

Vinny could not believe his luck and would have bitten himself to check if he was dreaming, but he knew he wasn’t.

After a tiring day of work, Sophia slept well but woke up an hour later, very hot in her pussy. Her son, Vinny, was sucking her nipple with such tranquility as if this was going on for years. His lips had in them, the entire areola of her right breast, and his tongue played tango on her nipple that was hard as a rock. He used the base of his tongue to rub the nipple and its neighborhood, and it sent shivers through her spine.

There was no effort on his part to go about his business muted. It was she who had pulled him in; it was she who had pulled his head on the breast; it was her leg that was now far on the other side of his bum pulling him in; it was her hands behind his head which ensured zero possibility of him changing his mind. His misdeed was merely ensuring that the contact between her breast and his lips were direct by peeling away its cover in all the jostling.

His lips were traveling from one side of her breast to the other, and then he would lick and play with the nipple on return. He did not have enough room to go to the other tit, but there would be time for that. For now, he was content playing with this one and could not think of an unfulfilled death wish if he were to die tonight.

When Sophia got her bearings and took in the scene, she was so far down the slope that pulling Vinny away from her breast was not even an option in her mind. Her response, on the other hand, was to pull on him harder, and she unwittingly started grinding her quim into the random region of his groin.

Before long, the mutual body heat was generating sweat between them from all the grinding and rubbing. Responding to her thrusts, Vinny started to dry fuck her thigh, his cockhead way outside his boxer shorts, from the top, because of all the movement.

As if remembering there was an appendage available on him, he moved his left hand from behind her back and brought it down her spine, traveling urgently towards her bum. When his hand reached her butt, he cupped her ass cheek in an open palm grope, which was half-covered in a panty and had lost its second cover; her nightie had got pulled up around her waist.

His hand on her butt further enabled their mutual bucking and his dry fuck. His lips were stuck on her nipple, moving little but sucking hard, and his tongue forgetting its role, just lay on the nipple delivering warm saliva.

Sophia was so buzzed that she did not even recognize her climax and kept going until she had passed out. She had no idea at the moment if she dreamt it all; or if it actually did happen. She so wished it did.

She dozed off, with Vinny still sucking her breast and grinding on her, glacially. He had sprayed on her thigh, but there was no way of knowing the warmth on her thigh was their mutual sweat or his cum.

They woke up together, in a tight bear hug of a cuddle, and his face had come off her bare right breast and nuzzled between the two globes. The lower covered breast mashed between them, and the upper bare rested on his cheek.

As Vinny woke up and shook off his drowsiness to recover where he was and what he had done, his brain went into overdrive and told him to stay put. There was no less-embarrassing way to extract oneself from such a situation. He left it on his Mom to make the all-important move.

Sophia was in the same dilemma and having done what they had, she was holding her son’s face deep into her bare cleavage; him have sucked her to orgasm in the night, and he had bucked himself to climax on her thigh. How does one step back from this position?

Silence and an understanding look were chosen over contrite discussion. She pulled his head lightly, and he did the rest by stepping back from her bare breast. He took in the beautiful scenery of a bare breast in the morning light, mere inches from his face, and was mesmerized by its beauty. Every square inch as beautiful as he had imagined and every bit as hypnotic. It took every ounce of courage for him not to bend forward and repeat what he had done the previous night.

The next few actions on Sophia’s part were quick and urgent, and she pulled her nightie back up and got up simultaneously in one swift motion.

Her curt, “good morning,” was not responded immediately by Vinny.

Not having heard his response, she turned to look his way, and he was looking towards her body, trying to recover. When he saw his mom look down on him on the bed, he realized the words that had left his mind had not made it to his throat.

He said, ‘Good morning, Mom.” and sat up himself, trying to rub his eyes, as if covering up for their dalliance to some state of a mutual dreamworld from where they had just returned.

The tension on the breakfast table was thick until Vicky joined them. Both trying to avoid each other in direct conversation, except for single-syllable responses.

Vicky stepped forward towards her mom, and kissed her cheek, and said, “good morning, Mom,” while moving towards the shelf. “Vinny,” she added.

“Good Morning, Vicky.” blurted Vinny. This was two words more than his usual greeting to Vicky, and that made Vicky raise her eyebrow. She turned to look at Vinny and took in the scene, and realized both of them were behaving as if they had just eaten a cat.

She instantly knew something naughty has transpired, and she wanted in on it. Some quick thinking and she decided -Divide and rule; I will ask them separately.

When Sophia left to get ready, leaving Vinny with Vicky in the kitchen, she asked him, “what happened? what did you do?”

The question was like he had been caught red-handed with his pants down. Vinny turned white and said, “What?” and then recovering added, “What are you talking about?”

Vicky got her confirmation, not only from his face but also his tone and his double questions. Vinny’s love for their mom was known to no one other than Vicky. She asked,

“Did you fuck her?”

“WHAT?” loud enough came Vinny’s reply. She knew they hadn’t gone that far, but his body language and shuffling gave up enough.

“Okay, okay, but did you do something?” She drilled.

“Let’s talk later.” he rushed out and knew well enough that he had given away far more than he should have within a minute. He knew his twin sister had the capability to draw out the truth from him, and eventually, she would. But it would happen within minutes of them in the same room together was witchcraft level power.

After getting ready, Vicky accosted her Mom in the kitchen. Vinny was in the shower, and Sophia was making breakfast before leaving for work.

“Hey, Mom,” she said

“Hi” came the response from Sophia, and she was as normal as any other morning, shuffling around the kitchen to get the breakfast ready and leave soon.

“Vinny told me about last night,” Vicky said.

Sophia all but dropped the pan in her hand. Had it not been on the stove inches away, it would have found the floor. A clank of the pan on the stove was enough of a reply for Vicky.

It was as if She had been caught stealing, Sophia turned pale. The only saving grace was

that she was facing away from Vicky.

She composed herself and slowly turned around to face and look at Vicky before asking, “what about last night?”

Vicky got all she needed to know and changed the subject to something innocuous. She said, “that Reggie got himself in trouble last night and was pulled over by the cops.”

Sophia sighed in relief and almost smiled as if it was not a crime, “oh, that’s sorted. Jeff has got it handled.”

Jeff is a bodyguard cum butler at my house. He handles some of these issues that are somewhat prickly for women to handle. Bribing the cops to let Reggie go after he was caught driving rash in his new sports-car, was one such task. I had gifted my son, Reggie, a sports car on his sixteenth birthday recently.

Vicky’s mind was plotting now.


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