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  • Sciolist I

Down Under

Updated: Jun 9, 2023


I was born in an academic family, and I grew up mostly in Sydney. Both my parents were scholars and professors.

As a single child, I was lonely most of the time, apart from the time when my Mom took me to her home in Darwin, North Territory, where she was originally from. I would frequent every other summer to Darwin and came to like my cousins and also became pals with their friends. Even though only a couple of them were of my age, I liked Darwin much better than a big town like Sydney.

When I was nineteen, I met my future husband here in Darwin and also lost my virginity to him at his home, in his room. I kind of liked the idyllic setting of Alan’s home. He lived alone with his Mom, in a very large house with about ten rooms. His dad had left him a stud farm, and it was clear Alan was not cut out for the job. His mother, Rose, on the other hand, was a natural studmaster.

Alan managed the business side and handled the auctions, books, and such. I wasn’t aware of his role at the time, and I got entranced by the overall feel of him being this macho rancher and stud owner. He, too, led me on. I visited their stud farm a couple of times, where Alan took me on a tour. I was impressed with his knowledge and how he conducted himself, very mild-mannered while managing a roughshod business.

I also met Rose, a beautiful woman with a depth of knowledge in breeding horses. Alan had taken after her in looks clearly. I wondered how his father was like, but I never could meet him. His father had passed years earlier.

Less than three years later, we were married. The marriage was in St. George’s in Darwin, and we had a fantastic reception where a couple of hundred guests had a wonderful time.

I shifted into Alan’s large family home in Howard Springs, a suburb of Darwin, neighboring their huge stud farm. The farm housed some fifty workers, mostly farmhands.

It did not take me long to realize that Alan wasn’t running the show; his mother, Rose, was. I was momentarily disappointed but came to like Rose, who loved me like her daughter. In many ways, she spoilt me aplenty and helped me settle in. She got me engaged in the stud farm operations and took me under her wing, realizing my interest.

Alan and I spent a lot of time fucking every day for the first few months. In time we both outgrew our almost adolescent hunger for sex and had a steady relationship of mutual respect and conjugal obligation.

As we did more and more work together, Rose and I developed a stronger bond. I liked her very much. Our son, Michael, was born a year and a half into our marriage and Rose was there for me all the way. In many ways, beyond what a mother-in-law would, she helped me back on my feet. We fondly called our son, Mickie.

My respect for Rose grew even more when she let her stud farm duties suffer when Mickie was growing up. Mickie took after his father and his grandmother in looks and his demeanor.

While raising Mickie, I would often be breastfeeding him in the main sitting room with a bare breast even while Rose or Alan were going about their routine. Having stayed with Rose, I had come to realize that she was a very liberal kind of woman in terms of sexuality, nudity, and open discussions.

Having discussed that we wanted a small family and that Mickie was enough for us, Alan got his tubes tied and got a vasectomy done when Mickie turned two.

When Michael turned eighteen and shifted to Carins for his university degree, I shifted to Rose’s room to take care of her. She had been regularly ill and had developed lung cancer.

Rose chose to not go for chemo or any other medication that would have probably given her a couple of more years. Night after night, I held Rose in my arms and soothed her to sleep, hugging her and calming her.

What we had thought would be her last couple of months, turned into a few months and then into a year.

Each night, I’d hold her in my arms, caressing her head, her shoulders, her face, and her arms, to help her sleep. Often I’d kiss her forehead and on many occasions, her cheeks.

Out of compassion and my love for her, in time I grew intimate with Rose and would often kiss her many times on her lips in follow-through of soothing her and caring for her. Rose received my love well and kissed me back passionately, in appreciation and in her love for me.

Her cancer paused after a year and went into a surprise remission. Exactly one year later from diagnosis, where we were told she would last no more than a couple of months without treatment, she was hale and hearty, though at not her best.

We all partied and celebrated Rose’s remission, but I never moved out of her bedroom. We still loved each other, and I had gotten used to her in my arms. After many years with Alan, I had never felt this kind of intimacy, and I did not want to lose it.

Rose battled her cancer for another year, and when her cancer hit back, it was sudden and instant. It broke me and Alan badly when Rose was taken from us. Mickie met her for only a few days before she was gone.

A few months later, Mickie returned after his graduation and almost immediately took charge of things on the stud farm. More so when he saw Alan and me struggling. He was very comfortable around the staff, the work, the horses, and the breeders.

Rose, before passing, had written some detailed letters to each one of us. Given by what she had written to me and about me, and the kind person that she was, I could easily guess that her letters to Alan and Mickie were equally heartfelt and tender.

It took us another year to come back, but Alan and I slowly got back into the grind, even though we did half of what we earlier used to because Mickie was clearly in charge.

What had gone unnoticed to me even after a year of Mickie having come back, was the perpetual attention he gave me. We have been a close family, so it wasn’t my fault that I overlooked this detail.

Another thing in our house was our comfort around privacy. We usually did not sleep with our bedroom doors locked, neither did we bolt the bathroom doors while taking a bath or a piss. It was not that we would barge into each other’s bedroom, or walked in on others having bath or pissing, but it was just that there was this leniency around each other, that we would not balk if someone unintentionally walked in.

After Rose passed away, I shifted back to our bedroom, but we kept Rose’s bedroom as is. All around our home we had many family pictures, a major lot had Rose in them. She was forever part of our daily lives. We buried Rose on the farm, in the family burial plot.

Upon Mickie’s insistence, Alan and I took a short vacation to Sydney, where we met my retired parents. After a couple of days with them, we stayed around Bondi for a few days before coming back fresh to take on work at the stud farm. Slowly the routine got established again. Both Alan and I doted on Mickie and gave him enough leeway to handle the stud farm the way he wanted. Thankfully Mickie had a good business acumen and an amenable personality around the staff. Results were there to corroborate this.

On a personal front, the fact that Alan and I were married made little consequence to the other fact that our sex life was deteriorating. It would be fair to say we hadn’t had sex for over a year if we did not count the two instances in Bondi.

Off and on, if I got horny, I ended up sleeping frustrated. When Rose was around, my proximity to her in bed, in her last year, often got me worked up. Somewhere down the line, we even found a way to satisfy the urges. The time with Rose, also brought out within me love for a woman, mostly because I already loved her enough and respected her plenty.

Ever since we returned from our vacation, and it had been four weeks, I was unusually horny and hot. I had wet dreams as if I was being sucked diligently and fiercely, but without a climax. I often ended waking up hot and bothered. The dreams themselves were so vivid, it seemed as if my pussy was getting a fine licking.

Alan wasn’t much into sucking my pussy, and neither did he expect me to suck his dick. On the other hand, Rose did suck me often, as I did her. With the latest bout of dreams, I started to believe maybe I was missing Rose more than I thought I did. Or maybe, it was my body that was missing the love Rose had provided.

Either way, I felt strangely hornier most of the day that followed the night when I had the dream, and it would often last a day or so without some release.

A few weeks later, I started seeking out sex from Alan. “Now that had not been happening often,” I thought.

The situation was such, that I would wake up horny, and if I did not mellow down all day I would get Alan to make love to me later in the night. By which time, I was so worked up, I still ended up sleeping needy because Alan could do only so much to catch up to my level of excitement.

It took me a couple of days to settle down, and then I would end waking up horny again. It became a cycle, and it would repeat inexplicably once every four or five days. My sleep cycle too got disturbed, and at the same time, Alan seemed to be sleeping even better because I guess I was wearing him down even more than usual.

Our sex life was upped to twice in ten days, minimum, more if I had my way. I am sure Alan must be wondering what had gotten into me. I felt ravenous. He felt probably it was the vacation we had taken.

One night, I was already restless when I felt movement near my legs. I was in a half-sleep state and did not know if I was coming out of a dream or if I was currently dreaming. I opened my legs nonetheless. I wanted the feeling to linger on.

Then I felt lips on my toes. Ideally, I would be shocked to note Alan going out of the way, down to my toes, licking and kissing me in foreplay. But I decided, these were rare occasions and I mustn’t questions the love gods on their timely gifts.

My state of dreaminess lingered. With every kiss and lick, on each toe, I was tingled blissfully.

I shut my eyes harder and thanked God for knocking some playfulness into Alan. I shivered a little but otherwise did not move much. My feeble movements must have got read as an affirmation by him.

The kisses reached my calves, and licks became longer. He switched between my calves greasing both with saliva.

I did not know Alan had the kind of patience and perseverance to go after the prized goal. At least he hadn’t shown this kind of skilled foreplay earlier. Better late than never, I surmised.

When he reached my thigh, my shiver was complimented with a low purr of welcome.

“mmm,” I let out.

He repeated the patient licking and kissing on the other thigh, and before long had found the junction where my thighs met, my pussy a couple of inches further.

Had I not been half-awake, this was probably as far as he could have gone, but today was my lucky day. I willingly opened my thighs further, adding a soft moan of encouragement, “mmm,” hoping he won’t give up after reaching this far.

As soon as his tongue touched the pussy lips outer band of my panties on my thigh, I shuddered in delight.

My moan grew stronger, “MMMM.”

My hands were on the sides, above the cover. One crawled over to my breast and squeezed it lightly. The other involuntarily reached for his head, from above the cover, and pushed him deeper.

He stopped for some reason.

For many seconds there was no movement. I pulled his head again to urge him on.

He tentatively started licking the deep insides of my thighs, one by one, very near my pussy, avoiding the gusset.

I released his head. I assumed it would give him space and time to work down my panties. But he went straight forward and dug his lips into my gusset.

I moaned, “mmmmm.” I shook gratefully.

His licking turned to sucking, and he sucked my pussy lips along with the panties.

The exhilaration itself should have woken me up, but it was as if I wanted to stay out, I wanted to remain asleep, I wanted to stay in the dream state. My eyes remained shut. Not that it would matter, the room was completely dark.

I moaned again, “mmuuummm,” urging him on.

After some tense few moments, when he almost had me on the edge, he stepped back. His head moved down between my legs. The rustle of the bed covers was apparent.

Alright, he is shucking his boxers and is going to climb back up and pull my panties down. I waited.



I opened my eyes, in panic and frustration looked towards Alan. I saw that he lay back facing up towards the ceiling. His eyes were closed, and his breathing steady, rhythmic.

“are you fucking kidding me?” I thought.

If I could, I would have punched him on the chest at that moment. “Why in the world did you suck me, if you wanted to sleep?” I asked him in my mind.

I dragged my hand under the covers and half rolled on top of Alan. I could not believe that he wasn’t even hard after doing what he did to me. Why?

So he decided to retreat because he couldn’t get it hard. “He should have told me. Dammit.”

I thought.

I started kissing him, licking his lips and his face. I groped his dick and tried to pull on it to get it up and ready.

After some heavy work, I got him ready and rode him to heaven. If I could see his face, I would have noticed a puzzled look on him before I took over the reins.

I did not care if he came or not, I got him hard enough to mount his hips and buck him until I came and then fell forward in his arms to sleep once again.

When I woke up the next morning, I could not make out which part of my night was a dream, what part was imagination, and what part was real. I was buzzed and groggy at the same time.

On the other hand, having climaxed, the rest of my day was better than my usual days off late, where I would be distracted and on edge.

During breakfast, Mickie looked at me quizzingly, seeing me cheery.

“good morning Mom. You look happy. Did you sleep well?’ Mickie asked.

All I could do was smile back. Kissed him on the cheek, before adding, “yes I did. Good morning to you too.”

We went about our work the rest of the day.

We had a handsome man in Mickie. A young stud himself, he had spurted above 6 feet and buffed-up, on his chest and biceps, with all the work he did at the stud farm. His wavy signature hair complemented his long face and carved cheekbones. His waist gave way to a solid bum and strong legs. He rode horses naturally and elegantly. He was not much into exercising but managing the stud farm gave him plenty of activity. He went about his work with passion, and it was clear he liked what he was doing. He loved both Alan and me, and he adored his grandma, Rose, when she was with us. He was a darling of my parents, as well, and loved to go to Sydney to meet them regularly.

Three days later, I was again half asleep, when I felt kisses and licks on my legs. Slow and light, almost like a feather’s touch. He had already crossed my calves and was near my thigh. That’s when my sleep broke out. The glacial pace was admirable given that I knew

Alan was generally hasty when it came to sex, especially if he was between my legs.

Ten minutes later, the licks had reached the inside of my thighs, and air from his nostrils blowing on my panty-covered pussy. I smiled, my eyes remained close.

To cheer him on, my hand came behind his head and I rubbed his neck, lightly. For some reason I realized he had stopped, I pulled on his neck to pull his head into my pussy. He appreciated the encouragement and restarted kissing the inside of my thighs and going up towards the junction.

Upon reaching my pussy, he kept on kissing until he had reached right on the gusset of my panty that embraced my pussy lips. His lips took the entire section of my pussy lips and pulled it into his mouth. He sucked on the pussy along with the panty until it was wet from juices coming from inside as well as his saliva.

Suddenly I started shaking and trembling. My climax hit me, slow and long.

By the time I steadied myself to go further, I realized Alan had returned back to his side after giving me the climax. I was grateful and did not bother him the rest of the night.

It amused me to note Alan’s behavior. What in the world was he getting out of this. Why did he suck me and sleep?

And then I dozed off.

“good morning, Mom,” said Mickie.

Morning rituals at the breakfast table were the same. I kissed Mickie on his cheek before he went out to the farm for his rounds. Alan sat in a corner with his coffee and papers.

“good morning, honey,” I replied.

“did you sleep well?” he asked.

“as a matter of fact, I did.” Then I looked towards Alan who could not be bothered to pick on my innuendo.

Mickie smiled back and took off soon after. I went and sat beside Alan. His slack response to my flirting put me off and I went out for a stroll.

Exactly three days I was tossing and turning. I looked towards Alan and saw him sleeping. I only wished that he would give me a tongue treatment. Out of hope and anticipation, I pulled off my panties and kept them between him and me, outside the covers. Just in case he would notice, though the chances of him finding them were little as it was pitch dark in the room.

I could not remember when I slept but I was woken up by lips and tongue on my thighs. I wondered since when had he been under the covers in between my legs.

Incidentally, my right hand was under the cover at that moment and I pulled my hand behind his head. He froze briefly. I pulled on his head again to tell him to go ahead.

He tentatively kissed me high on the thighs, giving me a shiver. My hand caressed his hair that felt longer than usual. By the time his lips reached my pussy he was confused to find no fabric covering the pussy. I wish I could look at his face at the time. His lips have landed on my pussy lips instead of my panties. He stopped again. I smiled. My hand lowered to the nape of his neck, and I pulled him in again. He willingly obliged after only a moment’s hesitation.

His kisses turned to licks, and his licks turned into sucking until he had reached my clitoris and I started whimpering and shaking and convulsing.

My throat letting out a low grunt, “aaah, mmuuuaaah.”

He kept licking and sucking, intermittently flicking on my clitoris and getting my orgasm to last longer.

By the time I had gathered my wits, and turned to look at Alan, I found him straight and lightly snoring. I wondered what was up with him. Suddenly, I reckoned what was happening. Alan was getting too much sex from me, off late, and he had realized that getting me off by sucking and licking would satiate me enough to leave him be.

“Smart, I’d say, Alan.” I almost said it out loud.

Both of us happily snuggled and slept in.

Yet another repeat morning routine. greeting Mickie before I got to the kitchen, “good morning, Mickie.”

“good morning mom. You sound cheerful this morning.” Mickie replied.

“every day is good with you around,” I replied. I kissed his head before heading to the kitchen for my coffee.

I went about my chores, as did Alan and Mickie.

Four days later, and then a few days later I got a repeat treatment of licking, sucking, and orgasm in the middle of the night.

Sprinkled with lovemaking every couple of weeks, our sex life had become appropriately active, I’d say. I mentally thanked Alan for the thoughtfulness, though I still couldn’t nail down why would he want to do it in the middle of the night instead of before we go to sleep.

One night, I was getting a proper licking and kissing that developed into sucking and flicking, and my climax hit me harder.

My grunt, “aaargh,” was louder than usual, and trying to get a grip of the cover my left hand flew sideways. Instead, my hand flew into a chest laying right next to me. In the middle of an orgasm, I was shocked to realize Alan was sleeping next to me, happily snoring away.

My body was in the middle of convulsions, shaking as I opened my eyes and scarily looked towards my sleeping husband in bed next to me. My other hand still held a head in the middle of my palm, pulling it strongly into my quim.

It was as if I was having an astral projection or an out-of-body experience. I had a multitude of feelings, all at the same time.

The tongue inside my pussy licked my juices clean in earnest even as my wide-opened eyes looked straight into Alan’s sleeping face. All I caught was a shadow but that was sufficient to know who lay next to me.

The experience was too much for me and I zoned out. Moments later, I opened my eyes and flung my sheets in shock to find no one between my legs and Alan still sleeping next to me.

I woke up, got out of bed, and tentatively walked around the house with an ashtray in my hand from the bedstand.

For some reason, I headed straight to Mickie’s room. He lay in his bed, his eyes closed. Light streaming from his bathroom sufficiently gave away the fact that he was indeed under the covers.

I made a futile round to the rest of the rooms and returned to my bed thinking it must have been me seeing things. I thought it was my turned-on dream state that was making me hallucinate. It must have indeed been Alan between my legs, sucking and licking me.

By the time I returned to bed, all charged up, Alan was tossing in bed, which only confirmed my assumption that it was indeed Alan.

I swore I would get up and talk to him about it in the morning.

As luck would have it, by the time I got up the next morning and met with Mickie around the breakfast table, Alan had left for some chores around the farm.

Seeing me hassled Mickie asked, “good morning Mom. Everything alright?”

“yes. Good morning. Just looking for Alan.” I asked.

Just as I approached Mickie to give him his morning hug and kiss, Mickie replied, “Dad seems to have left early to meet with Eric.”

I knew that he was due to meet with the auditors later that afternoon in town and he was going to put together the documents and had called Eric early to help.

Still, the episode bothered me sufficiently to keep me alert the next few nights before the same thing happened five nights later.

As I was getting licked, flicked, and sucked I pulled the cover low from my neck and also from Alan’s, to realize that it was indeed someone else in my pussy even while Alan slept next to me. Before I could respond to the situation, the tongue in my pussy was joined by lips and he sucked on my clitoris one final time. My climax hit me hard and I started cumming like no tomorrow.

I looked towards Alan non-stop, who lay still, or at least his shadow did. To reconfirm I brought my left hand towards Alan and held on to his arm.

I was bewildered by what was happening. I grunted from deep within my chest, trying to keep my voice under control, now that I knew Alan was asleep. For some reason, my impulse made me stay quiet and enjoy the pleasure, and not rock the boat.

I grunted, “aaannggh, Annngh,” in as muted a tone as possible.

Spontaneously, I removed the hand from Alan’s arm and brought it together with the other. With both my hands behind the head in my pussy, I kept him in place, encouraging him to keep on doing what he was doing. The touch on his hair seemed familiar. I was scared to acknowledge it.

Trying to hold my voice down, while having a major orgasm is a different feeling altogether. It sure was overwhelming also.

He kept licking and flicking, drawing more and more juices from inside me, and stopped only after he was satisfied that I had settled down back into my sleep state. It was clear as daylight to him that I had woken up, had a sound climax, and dozed back.

He was just a tad late. I shut my eyelids low enough to give an impression I had zoned out, but I could peek through my slits. Just then the covers rustled, I tensed and tried to focus but the dark wouldn’t give away the identity, even though the shadow gave away the fact that it was a man’s body, tiptoeing slowly towards the door.

Lights from far within the house gave away the silhouette’s identity as that of my son, Mickie, even though I couldn’t see his face. He did turn at the door to look back before slipping out. My doubt got confirmed. I had held that so many times, every day for over twenty years. The recognition hit me deep within.


My heart was thumping like a locomotive, I was scared and I was wracked with guilt. I could not imagine how and what led this on.

I don’t remember when I slept, but I did. I had turned towards Alan, and put my arm around his chest, and slept close to him.

At the breakfast table, Mickie acted as if he was having the most normal day of his life, as did Alan. I was silent, still trying to figure out how to respond to this situation.

“good morning Mom,” Mickie greeted me, like every day.

I replied with a low, “morning,” avoiding our hug and kiss routine.

Mickie, coffee cup in his hand, got up and hugged me lightly, and kissed my head before stepping out. On the way out he kept the mug on the table.

I could not work the entire afternoon and went for a stroll towards the High street.

Knowing from the experience of disturbance in my nights and getting up horny, I knew Mickie would visit me back in four or five days. Four days was probably sufficient time for me to get my head around what to do next. The fact that I had not let him know that I knew that it was him was, to an extent, a saving grace for me, for now.

I tossed and turned halfway through the night, trying to make up my mind – just as I had spent most of my day. I do not recall when I dozed off in a haze of cloud in my head and was probably tired of thinking. Late in the night, I got up all wet and horny. I hastily pulled the covers off to realize there was no one between my legs. Alan was sleeping soundly next to me. I was sweating all over and my body was hot, my pussy was hot as a furnace and it was wet leaking juice.

“Oh my god, I was having a wet dream!” I thought.

I had trouble sleeping after that and got up pretty late in the morning.

The next night was almost a repeat, I tried to sleep but couldn’t and when I did, I woke up in the middle of the night all wet and horny.

I sweated in disbelief that instead of repulsion, I was in fact looking forward to Mickie’s next visit with anticipation. As much as I thought about the situation and the way forward, I started to reason why Mickie was doing what he did. I tried to find excuses and gave myself subterfuge to keep on pretending like I was asleep and enjoy Mickie’s machinations, at least for a few more nights before I bust him for his shenanigans.

Much as I tried to create hypotheticals in my mind, the excitement in me started to grow, my pussy remained wet all through the next day. From remaining edgy, I found myself smiling most of the day, and Alan asked, “What’s up?”

I couldn’t tell him that in my mind I had created a plot of letting Mickie suck my pussy for some more time and in fact, I was looking forward to his next visit while you sleep right next to me.

“I don’t know. Just feeling happy,” I replied.

Mickie was on the far end of the room, listening in to the exchange between Alan and me.

Later that night, I was tossing around in bed as usual, and Alan slept at his normal hour. My mind was in overdrive, plotting, when I heard the faintest of clicks on the door.

My heart started pounding and I froze into position.

Mickie, as was his practiced routine kneeled at my feet and started his ritual of kissing my feet, and my calves licking his way up. It was a first for me when I was consciously with Mickie right from the beginning of his mischief.

He patiently kissed each of my toes and slowly worked his way up my left leg, reaching my shin. He moved sideways to lick my calf. It tickled, and I twitched. Remaining under covers, he picked up the pace to reach my thigh. His wet kisses reached my thigh, faster than I imagined he would. Or it is possible he was doing what he had practiced all along and it was me for whom time seemed to be flying right past. He then patiently switched to my other thigh and gave it a good licking as well.

By the time Mickie reached my pussy, I was leaking like an open tap. He inhaled the waft of perfumed juices overflowing out of me and started from the lower end of my pussy. As soon as he started licking to clear the already oozing juice, I started convulsing rapidly. Mickie brought his hand on my hips to hold me steady and kept his lips pasted in my pussy.

I bit on my lips to keep from making any noise.

Mickie patiently cleaned me up after I had settled and kept licking. Belatedly he dove in inside the pussy and gave the inside a good cleaning as well. As a practiced move, he switched to my clitoris and started slowly playing with it with his tongue.

I started to whimper in excitement.

He increased the tempo of his duel with my clitoris. I started cumming all over again and this time gave a muffled, yet throaty groan, “uunngh, uuuunngh.”

Once he had me settle down, holding my hips in position, it was time for Mickie to lap up all the juice and get a move on. My heart was playing banjo, I wanted more and I held his head in my pussy and kept pulling him in, asking him to stay there.

Suddenly, things took a surprising turn. Mickie pulled his lips out of my pussy and moved up to kiss my pussy mound. His climb up was new, or at least new to my knowledge.

Mickie kissed my pussy mound and laid a thick layer of saliva there before pulling himself up on my tummy. He could not have gone up any further, as my nightie was in his way. My plan of sleeping with only just my panties off seemed stupid now. It never occurred to me that I should take my nightie off as well to sleep naked.

Mickie nevertheless did not hesitate. He kissed me right on the nightie, not bothering to pull it up. He kissed my navel, right from above the nightie, moving up to my chest and stopping on my right breast.

With his lips kissing my plump mammary over my satin nightie fabric, the thought bizarrely that crossed my mind was, “thank god, he did not choose the left because he would have heard the booming heartbeat right through my skin and my nightie.” Then I thought, “surely he can still hear my heartbeat like drumbeats.”

Notwithstanding the impediment of the nightie, Mickie’s lips engulfed my full nipple in his mouth. His mouth opened wide to take a maximum of my tit in his mouth. Mickie made sure his weight was completely supported on his hands, elbows, knees, and toes putting no pressure on my body at all. He darted his tongue to ensure the sensation was felt right onto my erect nipple poking into the silky fabric.

Soon, Mickie’s continuous sucking made the small area of my nightie wet, pasting it on my nipple. My hands returned behind his head and this was all the encouragement he needed to press on. He removed one hand from the bed and brought it up on my strap, slowly started to pull it off dragging the nightie off from my breast. His lips left only momentarily and as soon as the fabric was removed from the breast Mickie repasted his lips on my nipple.

The shudder through my spine was unprecedented. I was so buzzed that I had no idea what was going on, except for a fact that both my hands were behind his head and I was pulling him strong enough to not let his head move about. Mickie happily lapped the one nipple his lips were stuck upon and his tongue licked and flicked my nipple aplenty.

My hips involuntarily humped up and one of my hands moved from behind his neck down on his spine. I found out that his back was bare. The back of my hand felt the covers, causing confusion and mixed feelings. I opened my palm to rub his back and my hand roamed around his shoulder and his spine, pulling him inwards onto my breast.

The fact that Mickie lay on top of me naked did not register with me instantly, but as soon as the head of his dick touched the inside of my thighs I tensed up and twitched.

Within a moment his dick found the entrance of my pussy, and nestled lengthwise between my pussylips. Mickie too held himself steady before making the next move. Then as if in slow motion, Mickie’s hand went down between our bodies and he fumbled for only a second before getting an inch of the head of his cock inside my lubricated pussy. I clenched my pussy in a feeble attempt to deny him entry. This was the limit I was setting for him.

Mickie complied and retained his position while moving his lips up from my breast towards my neck. His lips kissed and licked the side of my neck. I removed my hand from behind his back and slowly reached out to touch the arm of the person who was sleeping next to me.

My hand felt Alan’s elbow, sleeping soundly. In his position, Mickie could not have seen that my hand had left exploring for my husband.

Reconfirmed what I already knew, it was Mickie on top of me; Mickie knew that I knew it was him on top of me: I knew that Mickie knew that I knew it was him in my bed. But we both had a thin veil of innocence that I was projecting, combined with pitch dark in the room. Just then I realized that my cutting him off would in fact give away the guise of ignorance I was practicing. I couldn’t cut Alan off, not midway to la-la land with a leaking pussy.

My hand traveled lower on Mickie’s spine and applied very mild pressure on him to enter. I loosened my pussy to welcome him in. The exhilaration of pulling my own son into my pussy was too much for me. I was so horny and aroused that I could barely hold still.

I started to spasm. My throat gave a slow moan, “mmmm,” as he trudged in further.

My legs came behind Mickie and wrapped behind him, locking my ankles to hold him inside my pussy. Both my hands were behind his back roaming about boldly, feeling his skin in my palms. Mickie’s lips remained plastered on my neck, the whole time, kissing and licking me to ecstasy.

Mickie’s cock inside me reached the hilt within seconds and all I could think was “oh, my god, what am I doing?”

When he was all the way in, he stayed put briefly before withdrawing halfway and pushed back in. I whimpered a low, “muuuummm.”

Encouraged, he repeated the in and out a few times, and with each thrust, he increased his tempo and I raised my moan, “MMMMM.”

I started shaking, convulsing, and trembling as yet another orgasm hit me deep within.

To muffle my increasing moan, he removed his lips from my neck and brought them to my lips. Possibly in an attempt to soften my exults, but as soon as his lips touched mine, his tongue entered my quivering lips. I started sucking my son’s tongue in my mouth.

He kept going on and on for hours, to the best of my knowledge.

I must have blanked out because when I came to there was no Mickie in bed with me.

Almost in disbelief I shucked the covers off of me and tried to reconfirm the extraordinary fucking I had received. My pussy gave away the fact with its leaking juice. I cupped my pussy to hold back whatever was coming out of it. I looked to my left and saw Alan surprisingly still asleep, having turned on his side.

I laid back my head on the pillow and tried to think through what had happened, only to pandiculate with a smile on my face.

“good morning, Mom,” Mickie caught me a bit by surprise.

The wrinkle on my forehead probably gave away very little, and I recovered to kiss him on the cheek, before saying, “good morning, Mickie,” cheerfully enough.

If I were him, I would know something’s amiss.

Alan and I were chatting and discussing our recent vacation when I saw Mickie slip out of the house towards the farm.

Time flew past and from the next night onwards, I started sleeping without anything on. It possibly surprised Alan somewhat, but he didn’t pay too much heed to it. My lovemaking with Alan reduced to twice a month and increased with Mickie to twice a week.

Mickie would come in twice a week and make love to me for hours. The best thing I loved about our sessions was how long he took me and how many times each night. He would go on and on making love to me before cumming himself and then with a small break start all over again. By the time he finished with me, I had climaxed no less than five times and possibly orgasmed twice every night.

In an unbelievable stroke of luck, Alan was none the wiser in this adventure we were on.

Mickie mastered the art of slow love-making to a level unknown to me. He would enter in my pussy with such ease and comfort that it seemed that whatever I had been doing until now was inept and clumsy.

Mickie knew how to make love to me and no matter what I was not going to let him stop.

By the end of the month, I was thoroughly fucked and satisfied, and by the end of the second month, we were taking risks. His visits had increased to thrice a week.

When I missed my period in the third month, I was not as shocked as I should have been. I knew it was only a matter of time. Instead of thinking about a child with my own son, I was worried about something completely different. The only trouble to my mind was that Alan had had his tubes tied and was only giving it to me once every other week.

When the doctor’s visit confirmed that I was pregnant, not surprisingly Alan was taken aback. He was glad that we would be parents again but mostly because I was happy. He did express his displeasure though with the doctors who had done his tubes and it upset him briefly.

Mickie seemed overwhelmed with the thought that he had impregnated his mother and no matter the veil of ignorance, he was edgy the whole next couple of weeks.

It came upon me to salvage the situation somewhat. One day at the breakfast table, I told Alan, with Mickie around, “I think you should go meet the doctor who did your vasectomy procedure. Give him a piece of your mind.”

A surprised Alan and Mickie looked towards me. I avoided Mickie and looked into Alan’s eyes to add, “We are indeed glad Mickie is going to get a brother or a sister but I am sure the bumbling doctor has to answer for his bungled procedure. For all we know he would have messed up others like you.”

It was my attempt to provide a veil of innocence to Mickie and a way out. Even while the issue flew past everyone else, in his own eyes, the mess had been created by him. Even if he was able to get away with making the fact public that it was indeed he who had impregnated me, he still had to live with the fact.

His visits to me at night stopped completely.

I, on the other hand, yearned for more. I did not know how to move ahead. Maybe I was horny because I was hormonal because of the baby inside me, maybe I was just craving for a good fucking that Mickie had been giving me over the last couple of months. Whatever the reason I craved for some serious lovemaking.

And then an opportunity came knocking. Two weeks later, Alan confirmed he had already visited the doctor who had performed his vasectomy procedure on him. Alan had feigned massive disapproval and unhappiness with the doctor. Alan for good measure had threatened that he intends to sue the doctor and the clinic.

Four weeks later, Alan and I had an amusing meeting with the lawyers of the clinic. They offered to settle the matter with us, out of court, subject to a couple of small conditions.

, Alan, I, and the baby would have to take a DNA test, to reconfirm that the baby indeed was Alan’s. Second, a non-disclosure agreement would have to be signed by all of us, which would enable the clinic to keep the matter under wraps.

The settlement was three million dollars. Alan seemed pleased.

Unaware of what to do next, we decided to sleep over the matter and return to the lawyers in a couple of days.

I started to panic. I reckoned that the DNA testing would confirm that the baby was not Alan’s.

Over the next few days, I gradually started to cajole Alan to forget about the litigation or any settlement.

“If we are happy, why bother,” I told Alan.

Alan, if anything, was more amused than surprised, with my benevolence.

“Sam, I am surprised but if you are fine with it, I am ok.” He responded. “Though a couple of million dollars isn’t pocket change and could do wonders for the family and the baby.”

“let’s decide later. I am tired.” I excused myself one more time.

The delay in our decision got the clinic panicking and they sent a young lawyer, Alice, to convince me that it was indeed a good offer.

The day Alice came to our home, Alan wasn’t around but Mickie was. The offer was being upped to five million dollars but the terms remained the same. Seeing our lifestyle Alice assumed that we were well-off and that money was easy with us, and that possibly we were genuinely upset.

With Mickie around at home, it was only natural that he got to know what was going on.

I told Mickie, in front of Alice, “their offer is subject to conditions of DNA test to be done on the baby, me and Alan and then there is a clause of confidentiality.”

After a brief silence and some general chit-chat, Alice kept her glass fo iced-tea on the table and offered to leave.

On her way out, “Samantha, we look forward to hearing from you soon.” Alice prodded, trying to get a sense of how Mom felt.

“yeah, we will let you know, Alice.” Mom assured half heartedly.

“And, Samantha, good luck with the baby.” Alice said tentatively, unclear whether Mom was happy to have another child or not.

After the lawyer had gone with an assurance of a response in a couple of days, Mickie egged me to take the deal.

Mickie, “why aren’t you taking the deal. What’s wrong with five million dollars?”

Without saying it in as many words, I huffed “I do not wish to get the baby to go through a DNA test.” I insisted that the condition of DNA testing is part of the deal.

Mickie in his own soft manner informed me, “Mom, DNA testing would only confirm that Dad’s DNA was very much existing in the baby.”

In a convoluted, yet clear explanation he said, “My own DNA and Dad’s would match almost completely. My DNA is a match for both you and for Dad. When a family is of the same bloodline, the possibility of DNA matching is guaranteed.”

Like a lightbulb, it dawned upon me what he was trying to explain, without saying that his baby and Dad’s baby would have a similar DNA even if not exactly the same.

I told Alan, later that evening, “I think we should go ahead with taking the clinic’s deal. Five million dollars is no small amount.”

Alan seemed glad and organized the meetings.

A deal was struck, and documents signed.

As time went by, Mickie seemed upbeat yet he stayed away from our bedroom, especially in the middle of the night.

When my baby bump started to grow, one day I invited Mickie to feel the baby kick. My tank tops seemed to be shrinking by the day and the baby bump was often bare.

Mickie adored the fact that a baby was growing inside of me and often caressed my stomach to get a hang of this fact. I think in his mind it was also slowly sinking in that it was his child.

When my breasts grew bigger with milk and the bump was at bursting level, Mickie cared for me even more and hovered around me throughout the day in case I needed something. I just loved the attention and thanked God for such a wonderful son.

When Baby Andrew arrived the DNA tests were done before we returned back from the hospital. A c-section was necessary in this case as had been the last time around when Mickie came into our lives.

Baby Andrew’s DNA tests were done with my and Alan’s permission. Baby Andrew’s results matched ninety percent with Alan and ninety-five percent with me. The score being lower than desired, they followed up with a request to get a DNA baby Andrew’s sibling, Mickie. Nonchalantly, we complied. The DNA score of Mickie was a ninety-two percent match with Andrew and ninety percent with Alan.

The results unequivocally confirmed that baby Andrew was the child of this very family. Five million dollars in Alan’s account further reconfirmed that.

Over time, Mickie outgrew his hesitation. The fact that Andrew was indeed his son and yet the guise of Alan’s owning him went down well with Mickie. His confidence picked up again.

Mickie was very involved in taking care of baby Andrew. Often he would be playing with Andrew, or he would be roaming around the house trying to calm Andrew down. Mickie would get up at odd hours of the night and pick him up when Andrew was agitated for some reason or the other.

Often Mickie would bring baby Andrew to me so I could feed him. After a couple of occasions of averting his eyes, Mickie started adoring the breastfeeding sessions, and then after a while, he started to stick around until they were complete.

I smiled and let Mickie have an eyeful.

Alan was his usual self, going about his normal life unaware of what Mickie’s increased proximity was leading on to.

More than once, Mickie picked up a crying Baby Andrew and brought him to our bedroom late at night to get him to be fed. He stayed on until Andrew had had his tummy full and had dozed off. Caringly, Mickie picked him and left with him to be rested in his crib in the Andrews bedroom next door.

Then on a couple of occasions, Mickie himself was so tired that he himself dozed off sitting in the wingback chair near our bed even before Andrew had had his fill. It was no longer surprising for me or Alan to find Mickie coming in or going out to help Baby Andrew or me.

One day, Mickie came to our bedroom and slipped into the bed right next to me. A small ray of light peered into the room far from the main hallway. He ambled next to me slowly, yet purposefully. I assumed Mickie was helping Andrew to my breast, peeling off my nightie from the breast. I opened my arm to let him in. Mickie took in my nipple and started slowly sucking and drinking my milk. My hand and my body realized the head and the person attached to me was way bigger than Andrew. I checked to find Mickie slurping away milk from my breast.

I smiled and caressed his head a few times as a token of my approval, before shutting my eyes.

if there ever was a veil of ignorance, it came crumbling down at that moment.

Mickie stayed in all night emptying both my breasts, after which he slept with his face between my bare breasts. He was gone before Alan and I got up in the morning.

After this, as weeks passed by, he invariably came in every second night to have his fill and we hugged me as he slept. Every morning before daybreak he was gone.

There came a time, that after we had woken up, Mickie was still in my bed. One morning Alan got up as usual in the morning and saw Mickie nestled into my bosom. I looked up and told him, “Mickie was tired of bringing in Andrew again and again and must have slept in.” I had no response for why his mouth was pasted at my breast. I said nothing more.

Alan did not give away any sign that he was upset.

After that morning, finding Mickie in bed with us, almost always with his mouth full of my bare breast was not uncommon. Alan did frown a couple of times, I think, but did not respond to this unusual act on our part.

A couple of weeks later, Mickie started sleeping in our bed daily. Each night he would open my nightie, look into my eyes and then slowly turn down into my breast and empty both one after the other before going to sleep in my cuddling arms. The fact that Alan had chosen to overlook this liberty went down well with Mickie.

A few days later, after Mickie had emptied my breasts, he slipped lower and stopped at my pussy, and started licking and cleaning my pussy. I did not last more than a minute before cumming in droves in Mickie’s mouth. I pulled his head up, back between my breasts, before we slept in.

From then on, Mickie cleaning my pussy was a ritual he fulfilled with an equal dedication that he showed in emptying my breasts.

Baby Andrew was having his tummy full and whatever got left was cleaned by Mickie. It was only a matter of time that Alan would often find Mickie latched on to my breast in the drawing-room, in the sitting room, and sometimes in front of the TV on the sofa.

Things changed for the better one evening. Alan was out on the farm and Mickie had helped Andrew with my breast. After getting him fed, Mickie went to Andrew’s bedroom and settled him in the crib in his bedroom.

Mickie came back for his own fill. I knew Mickie was coming back and chose to let my breasts stay bare so that Mickie could start his course. Mickie kneeled on the carpet between my knees and started sucking. He switched to the other after clearing the first. He opened my gown and started kissing and licking my stomach, going lower.

He sank into my pussy mound and started to peel off my panties. I raised my butt to let him. I looked down towards him smiling and that was signal enough for him to proceed.

After taking my panties down to my ankles and then off from my feet he started the ritual I was so familiar with. He started kissing my toes, then went on to lick my calves and slowly moved up to my thighs, coating the entire legs with saliva mixed with a small amount of leftover milk from my breasts that must have been in his mouth.

He sucked my thighs hard, creating suction pressure and sending pleasure up into my gut. Upon reaching my pussy Mickie spent an inordinate amount of time around my pussy and licked every inch surrounding it.

There was every telltale sign of Mickie being the same person who had been visiting me all those nights.

By the time he licked and sucked his way inside, I was cumming like crazy. I needed help to eve sit still. My climax built up into a big dam burst. Just before my big orgasm, Mickie exited my pussy leaving me anxious and whimpering.

Mickie switched seats and sat back on the sofa next to me. He shucked his trousers down and sat back again. He pulled my hand and invited me to sit on his raging hard cock. I was so numb with lust that I did not think twice before pulling my knees on his either side and sank right on his cock without a single moment’s delay.

I was bucking and shoving like an animal when Alan walked in and saw us fucking. His line of sight had me looking straight towards him and he could see back of Alan’s head buried between my breasts.

Instead of confronting us, he turned sideways to go into the kitchen. As he moved he kept looking towards us on the sofa, his eyes caught mine as I looked towards him. My hips picked up speed, if that were possible, even as my eyes remained locked with Alan’s. My hands held Mickie’s head from my cleavage and pulled it onto my right breast.

I started cumming before Alan had left the room. I started moaning, even more for Alan, who had by now reached the kitchen’s doorway and was facing the other way. His pace had slowed.

Mickie burst deep into me with exhilaration. I felt a fountain of cum spray deep into my belly.

After that night, Mickie was in our bed, taking me whenever he wanted, in whichever manner he wanted. Alan, not once, complained or even raised an objection to our conduct. More than once, I felt he was awake on his side of the bed.

Initially, it surprised me, and then it became clearer that Alan had known all along about Baby Andrew, and he played along, more so, after the five million dollars hit his bank account. I often wondered, though probably I will never know, whether Alan knew about Mickie’s nightly visits that had gotten me pregnant.

Not that it bothered me, both Mickie and I loved Alan. We all loved Baby Andrew and life could not have been better.

When Baby Andrew was two, Alan came to me one day and asked permission to travel to England. He had relatives there and he wanted to spend some time there.

It was apparently clear what he was saying, or in fact what he was not saying. Alan left us a week later, packing barely anything worthwhile in a small suitcase he left with.

We never heard back from Alan after that.

A couple of months later, amongst other mail, I saw an ANZ bank statement. With Alan missing, I guessed the accounts need to be attended to. Mickie had been handling the farm.

I opened the statement to see the checking account balance, Ninety thousand dollars. Down below on the same page was the portfolio investment statement balance, Seven point Two million dollars.

It hit me, that Alan had left everything that we ever owned to Mickie and Andrew. It took me quite a while to settle down. I felt guilty and I felt pained and I felt torn into a hundred thousand pieces.

After a long while, I went to the small office Alan used to maintain at home. I sank back in his chair. Rose’s beautiful smiling face looked back at me from the small frame on his desk.

My heart cried even more. Tears rolled down my eyes, as I picked her picture and touched her cheek with my knuckles, remembering her even more than I did every day. I apologized to her for hurting her son and begged for her forgiveness.

After crying my heart out, I opened the top drawer to keep the statement there. There was another envelope in the drawer. I immediately recognized it. It was exactly the same as the one I had received from Rose. Mine was kept safely in my personal drawer in the cupboard. This one was addressed to Alan.

My heart was pounding when I opened the envelope to read what Rose had written to Alan.

Those were her last wishes to him.

He had obeyed them to the letter.


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