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Pole Dance 

Epilog -2

This is the 2nd part of the Epilog and concluding part of the Story Pole Dance.
Read the first part of the Epilog to enjoy this episode.

Epilog -2


Sunday, 13 June


When I got up the next morning, Zuzanna and I were so entangled that I could not have gotten up without waking her up. I had stirred awake, and Zuzanna too came about along with me.

We were at face level and naturally, we kissed as soon as we got up. No matter the foul morning smell, I greeted her, "good morning, Zuz."


"mmmm...Mmmmm," was how she wished me.


After I had freshened up and walked back to the bed, I picked the intercom to order us some coffee.


Zuz lazily got up and walked in naked to the bathroom, as I talked to Busaba on the intercom.


Leaving Zuzanna, I walked to the door and checked if our neighbors were up. They indeed were.


I caught up with Szymon and Zofia in the hallway between the two apartments. 


Szymon was ready to go and Zofia was kissing him bye. When he saw me, he waved and wished, "Good morning, Julia."


"Good morning," I wished him back, adding a wave with my hand, asking where he was going? A pointless question, though.


"I have a plane to catch, it's already eleven-thirty." He replied, explaining the rush.


Zofia again hugged him and whispered in his ear. They kissed each other goodbye and he left as soon as the elevator dinged up. He waved and went in.


Zofia came to me and hugged me, "good morning, Julia."


I held her tight in an embrace and kissed her with a loud smooch, for effect, "Muuuuuaaah," and then added, "good morning, darling."


She asked, "Zuz...?"


"She's in the toilet," I replied.


"Let's go wake up Maja," she naughtily invited me.


I giggled, and added, "Let me call Zuz as well."


I jumped into the apartment, and upon seeing Zuzanna, I energetically signaled her to come and join. I had had the time to pick a gown earlier before stepping out in the hallway, but she was still half-naked. Zuzanna was halfway through the panties when I waved her to rush, and she left the top bare, getting caught up with the excitement.


Giggling, all three of us entered the bedroom where Maja was still sleeping. Of course, she was naked, the cover was halfway on her waist, her beautiful breasts inviting us openly.


When we reached the foot of her bed, it was as if there were pre-determined positions for the three of us to take up. We effortlessly arranged ourselves, going zig-zag towards whatever part of Maja was magnetically drawing us to the sleeping bride.


Zuzanna slowly pulled the covers off from Maja and climbed the bed, having decided that she wanted Maja's pussy.


I hooked my knee on the bed, climbed next to Maja, and decided I wanted her right tit.


Zofia zeroed in on Maja's left tit.


As if it were well-rehearsed, all three of us planted our lips on Maja's skin simultaneously.


In her dream state, Maja responded with a sleepy moan, "mmmm," unclear if she was dreaming.


The loving, the licking, and the sucking got her up in no time. Maja started whimpering and purring. She was tired, Zofia and Szymon had been making love to her long after Zuzanna and I had left the previous night.


Maja wanted us to pleasure her so much, but her body was tired. She hooked her foot on Zuzanna's shoulder and nudged her to move away. Only half of her heart in it. Her hand on my shoulder pushed me away unenthusiastically.


Now that she was up, I ceded control of her tit and moved up to her face. Her eyes were still closed when I planted one kiss at a time on both her eyes, then her cheeks, and then her lips.


"Good morning, Maja," I welcomed her awake.


"mmmm," she replied, half angry, half pleased.


I kept kissing her face - small pecks all over - until she opened her eyes. 


Zuzanna had left Maja's pussy, and Zofia moved away from her left boob. All of us giggled and laughed for waking up Maja like that.


An hour later, we were at the table eating brunch. I could not help but admire the small group. Each one was so much at ease with each other, and the group had a phenomenal amount of bonding.


Zuzanna suggested, "let's get Maja all dolled up. Let's call a beautician today."


Zofia countered, "there's a salon right here. Duh...?"


Maja smiled and willingly agreed, "I'll ask Busaba to have her team organize."


It seemed like a fun idea. I shrugged and so did the others.


Maja said, "I am going to do some yoga today." 


Zuzanna protested, "No, Maja. You can't leave us. We have to stay together, you can do all the yoga you want after you are back home tomorrow or later. But we want to do something fun together."


Maja could not oppose that.


I suggested, "Let's go to the spa downstairs...?"


That seemed acceptable to all. Zofia shrugged, and so did Maja.


Zuzanna added, "that'll recharge your energies, for sure," she tickled.


Everyone cracked at that.


Around four in the afternoon, we were in the spa section of the complex, on the lower floor. 


Before heading into the sauna, Maja asked Busaba, "Can you please organize some beauticians for us for later."


Busaba nodded, "Sure."


One by one, we shed our gowns, picked up a towel each, and entered the Sauna buck naked.


After spending a half-hour in there, everybody was sweating heavily. We moved out and then hit the showers. Again two of us took one shower cubicle, playing our way through a cold shower. I partnered with Zuzanna on this occasion, and Maja accompanied Zofia for hers.


Next up, we decided we should go for a nice and somewhat more moisturizing steam session.


Again spending some twenty minutes in the steam room, we headed for showers. I got Maja for this round and I showed ample appreciation to her, just for being who she was.


All of us decided we needed some more cooling off and went for a swim on the same floor.


Busaba arranged for a few swimsuits for us and we plunged into the temperature-controlled pool. We were all charged with all our pores open after a few laps in the smallish pool. 


We headed for a shower post our swim. Since there was only one next to the pool, I pulled Zofia and went to the one next to the steam room. Zuzanna and Maja used the open shower near the pool.


All that activity got us all hungry. Zuzanna announced, "I am hungry. I want to eat something."


"I am famished too," Maja agreed. I, too, felt a need for a snack. Zofia shrugged her approval, and we started to head back to the apartments.


Maja asked the ever-attentive Busaba, "Can you please organize some snacks with coffee and tea for all of us."


Busaba again smiled and nodded her confirmation, "Sure."


The entire complex and its entire staff were at the disposal of the four of us....and an overnight visitor.


Busaba informed us, "the salon is ready. I have called in Vivienne from Haffner along with her team. If you would prefer, I can arrange the snacks for you there." 


It was already past six. It sounded like a good idea. Maja looked towards us, and we all readily agreed.


Instead of going to the apartments, we went to the first floor and turned towards the salon and the beauty clinic, where some ladies dressed in neat uniforms were waiting for the four of us.


Vivienne, the leader of the team, addressed us with a warm and friendly bow and folded hands. The others behind her did the same.


After a brief round of introductions, we took the chairs. 


The celebrated beautician, Vivienne, took charge of dolling up Maja. Others on her team took care of each one of us. Her team seemed as professional as Vivienne and held their own.


For the next over an hour and a half, we were pampered to the hilt. The team of beauticians was indeed the best I had experienced. We took breaks in between for snacks and chat.


With our hair, face, hands, and feet all getting the undivided attention of professionals, we left the salon delighted.


Despite all of us ready from head to toe, it was Maja who offered, "if you all don't mind, can we stay in and party here instead." She looked around to see if we were disappointed, "I am still out of it."


Not one of us was saddened by the idea. If anything, I was only happy.


Zuzanna came up with her own idea after thinking through a plan. She said, "If we aren't going out, let's spend some time getting a massage."


Now which sane girl could say no to a good massage. Zuz had a different idea in mind and went ahead of us. 


Within fifteen minutes, we were back on the first floor. We looked around for the massage staff and found none.


Zuzanna cheekily told us, "Busaba tells me that she is short of masseurs, and we might have to go one by one." Her smile conveyed let on, that she was lying and she had been planning some mischief.


Maja was perplexed, if not irritated. It was not what she was expecting from Busaba, but Zuzanna shoved her ahead and asked, "let's get a move on."


If Maja was confused, she was not going to remain so for long. Zuzanna got her to disrobe first and escorted her to the massage table. One by one, Zuzanna and Zofia followed suit and took off their gowns. Not to be left behind, my gown came off as quickly.


As soon as Maja lay with her face down, Zuzanna signaled us to follow her. Maja was going to get the first massage, and the three of us were going to lay it on her. Brilliant.


For the next hour, we indulged and tortured her aplenty. Zofia went on her knees riding Maja's legs, massaging her thighs, and playing with her firm, round butt cheeks. I was in charge of Maja's back and took care of her neck, shoulders, and arms. Zuzanna took control of her feet and tickled, played with, and rubbed her feet.


Before we had done her back, Zofia bent forward on Maja's back and gave Maja's back a good rub with her breasts, pulling up and down. The massage oil I had used on Maja's back was now all over Zofia's front.


As she climbed off of Maja, Zofia kissed Maja's butt with a loud, "muuuah." 


I planted one kiss on Maja's cheek, a little less animated than Zofia, but for effect, I too let out a "muuah."


Zuzanna took one of Maja's toes and put it in her mouth. That got Maja to flutter, sending a wave of shock into her pussy. Reacting, she tilted on her side, pulling her foot out of Zuzanna's grip.


All of us laughed.


It was time for doing her front. Maja laid on her back, and Zuzanna climbed, riding Maja's thighs. She now had unencumbered access to Maja's pussy and hips. She was going to make most of it, we were sure.


Zofia did not waste time claiming Maja's left tit in her hands, massaging it and covering it with a thick layer of massage oil on it.


I chose Maja's right tit and emulated Zofia. I cupped my hands around her boob, engulfing it and rotating the hands slowly around it. Her boob was in my grip as if I was a sculptor and was in charge of creating a tit out of soft, supple, warm skin and muscle. And, wow, what a treat it was.


"mmmmm," Maja began moaning and squirming soon after. She purred under the triple assault of Zuzanna kneading her pussy mound, Zofia playing with her left tit and I with her right.


After a few minutes of that, Zuzanna decided enough of the hands, it was time to step up. She lowered her butt on Maja's legs until her pussy was on Maja's shins. Then she bent down to lick and suck on Maja's closed pussy.


I was grateful for this cue and fell straight onto Maja's nipple and took it straight into my mouth. I laid down a thick base-of-the-tongue lick to convey my clear intentions.


"mmmmm," Maja let out a soft moan, her body responding.


Zofia was a little late but started from Maja's face. She kissed around Maja's face, stopping only when she had reached her destination - on Maja's lips. They kissed heavily, Maja trying to respond as best as she could.


"mmmmm," Maja moaned as the three of us chose to change the techniques and pressure, and speed of our assault. If Zuzanna was taking her to a high, I was slowly flicking her nipple and Zofia was plunging in her mouth with vigor. 


"AAAWWWWMMMMMM," Maja went bonkers when I bit her nipple, and Zuzanna was hitting her clitoris hard at the same time. Zofia slowed her exploration in the mouth.


There was no more pretense of massage left for us to act. We were playing with Maja - in her mouth, on her tits, and in her pussy.


A good while later, we allowed Maja to climb down from the massage table without letting her have her climax. Maja was less than willing to come off, so much in need of a climax.


We got the gowns back on and headed up. Barely walking straight, Maja walked with an arm around Zuzanna's waist. A step behind them, Zofia and I walked holding hands, congratulating each other silently for a job well done. All of us took the elevator to the top floor.


Back in the apartment, we realized Busaba had thoughtfully organized something for us to eat. We had in the room a cheese-board, a tray-full of sandwiches, and a plate of roulades. Along with that, she had organized for us a few Krokiets and a bowl of Salatka Krewetek. The bar was stocked with beer, Krupnik, champagne, and vodka.


It was half-past eleven. Maja was settling down from her horny high, as were the rest of us. Zuzanna and I picked up some snacks to eat, skipping the shrimp salad. Zofia got the champagne out.


All of us nibbled on the snacks and, instead of champagne, took a glass of Krupnik. We chatted, laughed, and generally had fun when Zuzanna decided it was time for some music and dance. Maja hadn't touched her glass of Krupnik. Zuzanna got up and started some music, Zofia popped open the champagne. I took Maja in my arms and started to sway slowly.


With champagne glasses in our hands, I decided to toast it, "to Maja."


"to MAJAAAAA," cried Zuzanna and Zofia together.


The first long swig was downed, with a "YEEEYYYY," from everyone.


"always together," Maja raised her glass, for a follow-up, and we rallied behind her, "together, always."


The second toast got us to empty our champagne glasses. We were back to dancing and swaying, or whatever suited our purpose. I took Maja back in my arms, and we started swaying slowly. Zuzanna and Zofia were a bit more animated as they danced.


A few minutes in and I was kissing and making out with Maja, instead of dancing or even pretending to sway.


Deciding to join a different party, Zuzanna and Zofia kissed each other, smiled, nodding. Then they moved in to join us in our embrace. Zuzanna hugged me from behind, and Zofia hooked herself to Maja.


Both of them groped us and slowly it became clear, for what. Zuzanna got my robe to loosen just as Zofia worked on Maja's. Once that was achieved, they drew the robes back from our shoulders and then off, pulling our arms along. Thanks to our massage sessions earlier in the evening, both Maja and I were completely naked under the robes. 


Once the robes were out of the equation, Maja and I were squeezing our naked bodies with each other. Maja and I reattached our lips. Our hands crawled behind one another, now free of any impediments.


Zofia and I were sandwiching Maja. Zofia's knuckles scraped my nipples as she played with Maja's tits, squeezing them and twisting on her nipples as much as she could given the little space between Maja and me. Just then, I realized Zuzanna went missing from behind me, for God knows what.


We slowly escorted Maja to the bed, and Zofia removed herself from behind Maja before letting her sit back down. Maja detached her lips from mine, reluctantly, as she got nudged back to the bed.


I stepped back, realizing Zuzanna was waiting for me to make space. She kneeled between Maja's thighs and did not delay in devouring the lips of Maja's pussy.


Maja moaned, "mmmm," forcing Zofia and me to look down at them cavorting. Zofia nodded towards me, directing me to the door. 


Zofia climbed the bed. Before I was out of the bedroom, she was sucking on Maja's tit and complimenting Zuzanna in working up Maja.


I walked out of the bedroom into the apartment's living room. I was pleased to find Antoni waiting patiently on the sofa. He sat waiting comfortably with a pint of beer in his hand. Seeing me walk in buck naked from the bedroom, he must have been surprised. His eyes lit up as he looked into mine. 


"Hi, mama," he exclaimed and then walked the few steps towards me, keeping the beer on the table. I met him halfway and embraced him as if we had met after a few years.


The first kiss was initiated by me, to clarify the intent. From that point on, he kissed me back vigorously. I was not to laid back myself and laid it on him passionately. I worked my hands simultaneously, trying to get him out of his shirt and jeans.


Our kissing did not stop, lips coming off and then coming back together as the jostle of getting him out of clothes held equal priority. By the time he was just in his boxers, I reminded myself that he was needed for something more specific. I gave up on his lips and mouth and kneeled down. As I pulled on the elastic of his boxers, I found a beautiful, red hot dick of my son in front of my mouth.


On any given day, it would have been sufficient to enter any woman's pussy. But I reasoned with myself, it was not adequately hard enough. 


I held Antoni's dick in my hand and without any delay engulfed the head of his cock in my mouth.


Antoni moaned in pleasure, "mmmooom."


I went ahead and took more inside my mouth. And suddenly, I was using the tongue. 


Antoni moaned some more, "mammmaaa."


For the next couple of minutes, I slowly made love to my son's cock, with my mouth. His hand behind my head applied light pressure to signal his need for me to keep going.


I could have, and I wanted to, spend all night doing just this- suck my son's cock. But he was here for something else.


No matter how much I did not want to, I pulled off from his dick but kept a grip around it. If Antoni was surprised, he didn't show.


I got up and smiled at him. Then I leaned forward and kissed him once on his lips. I smiled before turning around and leading the way to the bedroom with his dick in my left hand.


On the bed lay Maja, sprawled on the bed, her legs hanging down from the edge of the bed. Zuzanna was kneeling between Maja's thighs and kissing or licking her pussy passionately. Maja lay whimpering and moaning.


Zofia was up on the bed beside Maja, bent on top of her chest, with Maja's left tit in her mouth. I couldn't tell if she was licking, sucking the tit, or flicking the nipple. Whatever the two were doing had a splendid effect on Maja because she was writhing from pleasure.


"mmmm....." Maja gave away her state of mind.


After a momentary pause, I led the way again and stopped near the trio. As Antoni and I absorbed the scene in front of us, I tapped Zuzanna on the shoulder with my right hand. My left never loosened the grip around my son's dick.


As Zuzanna removed her lips from Maja's pussy, Maja moaned her disapproval, "muuuuuuu." She was so near her climax. Zofia too heard her grunt and pulled her head from Maja's tit to notice the visitor. She smiled towards Antoni and me.


As Zuzanna made way for us, I pulled Antoni from his dick and brought him near Maja's thighs. If there was any doubt left in his mind, he was sufficiently guided towards what was expected of him as he bent down in front of Maja's pussy. He leaned forward and got his hand on the mattress to hold his upper body weight. Antoni pulled his free hand behind my shoulder to let me do what I had intended.


When his dick was near Maja's pussy, I got the tip of his cock into Maja's pussy. I helped the first inch inside and let go of my death grip on his cock for the rest of the journey inside Maja. 


It might have been symbolic for Zofia and Zuzanna to have done that with Szymon and Jan, but when I guided Antoni inside Maja, I felt an overwhelming feeling inside me. It was a warm, loving, and motherly feel.


Antoni removed his hand from behind my shoulder and parked it on the mattress next to Maja. He leaned further forward, enabling his cock to slide a few inches further on its own.


Maja started to moan louder, "mmmmmmmm," as each of Antoni's cock went in. 


She was leaking juices already, and by the time Antoni was in her pussy full length, she was climaxing.


A soft but long moan came out of Maja's mouth, "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm," as she measured Antoni inside her pussy. Then she suddenly started to shake and jolt, releasing her climax that Zuzanna and Zofia had helped build. 


Halfway into her climax, Maja opened her eyes to reconfirm who the intruder was. She was unable to smile her welcome to the handsome Antoni. Her face was tense in orgasmic pleasure, and her mouth remained open wide for the deep penetration inside her pussy.


Maja's throat wanted to exclaim in delight, but no sound came out.


On his part, Antoni had gone in as slow as he could have, and when fully inside, he had paused until Maja had settled down. 


Maja's first orgasm of the evening hit her hard, and at first, she froze briefly before shaking violently to let out her release.


Antoni waited for her to come back, and then he looked directly into her eyes and greeted her silently.


In an act of appreciation, Maja pulled her hands behind Antoni's neck and drew him near. Lovingly they kissed and played in each other's mouths, forgetting briefly that his cock was embedded inside her.


But nature is a stronger force than man. Eventually, his hips started to buck. And then, a while later, his short nudges and pulls became proper draws and thrusts.


Antoni left Maja's mouth and concentrated on giving her pleasure with his meat. Maja had begun climbing on the next ride to wonderland when Zuzanna went down on Maja's tit again and pulled a nipple in the mouth.


From an arm's length away, I looked at Zuzanna and Antoni making Maja happy. A deep feeling of contentment ran through my heart. Zofia, who stood a step behind me, moved up next to me and wound her arm around my waist. We both stood admiring the trio.


At that moment, I could relate how Zofia would have felt when Szymon was making love to Maja or how Zuz would have felt when Jan was making love to Maja.


There was not a speck of jealousy in my heart, nor a shred of anxiety in my mind. I felt glad, I felt happy, I felt ecstatic for Maja. I am sure, this is how Zuzanna and Zofia must have felt. I just loved this feeling, this warmth ... this bonding. Zofia, stuck next to my hip, hung her head on my shoulder as we looked at the three of them playing love games.


Oblivious to my thoughts, Antoni had increased his tempo and was going on and on with a steady rhythm. His rush was a sign of his approaching climax. I peered over his shoulder to get a glimpse at Maja and was glad to see that she, too, looked like she was close to a climax.


When Antoni started shooting his first threads of cum and semen inside Maja, I bent down behind him and pushed my finger inside Maja's hole in her ass. Once again, half of my finger entered her tight sphincter with ease, thanks to her leaking juices. It also got me the result I wanted instantly, once again. Maja shrieked and started cumming immediately.


"AAAANNNNNGGGGGHHH," Maja shouted as she raised her ass in response to my finger, getting more of Antoni inside her.


Antoni did not stop pumping until he was satisfied that Maja had got all that he had to offer. He continually delivered short thrusts to supplement Maja's climax and prolonged it as far as it could.


Zuzanna had left Maja's tit somewhere during the panting and the shrieking. She chose to soothe Maja, kissing her cheek.


Antoni, a bit out of the wind, pulled out of Maja and stepped back. Zofia and I looked towards Maja's pussy and saw the first drop of white fluid come out. I was so zoned out that I forgot what was expected of me. 


I stepped forward on an impulse to kneel between Maja's thighs and slurp my son's cum from Maja's pussy. Just then, Zofia held my arm. I looked towards her, unaware why she was holding me off.


Zofia nodded towards Antoni and smiled. I realized what needed to be done, and I directed my attention towards my son. 


All of this happened in a matter of seconds. Before the leaking drop from Maja's pussy had reached her rear hole or any further, Zofia reached to rescue it with her tongue and recovered the irreverent trail of cum.


As soon as Zofia hit Maja's rear hole with her tongue, Maja recoiled with a combination of excitement and electric current. Her body was still spasming, and her windpipes still hadn't really pumped sufficient air into her yet. Even though Zofia's tongue had done something magical in Maja, all Maja did was gasp instead of crying out loud.


Ignorant of the effect she was having on her, Zofia licked on Maja's rear hole, slurping intermittently the cum that had dripped lower from the pussy. She then licked her way up until she entered Maja's pussy and found the rest of the treasure in there.


Maja was already more than responding to Zofia's maneuvers.


In the meanwhile, I took Antoni's hand into mine. I was greatly appreciative of what he had done with Maja. But words couldn't justify how I felt at the moment.


We looked into each others' eyes and spoke together, "I love you."


Then I moved forward and kissed Antoni and slowly took his tongue in my mouth only to return it along with mine. I got carried away in the emotions of that moment and once again overlooked the task at hand.


It was Zuzanna, who came forward and kneeled next to us and squeezed Antoni's dick from between him and me, tugging on it. Even as I was still in Antoni's mouth, Zuzanna started to lick and suck Antoni's dick.


Upon feeling another player amidst our play, I realized what was going on.


I looked down towards Zuzanna, who, by then, was slurping away Maja's juices from Antoni's dick and licking him clean. His dick was semi-hard. I kneeled next to Zuzanna, and as soon as she saw me there, from the corner of her eye, she withdrew from Antoni's dick and offered it to me.


Instead of taking Antoni's dick in my mouth, I smiled and bent forward to kiss her on the lips. I took away some of Maja's juices from her, sucking her full lips in my mouth.


As I pulled my mouth back, she smiled and offered me my son again. This time I did not pass on the golden opportunity. I let Zuzanna hold the dick but took the head in my mouth. His skin was soft and warm. 


I moved in further, taking more of his cock in my mouth, giving away my fondness of it with a long moan, "mmmmmmmmmmm."


I caressed the length of his dick with the base of my tongue, keeping its length inside my mouth. That seemed to work well with him, and he moaned softly, "mmmmhh."


Zuzanna stood up, letting the mother and her son play, and decided to join the party on the bed. Zofia was slurping inside the pussy, so she climbed on the bed and latched herself to Maja's lips. They kissed wholeheartedly. Maja responded to Zuzanna excitedly despite Zofia drawing her attention elsewhere, lower below, between her thighs.


By the time Maja was close to a climax, Antoni was raging hard and ready for some action.


I tugged him, holding on to his dick in my hand. I drew him close to Maja until his dick was near Maja's pussy, and then I let him enter her. This time with a lot more ease. After I got an inch inside, I released his cock from my hold and let him do the rest.


Antoni started sinking in slowly and got inside Maja to the hilt. 

Maja exclaimed with a pleased moan, "mmmmmmm."


Antoni stopped and bent forward into Maja's face. She took him up on his offer and kissed him. She rolled her arms around his neck and her legs behind his back to encourage him to hold on inside her pussy. He complied.


For the next many minutes, they kissed and made slow love until Maja was overcome with desire, and she released him from her holds and let him start thrusting again. 


Antoni shifted his weight on his arms and hands and off from Maja. Then he started to shove in and out of her, starting slowly.


Maja was so close to orgasm, with each thrust Antoni would hold for a second inside before pulling back and then repeating it the next shove inside.


Maja was first to exclaim her orgasm in the deliberately slow lovemaking Antoni was giving her. 


She let a guttural cry leave her chest, "UNNNNNNGHHHHH..... UNNNghh ....unngh."


Zofia must have already worked her up well, and Antoni certainly gave her a good time.


I smiled and looked towards Zuzanna. We exchanged knowing looks, and she was grinning. 


Antoni briefly let Maja climb down by slowly nudging repeatedly inside her pussy. From my own experience, it was a wonderful technique to keep a girl going when she was climaxing. Antoni was expertly prolonging Maja’s climax. It also gave him time to cool a little, concentrating on his partner.


Before Maja had climbed down after her climax, Antoni lengthened his strokes and dragged his mouth on Maja’s neck. He sucked and kissed her neck and drew long thumps in her pussy. I could easily imagine how she must have felt.


Maja was purring in delight, “mmmm….mmmmmm.”


Antoni slowly and steadily increased his pace, along with lengthening his strokes. 


Maja was enjoying this one thoroughly, her moans stretched, and her tone soothing to the ear, “mmmmmmmmmmmmm………….mmmmmmmmmmm……..mmmmmmmm,” punctuated only when Antoni hit her cervix with each thrust and paused a fraction of a second. 


It seemed to have an impact on Antoni too. He moved into his zone. 


I wanted Maja to orgasm along with him and positioned myself for it. 


Zofia went up next to Maja and cupped her face. Maja opened her eyes and looked into Zofias appreciatively. 


Antoni grunted his climax with a “ungh..” and I went on my knees behind him and bent down under his, now slowing, humping cock, and planted my mouth on Maja's rear hole. Even in her lusty state of mind, if she was expecting a finger, she would be surprised. Indeed, she exclaimed to find a mouth on her and a tongue, trying to find its way in rather easily. 


Zofia used the same moment to bend down and kiss her. Even if Maja would have wanted to kiss, she could not. She wanted to exclaim. Zofia decided to push her tongue inside Maja's mouth, instead of kissing. That, muffled Maja’s exults. 


Zuzanna was a little late to respond, but she bent forward and took a nipple in her mouth. We had lost Maja already, to wonderland. I think it was Zuzanna’s bite on her nipple that tipped her into an orgasm of her lifetime, or maybe it was all of us. The fact is she had Antoni inside her pussy, me in her rear, Zofia in her mouth, and Zuzanna on her nipple.


Maja was shaking, writhing, and moaning.


Antoni still hadn't lost his firmness and kept nudging inside her pussy. It just dragged Maja's orgasm way longer than it would have been ideally.


I removed myself from her ass first, and then Antoni slipped out of her pussy, taking a couple of steps back. 


Before giving the task of bringing Maja back to earth to Zofia and Zuzanna, I remembered her pussy was holding my son's cum. I was dying for a taste.


I put my mouth back on Maja's pussy and started slurping my son's cum from her and found that mixed with Maja's nectar, it was the most delicious of all elixirs. Its effect on me was like that of a magic potion. I aggressively slurped and drank the heavenly blend of Antoni and Maja.


I must have forgotten about Antoni altogether, or maybe I subconsciously wanted to leave him out of my mind for a few minutes. And then those few minutes must have got stretched.


I got preoccupied with licking clean Maja's pussy and did not see any reason to leave a drop of my son's cum in her. I then drew out a fair amount of Maja's fresh cream as a bonus.


Zuzanna and Zofia decided I was a lost cause and refused to play the book. They took it upon themselves to work on Antoni, swapping the task with me since I wasn't keen to give Maja up to them.


Zuzanna and Zofia sealed Antoni's dick between their lips together, and ran double head around his cock until he was rock hard - half thanks to seeing his mother dive into Maja's pussy removing evidence that he himself was ever there.


If the plan was just to get Maja horny and high until she is close to a climax but not really there, I seemed to have lost the plot. I was really giving it to her fervently. 


Maja moaned delightfully with my aggressive cunnilingus licks, "mmm....mmm." Her hands came down behind my head to pull me in and to drag me to keep doing what I was doing.


Zuzanna gave Antoni's dick a good hand job, and Zofia added her mouth on top before switching roles, and Zuzanna pulled his dick in her mouth letting Zofia lick his balls.


Not sure what prompted me but for a brief moment I remembered the larger cause and slowed my attack on Maja's pussy. At the same time, her grip on my head tightened, clearly wanting me to continue. I decided to compensate her differently and started licking my way up. 


I kissed and licked her pussy mound and reached her navel. With the tip of my tongue, I poked into her navel - Maja shivered.


I licked my way higher and gave her beautiful boobs the due attention they deserved. By the time I reached her mouth, Maja was waiting for me and pounced on my lips for everything I had drawn from her pussy.


We hungrily kissed each other, lost in our dream world. 


In the meanwhile, Zuzanna and Zofia had done their job well, and Antoni was roaring to go.


Zuzanna got hold of Antoni's dick and drew him near the bed.


Maja and I were french-kissing as I lay on Maja full length, my complete weight on her. My arms were behind her neck, holding her near, as she embraced me.


Upon reaching the bed, instead of guiding Antoni in Maja's pussy, Zuzanna thought it was appropriate to digress from the plan. Exasperated with me, she lined up Antoni's dick on my pussy and got the head of his cock inside my open gash. In my romp, I did not pay heed to one of the girls playing with my pussy.


Antoni, unaware of the Magna Carta, assumed it was okay to start playing where directed. He looked towards Zuzanna, who gave him a wide grin and a big nod.


Antoni needed no more than a signal. He pushed in.


My pussy expanded, and I instantly knew it was Antoni's cock. I pulled away from Maja's lips in a gasp and tried to push my chest up. Maja would have none of it and pulled me with both her hands and kissed me again.


With Maja holding on to me tight, Antoni gripping my waist, there was no way the rest of the penetration could be avoided. 


Well, not that I wanted it to.


I moaned loudly into Maja's mouth, "MMMoooooouuUU," and sucked her tongue probing in my mouth.


My moan grew louder with each inch Antoni gained inside my pussy. I entered heaven within those few seconds.


I was not sure how and why Antoni decided that he should be making love to me. But I didn't care because I wanted it, and I needed it.


After staying in the full length for a long while, Antoni withdrew from my pussy as slow as imagination could fathom, sucking the air out of my lungs along with it. He drew back all but an inch and then slowly came back inside.


My lips did not leave Maja's, though I had stopped kissing her. My eyes closed. Maja's hands held my head, and she kissed me. The extra pair of legs and the shove inside were signs enough for her to know what had just happened.


Slowly, Antoni built his shoves in and then dragged his cock out. I was spasming before he had repeated it five times. I all but collapsed on Maja, with my weight on her, full length.


Antoni stopped thrusting in and out and just held on to my waist and let me climax, holding his cock inside.


My moans were muffled into Maja's mouth, "mmm...mmm."


Maja drew her hand behind my ass. She got hold of Antoni's cock from its base and pulled him out of my pussy. I whimpered the disapproval meekly.


Then Maja redirected Antoni's cock into her own pussy that was openly pulsing in wait. 


Antoni, happily, sank into Maja's hot and wet pussy that had already been creaming. She responded to Antoni's cock almost as I had, moaning in my mouth.


Antoni used the same technique, slowly going in and then slowly coming out. He must have gone in less than ten shoves and dragged back out the same number of times before Maja started to spasm under my weight and in my arms. We kissed and licked while Anotoni brought us both to climax.


After realizing Maja, too, had achieved a heartful climax, Antoni decided to play cheeky with us.


He decided that this was a situation of a lifetime, and he was going to make the most of it. He repeatedly drove his cock inside my pussy and gave me some nice banging. Then he withdrew from my pussy and shoved his cock inside Maja and delivered to her some sound thumping, only to withdraw and repeat the same with me.


Antoni was behaving like a love machine, and he got rewarded magnificently. He managed to keep both of us happy and lustily aroused. Every time Antoni was thrusting in Maja, I would double up Antoni's efforts on Maja and kiss her hungrily, making her pant. Every time Antoni was making love to me, Maja would french-kiss me passionately and leave me breathless.


After all that gameplay, Antoni was close to a solid climax. Seconds before he was going to shoot cum, Maja must have felt his cock pulse because she hastily held his cock, pulled it out of her, and shoved it inside me, his mother.


As soon as he entered his full length in my pussy, he started shooting his cum inside me. Thread after thread hit my innards, and that was way too much for me. 


I moaned out loud, "mmmmmmmm." I started to orgasm as my son's cum filled my pussy. I jolted and shook to convey my climax to Maja, who slowed her kisses and let me enjoy Antoni's cock inside me, delivering me a majestic climax.


I moaned, a loving cry into Maja's mouth, "mmmmaaaa."


Antoni kept slowly shoving in and out until he was done and until he felt I was done as well.


Long after both of us had settled, he was reluctant to withdraw, and I wasn't too keen on him to back out as well.


When he did decide to extract from my pussy, he did so very slowly. 


As soon as Antoni got off from behind me, I rolled off Maja and laid on my back next to her. She must have sighed a relief in getting me off from riding her, or so I thought. But Maja had been left wanting. She turned along with me to keep on kissing me.


Suddenly, both of us felt pressure around our legs, and that got us to move away from one another.


Zuzanna had decided that my pussy was a treasure chest that needed to be opened with her mouth. 


Zofia had decided Maja's pussy needed an orgasm, and it was her duty to get her one. In the bargain, she would lap up every drop of the juice that Maja was going to provide.


Zofia was rewarded with a mouthful of fresh juice as Maja was already at the cusp by then, and Zofia happened to be at the right place at the right time.


Zuzanna's reward was more apparent, and she slurped away the mother and son combination from my pussy.


Antoni was amazed as to how his dick was finding the strength to be even half hard.


Zuzanna and I sat up and looked around to find Antoni hungrily looking at us.


I nodded for him to come near. I sat on the edge of the bed and got him to stand in front of me, between my legs. Then I held his dick, his half-hard dick, in my hand and took it in my mouth.


I lovingly swallowed his entire cock and cleaned the liquid around it. Then I made slow love to it, playing with it.


Zuzanna, thankfully, chose to let us be and assumed Zofia needed help with Maja. Both of them licked and cleaned Maja's pussy and her rear hole.


The extra play on her rear hole along with her pussy had got Maja to tense up.


Antoni was ready for another go, thanks to my motivational mouth, tongue, and hand.


When I delivered his cock at Maja's altar, they were both beyond ready. 


They may have done it a few times already that night but they behaved like teenagers with strong sexual desire making love for the first time. With passion, with hunger, and with love. 


The intensity of their lovemaking got them to climax soon.


Maja convulsed first And exclaimed her climax in low moans, cumming slowly, luxuriantly, and blissfully relaxed. She must have dozed off instantly because the last few thrusts of Antoni were in Maja's lifeless body.


Antoni still deposited his load inside Maja's pussy, mainly because he did not have sufficient time to pull out and hastily find his willing mother to spread her legs for him.


Once he had finished his climax with slow considerate jerks on Maja's account, he withdrew, almost sure, one of us would latch on to her pussy to recover the cum he had deposited there.


He was wrong because Zuzanna and Zofia calmly admired their lovely friend and a bride-to-be, sleeping like an angel.


I held the cover and pulled it on Maja until her breasts were covered. I kissed Zuzanna and Zofia good night. Both of them went into the other apartment.


I slipped on one side of Maja, and she instantly turned to hug me. On the other side, Antoni held the covers up and climbed in. With Maja in the middle embracing me, Antoni snuggled up close, spooning her from behind.


We waited for her to catch a few winks.


Neither Antoni nor I wished each other ‘good night,’ because we knew we weren’t going to sleep. 



Monday, 14 June


Antoni had behaved last night as if it were our last on planet Earth and it was his duty to leave as much potent seed behind in the two women that he was blessed to spend the night with.


It was, indeed, smart of him to make the most of it.


Zuzanna and Zofia had no idea how we had partied after they had gone off. 


I got up around ten-thirty in the morning, freshened up, brushed, and came back to take stock. 


Antoni and Maja were sleeping like babies.


I knew what was expected to be done and I went next to Antoni and removed part of his cover. He didn't stir.


I admired my handsome son briefly and then shook his shoulder a couple of times, not getting anything more than a stir.


Then I sat next to his hip and slowly tickled him, getting a little more than a stir. I decided to add some stimulus and bent forward kissing his lips, to check if he was going to pick on it.


He came alive and kissed me back. I pulled away, "good morning, Ant.."


He pulled me back and wished me in my mouth, "mm...mmmmmm...mmm,"


I pushed him away and stood up, letting him know, there was no more scope to play. "c'mon, you have got to get ready." I was almost whispering for Maja’s sake. 


He got up and groggily walked naked into the bathroom.


I waited for a few minutes. 


Before getting into the showers, he stepped up until the bathroom door, if I was game.


He didn't say much but just offered me his hand.


I looked towards Maja for a brief moment, seeing her sleep, I decided we did have some time.


I stood up from the sofa where I was sitting and shrugged my gown off a few steps before I was at the bathroom door.


Antoni and I walked into the shower hand-in-hand.


Antoni made love to me under the shower one last time that morning. He pinned me on the wall and fucked me standing up, reminding me what loving me meant for him.


If that was the last time I was going to make love to him, it was the best he produced. 


Working me up slowly, then getting in his arms, raising me - along with my hopes, and then climbing in with his pole and living up every moment.


Quarter-past eleven, Antoni was getting ready when his phone beeped. He told me, "the plane's ready...."


I nodded in agreement, I knew it meant he had to leave.


Within the next fifteen minutes, we were in the hallway. I was kissing him goodbye as if we weren't going to meet up anytime that year. He did not remind me that we would be meeting later that day at home.


As he started to climb down the stairs, the elevator dinged on our floor and Busaba walked in.


Seeing me wave Antoni, she looked towards him and greeted him as well, "Good morning, sir. The limo is waiting at the gate to take you to the airport."


He nodded, "thank you," continuing to walk downstairs.


Busaba walked up to me and asked, "good morning, Ms. Julia."


"Good morning, Busaba," I replied. I had not corrected her over the last three days, so there was no need for it now.


"can I bring everyone some coffee," She asked. It was her style of checking if everyone was up or just me.


"Just for me, Busaba," I replied. Then added, "Maybe, in an hour for everyone else."


She nodded, "certainly," and walked to the elevator.


I went into Zuzanna and Zofia's apartment to check if they were up. They were not.


Deciding not to disturb Maja at all, I stayed in the living room of the apartment where I had slept next to Maja and Antoni. 


Sitting alone, I left the main door open, just so no one would have to press the bell before coming in.


An attendant brought me a coffee tray with a couple of biscuits and a sandwich. Then she silently left.


I picked the coffee and slowly sipped it, thinking of the bachelorette getaway, or let's call it my second vacation with the group. What a fun time I had with them.


Before I could finish my cup, Maja walked in. As naked as Antoni and I had left her in bed, she groggily walked up to me. 


I instinctively opened my arms for her and like the previous morning, she walked right up to me and slipped sideways onto my lap. Her arm going on my shoulder, and her head into my neck, she burrowed in my embrace like a baby.


I must have kissed her head and cheek more than a few times, and she purred her approval on each occasion.


We stayed like that until Zofia and Zuzanna joined us about twenty minutes later and we spent the rest of the morning chatting, laughing, and generally joking about. 


Not once did anyone bring up the nightly visitors.


Later that afternoon, around four, Maja's brand new jet was back at the airport waiting for us at the Gdansk's Lech Walesa airport. It was the second trip of the day for the jet, between Krakow and Gdansk, having dropped off a lone passenger earlier in the day.


In the flight, Zuzanna finally could not contain herself and asked, "Maja, how did you like your Bachelorette?" She gesticulated to signal it was her idea.


Maja laughed out loud and conveyed her appreciation in more than just words, "I had the best time evvvvvveeer. I can't imagine it being any better than this. I just love you, Zuzanna," then she added, "I love all of you. She then opened her arms for Zuzanna who got up and climbed on Maja, riding her thighs, and they kissed each other in gratitude.


The flight back was an hour and a half but the mood was somber and no one wanted such a nice vacation to end and no one wanted to say goodbye. 


Somewhere near our descent into Krakow, to lighten the moment, Maja said, "I think I might have to postpone the wedding," she smiled, leaving us all perplexed. "I don't think I would be able to make love to Filip for many months, after the last three days."


We all cracked up laughing at her dig.





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