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Kama Sutra - Ch.9


Lowered Lotus
Lowered Lotus

Saraswati and Manu

We regrouped into the make-up room for a final goodbye.

“I must say you both have a phenomenal chemistry between the two of you,” Megan commented at one point.

“Thank you,” Mom responded.

Alex added, “it shows how much you love one another.”

“That we do. Without a doubt,” Mom responded.

I joined the group, “hey.” Looked around everyone to catch-up on the conversation. Then I added, anxiously looking towards Megan, “when do you think we should have the first slides for proofing?”

Megan smiled hard, almost chuckled, and then composed herself to respond, “I think it would take a couple of weeks before I can put together the final set for approval.”

“We are already in October, Megan. I hope you appreciate that we will be cutting it sharp for the distribution deadline of December Fifteen.” Mom added.

“I’ll try and rush it, but we have a lot to work with, as you know,” Megan added.

Before the evening ended, we had marked the pack-up in a celebratory mode, and Mom and I thanked every crew member.

As we bid ‘good night” to everyone, there was a tinge of sadness that was creeping into me, as was also the anxiety of what was to come.

“Good night, lovers,” Alex chimed, in her usual remark as she did each night for the past week.

“Ciao,” I replied.

“Good night,” Mom waved towards Alex.

On the way back, I called Sam on the car audio and updated him of the shoot.

“Hey, Sam. Free for a minute?” I asked.

“Sure, Adam. What's up. How did it go?” Sam queried in return.

Mom relaxed on the passenger seat with her eyes half shut. I guess contemplating something, though she looked beat and half asleep.

“The shoot was wrapped up. I think we did well. Megan seemed pleased. I guess, now, you would need to take it up with her over the next couple of days.” I instructed.

“Sure. I will call her tomorrow. I already spoke with Bartholomew, and we would meet with them in a couple of days along with Sara to do a final meeting of production planning.” Sam seemed pleased.

“All right. I thought of letting you know. I will talk to you later then,” I closed.

“Sure, Bye,” Sam replied.

“Good night.” I clicked the phone off. I glanced towards Mom and saw her relaxing in the passenger seat, staring out of the window at nothing in particular.

The moment of truth was waiting for me at home.


We ate dinner at home, picked up some Indian food on the way home.

Over dinner, we had a good conversation about what the future beholds and life back to normal.

“Do you think we should expand with another bookstore? I feel within the next month or so this one would come through. I think I could soon handle this one with a manager.” Mom opined.

“I agree. I told you earlier the store has come out nice with the changes you have made. Footfall has increased.” I knew Mom was very serious about her business but the fact remained that managing or owning a single store for her was like living in retirement. She was used to managing a large business and had the experience to multi-task.

“I think we should set up another store towards Downtown. I usually get a lot of inquiries from there.” Mom added.

“Sure. I like the idea.” I added.

“I like the thought of expanding within LA first before touching another town for our expansion.” Mom was almost enthusiastic even as words left her mouth.

We chatted for another hour as we ate dinner and discussed the bookstore, about my acting career, celebrities we saw recently, and her favorite - cursing Sam.

We laughed a lot and then eventually got up to turn in.

My heart was beating like that of a racehorse when I returned to Mom’s room that night after cleaning up and changing into my boxers for the night. I was worried Mom might turn me back to my room, now that the photoshoot was over. Mom had reminded me, just in the morning, that it had to end after the shoot. I, on my part, had slipped-in that it can be discussed tomorrow. That meant, at least in my mind, tonight was allowed. But it still had me anxious.

I took my time to go to her room, and not surprisingly, Mom was already in her bed, under the covers. She had turned towards the opposite side and gave an impression that she was not expecting me.

I defiantly soldiered on and was ready to argue my way into her bed if I received objections. Which, I did not.

I looked towards her before getting in, and she acknowledged my presence but did not turn around towards me.

I flicked on the bedside lamp on my end, then dropped my shorts and slipped in her bed and under the covers, naked. The covers ruffled enough to wake her up if she were asleep, which she was not.

Instead of shriveling down, the anxiety of impending lovemaking session had me hard enough to attention.

I did not pounce upon her as much as I wanted to at that moment. On the contrary, I played it cool and slipped next to her, close enough but not spooning. Eventually, Mom turned and rolled into my arms.

“Adam…” she started.

I interrupted her and said, “Mom, I know we are now on a completely different tangent than what we intended before the shoot, and I know you did it all for me, for my career, and for us. I want to thank you for everything that you did or let happen. You know I love you, no matter what. I will go by whatever you say or tell me to do."

Mom had misty eyes, "I love you too."

In my final piece, "let's discuss it tomorrow," I had again added, 'discuss' as if there was an opportunity to debate about this.

Mom did not say anything, as I took the lead in the window provided by her hesitation to respond. I kissed her cheek and started traveling down and stopped only at her pussy. Mom closed her eyes.

If she was not expecting me in her bed, why was she naked. It only made me more confident. In my mind, if this was the last night I have, then I was going to make the most of it.

I kissed her pussy ardently and covered all corners. I remembered when paying obeisance to a goddess you have to start from the feet, so further down I went.

I started kissing her toes; upon reaching Mom's feet, I licked them and sucked on them until she flinched. I had probably tickled her instead of arousing her. I changed track and licked my way upwards, giving enough time on her legs, especially her thighs.

The first sounds of comfort came through, "mmmm," sighed Mom.

Encouraged, I glazed Mom's thighs with my saliva, until not an inch was left. I ended near the top of her thigh, barely a breath away from her pussy. I could see her pussylips were quivering in anticipation.

Finally, I made my descent and took Mom's full lips in my mouth, in one go. Anticlimactic, in a way, given I was taking my time on her legs just before. But then I sucked them like a popsicle until they were protruding.

Mom's rolled her tummy to lay on her back, and an unmuffled sigh of relief and excitement came out of her lips, "aaaa....mmmm."

I brought my hands up and used my fingers to peel the lips apart that had got together because I was sucking them. Opening Mom's pussylips with two fingers of both my hands was like revealing a treasure chest, this one had liquid gold inside.

I started licking and slurping whatever flowed out as I opened Mom's pussy lips. She started moaning.

"mmmmmmuuuaaa," Mom exhaled.

I alternated between flicking her with my tongue, licking the trickle of juice flowing out, and diving deeper into her pussy with the tip of my tongue, poking her innards.

I intentionally was staying away from her clitoris, with an intent to prolong her pleasure and to take her on a joyride. Somewhere between my alternating tongue actions and her moving her hips and back, I got my tongue on her clitoris. She lifted her head and shoulders suddenly. Mom arched on her elbows. After that, she did not last more than a few seconds and started cumming like she meant it.

"huuuaaahhhh, huuuaaaaaaahhhh, aaaaaaahhhh" came her grunts. Her head fell back on the pillow and she pulled her hands behind my head with passion and aggression, making me re-enter headfirst, exactly where I had come out from many years earlier.

Long moans and grunts later, Mom settled in my face, even as I continued to lick and suck.

I had no intention to let Mom be. As she lay limp, it became my duty to bring her back to life. I worked diligently in her pussy and pumped her back to life, licking, kissing, flicking, sucking.

I gave up only after Mom had given me another climax. Thankfully her hands conveyed her desire, and her pull on my hair, to drag me inside her pussy, was sufficient invitation for me.

Mom exhaled another round of "aaaauuuunnngghhhh," before relaxing the pressure on my head and left my hair from her grip, thankfully without a bunch of them pulled out.

Having sucked her juices completely, I raised myself from her pussy but did not leave her skin. I licked my way up and stopped on two beautiful mounds of flesh. I captured the right one first, and after layering her tit with her own juices, mixed with my saliva, I circled around the nipple and pulled it with my lips.

Once on top of the target, I spread-out my lips to gorge on as maximum of her tit as I could capture in my mouth. Then I pulled up again, bringing myself all the way to Mom's nipple between my lips. On my next descent, with my lips spreading wide on her tit, I stretched my tongue on her nipple. I gave Mom's nipple a good long lick with the base of my tongue.

I got a moan from Mom, "mmmmmm." Her hand returned behind my head, this time not with inward pressure but caressing her suckling son.

After making ample love to her right tit, I moved towards its twin and gave it equal attention and affection. My position on her left tit, helped me position myself on Mom, with my groin grinding into hers, dry humping her thighs.

When it became unbearable for my dick to just play in the air, I moved up and took my adulation to Mom's face. I kissed her chin, and then her cheeks, only to go up to her eyes and come back down on her lips.

My hands went behind Mom. One arm circled her back, behind her shoulders, lifting her just a tad, and the other hand behind her head, pulling her into my mouth.

We kissed passionately, without abandon, without apprehension, and without an audience.

Lower below, my dick was striving to figure out an opening. Mom helped, with her hand snaking between us. Once she had guided me in the right direction, the rest was easy. I pushed ahead in both directions simultaneously. Entering Mom in her mouth and her pussy. Her moaning was muffled.

With every inch I gained inside Mom's pussy, I resolved to slow myself to prolong the pleasure. My tongue played inside her mouth all this while. Hers unable to control my dancing routine inside her mouth.

When my cock was all the way in, I relaxed to savor the feeling. My tongue in her mouth relaxed as well. Mom took charge and started playing with my tongue.

We took a long while staying joined below and kept our mouths do the lovemaking. At one time, Mom would send her tongue patting in my mouth and then I returned back the favor sucking her tongue before sending my emissary into her mouth.

My cock, though, had a mind of its own, and it was becoming restless for action. My hips started to jerk on their own, and even despite the intentional slow fuck, my first one of the night became a frantic digging and shoveling exercise inside Mom.

Within twenty pumps, the motor movement changed to a locomotive and I gave it to Mom heavy. The pent-up lust inside me gave way. I pumped in and out of Mom in quick successions. My lips left hers as our attention had shifted to what was happening down below.

Mom must have sensed that I was near bursting point. She clutched her pussy muscles tight. That got us both overboard.

I started spraying inside Mom like it was my birthright, and maybe it was. My breath was very raspy.

"uuunh, uuunnh." I let out.

My hot cum had a similar effect on Mom, and she started climaxing instantly after I did. Only, she was slightly more vocal than me, with her 'AAAA, AAAAH."

Even after having expended every trickle and drop inside her, my bucking continued slowly, unwilling for the lovemaking to be over.

Instead of falling on her side, I fell forward on Mom because my arms were locked behind her. My elbows thankfully took most of my weight off from her.

My lips came back on hers, and our panting, especially mine, did not even let me kiss her properly. I was breathing heavily but mostly inside her mouth.

Slowly, even though my breathing normalized but I did not move away from Mom and stayed on top of her. Our locked lips started slow kissing each other in appreciation.

Down below, my cock was losing strength, and even half-hard it was still lodged in her gates of heaven. I bucked a couple of times to ascertain the possibility of having another go, but the firmness was fast dissipating.

I stubbornly kept our face and lips attached, forcing Mom's head and her shoulder upwards into me. But my dick did not cooperate.

After many rounds of tongues swapping and a long lip lock, I rolled onto Mom's side without getting my hands off from behind her, rolling her along with me, in my arms.

Our faces were into each others', only inches apart. Our bodies touched at various places, and our arms were around the other 's back. Our eyes looking into one anothers' and we were saying many things with them, a language of love, of trust, of belief, of reverence, and of admiration.

That is how we chose to sleep, in an embrace, facing each other, breathing onto each other.

Less than an hour later, our hug had tightened automatically. My dick had found another life. I half woke up and realized Mom, too, was shifting. My dick had been poking her.

I redirected it towards her pussy, pulled on her thigh, and got it high up on my hip. It opened up her pussy, and I used my hand to hold the tip of my dick and pushed upwards into her.

Mom purred, "mmmuummm."

I was home.

I can not believe that I imagined this was a sleep position because it clearly wasn't. It took me less than five minutes to start bucking in and out of her, and we were awake and humping moments later.

I was in no rush, our bodies were calm. Having gained consciousness, I relished the luxurious feeling of nestling in Mom's arms while making love to her. If there was bliss, then this was it.

I made languid love to Mom for a long while, and she helped in her own way by holding back and letting me have my fun. I tortured her and myself by slowing down to a glacial pace when I was near climax. I did the same when Mom was near.

We made love for over half an hour, and when Mom climaxed, I pulled her tighter into my body, impaling her deeper, and she went limp without any noise.

I stayed in.

Five minutes later, I restarted making love to Mom.

"MMMmmm," She groggily whimpered, showing her disapproval. I ignored her and kept the slow fucking going.

Mom was livid. She started bucking faster, in order to make me cum, so I would let her be. I held back, and her bucking and rocking got her more worked up than it did me.

I hugged her tighter and slowed her down. Mom opened her eyes, to glare at me. She was awake now.

I rolled on my back and pulled her along with me. Just as I reached on my back, Mom lay on top of me, with my cock pulsing inside her. I gave the reigns to her.

Mom brought her knees to the mattress and raised her shoulders up, removing her breasts from my chest. She was back in our Rodeo pose and her pussy riding my cock inside her.

Mom started bucking and jerking. Then she did it in alteration for every ten thrusts. I was in heaven.

Unbelievably, Mom was at the hilt faster than I was, even though I was scared I would burst before she would.

I raised my hands and brought them to Mom's tits. Grabbing both in my hands I squeezed them, played with them, and tweaked her nipples between my fingers. It got her hotter and even more worked up.

I left one hand on Mom's right tit and caressed her chest while moving my other hands upwards to her face. I cupped her chin, then moved up to her lips and cheeks. My fingers lined the lips, and two fingers entered her lips. Mom went bonkers and started cumming.

"HHHHUUUNNHHHG," she exclaimed.

On impulse, I started spraying inside her with lots of pent-up pressure.

Both of us shouted in our own way.

Mom cried, "huuuuuhhh," muffled by my fingers in her mouth.

I grunted "aaa," low but purposeful.

Mom instantly fell forward, and her tits crashed into my chest as her body went limp, and her breathing was frantic.

I, too, was breathing heavily, and it was lovely to see Mom's delicate frame rising and falling with each in and out breath that I took.

My cock slipped out of Mom, and she still stayed on me, hugging me by default.

When we slept and how we were beside each other is hazy to me. But when I felt a slight shiver, I opened my eyes to see that we were snuggling, but slightly apart.

I pulled the covers, high over Mom and myself, and I nestled into Mom. My arm around her front, got her back to spoon and cuddle into my front. She did not stir. I took the opportunity to bring my arm to her front and my hand on her tit and grasped it in my palm. I did not grope, I did not play with it, but I just held it and shut my eye to sleep again.

I dozed off.

A couple of hours later, Mom had rolled forward and was halfway on her front, it was my hand in front of her that was restraining her full roll forward. I would have tried to pull my hand out, but it would not have pulled out discreetly. I let my hand stay and recapture the mound of flesh nearby, her nipple centering in the middle of my palm.

I slept back again, only to wake a while later when I felt Mom moving. She held my hand from its back and grasped it to pull it even closer to her boob, and she mewed a little in her sleep. I happily obliged, tightening my hold on her boob. Back to sleep we went.

After another hour of sleep, and some tossing and turning, I shook myself awake. I guess, deep within, I still wanted more from the night, I pulled myself forward, spooning back into Mom. I played with her body, caressing across her front and arms, her waist, and her hips. She stirred some, as did my dick.

I lowered my hand to caress Mom's thighs and, while spooning, I started to nestle my dick into her crack. Mom stirred some more. I lowered myself a little, rolled my hand forward between her thighs, and pulled her left leg outward, to plant it on top of mine. It made Mom turn slightly back into me, and more importantly, opened her pussy.

My hand slowly, yet purposefully, traveled from Mom's thigh to her pussy. I was going to enter my sleeping Mom. I arched my butt up and let my dick reach the pussylips. My fingers waiting outside her pussy, helped my dick enter. I pushed forward and upward. Voila. I was in.

I eased inside Mom and slowly went all the way up into her pussy.

"mmmmmmm," Mom mewed some more. Clearly, I had woken her up, but she was both drowsy, and groggy. But what stoked me was, Mom squeezed her pussy muscles once, flinching her butt, pulling on my cock inside her. She was mewing to push me away, and yet her pussy welcomed me back inside.

I was in no rush. I was as awake as I should have been at that moment. I played with Mom's tits. I rubbed her arms. My hand reached her neck and cleared the hair away slowly, and I brought my lips on the back of her neck.

Mom moaned in appreciation, "mmmm." I gracefully continued.

My hips were making love to Mom in slow motion, below. My cock going up in her and coming back out lazily.

If I was going to stop making love to Mom, this was how I would want my last session to be with her. Our bodies attached; my cock inside her and my lips on her. I raised my hand from her chest to her neck, widening my grip loosely around her neck. My lips moved lower to kiss her shoulders.

Mom by now had stirred awake but was still sleepy and had her eyes closed. Her body was responding to my machinations. Her butt started to move slowly, languidly attempting to synchronize with my hip movement, improving the reach of my cock inside her.

My hand traveled up from her neck to Mom's face. My hand cupped the far side of her face, and I pulled her towards me. She let me turn her head, her neck stretched. Her face tilted towards mine, I raised my head up and then lowered my lips on hers. My kiss was perfunctory, her lips were closed. But I stayed on her lips.

Down below, the action was heating up. It had been more than fifteen minutes since I had been slow fucking her, and both of us could not take it anymore. My movement was increasingly becoming intense. Mom was responding with a similar purpose.

I ground my lips strongly on Mom, and she parted hers to let my tongue enter her. Moaning and welcoming me, "mmmm." My hand pulled her face some more, so as to engage her better with my tongue.

Lower below, I started bucking hard. I was moments away from cumming inside her - one more time.

Mom realized this. Instead of letting me cum, she pulled forward and got my cock completely out of her. Suddenly, I was in the danger of spraying on her butt - I was that close. I would have, but the surprise move from Mom got me off the edge, slowly.

Mom took a while to slowly move about, giving me further time to cool down a bit. She turned completely to face me and hug me, and we started kissing again, slowly and deliberately. If she was upset about me having woken her up, then this was a nice way of showing it.

We kissed, groped, clawed, and played, slowly, lazily, and leisurely. My dick went soft and got hard again over the next few minutes.

Mom turned me straight to climb me. She purposefully rode me and took my cock back in, with no further foreplay. As I lay back and relished the feeling of Mom riding me, Mom pulled on my hand. I sat up, using Mom as support, as she was still riding on my cock.

My hands went behind Mom's shoulder blades, and I sat up, mashing her breasts into my chest. One hand left her upper back and rubbed her spine in circles, moving down towards her butt. When my hand reached the crack in her ass, I went further deep and pulled her from the edge onto my cock; every inch in her.

Mom's hands were behind my shoulder and neck, tighter with her elbow pulling the back of my head into her bosom. Even though it was difficult, I slowly moved my mouth and made my way to her right nipple.

Mom's butt started moving, and we started the haphazard rhythm again. The heat getting the better of us until I had cum and Mom had climaxed. We just couldn't find a synchronized movement between our groins and just humped together.

Mom moaned first as she came, "mmmmuuuummmmmmm," enjoying her climax.

We were bucking rapidly. I was below, so my move was to help Mom's butt do all the work.

"mmmmm." Mom moaned some more.

I must be having a chip to cash with some god, because I prayed to hold back for a moment longer, and my wish was granted. Mom climaxed, and I continued to help move her.

Mom must have been tired, but she was awake and knew I had not yet cum. I knew her dilemma and backed her up somewhat, kissed my way up her chest and into her lips. Cock pulsing inside her but no butt movements.

Slowly we parted, and I pushed Mom back. While still impaled, she rolled back until her shoulders had reached the mattress. Her hands were in mine, slowing her descent. Her pussy tightened around my cock, as she went back. I was already on an edge, but with each inch Mom going back down, an inch of my cock came out of her as well. Her feet remained on the mattress folded at her knee.

Eventually, when Mom had gone back down fully, her back straight on the mattress, I started to extract myself from below her, pulling my cock out too.

I pulled back one leg at a time and kneeled between her spread legs in a manner that I had my legs together, shins to the mattress, my butt cheeks touching the heel. My back was straight.

Mom knew what I was doing, and she pulled herself up and rode me once more. As she descended on my straight cock, she too was kneeling in an identical position as I was, but just that her knees were outside my legs and her pussy enveloped my cock one more time.

In our kneeling position, also enacted for the shoot, we faced each other with her breasts squeezed between us. Our hands behind each other, supporting one another to stay straight up.

I used my knees as a lever to drill my cock up into her. Mom raised herself sufficiently, using her knees to let me come up into her. With every jerk up, I lifted Mom slightly with me, and her knees left the mattress a few inches.

Our lips reattached in mutual admiration and love. Our tongues explored the depths of each other's mouths.

I bounced up into Mom, she came down onto my cock, as we started rocking up and down while holding onto each other tightly. Inevitably our lips disengaged as a result of enhanced action down below.

I rolled my shoulders back, and pulled my hands behind me, straightening my elbows supporting my weight and most of Mom's weight.

Mom, on her part, stretched her hands forward on my chest and remained perched on my cock. She had just got granted more space to move, and she made good use of it and rocked hard. I, too, had strong back support with my hands pulled back on the mattress, of which I took advantage of and pumped into an upward piston move into Mom.

It was as if we were natural at this. It got us heady. We both knew we would cum soon. I tried to time it with Mom. She tried to time it with me.

I burst out first, 'huuuunnngh," along with sending ropes of my cum inside her.

Mom increased her rocking, grinding her pussy into the base of my cock more than once and exhaling herself.

"oooohhh," Mom let out along with her arms that pulled me up and back into her chest and neck. It stopped her moves, but she was already overboard and convulsing in my arms.

We slowly settled after the climax, and I slipped back. Since my knees were still bent under Mom, I pulled her along with me. As she lay on top of me, juices flowed out of her pussy on my dick that had since flopped out. We straightened our legs. I wrapped my arms around her, to ensure there was no way Mom considers rolling off from top of me.

We stayed embraced. Mom's head into my neck, her face resting on my chest. her arm pulled up on my shoulder. My arms behind her, one on her upper back and the other lower, with my hand on her butt.

I almost rocked her into sleep. I, too, zoned off.

Mom woke up to realize that she had rolled off on my side, but she was nestled into me, and my arm was behind her back. Her head was huddled in my armpit.

As Mom stirred, she glanced up to look at the bedside clock. It said five am. She rested her neck back on my arm and brought her hand back on top of my chest to catch a few more winks.

Mom's arm movement roused me. I groggily looked down towards her, raising my head, and saw her trying to get comfortable.

I lowered my hand on Mom's cheek and removed a couple of strands of hair from her face, and she looked up as the hair cleared.

Our subsequent action could not have been more impulsive and consecutive. We both, together, brought our heads forward to kiss and our arms behind the other's head, pulling. We already knew both wanted another round before the sun broke in a new day with its rays.

What began, with an anxious, frisky move, slowly developed into kissing and necking foreplay.

I had rolled on top of Mom and between her legs even as she went on her back to accommodate me. I bent lower from her lips to her neck, and then her chest. As I hunched to reach her breasts, her hands held my head between her palms to pull me up. She wanted to get a move on and needed me inside her.

Ironical, as it may sound, my dick did not support my heart, my mind, and the rest of my body. I was only half ready. Nowhere near worthy of intercourse.

Mom saw my predicament and smiled back up into my eyes. Had she outfucked me? I looked at her and did not know what to do next, except kiss, grope, lick and suck her until I got hard. Mom had another idea, though.

Mom pushed on my chest and got my back up from off her. My back went straight up until I was sitting up on my knees in front of Mom. Her legs stretched straight between mine. Mom rose too, staying in front of me. She hunched forward and took my dick in her hand. She lovingly kissed Adam jr.

Mom slowly worked her way into getting me erect. It did not take long, but the love and devotion she showed towards getting me back hard, was far more than sexual for me.

Mom first completely sucked my half-hard dick into her mouth and gave it a few good slurps. Having cleaned it with her saliva, she started kissing around, licking portions left untouched. Mom licked the base with an extended tongue that seemed way more sluttier than I can explain.

Soon enough, I was hard as steel.

Mom continued to spend time making love to my dick with her mouth. I would have selfishly let her get me off, but I had not forgotten Mom wanted it inside her.

I pushed Mom slowly back from her shoulder, expressing my intent with her to lay back. Mom went down on her back.

I pulled each of her legs at a time and dragged them outside mine, to have her thighs spread wide. Then I bent forward and pulled her butt with both my hands squeezing between her and the mattress. When I had both her butt cheeks in the middle of my palms, I raised her quim to my dick level. Soles of her feet leveled with the mattress and she perched her pussy up for me.

Mom knew what I wanted to do, and helped. We were communicating with our eyes.

With Mom's feet on the bed, raised butt, her arched back pushed her tummy up. Her hands lay flat on the bed.

I moved my left hand from under Mom's right buttock forward towards her left buttock. My forearm supported her buttock, as my palm went for the opposite buttock from under her. In doing so, I bent forward and used my other hand on the bed to support my weight.

My hand and forearm had Mom's buttocks, my dick was lined for action at her pussy. Mom helped, she brought a hand up and got my dick to enter her about an inch.

My cock went in all the way. Mom raised her butt some more, with the help of her feet, to get me the perfect angle. It helped, and I found bottom.

I was already near climax, but the electric energy between us was so wired in anticipation that I wanted Mom to cum or orgasm before me. I gave a few solid thrusts.

Mom was inclined back with her head on the pillow and the rest of her body in the air, mostly.

I pumped steadily.

Blood rushed into Mom's head, and she was way too worked up. She tried to jerk her butt wherever possible, but I drilled her with pushes and pulls, plunges, and draws.

Mom went into convulsions, shuddering and trembling silently.

Only her throat gave away grunts, 'uuunnnghh, uuunnnghh, uuunnnghh."

Mom settled down slowly after her climax, and I kept slowly pushing into her and pulling out so as to maximize her pleasure.

Mom lowered her butt, popping me out of her.

I was hard, and Mom was tired. Mom turned on her side, as she sank on the bed, realizing just then how fatigued she was. She gave me no heed and let me hang there with an erect drooling cock.

I kind-of hoped Mom would not mind my going for relieving myself, but I had a little better idea.

I let my left hand fall lower under Mom's left arm that had disappeared between her and the bed. I rolled her further forward, remaining bent on top of her.

I removed myself from between Mom's legs, and her turn got her face forward into the mattress. I continued to hover over Mom on all fours. My knees resting outside her legs, one hand on her right on the mattress and the other prodding her to turn.

I pulled my hand, once again under her, this time under her stomach, near her navel. I pulled her up, signaling her to hunch with her butt and groin up in the air.

Mom was too malleable at the time to resist. I got her butt up in the air, and her head and her arms remained on the pillow giving her a forward incline. Even better, I thought.

My dick was rock hard and gooey all over. I opened her butt cheeks and entered her pussy hastily to have another dip of lubricant for my next part.

I pulled out, getting a purr from Mom. I wondered what I had made of her. She wanted more.

I did not stop anyway. I lifted myself a few inches to aim at the crown in Mom's ass. As soon as I touched down, Mom shuddered. She just did not have it in her to resist or even flinch.

I entered her ass as if it had already been fucked all night. My cock went in smoothly despite twice the friction as it got from Mom's pussy, but that was mainly because of the tight opening and not because of Mom contracting her anus.

I slowly but firmly kept going until I was all in.

Mom sang her approval, "mmmmmmmmmm."

I halted after going all the way inside her butt and relished yet another blissful feeling.

Deciding to wait no more, and I started digging and drilling, plunging, and pulling.

Mom, in a matter of time, started whimpering and hissing. The headiness of blood going to her head again and getting fucked superbly did the trick.

Mom started moaning, crying, and grunting, all at the same time. "hhhaaa, aaahh, mmmm, hhhaaa, aaahh, mmmm." I couldn't tell which was for my entry and which was for my plunging in. But I loved making her happy, and there was no better way of showing it than this.

It would have ideally taken me longer to spurt inside Mom, but I let loose assuming she won't be giving me another round of climax. But low and behold she started cumming even before I hit my first strand in her.

"mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm," said Mom. Letting me know she had gotten another rocking climax. "mmmmuuuuaaaaghhh," long and nice moans.

I let loose a batch of threads in her, grunting from my chest, "uhh, uhh."

Mom kept spasming under me, her hips shaking in my hands as she convulsed and shivered and went rigid all over. I held her steady and kept pumping to increase her pleasure.

When Mom was done, she just fell forward out of exhaustion, face forward into the pillow. From my vantage point, I could barely see her face, with her hair strewn across her cheek.

With Mom having pulled off from my cock, I sat back on my knees, also tired, but already plotting my next move. I looked towards the bedside clock. Ten past six.

I bent forward beside Mom and brought my face near hers. I uncovered her face from under the bunch of stray hair on her face. Mom was sweating. I used the duvet covers to rub the beads of sweat from her forehead and cheek. Slowly I cleaned her face, and our breathing normalized.

I continued to use the covers to clear the sweat off Mom's shoulder and her back.

Then I leaned forward to kiss her cheek. Mom remained motionless, her eyes closed. I moved towards her exposed ear and kissed it lightly. Slowly, working with her, getting the tip of my tongue to play inside her earlobe.

Mom purred her approval. "mmm."

I licked and kissed. I moved behind her back and started kissing her shoulders, removing more hair from there. I kissed my way down on her bare back and licked her spine all the way into her crack, stopping every few inches.

Mom twitched and jerked her butt. I couldn't get, whether in disapproval or otherwise. I chose, otherwise.

I licked ahead and then moved sideways. I traveled to the side of Mom's hip and forged my hands under her to turn her facing upwards.

Mom was pliant, but that could possibly be because she was mostly limp out of exhaustion, this much I knew of.

I had to bring Mom back to life, and I chose her pussy would be the best place to start.

Once I had Mom lie straight up, I opened her legs. She complied.

I was intent on making this last and changed positions to stretch myself between her legs, face forward into her pussy.

I spent, on purpose, a lot of time on surroundings and only then dived into the heavenly lips where I had come out of. I slurped Mom's juices which had been trickling out. Her last couple of climaxes had mixed with my cum in her, and an intoxicating concoction was flowing out of her. I licked away and cleaned the lot.

Once Mom's pussy was clean, I started directly attacking her clitoris. My tonguing her pussy was already working on her, licking the juices was already getting her out of her reverie, but my attack on her clitoris got her fully conscious.

I flicked her clit, then pulled on it with my lips, then stroked it, and then repeated it all again.

Mom went into a frenzy. If she had any fluids left in her, she would have spurted them all out in a big climax I sensed coming. But Mom was dry, or so I thought.

In my reverence of her pussy, I was giving Mom the pleasure of her lifetime, especially so because it came at the back of night-long lovemaking.

Mom was jerking her hips, shaking her butt and at the same time, brought her hands behind my head to pull me in. I had my answer to what she wanted me to do.

I continued to lick and suck until Mom orgasmed with a big grunt, that topped her earlier ones. Her breath went from fast to rapid.

She gave a long, "UUUUNNNNGGGHHH," and went limp almost instantly, after a couple of jerks.

It seemed to me Mom had fainted, and possibly she had. I was intent on making sure no amount of liquid gold she was producing goes to waste. I gulped it all.

After another minute of sucking on her pussy, I moved up. Leaving a trail on a limp body, I came near her face. Mom was coming back to consciousness, possibly as a result of my subsequent ministrations. Her half-open eyes gave an impression of ecstasy she had just felt. The enigmatic smile on her face gave away the extreme bliss she felt just then.

I fell forward to kiss Mom on her lips, and she welcomed me whole-heartedly. We kissed passionately, my tongue doing things to her mouth that I had just done to her pussy.

As soon as we stopped kissing, Mom zoned out briefly, clearly out of fatigue, and then returned back after a few minutes. When she was out, I looked towards the bedside clock. Five past seven. The light sneaked in from the curtains in bits. We had never switched off the bedside lamp the whole night.

I sat up, and my worst fears enveloped me again. That was the last sex I had with Mom. Would she reconsider? I was in doubt after last night. It felt I had taken advantage of her most of the night. Well, she did like most of what we did. Just then, she came back to life and looked towards me. Her arm reached out, touching my thigh.

"Good Morning, Mom," I greeted her and felt a tinge of guilt in my heart.

Mom's heart-melting smile eased me, "good morning."

I offered, "I'll go get coffee." I knew we both needed that desperately.

"mm, hmm," Mom confirmed.

I got up, pulled up my boxer shorts, and bent down on Mom to kiss her before leaving the bedroom.

Hesitantly, I reached her face and kissed her cheek as she lay flat on her back. Her hand touched my arm, appreciating the gesture.

Before I turned out of her bedroom, Mom got up and started padding her way to the bathroom.

I went to the kitchen, started the pot to brew. I went to the toilet to freshen up. With my dick in hand, as I directed the piss into the loo, lightbulbs turned on in my head.

I quickly gargled some mouthwash and rushed back up to meet Mom - in the bathroom.

Mom obviously had freshened up and was turning the shower on, when I entered, naked.

Mom looked at me surprised and said, "Adam...." As if requesting me to honor her wishes.

I was prepared for this answer, "Mom, we haven't started our day as yet." The hokum seemed to find no retort from her, even as I took long strides into the shower area. Adding, "we will discuss it today."

Mom had opened the shower only halfway, and it had started spraying behind Mom, onto the floor.

I bent forward and took her lips with mine. Mom indulged me with a few kisses, unclear what I wanted further. She would have guessed I would probably want a shower together and maybe some petting.

As we kissed, increasing the intensity, I pushed both of us back under the flow of water. The water temperature, thankfully, was mild. My hands went under Mom's armpits. I gripped her and lifted her up from under her arms. On impulse, her arms flung around my neck, and then her legs went behind my back.

It made Mom realize what I was after. If she regretted letting me have my way, she did not show.

I smiled into her face, and she smiled back.

Our lips attached again. Mom's eyes closed, I maneuvered us into a corner.

As soon as her back touched the wall, I let my hands fall and got a grip under Mom's butt to heft her the last couple of inches in order to allow my dick to gain entry.

Moments later, I was shoveling into her animatedly and huffing my way up in her pussy. She raised her arms around my shoulders and dug her elbows on my shoulders with pressure to help keep herself up.

My lips had left hers as I was slow-pumping into Mom, but we intently looked into each other's eyes. If our groins were making love, a lot more love talk went on between our eyes.

I must have vowed a million times that I loved her; Mom too reciprocated an equal number of times.

We lasted way longer than I had anticipated, but the vigor with which I made love to Mom and the way Mom responded was amazing, considering we had been at it all night long.

Mom came first, with an emphatic moan and grunt, "muuuuummm."

I wanted to hold back, but it felt nice to climax along with Mom, and I gave a couple of strong thrusts that helped Mom reach higher in her orgasm, and it tipped me over, shooting inside her pussy.

I slowly lowered Mom down after kissing her again, and we showered for another fifteen minutes. She raised the temperature of the water to hot. I groped and played with Mom long after we had showered and even after she stopped the shower.

Mom virtually had to kick me out of the bathroom. I toweled and padded out naked out of her bathroom towards mine, where I picked a pair of shorts.


I made coffee that I had started before I went to shower with her. I got two cups for us and came back after a few minutes to find Mom wearing a bathrobe and a towel over her head.

"good morning, Mom," I chirped and greeted her as if meeting her for the first time on a new day.

"good morning," Mom acknowledged, playing along. Mom was sitting on the edge of the bed and was rubbing some body lotion on her legs and her arms. She continued doing that. Mom did not seem angry to me, nor did she look pleased. But she did indeed looked fresh and clean. She smelled wonderful.

I kept the tray on the table on the side and approached the bed.

Near the bed, I kneeled in front of Mom. I parted the lower part of her robe to reveal her legs. I bent lower and kissed her knee. I traced her leg with my lips and tongue until I reached her ankle. She twitched.

My lips climbed back on her calf, without leaving her skin. Mom sat straight with her back up. I rose further with my lips reaching her knee. My tongue licking her skin. She twitched again.

I began to kiss and lick the side of Mom's knee and climbed into her thigh with my kisses. Mom jerked and brought her leg up. She hooked the foot, in my thigh and pushed hard to send me off. The shove was a sign of her intent to push me away, but it wasn't strong enough to knock me off.

I giggled, to signal I was joking to get a rise out of her.

"Manu, .... last night........ I have not done this for............. since forever, I think." She said, almost complaining.

I realized Mom, in her own words, meant that she had not had a full night of fucking before last night. And probably that she had not been fucked so well for so long. I guess it was indeed a compliment.

I chuckled and responded, "I wanted to make it count. If it would help you reconsider." I knew I did my best last night, and I was genuinely hoping that she would reconsider letting us make love, going forward.

Mom looked down towards me, held my face in her hands, and smiled mildly. Almost telling me, 'you wish.'

I moved on my knees, to the side, and picked a cup, and handed her the coffee.

She thanked me, "thank you."

There was no effort from her to cover her legs or her thighs, I sat near her legs and ogled her all I wanted even as she sipped her coffee sitting in front of me on the edge of the bed.

When Mom finished her cup, she handed it to me. She raised her hands up to the towel on her head and to rub her hair dry. The jostling with towel loosening the lapels of her robe.

I finished my cup slowly, and once done, kept it on the table. Then I got up, bent to kiss her forehead.

I said, "Mom, I will make breakfast today." I took the tray with both cups and out of her room.

Mom stayed in and got ready. I went back into my room and changed into a pair of trousers and a shirt.

I moved to the kitchen, thinking of what to make, and zeroed in on eggs three-way. We both needed to recoup our energies.


After breakfast and a couple of hours later into the morning, it started to sink in that we had our normal lives to get back to.

Mom was ready to leave for the book store. She looked much better than she did in the morning.

I stayed home until long after Mom had left for work, contemplating my decisions and my luck.

I made a couple of calls and had a long conversation with Sam in the afternoon.

Sam wanted to come over and meet. I requested to postpone it for the next day.


I lazed around all day, and by evening I was anxious. I kind of hoped Mom would change her mind and let me sleep with her. I was even ready to forego making love to her, only if she let me sleep with her. I would prefer if she would allow us to be naked together in bed, but I was almost ready to bargain for clothed if need be, as far as she let me sleep with her, cuddle, and spoon.

My arguments and bargaining chips were ready when she arrived. To woo her appropriately, I had made dinner as well.

"Impressive!" exclaimed Mom when she saw I had set the table for the both of us.

"just for you and me." I tried to be charming as if I was trying to woo a romantic partner.

Minutes later, she had freshened up, cleaned her make-up, and joined me for dinner, where I was waiting for her.

Fortunately, my cooking skills had improved, and I chose to make something I was better at instead of exploring unchartered territories. We had a long, slow dinner. Mom liked the food and complimented me as well.

"I appreciate the effort you have gone through, Adam, but I think it would be for the best that we stick to our deal." Mom said, brought up the subject on her own, in anticipation that it would eventually be brought up soon. "I..."

I interrupted her so that such words don't leave her mouth that can't be taken back. "Mom what if I just sleep in with you, and we don't really do anything more." I retained a chip in hand for later. I did not say we would be clothed.

"I don't think that is a good idea, Adam," She replied.

Eagerly I added, "I meant that we could sleep together clothed. I want to cuddle, hold you while I sleep. I have to..."

"Adam," Mom firmly stopped me in my track.

I was not ready to yield so early. "Mom, I just want to be near you. Don't you want me to make love to you like we did last night?"

"Adam, my mind is made up. This isn't a negotiation. And I would like you to accept this." Mom was firm in her resolve. She usually was.


Sam visited us the following evening. Mom stayed out for longer. We had already agreed that I would have to discuss the developments with Sam and get him to swear to secrecy.

The conversation I had with Sam was thankfully way less awkward than I thought it would be.

I mellowed the impact of our lovemaking to him, in a manner that I ended up penetrating Mom on a few occasions. We were both very embarrassed by it, and we did not create a fuss at the shoot. I added, that Megan seemed happy with the outcome, and we seemed to have recovered out of the zone.

I urged him to keep it down and low, and also requested him to respect Mom's privacy and not bring this up in front of her.

Sam, sportingly, laughed it off. I guess he had gotten some feedback from Megan already and was downplaying it for my benefit.


For the next four or five days, Mom and I sidestepped each other.

I was having an extremely tough time, holding myself back. Every time we were in the same room, I wanted to grab Mom and make love to her. It was mind-numbing for me.

With each passing day, though the tension reduced. We chatted about things normally, discussed our routine lives as we usually did earlier. But a breach had been made, that much I was sure of. There was an underlying issue, I felt it, but Mom did well to conceal it.

About eight days after our last shoot, we got invited to Megan's studio for a first look at the proof copies she had narrowed down. She had printed some shots in blow-ups to give us an understanding of the final version.

"Mind-blowing, don't you think?" commented Alex excitedly, looking towards Mom and me.

Megan added, "I love the proofs."

Mom and I looked at poster-sized prints dazed as if we had seen a ghost.

"What do you say, Sara?" Megan repeated. She must have asked once, and it seemed she was repeating the query.

"I...I like them." Mom replied hesitantly.

"I love them," I added as if my opinion mattered.

Over the next hour, we settled into the discussion, and we were handling the blown-up photos better than we did when we saw the first results.

Mom was critically analyzing each position and many angles of each shot on the computer monitor. Over the second hour, we had narrowed down some twenty-five position shots. The shortlist was now getting tougher to prune from. Queen was quickly selected as cover, after only a brief discussion if we could consider Earthquake. The facade of an argument was set aside quickly. Unquestionably Mom looked magnificent in Queen position, and it just had to be on the cover.

We had shot thirty-seven sex positions in all without counting a few variations. Apart from the cover, we had to cull out one from every three positions for the calendar.

Over three and a half-hour later, we had fifteen, of which we had to finalize twelve. We were pretty certain of at least nine of them, but in the remaining three we were debating a lot.

Finally, we called it a day. We decided to sleep over it and regroup once more the following day to finish the final list.

Mom requested Megan" I guess if you could get all the shortlisted fifteen printed, we could finally take a call after seeing them all physically."

Most of the shortlisted fifteen were printed, but not all.

Megan said, "sure thing. Let's meet tomorrow afternoon."

"I think this calls for a party!" Mom exclaimed.

"yeah," Alex chimed.

"hell, yeah," I added.

Megan shrugged.

We called Sam, and we all met him at a club. We drank and partied until late that night.

Throughout the evening, Alex danced around Mom, almost fluttering around her.

When we did decide to retire, Sam volunteered to drop Megan, and Alex was on our way back home.

I took the wheel. Just as Mom opened the door in the rear for Alex, on impulse, she pulled Mom along with her in the back seat. Mom giggled a little but went along, assuming Alex was tipsy and maybe sitting in the back with her would not be such a big deal.

Before I had turned the corner, Alex was kissing Mom as if they were lovers. All I could see in the rearview mirror was Mom responding with equal enthusiasm. And I saw a lot of tongues.

I got no opportunity during the entire drive to ask Alex where she would like to get dropped. Her lips never left Mom in our twenty-minute drive. My car stopped only at our house. It looked like Alex was going to stay over.

Having spent the whole evening looking at blown-up posters of erotic sex-positions, indeed we were all worked up, Mom included.

Inside the house, Alex and Mom camped on the large sofa, I went to my bedroom to change and gave them space. My ulterior motive, in a rapidly developing plan, was also to let things evolve on the sofa, having sensed in the car where it was heading.

I was mind-numbing horny, and rock hard. Until a couple of weeks back, I could never have imagined Mom letting me make love to her, and now seeing her with another woman was next-level hot. My hope, even if it were to be my last wish on earth, was to let me have Mom back. To be able to have Alex alongside would be the icing on the cake.

After our night-long session over a week back, Mom had kept me dry. We had not even kissed or necked even. Our only contact was a couple of hugs each day, usually in the morning. We were both attempting to go back to our earlier behavior; normal. While I knew it was coming, it was the toughest thing I was going through. I had a feeling Mom was too, I sensed it, though she gave no sign of it.

Twenty minutes later, when I came back in after cleaning up and fresh, Alex and Mom were at it in full force. My giving them space for a bit, worked out just fine. I was delighted.

Mom was flat on her back on the sofa; her dress lay bundled on the floor. In the heat of the moment, it seems she did not get enough time to undress completely. Alex, on the other hand, was completely naked. Her dress on the floor was not too far from Moms, along with her panties and bra as well.

The sofa, thankfully, was spacious enough for the two ladies. Mom's head was on the handrest, turned into Alex's. Alex was snuggling between Mom and the backrest of the sofa. Mom's right arm was around Alex's neck, whose face was resting on Mom's shoulder, her lips in front of Mom's.

Alex had pasted herself to Mom, half riding her. Both had their right boob squeezed in between the pair of the other. Alex's hand pulling Mom's head towards her own, as did Mom's arm.

Alex was bucking on Mom, her naked pussy grinding in steady fuck motion high on Mom's thigh. Her right leg, going all the way up rubbing Mom's pussy.

Mom was holding Alex and letting her saw at her thigh. With their faces into each other's, the kissing slowed as the grinding increased. Alex's moaning turned to heavy panting.

Mom's free left hand caressed Alex across her face, her shoulders, and then going to her thigh.

I entered the room and absorbed this view to my delight. As I stood at the end of the sofa and Alex was moments away from cumming on Mom's thigh.

Alex moaned, "oooooohhhh, oooooohhhh, ooooohhhh, ooohhhh," with each thrust.

In her peripheral vision, Mom saw me at the end of the sofa. She turned to look at me. Our eyes locked, Alex continued her thrusts, too far gone to contemplate. Mom continued to stare into my eyes. I looked back into hers.

Mom's pussy started moving on Alex's thigh. She continued to look me in the eye.

Mom's left hand held Alex's thigh to pull it further into her pussy, as she ground her pussy on her thigh reciprocating Alex's movement.

Alex moaned longer and harder, "OOOOOOHHHH, OOOOOOHHHH, OOOOOOHHHH," with each thrust. Her moans intoxicating Mom and me.

Mom held her stare with me, involuntarily increased her grinding on Alex, pulling her thigh with the left hand and her neck with the right arm.

I was awestruck with this unbelievable side of Mom.

Our eyes were communicating again, her's were getting hazy with lust, mine with amazement.

Both the ladies frantically, jerking, thrusting, and panting while hugging each other was as unimaginable an image for me as anything.

When Alex orgasmed with a cry, it broke the eye contact between Mom and me as Mom tried to control Alex's body as she violently spasmed and convulsed.

Alex exulted, "HHHUUUNNGH, HHHUUUNNGH, HHHUUUNNGH," ending with some short jerks in the end.

Mom did not hold back either, she looked back up towards me, and once we had each other's gaze, she started rocking hard and tightened her grip.

Mom started climaxing moments later, with her own grunts, "HHHHHHHH, HHHHHHH, HHHHHHH," her lips sealed, the noise coming from deep in her throat. Never once taking her eyes off me, not once blinking her eyes.

At that moment, I realized what was happening. Mom was having as tough a time after our night-long session as I was. This was a reaction to that. Mom wanted more, she couldn't say it out loud. I could have died, at that moment, out of happiness.

I accompanied the ladies in our bedroom. Mom shucked her bra and panties. I got out of my clothes.

Mom politely guided Alex into the middle of the bed, with her hand holding Alex's.

When Alex lay on her back, excited in anticipation. Mom bent down to kiss her a couple of times. I hung around on the other side of the bed, sitting on my knees, waiting for an opening. Mom took the lead and climbed on Alex's face, with her knees on either side of Alex's head.

Mom faced down towards Alex's body. Then she slowly lowered herself until she had contact with Alex's lips. Alex immediately brought her hands up around Mom's thighs and pulled her down to lick Mom's pussy.

As soon as Alex's tongue touched her pussy, Mom closed her eyes in bliss. She loved a tongue going up in her pussy lips, I already knew that. Mom relished the licking, and slurping for a while and opened her eyes to look at me.

Our eyes were communicating way better now, without holding anything back.

Mom lowered herself forward and bent on all fours. Her hands outside Alex's thighs. Her hips raised slightly off from Alex's mouth. In response, Alex tightened her grip on Mom's thighs and pulled her back on her mouth, worried as if Mom might change her mind.

Mom smiled. Then she slowly gripped Alex's thighs in her hands, one at a time, from below and started lifting them. Alex raised her thighs and folded the knees until the soles of her feet were on the mattress and her thighs wide open.

Mom's eyes signaled for me to take position. I knew what she wanted. I happily obliged. I wobbled on my knees between Alex's thighs and took my position.

I knew what Mom was directing, having hefted Alex's thighs, opening them. I added my hands on Alex's thighs and moved forward, the outside of my hips making contact with the insides of her hips. She would know what was coming.

Alex raised her butt towards me, without the ability to look at me, welcoming me into her pussy. If I was hard earlier, then this state was brittle hard. Sharing a girl with Mom isn't an everyday affair.

Mom removed one hand on Alex's thigh to get hold of my cock, then she guided it in until it was halfway inside Alex's pussy. I had to bend forward to move into Alex, and it got me closer to Mom as well.

Mom removed both her hands to pull me from around my shoulders, I wrapped my arms around Mom's back, and our lips met passionately.

I had gone all the way inside Alex, Mom had settled back on Alex's face. Mom and I kissed with tongues alternating in each other's mouths., turning our heads occasionally to find the right angle. Increasing the pressure. Our hands pulled each other aggressively. As much as I was pulling Mom hard, Alex too gripped Mom's thighs tightly to keep Mom from dismounting her face.

Mom and I moaned, 'muuah, muaaaah, muaaah," jointly in each other's mouths.

It took me no longer than ten strokes to start spewing my sperm inside Alex, who was probably on her second or third climax of the evening.

I continued to pump Alex, even after having cum inside her, mostly because I did not want to disengage from Mom above, and that my cock remained hard, helped.

Mom took charge again, and she got off Alex on her own, getting an anguished moan from Alex, "mmmuuuummmm."

Mom untangled from my grip as well and hastily turned towards Alex, bending forward to kiss her beautiful cum laden face, wet from Mom's juices.

Mom took a few moments to lick and kiss her before sitting straight and nudged me to get off from Alex.

As I exited Alex's pussy with a low plop, both Mom and I, sitting on our knees, looked down on the beautiful creature in front of us, writhing and squirming for more.

Mom nodded towards me to get away from Alex's legs and replaced me between her thighs. Mom was getting ready to do another unthinkable act as far as I was concerned - eat pussy. More so that was loaded with my cum.

Mom bent forward and without much hesitation, dived straight in. She licked the overflowing juices first and then started working her way in. Her tongue going deeper and dug out a mixture of her son's sperm and Alex's cum.

I was amazed and sat next to her awestruck, looking at my marvelous mother.

As if reading my mind, Mom pulled her head out from Alex's thighs and turned to look at me. She jerked her head up once, looking at me as if asking me, 'what the hell are you waiting for?'

I got out of the daydream and quickly wobbled on my knees, using Mom's butt as support. Once I was behind Mom, and between her legs, I momentarily admired Mom's beautifully sculpted butt. I caressed it all over with my palms and thanked God for answering my prayers.

Mom went back to licking, sucking, and slurping Alex's pussy, and her ass raised towards me. I sat on my knees behind Mom in this three-person human chain.

I locked my grip on Mom's hips and took target at her pussy with my dick. Mom was already leaking from the pussy, and did not need any further stimulation. I lowered and adjusted with my hips, and once at level, I moved forward into Mom's pussy.

Oh, what a feeling! It was as if I had died and entered heaven.

I slowly moved forward until I had full depth. Mom shook her ass to welcome me inside her. She squeezed her pussy to pull me in, or maybe to get a move on.

I entered Mom's pussy, after having just exited another pussy, that of Alex. The difference was apples and oranges. Mom was Mom, not just an apple, she was a forbidden apple.

I shut my eyes to savor the moment.

I slowly started running in and out of Mom. Not enough to rock Mom so hard that she won't be able to lick Alex.

Alex was ecstatic, "mmmmmm, mmmmmm, mmmmmm."

It took all the resolve possible for me to keep drilling into Mom in a slow push-and-pull routine. I lasted only minutes in this pattern and involuntarily started to thrust harder and pull stronger.

From my vantage point, I could see the back of Mom until her head and from there on the naked front of Alex until her closed eyes.

There came a point that my thrusts became thumps, strong and rapid.

Mom, too, changed her tack. She held Alex's thighs from outside and with her mouth plugged in Alex's pussy, each of my thrust got Mom's tongue to go in her pussy like a dart. With each thump I delivered into Mom's pussy, her tongue shot up further into Alex, only to come back with each pullback I drew from Mom. She had long slurped all the juices that were deposited in Alex's pussy, now she was generating a regular batch of fresh nectar, of which Mom did not spill any.

I was on edge only briefly before I started spraying Mom's inside with my semen with as much energy I had in me. I was really giving it to her.

"hhhuuunngh, hhhuuunngh," I exulted.

In my own zone, I was not even aware Mom was orgasming.

"MMMMUUUAAANNGGH, AANNGGH," Mom let out a muffled grunt inside Alex's pussy.

At one point, Mom just stuck herself hard into Alex's pussy to stabilize herself as she spasmed and convulsed in her orgasm.

When we set ourselves down on the bed, alongside each other, Mom fell next to Alex, and I on the far end of the bed next to Mom.

It did not take long for Mom and me to reach out and start kissing, necking, and tonguing each other like long-lost lovers. I licked Alex's cum from Mom's face. We were in each other's arms and into each other's faces when we realized some movement below. Alex had plugged her lips into Mom's pussy. She started cleaning my juices from Mom's pussy.

Mom and I smiled into each other's mouths slowly and continued to kiss even more intensely.

All of us jostled to find the right angles, and eventually, Mom was on her back, Alex now properly between her legs, and I was kissing Mom. My shoulders and head above Mom's, my hand on her neck, and Mom's behind mine.

Long after Alex had sucked my juices out of Mom, she got Mom to secrete fresh ones. With the double stimulation Mom was getting, she was squirming in no time.

Alex, eventually, started traveling upwards. She kissed Mom's pussy mound and then her navel, her abdomen, and reached her breasts. Going any further wasn't possible, because I was covering the rest of Mom's chest and face.

Alex attached herself to Mom's right boob and started sucking and licking earnestly. Mom nudged me lower, with her hand behind my head, and I took Mom's left tit and started sucking. I exchanged glances with Alex. She took the opportunity and started kissing and licking her way up into Mom's face.

Upon reaching Mom's face, she stopped and looked into Mom's eyes, mouthed something silently, and dropped on Mom's lips to kiss her passionately.

With Alex attached to Mom from top to bottom, I made the most of the situation and moved between their legs.

From between their legs, I realized I had a choice. With Mom and Alex kissing and tonguing each other, their pussylips were doing just the same down below. From my position, I could enter either. I chose to go for the nearest one, Alex was on top.

I positioned my cock on her pussy lips and entered her in one smooth, long push in. Alex's mouth left Mom momentarily and gasped. Then fell back on Mom's lips lovingly.

I humped Alex, slowly at first, and then started picking pace. Alex could not have stuck to Mom's lips with the loving she was receiving in her pussy.

Mom, feeling left out, dragged her hand behind Alex, to catch hold of my pistoning cock. With little difficulty, she was able to grip my cock and pull it out of Alex directing it down into her own pussy. What a cheeky thing to do.

Alex looked down into Mom's eyes and almost asking, 'what?' Mom smiled back sheepishly and pulled her head down to kiss her.

Alex obliged her with her tongue to give Mom a double penetration.

With seconds worth of break when the switch was made, I was back where I belonged and started pumping into Mom with love and with lust.

Alex's mouth detached from Mom after I picked up the pace, pumping into Mom steadily.

I realized a hand was gripping my cock, and the grip tightened. It was Alex. She did what Mom had a while back, pulled me out of Mom, and pulled me into her own pussy, wanting the action for herself.

Mom and Alex smiled at each other.

When I had pumped Alex for another twenty thrusts, Mom repeated the game and pulled me out of Alex and shoved me in the direction of her pussy. I obliged and drilled Mom in a frenzy.

Just when I felt I could hold no longer, Mom started convulsing in a long orgasm. Her moans and grunts, rung aloud, "uuuuuunnnngh, uuuuuunnnngh, Mmuuuuuuuuuunnnnghh,."

Alex held Mom's head in her hands to shush her and calm her with licks and kisses.

Seconds later, I started spewing my sperm into Mom, mixing our juices deep into her womb.

Mom stopped spasming after a long while and clearly, this was overwhelming for both of us.

Alex had the wits about her and slowly started kissing and licking her way down on Mom's body, nudging me aside, and stopped only when she had reached her pussy. Once there, she flipped slowly and dug her face into Mom even as her hips climbed Mom's face and she descended her pussy into Mom's face.

I had climbed off from between their legs and lay next to Mom.

The ladies slowly, lovingly, leisurely licked, slurped, and sucked each other pussies for quite a while.

I must have taken a short nap because when I looked towards the pair, sometime later, they had rolled sideways and were still. Their heads still between each other's thighs, but they were not licking or sucking anymore. It seemed they, too, had dozed off but rested on each other's thigh. Their legs intertwined above one another.


Even after a night with Mom and Alex in the sack, I did not know for sure if I was back in Mom's bed. My chances to get Mom back had improved manifold. I was elated to say the very least.

I made breakfast for the ladies and brought it for them to the bedroom.

I left Mom and Alex at home and left for the book store around eleven. I discussed with Mom, and we agreed to meet at Megan's at three as planned. That would give Mom and Alex a few hours to unwind and talk.


Alex commented, in a husky voice, "this is another first for me."

"Somehow, I doubt that," Mom replied.

Alex pouted, "what do you mean?" Feigning offense to Mom's statement.

"I...I did not mean it that way," Mom, apprehensive in her reply.

Alex laughed, followed by Mom. Each had their arm stretched behind the other as they lay back on the bed.

Alex opened up, "I have done my share of threesomes. But I meant, I have never made love to a mother-and-son pair, definitely not at the same time."

If Mom was shocked, she did not show it. She was, in fact, surprised. She opened her mouth, but words did not leave her throat.

" I did hear Adam say 'Mom' while you were at the studio, more than once. At least once in the middle of the act." Alex eased it for Mom.

Mom knew at the very least once I had subconsciously let it slip. If there had been other occasions, it seemed we were not even aware of that because we were at times, indeed, caught up in the act, so to speak.

"looks like you are fine with it," Mom recovered.

"heck, yeah," Alex replied enthusiastically.

Mom smiled and turned sideways to kiss Alex on the lips.

After the kiss ended, Alex carried on, "I don't know it for a fact, but from the looks of it, I guess it was your first time in the studio."

Mom opened up and confirmed her doubts.

"Well, of course, that was the first. And clearly, it was not planned. Had it not been for the studio, it would not have happened anyway. In the studio, while posing for the shots, things started to get out of hand and it did not allow us to roll back. And....we kept sliding down." Mom feigned regret.

She added, "As days of the photoshoot passed, we were telling ourselves that we were doing it for the cameras but ended up engaging in some serious love-making ourselves."

Mom continued, "After the first day it happened, we discussed it would be put an end to, after the photo shoot."

Mom looked towards Alex, "and we did manage to keep our resolve, until last night."

Alex looked intrigued and excited at the same time, "I am willing to stay here and be the glue if that means you can make beautiful love that you surely do."

Mom laughed at that, "I wish." With that comment, she ensured Alex got a clear impression of her intent.

They talked for hours and bathed together, in the tub.

Alex, the inquisitive, "Did Adam have a crush on you before this?" She emphasized 'this', meaning clearly our lovemaking episode in LA.

Mom laughed again, and before she told her, she thought for a moment remembering instances that would give her this impression, "I guess no more than any hormonal boy growing up. Almost all boys admire their mothers, some more than others."

"that doesn't answer my question," Alex drilled on, " Did he do anything sexual before ....back in India?"

Mom replied, "no. Besides a couple of instances where I saw him staring when we were vacationing and I was in my bikini .....Maybe once when he walked in on me while I was undressing, but I hadn't yet taken my bra off, clearly that was unintentional."

"no, it wasn't," Alex said cheekily.

Both laughed, splashed each other in the tub playfully.

Mom told her, "I love your name Alexandria. Definitely more than Alex."

"how do you pronounce your full name...Sarasss...?" Alex led Mom.

"Saraswati," Mom informed her, "It's the name of a Goddess. Goddess Saraswati is a goddess of learning, wisdom, and the arts. She is known for her beauty..."

Alex excitedly interrupted her, "like you, of course."

Mom smiled back before cupping Alex's cheek, "flattery would get you anything, you think."

Alex smiled back, "tell me more."

"According to Hindu mythology, or at least one version of it, when Lord Brahma decided to create life on earth, he started with the female form first. He used all of the pure liquids like water, clarified butter, sour milk, whey, and curds to create a female form. The result was so beautiful that Lord Brahma named her 'ShataRupa' - 'she of hundred beautiful forms'. He was so enamored with her, he took her as his consort. He forgot about the male form, who was to help start life on earth. A hundred years later, they gave birth to their first male child, Manu."

Alex looked on, eyes wide open.

"wow," uttered Alex.

Mom indulged her further, "you know Adam's real name is Manu - back home in India. We named him Manu, going after Goddess Saraswati's son. Growing up, he was very proud of the fact that his name also meant the first man on earth."

Alex's nodded towards Mom, to continue explaining, "symbolically he changed it to Adam, here in America, considering his acting career. Basically, 'Adam' signifies the same meaning as 'Manu'."

Mom added, "please don't correlate what religious mythology in a very literal sense. What it means as per Hindu scriptures is that the subjects, characters, and sometimes relations are often metaphorical. The gods are transcendent across many millennia, the universe even. Relationships, laws, rules, have been made by man in its current form of society. So viewing the scriptures, or for that matter understanding them, from a narrow viewpoint is not the best approach."

Alex looked on, doe-eyed.

Explaining further, "take for an example, goddess Saraswati is depicted to have four hands, and she holds various instruments in her hands. This does not necessarily mean she was a four-armed monster. In the current context, you may relate to her as a super-smart multi-tasking good-looking woman, who is independent, haughty, and self-aware."

"So Sara...." Alex added.

They both ended up laughing together.

They came out of the bathtub all pruned and wrinkly, having spent longer in the tub than they intended.

Mom and Alex dried each other, dabbing towels over their bodies. Mom helped dry Alex's hair, and said, "I thought for some time your hair color was naturally red."

"Naah, I colored them a while back on impulse. Never felt like going to black again." Alex responded.

Mom made lunch for Alex and herself. They ate and spoke longer about Indian mythology, her role with Megan, and her family. The discussion went to how Alex's full name Alexandria, was an unusual take from a slightly more common, Alexandra. She had mixed parents, Mom from America and Dad Italian.

As usual, time spent with Mom was always refreshing, Alex was no different. She was as captivated with Mom's enigmatic beauty, as the first day she had met Mom.

An hour or so later, Alex left, kissing Mom on the lips at the door, 'bye, Sara."

"See you later, Alex," Mom replied, kissing her back.


Before the end of the day, we had nailed down the twelve sex-positions for the calendars and the angles in which we wanted the prints. The final shots were handed over back to Megan for pre-production. We kept at least two for backup, should there be a need for the same.

Besides Queen for cover, we had chosen Rodeo, Hot Seat, Heir to the Throne, Man on high, Creeper, Seduction, River, Rowing Boat, Log, Iron Chef, Wall Hanging, and Earthquake.

We left it upon Megan to take the call of apportioning months to the position.

Megan also gave Mom, the video files, on a hard drive. The entire video was some twenty-four hours of cumulative video footage in some fifty files.

Later that evening, we spent three hours seeing ourselves make love on the screen that night.

Thankfully, there was no going back to normal and fucked each other silly.

I was back in Mom's bed.


As we lay in bed the next morning, Mom said, "I had an epiphany last night that I want to share with you before making the final decision."

We discussed her idea for the next half an hour. I was giddy with joy and proud of Mom like hell.

We called Sam immediately and asked him to arrange a meeting with Bartholomew. We also requested Megan to be present.

Later that afternoon, we met at Bartholomew's plush office Downtown, and Mom shared the plan.

"We would like to change the calendar plan to a slightly more exclusive one than earlier planned. I want to finalize the Aurum range of calendar for our deal instead of Coral that we had agreed for earlier. I know this would increase the cost by four times as you had told us earlier. I am ready to shell twenty dollars for a unit instead of five. I also want to reduce the print run to two thousand instead of ten thousand."

Everyone was confused at the table, except for me.

Bartholomew executive smiled back, in his mistaken assumption at having caught Mom off guard, and said, "Ma'am the costing would be twenty dollars only if the print run is ten thousand units. If we produce two thousand, the cost per unit will climb up, even while the quality of the Aurum range would surely be a premium choice."

Mom knew this was going to come, but as an astute businesswoman did not want to volunteer it herself before it was necessary, "what do you think you can do for us?" she queried.

The fellow was sharp and quickly came up with an offer," I think we can do it for forty-eight thousand."

It was still less than what Mom had factored in. She pressed on, "I hope you aren't going to cut corners, quality-wise in the final product."

The fellow was too proud of their work to find it offensive and assured us the quality of Aurum range of calendar is going to be far superior to the Coral range we had earlier chosen, which also was a high-quality solution.

"Deal, then..." Mom confirmed.

Megan was only too pleased to participate in this discussion, now knowing the final work is going to be upgraded manifold.

Once this was closed, Mom trudged forward, "On the distribution front, I want to ensure there is a booking event for the calendar and by-invite marketing. I would like you to launch the calendar as an exclusive range and not clubbed with your other products. No more than one hundred units for one country and sell it at two hundred fifty dollars to a calendar."

The room went silent as Mom paused.

When the Bartholomew executive spoke, he hesitantly said, "Ma'am this looks optimistic. We can do it, but I am not sure if we would be able to get that much for a calendar. We have never sold a calendar for more than fifty dollars wholesale, even in the Aurum range."

"It's the content, not the quality of the product alone," Mom responded, without being offensive. Then added, "your costs are going to be covered, and the risk is mine."

I was grinning, looking at the response of the audience. Mom had just convinced them to sell the calendar at ten times the price than originally planned. I waited for the next big bomb that would make jaws drop further.

"Another thing..... I loved the idea of video clips. Thank you, Megan, for convincing us of it. I want you to package the calendar in two formats. One, just the calendar, and the other would be a calendar along with video clips of the thirteen published positions. The customer will have a choice of ordering either, so far as it is within the two thousand calendars print run."

Everyone was nodding.

"I want to sell the second package at a thousand dollars," Mom announced.

Everyone in the room was squirming by the time Mom finished.

Well, it was her money, there was no possible retort except for a squeamish reply from the Bartholomew executive. "distribution..."

Mom confirmed, "I will pay you the twenty percent commission as per the earlier contract."

The fellow almost fell off his chair. He had never thought this much money would be ever possible in a calendar deal. I guess he still did not believe in the plan, except for the fact that his downside was already covered by the production cost Mom volunteered to pay upfront.

We spent some more time rounding up the edges on the contract, deciding the quality aspects of the calendars. Megan took charge of the video editing as well, at additional cost.

Mom seemed at home, doing the deal-making, taking care of the business end, which she was so well trained to do, with her many years of experience.


Spending money was the easy part, it's the vision that mattered, and I believe Mom had nailed it to perfection.

The calendar production process took three weeks, and every day we went through scores of layouts, proofs, and final copies. Simultaneously, we were watching countless hours of video that Megan's team had put together and then matched the final clips with the printed calendar leaf.

With extended exposure to large printed calendar leaves and long videos, we were continually on high levels of hormones, testosterone, and horniness. The fact that there was a large-scale impending risk that Mom was taking on the calendar's marketing and distribution had the adrenaline running as well.

It was like we were on a high all day long. The only Out for us was having sex each night. Alex's one night at our home had gotten me back in Mom's bed. I wonder how I would have coped without this release.

Mom and I had reconciled that calendar production was in effect an extension of her leniency with me and to our fornication. Each night inevitably, we enacted the sex positions that were in production or video of which we were going through. The Deja Vu of my lovemaking with Mom became our bond, and I felt our relationship strengthen.

And then the day came when we had the final product in our hands. Bartholomew had framed the thirteen posters and gifted us the set. The final products of the two variants were shown to us and I was super impressed with the outcome.

The moment of reckoning came when Bartholomew's executive told us, "I have some good news to add."

Both Mom and I looked towards him eagerly. Sam was grinning like a puppy with a bone. Incidentally, he knew what was coming.

"We have sold half of the calendars. We have advance orders for nine hundred units. I am confident before the end of the year we will be able to sell the entire print run."

"excellent," Mom responded, nonchalantly, as if she knew of it already.

"Great !" I said excitedly.

The Bartholomew executive added, "We highly recommend that we increase the print run."

"No, we won't." Mom stopped him in his track and told him, "I'd prefer we stick to our plan and the two thousand copies idea. Making it limited-edition is the only way for us to get the right yield."

She added, "what the combination of the orders?"

"Six hundred forty are with video, and the rest just calendars. We believe the ratio will hold for the rest as well," he replied, beaming.

If we were smiling earlier, now we were grinning.

Three months later, we would note that he was not wrong in his estimation.

A couple of days later was Diwali - a major Indian festival of lights. We could not be happier.

The unspoken deal between Mom and me, during the production of the calendar, had got extended to it getting sold. So it seemed.

A couple of months later, around mid-January, we sat again with Bartholomew and Sam.

Grinning broader than earlier, the Bartholomew executive shared the numbers, which were now not as surprised anymore.

The sale of the calendars was designed in a manner that no one country received over a hundred units, all orders were prepaid and the calendars got sent directly to the buyer even though the sale was through the distributors. Each package was delivered in a specific style and not by FedEx.

To add to its credibility, each calendar was numbered and personally signed by Mom and me.

Mom's plan had paid off to the letter, superbly. She had managed to pull off a coup of sorts; nobody had sold a calendar for two hundred fifty dollars earlier, most certainly not at a thousand dollars. The exclusivity angle, withholding supply, changed the game, as did a very effective partnership with Bartholomew.

The final tally was shared by a Bartholomew partner, "Sara, we printed two thousand units, as per your order. As you know, a few extra units were printed for posterity and for swiping rejected pages, if any. The final count of calendars is two thousand and seven. As per your request, we put only two thousand to market. We have sold one thousand nine hundred and eighty units as of last week. The remaining twenty were sent as complimentary copies to distributors across various countries, to take bookings. That obviously worked. The excess seven units are going to be delivered to you today, as you asked."

Confirmation smiles all across.

"You would be pleased to note, eight hundred and ten of these orders were only-calendar variant." he paused for effect. "That means One thousand one hundred and seventy were sold in the variant that came along with video clips."

Our smiles broadened. Mom too smiled, confidently.

"reach?" Mom asked.

"As discussed, no distributor was given more than a hundred units to sell. We managed to sell the calendars in all twenty countries across the world. As requested, no unit has been sold in India, but we cannot guarantee if any reaches there by way of resale or gift or by any other means."

"scrapping?" Mom went ahead.

The Bartholomew partner was aware of the contractual obligations. He dished out a piece of paper and a letter, "this is the incineration certificate and our confirmation letter that all excess leaves, units have been legitimately destroyed."

He handed Mom another package with master copies of the video clips that were reproduced. He finished with, "After settling distribution commission and production charges as invoiced, we will be remitting the final amount to you before the end of business hours today. This here is the working." He handed another page for Mom to go through.

Mom was quick with numbers and knew the final amount at the bottom seemed to be in order.

We shook hands, greeted and thanked everyone around, and started back towards home.

I looked at the paper in the elevator, coming down from Bartholomew's office. Despite knowing the broad contours of the deal and the numbers the final impact of the tally was still overwhelming.

"hot damn!" I ended up saying.

The final number at the bottom said, $1,050,000.

This of course was after settling a distribution cost of twenty percent for Bartholomew as well as their production cost of forty-eight thousand dollars.

Mom was not jumping with joy, at least not from outside, though she smiled aplenty. I, on the other hand, could not contain my excitement. On the way back, I asked Mom to drive.

True to their words, later in the evening, money had been transferred to Mom's account by Bartholomew.

Mom had already paid Megan, video production costs, studio, and all other overheads long back. Sam had been given an advance, and his account needed to be settled for a final few thousand dollars.

We pocketed a cool million dollars, well, almost a million.

"Mom, we need to go to Vegas to celebrate this," I exclaimed.

Mom smiled back. "I was thinking we should do a cruise. A Caribbean cruise, or maybe the Mediterranean if you are up for it?"

"hell, yeah!" I exclaimed.

Mom laughed. And then we embraced and kissed.

As luck would have it, I bagged the role in the television series I had earlier auditioned for. We ended up postponing our trip twice, before finally going on our cruise trip in summer, five months later.

Mom, in the meanwhile, shelved her idea of adding another store and she decided to managing and grooming the one she already had. It was coming along beautifully. The store now had regular loyal customers, a lot of whom came to chat with Mom along with buying their books.

Having got postponed a couple of times, we compensated it by planning for Europe, and a cruise on the Mediterranean, instead of the Caribbean.

Little did we know, our lives would change dramatically on the cruise and thereafter.

For our lunches and dinners on the cruise, we shared a large table with a few couples, paired by the cruise management randomly, I guess. One couple amongst them was Helene and Ernst. They were from Germany. A charming couple in their forties. Mom and Helene became friends instantly.


Dear Reader, This has been an intense story.

Please comment whether you liked it or no. This is one of my favorite stories.

If interested in the lives of Sara and Adam, you would have to read the Glory Hole series to find out more. - Author


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