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Kama Sutra - Ch.8



Mom remained pensive until late into the evening. We ate once again at one of our usual restaurants. I was hungry and Mom generally toyed with her food but still ate up enough to have her energy return.

I tried to chat up a couple of times with Mom to help ease the mood back to normal but without much success.

"Hey Mom, do you think we can go to Vegas later this winter?" I asked.

"Sure," she replied.

"maybe we can rent an apartment or something for a week." I trudged further in.

"uhhuh," she responded slowly.

Changing track. "I got a message from Dad today." Intentionally stopped before giving details.

"uhhuh," she wasn't biting.

I gave up for now and let it stay. I knew when she wanted me to stay silent. I also knew she would ask about Dad's message eventually.

An hour later, on the way home in the car, she said, "let's go to the beach for a bit. I want to go for a stroll."

Without much ado, I turned slowly towards The Strand. Twenty minutes later we found parking and walked down towards Manhattan Beach. Mom and I preferred Manhattan instead of Venice beach considering there's a lesser crowd, more so at that late hour.

Mom and I shucked out footwear in the car itself and I rolled up my trousers and we climbed down to the sandy beach barefoot. I offered Mom a hand before she settled on the sand after the pebbled sidewalk.

The calm of the beach and the cool breeze gave a refreshing feel. The sand squeezed between our toes with each step we took. Mom and I walked next to each other about a foot apart.

The cool breeze blew on Mom's thin dress. I wondered why she wasn't feeling cold already.

"Are you feeling cold?" I asked.

"no, it's okay," she replied.

I had no jacket or blazer to offer her. On impulse, I brought my hand into hers and slowly we locked our fingers into each others' and continued walking for the next ten minutes.

By the end of our stroll, we were chatting again.

"Have you gotten any audition offers?" she asked.

"nothing worth considering seriously," I replied.

"What about the juice commercial you were talking about?" Mom queried.

"I think it's been held up. The audition went well. I was told I have it in the bag, but the final approval is still expected from the marketing team of the company," I updated her.

We turned back and changed hands on our way back.

"I think I will be spending another couple of thousand dollars in the store to finally come through with the planned changes," Mom offered.

"I like the changes you have made to the store. I am sure it would pay off over time," I confirmed.

Mom's mood seemed to be coming back around and I could sense it from the smiles we were exchanging every few steps.

I let her take the lead in the conversation and didn't initiate on my own until she wanted to. She possibly appreciated that too.

When we reached the parking stop where the car was parked, I opened her door on her side and she sat with her legs outside. It was not unusual that she wanted the sand stuck under her feet and from between her toes.

As she bent, I realized what she was going to do and I said, "let me do it, Mom."

I bent forward in front of Mom and took one of her feet in my hands and rested it on my right thigh. I held her foot with one hand, lifted it to rub the bottom of her sole with the other hand.

Once scrubbed, I planted the foot back on my thigh and started cleaning her toes. In between her toes, I poked my fingers to first take the bulk of the sand out and then went in gap after gap between her toes to wean out grain after grain of sand until it was clean as a whistle. For good measure, I rubbed the bottom of her sole again and rubbed my hand up her ankle to be double sure of no belligerent grain of sand left behind.

Only then did I look up towards Mom and saw her looking down towards me, smiling her usual cheerful smile.

I was going to repeat the same clean-up job on her other foot. Only then did I realize that having cleaned her right foot, there was no way I could do the left because she couldn't get her right leg in and still let me do her left outside the car.

As soon as I moved to her left foot, her right dangled low outside the car, risked touching the ground and messing up my handiwork. She couldn't cross her leg on the seat given her dress.

Mom giggled at my conundrum.

Without too much thinking, I brought my left knee to the ground, lowering myself somewhat, and lifted Mom's right leg to have it hoisted at my shoulder. Her calf resting on my shoulder. She tilted back a little into the car, chuckled at my expense, "ha, ha….. ha, ha, ha."

I looked up and smiled, sure of what I was doing.

I took her left foot and parked it on my right thigh raised enough to form a plank platform.

I started my work on her left foot just as diligently as I had on her right. The only trouble was, with her right leg raised straight onto my shoulder and her left leg folded but raised enough to have her foot parked on my thigh, I had a direct line of sight from under the front of her dress. It made my job of cleaning her foot far less easy than it would have ideally been.

I took twice the amount of time in cleaning her foot, and the same amount of time cleaning her ankle. For good measure tried to find any grains of sand that might have traveled up her calf. Upon not finding any sand on her calves, I thought of checking out her thighs and as soon as my hand reached the inside of her thigh, whack came her hand on my head which too had come far up her skirt, possibly to assist my hand in its search for any grain of sand.

I looked up instantly, but her dress caught the top of my head. I withdrew lower and then looked up sheepishly, smiling as if I had been caught stealing a cookie.

Mom didn't say anything, "let's go," was all she said before turning into the car, her smile fairly muted.

I knew I had been pardoned for my childish transgression, as no more than playfulness. Though I knew it might have gotten serious if only I had not received a slap on my head. A soft smack, yet firm enough to bring me back to the real world.

I turned around to walk briskly towards the other side of the car and entered hurriedly. I quickly rubbed my feet before getting in and did not bother putting the shoes on.

Despite having her feet cleaned properly, Mom still didn't slip into her heels. She stretched luxuriously on the backrest of her set and shut her eyes. A half-smile stayed on her face. I looked across towards her many times during the ride back and found her eyes closed and her face resplendent with an enigmatic smile.

"Mom?" I said when I turned on the last stretch of our block.

She wasn't sleeping or something and opened her eyes, to look at what I meant.

"We are here," I said.

When I parked, Mom got out of the car barefoot and walked up to the door not bothering with the red heels that were in her hand. Her bag was in the other hand. As she walked on her toes, trying not to get her heels dirty on the floor I wished I could just swoosh her up in my arms and carry her all the way to her bedroom. I missed the opportunity when she walked way too ahead of me to reach her in time.

Later that night, I came into Mom's bedroom in my boxers and deliberately waited for her to come out of the bathroom. I wanted to ensure she did not find me naked in her bed when she came out.

As soon as her bathroom door clicked, I moved a few steps closer to the bed, without looking in her direction, and slowly lowered my boxers, sat on the side of the bed facing away from her, and then moved back to get under the covers.

Mom was walking towards the bed, looking towards me and rubbing her arms with some kind of a lotion. When she reached the bed, she flipped the bedroom lights off.

Mom had left the bathroom light on and that let in enough light into the bedroom for us to see one another.

Just before she slipped into the bed, Mom asked, "Adam you were saying today about having received a message from your Dad?"

I knew it! I was sure she would remember to ask me that. I smiled inwardly.

"He was just checking if we are doing fine, or needed anything?" I replied dryly. " I texted him back that we are good," I added.

Mom brought her hands on the shoulders and pulled the two strings holding her nightie on the shoulders in one go and let the thing fall without much humdrum. Naked as a dream, she took the last step before sitting back on the outside of the covers. Mom rubbed her legs with the leftover lotion in her hands and gave me a tantalizing ringside show that got me hard in a matter of a minute.

By the time Mom was done, I was rock hard and when she slipped inside the cover, I was already shuffling towards the middle of the bed to wrap her in my arms.

Mom's head found the crook of my elbow as she lay back. Mom turned to look towards me. I was amorously waiting for her, and as soon as she turned I wasted no time in descending on her lips with mine.

With her lips captured, my hands found Mom's back to pull her towards me and close the gap of our bodies that were emanating heat. Seconds later, my left leg rose to climb on her hip and I hooked her bum with my heel and dragged her into my groin.

Our mouths released a simultaneous "mmmm."

I knew better than to make an attempt to make love to her that instant even with my hard-on nestling uncomfortably on her pussy, full length.

Like the previous night, I did not need to make efforts to enter her pussy, a while later my dick found its home on its own.

In the middle of the night, I was deep inside her pussy and we were bucking slowly, lovingly, sleepily yet lustily. Long after I came inside her, Mom continued to hump on my cock and she climaxed much later than I did. We slept without any effort to disengage or untangle.

I woke up to an empty bed. Mom had gotten up and was doing yoga in the drawing-room when I came to look for her.

Seeing her in yoga tights and a tank top did not help my morning wood any better. I moved towards the kitchen to fetch myself coffee but saw a glass of fresh juice in a glass that was obviously kept out for me.

I picked the juice and joined Mom.

"good morning, Mom." I greeted her, "thanks for the juice." I waved the glass towards her in appreciation.

"morning, Adam," she replied, her breath heavy.

"It might be good if you can stretch some, before our arduous positions later today."

"I think I can handle them." I chuckled without any inhibition that we were talking of sex-positions as comfortably as our chores for the day.

I kept the half-full glass on the table and approached Mom with a spontaneous plan in mind.

I reached across the room and took her in my arms, pulling her arms around my shoulder.

Mom complied, smiling.

I bent forward to hold her bum from below in both my hands and hefted her up. Mom sprung a bit and one after the other brought her legs behind my hips. Her breasts dug into my chest, transferring beads of sweat from her chest to mine.

We both laughed, she chuckled, "haha, ha ha ha."

Mom was clinging to my torso with her arms behind my neck and legs behind my hips. My hands under her bum helped her stay in the air.

"See?" I said.

"Okay, stupid. But I think you need to carry me like this for the rest of the afternoon. That's different." she poked.

"I can carry you like this for the rest of the day, starting now, If I have to." I challenged.

"Okay, smartass. put me down now. I have to finish my workout." Mom said, half hoping I would deny her outright.

That's what I did. I moved my lips on her sweaty face, kissed her cheeks, and worked my way to her lips. Once there I stayed smooching her for a long while. I kissed her lips a few more times, before pushing my tongue in and she welcomed me in her mouth without any resistance.

We tongued and french kissed for a long while, forgetting that she was mid-air in my hands and clinging on to me.

I wanted more and there was no way I could do anything without putting her down, on the floor, or on the sofa nearby. I chose the sofa and turned to put her down, hoping to follow through with myself.

As soon as I lowered Mom on the sofa, she chuckled and laughed her way out of my grip, "let me go, Adam. Enough with the mischief, I am all sweaty."

Even as she jostled me, I pushed forward, "I don't mind."

"I do." Mom said, artificially resisting.

"Oh, Mom. I love you." I said trying to kiss her some more and convince her for a full session.

"I love you too. You must let me get up and get ready. Now." She said. Her arms around my neck betrayed her words that came out of her mouth. I may have been on her, but her arms weren't getting any less tight around my neck.

We necked for a while longer before I gave in to her muted resistance and let her get up.

She ditched the rest of her session and went in for a shower instead. Her hips tantalizing me hypnotically as she walked out of the drawing-room.

Twenty minutes later, I kicked myself and rushed towards her bedroom. I hastily shucked my lowers and t-shirt before reaching her bathroom door. I prayed to god quickly with the handle in my hand and turned it tentatively. My prayers were answered, the door was not locked. I moved in making sufficient noise for her to notice my intrusion.

I lowered my boxers without looking at her. Then I turned to face her in the shower. As Mom looked towards me, I joined her in the shower.

I smiled cheekily towards Mom, requesting a shared shower, and she responded with a smirk. Mom held out her hand and gave me the loofah. I willingly took it from her hands and started my duty of cleaning her back.

My dick poked Mom throughout our shower session but she managed to fend me off on actual intercourse in the shower, though we played aplenty. At one point, it did become extremely hard for her when I lifted her off the second time this morning - in the same style I had earlier. This time around was different because of no resistance of clothes between us. Mom held back. I relented to her wishes. But I did not hold back on the active play with my hands and my lips.

Mom and I stayed back home until noon and we had a late breakfast. We skipped the book-store visit and decided to go straight to the photo-shoot at around two pm as was scheduled.

Mom spent a good amount of time on the phone, shooting instructions to her staff.

All through the morning, I hovered around Mom doing some irrelevant chores and chatted her up enough to keep her cheery.

"Manu, you remember what I told you about our sessions." Mom threw a bomb worthy of deflating all my hard-ons in one go. Addressing me as 'Manu' didn't help. She usually ended up calling me Manu fondly or generally on impulse.

"Yeah, Mom. I remember. Let's discuss it tomorrow." I pulled a fast one, trying to buy another night with her, even if the photo-shoot would get over today.

"mmhmm," Mom conceded, but not without catching my drift.


Alex welcomed us with similar enthusiasm in the make-up room as she always did.

Alex gave Mom a short hug and an air kiss, followed by a full-frontal appreciation of her beauty, taking a step back holding Mom's hands in her own, and then complimented Mom with, "you look beautiful, Sara."

Mom modestly thanked Alex and then also returned her compliment, "thank you, Alex. As do you."

Both shrugged in mutual admiration and hugged again lightly before getting down to business.

After chatting a couple of minutes with Alex, Mom excused herself to look for Megan.

Alex showed me the way towards the chair. I stepped out of the clothes and wore the robe before taking the chair and let Alex do her work on me.

Half an hour later, Mom and I had switched positions and she was sitting on the chair in front of Alex and I was roaming around, trying to figure out the location for today's shoot. I followed the activity, and reached the first-floor bedroom, and found the team clearing up the room for the start of the photo-shoot.

Megan smiled and welcomed me and gave me a download. "Adam, you both would start here, and then we go here....." she took me around to the second marker.

I followed her, I knew the positions but still looked through the reference pictures for final confirmation.

By the time Mom joined us it was past three, and boy, was she ready? Mom looked splendid in her make-up. Her hair lifted up, her cheeks were dabbed with powder and a rosy color. Her robe belted on her waist showed cleavage right up to her navel. I already admired my mom but at that moment I was proud of her and soaked in her beauty from a distance. She was indeed the most beautiful person in the room, and this wouldn't be the first time.

Mom saw me looking at her with squinted eyes and smiled back, raising her head a tiny bit to check, "what is it?"

I shook my head to silently say, 'nothing.'

A few minutes of final conference, and we were given a green light to start. For our acrobatic day, we had chosen most of the standing positions. We would start with Wall Socket, Wall Leg up, Wall Hanging, and then Wall Hook. Finally, we would go for the Earthquake position. The first four positions were variants of Standing sex-positions and the final one was a playful version of a standing position.

For ease of getting into the wall positions, we had discussed starting the session with a table position and then turn to the wall. For that purpose, a table, one we had used earlier, was installed in the room, not very far from the wall and appropriately providing sufficient visibility to the cameras.

Mom and I pulled off the robes together and kept them on a chair in the corner before moving into the center of the room. Upon reaching the table, Mom turned around with her back to the edge of the table, her butt touching the edge of the table.

Just like I had done a day earlier, I stepped in front of her and hooked my hands on Mom's waist, and gave her a lift. Her butt landed smoothly on the corner of the table and she sat with her legs hanging down and let out a girlish giggle, "h h h ha."

I smiled back.

Both of us knew this was a preamble position for us and we would need to go into the desired sex-position quickly. My dick was already at attention, and I needed little prep-up work, but was keen to absorb every gift that was sent my way. I was going to make the most of my bounty.

Mom and I embraced; my arms around her pulled her shoulders up towards me and her head tilted towards mine. I bent slightly to capture her lips and started kissing her earnestly.

Mom's hands behind my back lowered to pull me forward from my buttocks. My dick that was poking her on the pussy moved upwards and nestled between her pussy lips, aiming up and between our squeezed groins.

I could not but sigh a, "huh," into her lips.

With continued kissing, my hips started to hump and since my dick was in a heavenly groove I let it play. My lips never left Moms.

Mom's hands behind my butt were helping prod my humping, which was by no means was dry, and we were both hissing aggressively from our noses, making noisy appreciation of our cavorting together. My hands roamed freely behind Mom and ended up reaching her ass cheeks where warm, supple flesh welcomed my assault.

Mom took it as a request to move ahead and she brought one hand forward from my back to squeeze it between us and blindly groped for my dancing pecker. When she had a good grip, she lowered it enough to guide it in the right direction. I was already humping and didn't have much difficulty moving in.

After Mom yielded three inches, her hand left my dick and repossessed my ass to pull me in.

Both of us grunted a throaty, "UUUUNNNGHH." Our lips giving way.

Moments later I was inside her, all the way. I had intended for my dive inside to last longer but mother nature has its own plan. I was completely inside her with the help of her grip on my ass.

I lowered my hands on Mom's bottom and went as low as the table would allow me. Mom sitting on the table did not let me go right under her butt but the bucking motion was sufficient to give me a grip on her ass cheeks.

At one point I pulled her in and held Mom tightly against my cock, effectively slowing our bucking, simultaneously lifting her.

Mom's arms around my shoulders tightened their lock on impulse and she too lifted herself to stay on my cock. Her raising herself helped my hands go lower under her butt and the I raised her all the way on my cock, finding the bottom.

Mom was completely off the table and clinging to my neck and body, with her hands and legs behind me. I held her on my cock and in my hands. It didn't feel too laborious to me at the time.

I turned to carry Mom to the wall. I wanted to get on to our posture without any further delay. My cock surged and led the way.

It took me no more than three steady strides before Mom's back touched the wall, with a bump stronger than I intended. I couldn't have seen the wall, with my face attached with hers.

The wall helped. Mom's weight balanced between the wall and me, even as she remained impaled on my cock.

Mom's hands left the tight grip behind my neck and held my shoulders with her hands. Our lips met again. She balanced her weight back on the wall in a manner that shoulders rested on the wall and her lower back was free for jerking, where my hands held her up from but ass cheeks.

Instead of the intended Wall Socket position, we were in Wall Hanging position. We made the most of it. We humped, as I did most of the work and Mom help aplenty.

We were back to hissing and breathing from our nostrils and we made deep grunts appreciating each other for the delightful time we were giving each other.

"uuuunnnhh," cried Mom

"hhhuuuhh," came out of my throat.

With each thump inward, I was coming closer to cumming but I willed myself to ensure Mom climaxed first.

Mom involuntarily lowered one leg and hung it lower behind me while hooking the other behind my butt, around my lower back. My grip on her butt came forward to her upper thigh supporting her.

We had changed into the Wall Leg Up pose and kept humping with vigor.

"Aaaaanhh......aaah," said Mom

"UuUuuhhh......uuuhh," I exulted.

In seconds that passed, each hump became tough but the pleasure of each shove multiplied.

Mom was so close to cumming, I could feel it. She was shivering, I reinforced my energies and pulled her up, and increased my tempo. Mom shuddered violently to an orgasm.

Mom tightened her grip on my shoulder, pushed forward, and left my lips for my neck. She bit me hard and her convulsions loosened her body as she spasmed into her orgasm like I was so becoming familiar with.

Her other leg also left my back as she relaxed and with both her legs behind me hanging low her weight was all upon my cock inside her and my hands holding her up from the butt. She arched with her upper back to the wall and we shifted to the Wall Socket position sealing it with a kiss.

Mom's kiss of appreciation, of love, and of adulation was reciprocated by mine of reverence, of love, and of devotion. We stayed still in the Wall Socket position until my cock wanted more and I too wanted to climax desperately.

I lifted Mom's right leg and raised it behind my back to help prep her up sufficiently. Then I hoisted her some more to have her leg go up further, getting her almost off from my cock. Her back scrunched on the wall. I lowered my left hand under her right thigh and pushed it up enough, hunching my shoulders forward, and lower, to help get her leg up on my shoulder.

Finally, after a little manoeuvring, I had her right leg on top of my shoulder and her left hanging behind me with the help of my right hand under her. Gravity did the rest and she fell back on my cock all the way.

The weight on my hands eased immensely and it gave me enough to support my humping and I restarted fucking her with intent. We were in the Wall Hook position.

Mom closed her eyes and her head fell back on the wall, as I aggressively made my moves and shoved into her deeper and deeper.

As I reached my climax, I grunted a throaty, low, and closed-mouthed cry of love, "uuunngh, unnnghh."

My jaw clenched as I balanced Mom on my cock, finding some movement between our groins which only an elevated level of adrenaline could generate.

As we relaxed, my eyes opened to see Mom resting her shoulders on the wall and her eyes closed in ecstasy. If I had it in me, I would restart the bucking and humping to give her another round of thorough love-making but my hands shivered. I pulled her closer to me.

Mom lowered her leg from my shoulder and her hands went behind my back to control her climb down. My dick plopped out with much less fanfare than I would have liked but I was satisfied with the fact that I had made her climax and orgasm at least once, whilst standing. I reassured myself, there is more to come. I had learned something about Mom in the standing position and I intended to use it in our next sex position.

Mom hung on to my neck even after I had let her on the ground and we hugged for a short while before disengaging into normalcy and moved towards our corner where our robes were kept.

As Mom moved towards the robe, I went to see Megan and the video camera fellow, both of whom were exchanging notes on how the shots have come out. Megan was pleased and so was the video camera fellow.

Alex assisted Mom with the robe and gave her a bottle of water. I followed soon after and took my robe.

Mom and Alex went down to the make-up room. We were to meet on the first floor back for the next sex position.

I too moved to the make-up room, having nothing else to do until we went into the next set.

Mom was on the chair and Alex in front of her, trying to dab the sweat off from Mom and soon enough she went between Mom's legs to remove the stains of our lovemaking leaking out of Mom. Her cotton pad was wet before she was done with Mom. She repeated the same a couple of more times to get it all clean and by the time Alex was finished, Mom's pussy was pulsing again.

Alex, offered, "would you like some rest before we go ahead?"

Mom, happy to have been offered the lifeline, "that would be great Alex. Thank you." Mom extended her hand to cup Alex's cheek and appreciated her thoughtfulness.

I sat on the sofa and watched this exchange.

Alex, moved towards me and offered me a towel, and continued to walk towards the door.

As soon as Alex exited the door, Mom looked towards me and smiled. With the towel in her hand, she dabbed her neck and kept going lower until she had pushed the lapels of her robe off her breasts and she openly cleaned herself up from the beads of glistening sweat.

I watched Mom intently and after some deliberation rose to reach near her and took the towel from her hand as if I wanted to help her. Instead, I kept the towel on the shelf and bent down in front of Mom, and rested on my knees. My hands found themselves on Mom's thighs.

My face was on her tummy level and I lowered myself to find her thighs and rested my head on her lap.

Lovingly Mom raised her hands and rested one on my back circling slowly and the other into my hair to weave through the dense locks.

We were having a loving mother-son moment. We sat like that until Alex returned a few minutes later to check if we were ready to proceed.

Alex smiled at the loving posture between Mom and me and without the knowledge of our relationship, I wondered what she would make of it.

I got up abruptly, and said, "yes Alex, we can start," without really checking with Mom if she too was comfortable to go ahead.

Alex went to the far side of the room and readied another chair for me to sit in and helped me get ready with my make-up. It did not take too long.

Mom was next and Alex completed with Mom in another fifteen minutes.

All of us walked out of the make-up room and went upstairs for the final set - Earthquake.

The flirtatious, yet sportive, sex-position Earthquake would be shot in the doorway instead of inside the bedroom.

Mom and I reached inside the first bedroom where the team was moving about and were waiting for us.

"hi," Mom greeted Megan and queried if we could start.

"Hi, Sara. Ready whenever you are." Megan reverted.

Mom and I pulled our robes off and moved towards the threshold where the door had been taken off from the door frame. Not that we needed it to be removed to execute our position, but it had been removed for reasons of getting the best angles for the shot.

As we approached the doorway, it was clear we couldn't really jump into the desired position, for two reasons. First that I was less than halfway there, erection wise, and also that the Earthquake position was a sporty, spunky sex position and you don't just start there, you reach there.

So we did the most sensible thing before getting into it. Right under the door frame, we faced each other and embraced. The hug brought our warm bodies together and the heat we generated took us forward. In seconds that followed we were kissing enthusiastically. The hunger in us seemed satiated somewhat, we were not groping or clawing at each other but an appreciative hug and kiss as if a lover is welcoming the other at the door, under an invisible mistletoe.

My kiss on Mom's lips had me bend over towards her, with her face looking up into mine. Mom's arms around my neck pulled me as I scooped her from below her shoulders behind her with one hand and from her bum with my other hand. The pressure on the bum ground her quim into my dick which had evidently found its strength and size.

I was in a double mind to go for another lovemaking session standing up before getting her into the Earthquake position. I decided against it and went straight for the final position.

I stepped back and disengaged, signaling my readiness for the final position. Mom smiled back and stepped sideways.

To get into the Earthquake position, I had to stay in the doorway and stretch between the door frame. I pulled myself back and got my spine completely lined up against one side of the door frame, from my butt up to my shoulder. Then I started to slip my foot, on the floor, towards the opposite side of the door frame. My back continued to slip downwards until my toes touched the opposite bottom end of the door frame. My heels jammed the position at the bottom corner of the opposite side of the door frame and my toes held on to the wood of the door frame a few inches above.

At this point, my butt was firmly pushed back into the door frame and my back lined upwards, straight. The middle of my upper back locked the spine to the door frame giving me a firm footing. I opened my arm and extended my hand to Mom to come over.

Mom took my hand and stepped closer. She brought one foot up and crossed my legs, as she faced me. Mom swung her hands behind my shoulders and stepped forward until my dick was lined right below her pussy.

Mom looked up and we exchanged warm smiles of confirmation before going ahead. She brought one hand down from my shoulder and between us. Her hand gripped my throbbing dock, and she aimed it in the general direction of her pussy. She manoeuvred her butt to ensure the pussylips touched the tip of my cock. As soon as she was satisfied that she had an inch in, she brought her hand back up and closed her hands behind my neck. Simultaneously her pussy descended on my hard pole.

Our eyes remained locked and only when she had my complete cock inside did she blink and opened her mouth slightly, to breathe. The pressure on my legs was very little as Mom took most of her weight on her own feet.

Mom sighed, "aaaah." Only I could see and hear it.

Mom let her chest drop forward and she fell on mine. Her ear right on my clavicle, her breasts mashed into my chest, her pussy completely having gulped my cock.

We were both motionless and embracing for a long while, as the position became comfortable and we sank an inch or two under the body’s weight.

The body heat and the emotions eventually caught up and I nudged a couple of times before picking up the motion.

With a fair amount of ease, I raised my butt forward from the door frame, pushing my cock inside Mom and her body along with it going back a bit. I loosened the pressure to fall back and Mom came back down with gravity.

Moments later this slow-motion move, of my butt pushing my groin up into Mom and then falling back to the door frame, became repetitive. Mom on her part, with each upward movement, rose on her toes, her heels leaving the ground and with each down move, the sole of her feet touched the floor.

We got into the flow going after some twenty shoves and picked the beat. The engagement between my cock and her quim was merciless, we jousted and played with our groins while remaining attached above. As she clung to me, we resembled a couple trying to stay under the door frame until the risk of earthquake passed away. But, actually, it was us causing the seismic waves.

A minute into the position and Mom, raised her chest off from mine and sat straight on my cock, in the middle of the doorway riding me like a rodeo bull, holding my shoulder with one hand to steady herself and resting her other hand on my chest but with no pressure on it.

Mom really started working her butt up and down with small movements, that her legs would allow given her position and my butt thrusts would concede.

We had long left the reference shot that Megan was probably going for and we were making love animatedly under the door frame, clearly intent on ensuring that our finale resulted in our mutual climax, preferably together.

Just when I felt I was near the bursting point Mom started convulsing, her eyes rolled in and she slowed down her bucking and fell forward, back into my arms. Her spasming body writhing on top of mine beautifully had me going instantly.

Mom sighed, "uunggh."

Before Mom stopped quivering and shaking, I started shooting ropes of cum inside her and jerked my butt frantically to ensure our point of convergence wasn't just physical but also deeper.

I cried, "aaagh,” too overwhelmed with the situation.

Even after having satiated our lust we continued to embrace and clung in an odd, yet comfortable position that seemed more awkward than it actually was.

We heard some mild clapping from Alex and Megan, as we disengaged and looked towards them both. Given that it was our final act, it was a token of their appreciation for having delivered on many counts which, before we started, had seemed uphill.

Mom smiled as she led her way towards Megan and the others. Alex had her robe in hand and helped pull it up on Mom's shoulders. Mom on her part eagerly looked into Megan's camera and seemed very pleased with what Megan was showing her.

I followed Mom, picking my robe, and peeked from above her shoulder into Megan's camera and looked at the damn hot couple making love in a unique position, lost to the world and immersed into their own fantasyland. If one hadn't seen the reference picture and was looking at this for the first time, it looked super fun and super hot. I was elated, as seemed Mom.

"thank you." I offered to Megan and then to the video camera guy. Mom repeated after me, and said, "thank you." to both Megan and the video camera guy. Alex had gone ahead to the ground floor make-up room and was wrapping up her gear.


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