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Kama Sutra - Ch.7


Iron Chef

Our love-making remained loosely camouflaged under the pretense of either acting for the camera or practise for a trickier position that required preparation. We both side-stepped enough to ensure a cloak of decency remained, even while too much water had passed under the bridge.

We spent the entire day at home, dangerously close to each other. I say dangerous because there was so much sexual, electric current amongst us, that an entire town could light up.

We might have resolved to stay off sex momentarily for a day, but we forgot to inform our genitals to hang on until the photoshoot the next afternoon.

Somewhere in the middle of the night, I think it was the wee hours of the morning, that my dick magnetically found the north pole. We were already snuggling and found it hard to remove from each other's clutches, my grip on her harder than hers was on me. Our mutual body heat already had us warm, and that Mom was nuzzling in my neck only helped. My hands behind her back were pulling her into me even as we slept soundly.

My dick was a combination of morning-wood and horny due to the proximity of a hot-bod and incidentally perfectly placed around Mom's quim as it remembered to stand up in attention. Mom and I were in a frontal embrace.

As my dick grew in size, it nudged Mom's pussy mound. Either irritated by the nudging or, as I'd like to believe for slightly more amorous reasons, Mom lifted her leg and climbed it all the way over my hip on the outside. The move allowed Mom's bum to move back just an inch and opened her pussy all the way. Then as she closed in towards me, her pussy lips nestled around my dick.

Both Mom and I were still asleep, and that's why this involuntary act made such a beautiful confluence. It was as if our bodies were talking themselves into motion.

Mom's open nether region allowed my dick to nestle lower and find her entrance. The rest was a slow-motion dream state. Second, after second, my dick slipped lower, and when the crown of my cock was on her pussy lips, it started entering her inch after by inch. Once it was in, there was no effort from my end to shove, jerk, or buck.

That came later.


The fact that I had made love to Mom in bed earlier in the morning, without any disguise or a ruse of practice, sat deep in my conscience. I guess it did with Mom as well.

We had spent a whole day in foreplay yesterday, and it had found a climax of its own in the morning.

Mom greeted me in the morning, in bed, as I woke up, "good morning, Adam." She had already showered and ready before I even woke up.

I looked into her eyes to find some hint of her mood. "morning, Mom." Unlike what I'd have expected, she did not come down and kiss me on the lips. Not finding any signs of distress either, I asked her, "you are ready early, Mom," adding after a second, "are you going somewhere?"

"yes, I have a meeting early today. I will see you at the store if you are coming?"

"uhh...yes, Mom. I'll come around twelve, and then we can have lunch and head for the studio?" I responded and asked her.

"yes, sure." Mom replied.

I moved out of the bed, still naked. I pulled up my boxers from the side of the bed and reached around towards her as she shuffled about, getting ready to take off.

I asked her, "how about breakfast?"

"I'll pick a sandwich at the store. I hope you can manage?" Mom responded.

By now, from her tone and responses, I understood that she was trying to regroup herself after our morning' long lovemaking session, and some alone time would help her clear her mind.

"I'll make something for myself. I'll meet you at the store later." I stepped closer to her and hugged her lightly as she left off.

After she was gone, I wondered how what we did that morning was any different than what we had already been doing for the last week. The answer lay gaping open. We made love without any excuse, any reason, and not in any predetermined sex-positions. We were instinctive, we were passionate, and it was consensual.

Deep down, I knew our lives had changed. I was only worried, hoping that Mom doesn't flip and turn around.

We will know soon.


In the afternoon, I reached the store late intentionally to give her time. I called her from the car before reaching the store to let her know I was late.

"Hi, Mom. I lost track of time and started late." I apologized over the car audio.

"no problem. We have time." Mom replied.

"If you are fine, you can come out front, and I will pick you up. We could head straight there instead of me coming in?"

"That sounds good." Mom replied, "how long would you take to reach here?" she asked.

"About twenty minutes," I replied.

"okay. I will see you in front of The Shops in twenty." Mom responded.

Something in her voice told me she was good and I'd suspect cheery.

As I approached the street in front of the mall, I saw her from a distance and slowed to stop in front of her.

If there was a more pleasant view possible in my windscreen, I did not know of one. I could not believe my luck. I was the luckiest man alive.

Mom looked ravishing in a red dress. In a grey dull background of the street, the mall building, and the people around on the street, she looked breathtakingly beautiful.

Mom had thoughtfully brought a takeaway sandwich for me. Everything about her body language told me she was her normal self I had seen over the last few days. Confident, composed, and positive.


We met Alex in the make-up room, as usual.

"hi, Alex." Mom reached her, welcoming a courteous hug that they did as a greeting.

"hiii, Sara." Alex's response was more animated and excited. After the greeting, she stepped back without getting out of Mom's arms and looked at Mom's dress and figure to compliment her further, " Sara, you look gorgeous in red. Hot!" she added, adding emphasis on 'hot'.

Mom knew how to take a compliment modestly and smiled kindly with a "thank you," returning her own compliment to Alex as she usually did.

Belatedly Alex acknowledged my company in the room and greeted me, as well.

Mom went up to look for Megan and check out the arrangements for a different kind of set for the day.

Alex worked on me.

An hour later, Mom and I were both ready to take on an afternoon of adventurous sex-positions. We were ready in more than just the cosmetic sense.


Our 'adventure' shots today would take us to more than one spot. So we would have to be moving from one sequence to another if we had to cover all the shortlisted positions.

We reached the bed along with the group and took off our robes to start with the Magic Mountain position. A sober, yet playful, take on a man taking the woman from behind.

Alex touched a few last spots that she needed, and we huddled for a last 'go' instruction from Megan.

On one side of the round bed was a stack of pillows. The pillows were normal cushions but covered with extremely soft, velvety fabric. They contrasted the bed linen that was lush and soft. The room maintained a contemporary feel today with a white background.

I was half-hard by the time we took our positions. Instead of Mom taking her stance facing away from me, she sat facing me, much to everyone's surprise with her back set on the stack of pillows, which themselves had no secondary support.

I was grateful for Mom's thoughtfulness that she allowed for some foreplay before we could get into action. She looked sideways towards Megan, who had already begun clicking, as had the video bloke. Mom then opened her arms for me, signaling I should come towards her.

With Mom sitting straight with her back pushing the pillow-stack astray, her legs stretched forward, joint until the ankles of her legs, the best I could think of doing was climb on her. That is exactly what I did. I reached on her side, pulled my right leg across hers, and sat high on her thighs.

My balls got crushed between my weight and Mom's pussy mound when our bellies attached. Mom's breasts pressed into my lungs, and she looked up towards my face. I bent forward holding her head in my hands, as I zoomed in for a loving kiss.

I started by kissing her full on the lips and then tracing them to her cheeks - one at a time - before entering her lips with my tongue. Mom willingly welcomed me in her mouth, passionately licking my tongue as her hands behind my back circled around my spine. My weight was supported mostly by her thighs, but I had consciously balanced some of it on my knees that dug into the mattress on both her sides.

Sounds of "MMMMMM" started to echo in the room. Was it her? Was it me? I guess it was both of us, devouring each other with our mouths, lustily.

My hard-on was trying to enter her through her bellybutton. Mom realized that her momentary mission was accomplished, and she brought her hands between us to push me back politely, though reluctantly, I am sure.

I understood Mom's directions. She wasn't being rude but instructing me to get a move on. Mom had delivered me a hard-on in a matter of a minute, or was it minutes? I surely thought it was just a minute, but deeper inside I knew, we had been smooching longer than a few minutes.

I climbed off Mom's thighs and got on one side as Mom took her position. She turned around and looked towards the team. The bed had been spinning, and no one was in her line of sight. Mom knew what to do next. My head was fuzzy with desire.

Mom turned around and restacked the pillows that got knocked off as Mom and I were hustling with each other. Once she had the three fluffy pillows in a neat stack, she lined her knees up against the bottom one. The top of the stack reached the top of her thighs, near her pussy, as she bent forward on the stack. Mom rested her elbows on the top pillow and brought her chest between her arms, her breasts squashed onto the top pillow.

Mom's ass propped up behind her, and she started to spread her rear by splitting the knees apart slowly. Her position was ripe for taking her from the back. Which hole I should choose? I wondered.

Hungrily, I wobbled on my knees between her legs, using her bum to rest my hands, groping her warm ass cheeks in my palms. My head was buzzing, and I wasn't sure whether it was from lust, or from headiness, or the room spinning.

Once I was in between her legs and the back of her thighs rubbing against the front of mine, my dick nestled between the crack of her ass. The contact reverberated in our bodies and into our souls. My hands climbed on her hips and reached her waist. Her slim waist.

I positioned myself and did not bother looking around for Megan to confirm before proceeding into the desired position - Magic Mountain. My wand was going to produce a lot of magic, soon.

Mom was bent forward into the stack of pillows with her chest on the top cushion and her forearms supporting her weight on the stack. I drew slightly back to hold my dick and line it up on her pussy. The ceremonial entry was monumental, and I relished making the most of our first position of the afternoon.

Megan had wanted a side angle that would allow her to capture the entry for the photo, and it meant I had to hold the position whilst half in. What injustice!

I was conscious of what was expected of me but I was scared that I would not be able to hold back. Anyhow, my dick started sinking into her an inch at a time after I deliberately took the longest time for getting my crown into her pussy, even though she was wet enough if I wanted to just plunge in.

Mom released a low pleasing murmur, confirming what I was doing was to her liking, "mmmmmm."

After three inches in, I held back and removed one hand from her waist to her back. My hand caressed her spine and traveled to her neck. Megan got her position to click, and I was in hell, surely Mom was too. If you are held on the gates of heaven and just given a whiff of the air from inside, then you are surely in hell.

My head started to buzz, as did my dick. After less than two rotations of the bed, I could not hold back any longer and started sinking into Mom's pussy further. Moments later, I was all the way in and breathed a sigh of relief as if there existed a possibility that someone would call off the photo shoot, and I had won the chase before that someone intervened.

Of course, the apprehension was nothing more than lust in my head, my eyes, and my cock, which once found bottom pulsated inside Mom to tell her that her son was home. An equally excited Mother squeezed her pussy muscles and hugged her son's cock inside her.

The sounds our throats were producing were low grunts that came straight from the hearts.

After staying in deep for a few seconds, my actions thereafter were involuntary, mostly. The brief rest grew into soft nudging, which turned into shoving, and that, in turn, turned into pulling and plunging. Moments later, I was going in and out of Mom like an engine.

Our soft cries converged into moans and grunts.

"mmmmmmm," Mom shouted throatily.

"URRRNNNGH," came out of my lungs.

Somewhere between the hard fucking that I was giving Mom, mainly on account of my pent-up desire, I slowed down when her pillows stack fell forward, and we had long lost the designated position.

Mom couldn't see anyone as she had fallen forward into the pillows, and her face was leaning into the bed. I tightened my grip on her waist and pulled her back onto my cock.

I dragged one hand in front of her and clutched her left tit to pull her body up with mine. Mom's back straightened and she climbed back up with her back into my chest as she rested on my thighs, her pussy still enveloping my cock. My other hand also crept forward to hold her steady in front. We were both sweaty, and both had held off on our climax just moments before going over the edge.

The bed stopped its rotation, and we ended up facing the gang, Mom in front and everyone grinning, pleased with what they had just witnessed. When Mom dismounted my thighs, my cock plopped out. The only soft sound that came out was a regretful sigh from my throat instead of a pop of her pussy, which was way too squishy with fluids.

We got off the bed clumsily, and Mom took the robe and the water bottle. I wobbled after her, my hard dick swinging in front like a rod as I pulled the robe on sheepishly.

Alex and Mom sat in one corner for ten minutes as she worked on Mom's make-up, most of the time cleaning beads of her sweat. After a few minutes, she got Mom to take the robe off and started dabbing her body with a towel and then scrubbing some perfumed powder with a brush.

Our next position - Log - was set up in the other room. This was the room we had used on the first day of the shoot. Instead of the bed, it now had an elevated table in the center of the room. The decor of the room was toned down to just plain white. The center of attraction was the table with a spotlight from three directions focusing on it.

The table itself was a single piece of a contiguous wood slab that seemed unfinished at first. The height of the table, of course, had been customized for Mom and me. We would go for the Log sex-position there, on the table. A seemingly simpler position but magnificently erotic, I would find out in a short while.

The cameras and the small crew followed Megan, who led the way.

Mom and I were given some final brush and powder treatment by Alex before we were let go for the main act.

The routine preparatory run-up had my hard-on deflated to half the desired stiffness, but I trudged along nonchalantly. With the underlying desire, it won't take me long to come to full mast.

Mom and I shucked our robes simultaneously, displaying almost a similar eagerness to go ahead.

Upon reaching the table, Mom turned as she rested the small of her back on the side of the table. I was right behind her, and I smiled, looking at her. I bent forward and hooked both my hands on her waist, and lifted her in one go, putting her beautiful bottom on top of the table. Her legs hung down from below her knees.

Mom gave a low chuckle despite it being a spontaneous non-sexual act on my part.

I smiled back. There was no sexual tension but a lot of anticipation floating.

Without waiting for the team to shoot instructions at us, I stepped in between Mom's legs, which she willingly opened. My hands went behind her, and I scooped her head from the nape of her neck to kiss her heartily.

I landed on Mom's face, lips first. Kissing her lovingly, and ended up increasing the intensity of our liplock, breathing heavily from the nostrils.

As expected, my dick started gaining strength with each passing minute of our kissing and necking. When Mom felt my dick knocking on her door, she pushed her shoulders back and slowly lowered herself back on the table. Our kiss ended reluctantly, with me bending as far ahead as I could without falling on top of her.

As Mom rolled back, her legs came up simultaneously, and she rested her heels on the edge of the table. With her knees folded, she pushed her feet near her ass-cheeks close to the edge of the table. I didn't want to relinquish my post, with my dick resting on top of her pussy, lusciously in contact with its full length.

I had bent forward on Mom when she retreated back on the table. Upon losing her lips, as her head too rolled back on the table, my lips found her equally inviting breasts to find solace.

My hand groped Mom's free tit while my lips played with the other. My tongue snaked out to tickle her nipple and got Mom shivering for more. My free hand slowly crept up and reached her face, slowly trying to find an opening. Then her lips parted, and she took two fingers in.

My dick squashed between her pussy lips, lengthwise, started bucking and smearing the precum around.

The desire in us, and our groins, was now reverberating.

I started bending down to lick and clear her stomach and reached her pussy. As my dick lost contact with her pussy, it sent regretful messages to my mind.

I changed my mind, and instead of going forward to lick her pussy, I stood back up and leaned forward on her pussy. Time to enact the Log sex-position, I thought.

I held both of Mom's legs from the ankles and pulled them in the air. Mom looked down towards me from between her legs and knew what was coming. She smiled and held her breath in anticipation. My rock-hard dick was tapping her pussy. With both her ankles in my hands, it fell upon her to guide my pole into her. I would do the rest.

Mom's hand came down to my dick as it pulsed and jumped. Mom held it in a light grip to aim it in the right direction. As soon as Mom held it straight between her pussy lips, I started going in reflexively.

The desired shot didn't need to capture the entry. There was no drama; I stopped only when I was all the way in. Her legs in my hands touched my torso from my stomach to my chest.

I had to use a great amount of resolve to stay as-is and hold back on the shoves or the pistoning. My efforts to calm myself seemed futile.

Megan and the video camera were right in front of me, on the other end of the table. Mom lay between us like a specimen, writhing in delight, both her hands holding the sides of the table. Alex was a step behind Megan, smiling.

I turned my attention back to Mom. I looked down towards her face, and her eyes were closed, eagerly waiting for the next part.

I spread Mom's legs out far, to give the cameras the desired shot. Mom's legs in my hands were spread wide, opening her thighs wide for me to close the gap between us right to the last millimeter. Her open legs pulled her pussy muscles from inside contracting delightfully, closing in on my cock inside her. Oh, what a feeling!

I held Mom's legs in my hands pincer-like and used them appropriately to tighten or loosen her pussy's grip on my cock inside her. With each shove inside her, I pulled Mom's legs apart to ensure her pussy tightens around my cock, and with each pull, I relaxed her legs inwards to let my cock out.

I was in heaven and tried to maintain this rhythm so as to maximize our pleasure. Mom below me was squirming. Her hands clung hard to the sides of the table to steady herself.

Soon enough, I lost the symphony and was bucking in and out without moving her legs inwards. My cock loved the decision to keep Mom's legs apart, which kept her pussy tightened.

I was breathing heavily from my nose, having forgotten to use my mouth to breathe in or let the air out, my jaw clenched. The Log position was a powerful position to emulate. It gave a controlling stake in the hands of the man; the feeling is heady.

Mom was wriggling on the table, her legs in my hands and my cock inside her. Her breasts were rocking in a flowing motion. I loved the view from my vantage. Her eyes were closed in ecstasy. Soft moans escaped her throat. I, on the other hand, was hissing.

Moments later, I let loose and sprayed Mom's innards with hot juice from my cock. One string, after another going way inside her, as far as my member could send it flying.

"uuuuunnnnnghhh," "unnnnghhh," My grunts were muted and did not really express the true elation I felt at that moment.

As soon as the first string went in flying inside her pussy, Mom's eyes opened to look towards me. I was lost in my world, and my eyelids were half shut.

Long after I had finished cumming inside Mom, I kept slowly punching inside her. I don't know if it was a motor response as a follow-through to our fucking, or was it for the cameras. Either way, Mom appreciated the continuity; she was extremely satisfied with the outcome and seemed content with the deposit I had just made in her pussy. As I slowed my bucking, Mom nudged back and matched each of my shoves with her hips.

Even while I was thoroughly gratified, I was embarrassed that I hadn't thought about Mom in this episode. I had not managed to delay my climax long enough to let her orgasm along with me. I swore, mentally, to make it up to her over the rest of the evening.

After unwinding reluctantly, I plopped out of Mom and moved a couple of steps back. Mom tried to get back up but found Alex's hand on her shoulder, prompting her to stay back.

I pulled my robe back on and moved towards the corner for a swig of water from our bottle.

Megan and the cameras moved swiftly for their next positions and shuffled out the door one after the other.

Alex put her elbows on the table, bending next to Mom's face, and whispered something.

Mom smiled back and nodded without saying anything. Her body still lay as she was earlier, except that her legs were now hanging from the edge of the table uncomfortably. I had let her loose, assuming she'd get up, but Alex had held her back.

Alex looked at me, smiling, and nodded towards the door as if asking me to get lost, or was it asking me to carry on, and they will join us soon enough, I couldn't say. I started walking, numb, buzzing in the after-effects of a glorious fucking session we just had.

I headed back down to the make-up room, even as I saw Alex bending down between Mom's legs. She would have to clean up the cum drooling out of Mom's pussy, my cum. For Mom's sake, more than anything, I so hoped she would be doing it with her tongue.

I let them be and exited towards the stairs.


Half an hour later, my heart rate had normalized, and I was anxious for Mom and Alex to return. Since no words had been spoken between us, to determine what was to be done next I started towards the kitchen area, on the ground floor, where our next sequence - Iron Chef - would be shot.

When I reached the kitchen, Megan, Mom, and Alex were already there. They were chatting about something, and all of them smiled back towards me as I joined the huddle.

Megan asked, "ready?"

I shrugged as if I was not aware of what the wait was for.

Mom looked calm and settled. Her robe was on her shoulders and her belt tightened on the waist. The v of her robe in the front made obvious the state of her nakedness beneath. The revealing v was instantly tantalizing.

Alex added, "We were waiting for you to join?" Clarified, she took her brush and powder to start working on me. It took her a couple of minutes on my face and said, "robe," asking me to take the robe off.

Alex finished with me in another ten minutes and offered her hand to Mom, who shed her robe as she shuffled in front of Alex on the chair. Alex kneeled and then sat on her toes and knees in front of Mom to finish her task.

Iron-Chef was a kitchen-counter sex-position. A wordplay for a male chef with an iron-hard penis or a woman chef being pierced with an iron-hard dick. Either way, we would be doing it in the kitchen.

As had been planned, the kitchen decor was not contemporary but an old-styled one. No modern gadgets were around, and the shelf was topped with tanned wood that had a rough finish.

Mom approached me, having shucked her robe on the chair where she was sitting, and extended her hand towards me that I instantly took. I clutched her hand, interlocking the fingers, and we started towards the kitchen shelf.

Once on the side of the shelves, Mom turned around to look towards me, and I dipped my hands on her waist and held her. I smiled towards Mom, and she chuckled a little as I heaved her up partially lifting her weight, for the second time today. Mom also propped herself with the help of her hands on the corner of the shelf top.

The height of the shelf, like the table earlier upstairs, was perfect for lining up my dick into Mom's pussy. The blank, light-brown shelf-top contrasted wonderfully with Mom's light-tan perched on its corner.

As soon as I had helped Mom sit on the table edge, half of her bum -from the top of her thighs - off the edge, her legs opened for me to come in and her arms around my shoulders for an embrace.

I stepped into position and between Mom's legs, my hard-on already half-mast, thankfully. As the top of my dick nestled on her pussy, my hand went behind her back and I moved into her arms, taking her lips with mine. I took a long while licking every part of her lips discreetly, kissing her mouth hungrily and entering her mouth with my tongue. Mom welcomed me and sucked on my tongue, and played around with it in the confines of her mouth. Our tongues dueled, each scoring points and raising our eloquent game.

My hands roamed around her back, and I mouthed the affirmation of the yummy taste of Mom in my lips, "MMMMM."

Mom moaned her approval with an "mmmm."

My hard-on had gained sizeable girth and stiffness. I lowered my hands on Mom's bum and shoved my hands as far low as I could, squeezed between her butt and the wooden shelf.

I opened my hands and scooped her butt cheeks in my palms as I adjusted Mom's quim for my dick. As the adjustment began, my lips moved away from hers.

Mom moaned harder, "muuuuaah."

I was busy elsewhere.

I hunched a little to aim my dick into her pussy, slowly, without losing contact with it. When the tip was lined at the entrance of her pussy, I started moving inwards and upwards.

Mom closed her eyes in delight. I looked into Mom's face and got excited with the unlimited pleasure she seemed to experience. Her arms involuntarily raised on my shoulders, and her hands wrapped behind my head. My mouth went down into her neck, and I pushed my cock all the way in, like a hot knife in soft butter. Priceless, I remember thinking.

A soft moan escaped my mouth, "aaaaaahh."

Mom welcomed me once again by squeezing her pussy from the inside. I moaned again, "Momm."

As soon as the word came out of my mouth, instantly both of us tensed. First, it was Mom and then me. I knew I had blundered and but it was a little late to cover it up.

Both of us hoped it had gone unheard, and I started bucking faster and moaning louder, using more M-worded moans to douse the fire.

"mmmmm," "MMMMM," "MMMMMM," I exclaimed regularly.

Mom realized what I was up to and joined in the chorus, "uuuummm," "UUUMMM," "UUUMMMMM," she joined.

To redirect everyone's attention my bucking picked momentum, and I earnestly started shoving up and down into Mom.

Mom clung hard on me, with her elbows on my shoulders, her hands in my hair behind my head, her legs behind me, and her ankles crossed in a lock.

My hands on Mom's bum helped move her forward with each of my shoves into her, my head nestled in her neck, my lips on her clavicle, and my chest crushing her breasts, nipple for nipple.

Our embrace was delightful in itself, and the intercourse added miles of zest into it.

In the minutes that passed, we eased into the lovemaking further, forgetting my faux pas. I slowed the shoves and pistoning to a rhythm that Mom responded to with her moans.

With each shove, she would send out a whimpering, "mmmm."

I got an impression, Mom was holding back as much as I was, to prolong the lovemaking, having forgotten the surroundings and the audience. I was game for it.

We continued for another minute before Mom, without much of a warning, started convulsing animatedly on my cock and in my hands. Had I not been holding her in a tight grip and had she not locked her arms and legs behind me, she would have collapsed from the fierceness of her orgasm. If anything her grip on me tightened, as a reflex.

I was delighted and increased the momentum of my shoves into her, rocking her world.

Suddenly, she went limp from her climax, as if tired. She was sitting up, she was in my arms, but she was a lump of clay that I was boning.

I kept my soft shoves going until Mom was non-responsive from inside. Her throat only let out small purrs of gratefulness.

I was not confident if I should retreat and step back, risking Mom's complete collapse on the shelf or on the floor. I pulled my hands under her bum further in and scooped her up, still impaled with my cock. I walked a few steps back, and through our audience, I turned towards her chair and slowly planted her on it.

As soon as Mom sat back and let go of my neck, her shoulders found the back of the chair. Impulsively she moved one hand up and clutched my dick in her hand. She seemed to be coming out of her trance. Standing in front of her, my dick was tantalizingly close to her face.

In her heady state, Mom might have been tempted to take it in her mouth. My dick was hard because I had not yet climaxed, and any provocation might result in an unscripted event. I held my bearings and sat down on my knees in front of her, and Mom lost her grip on my dick. I moved ahead rested my head in her lap, changing the tone of our interaction from lovemaking to loving. Her hand found my head and caressed it until we were both ready to stand back up.

Megan was chatting with Alex two feet away, showing off the results of her handiwork.

When I reached them, still naked, Megan turned to share the camera's small screen with me. It had the still of the desired shot that probably matched the reference shot limb for limb.

We both smiled at each other, pleased with the outcome, and I went for my robe.

I turned to look at Mom, and she was already in her robe that Alex had helped her with.

Alex had a small juice bottle in her hand that she was offering to Mom. Mom stretched her hand to take it and pulled in a couple of small gulps. The liquid traveling in her throat and cooling her inside and out, satiating her thirst and also calming her.

I walked into the make-up room to fetch my water bottle and finished half of it instantly.

I knew that if we moved into the next position hastily, I would not last long, so I delayed my stay in the makeup room for a while longer than was necessary.

When my dick had cooled to half-mast, I exited to find the crew shuffling about around the bottom of the stairs, where our next position, Stair Master, was to be shot.

The banister of the staircase had been removed, as were also the support columns. The steps had been slightly broadened for our shoot. I liked the aesthetics. The steps themselves were prominent after the banister and columns having got stripped off. The padded steps were dark tan and had a historic-styled woody look.

Mom was hanging around with Megan, trying to discuss the angles and the position.

"The fourth and fifth step would be best," I heard Megan tell Mom.

Alex was kneeling behind Mom and touching up her legs and thighs with her brush and powder. The fact that Mom stood naked between the crew looked as natural to me as one could imagine, though the situation was surreal at the very least.

When I approached the ladies, Alex turned towards me with a raised eyebrow as if questioning me for the delay.

Quickly, she rolled her hands on my shoulders to take the robe off and start her job professionally.

Minutes later, Alex said, "let's go."

Megan confirmed her readiness, "let's start."

The clock on the wall showed it was close to five o'clock.

Mom nodded and looked around towards me. We exchanged smiles before getting on the stairs to take our position. We knew the position.

Mom reached the fourth stair and sat on it, facing me as I stood a couple of stairs lower than her. She knew that before we get into the Stair Master position, I would need help getting hard. Probably she needed some stimulation as well, I guessed.

I bent forward on my knee on the third stair facing Mom, and we started kissing. Mom took the initiative and brought her lips up, with her head tilting upwards towards mine. I lowered myself on her lips and kissed her earnestly, bringing my hands behind her shoulders, lightly lifting her body towards mine.

As we smooched with low moans and whimpers, Mom changed tacks and pushed me up, even while I wasn't ready to full erection yet.

I followed Mom's lead and stood up on the third stair in front of her, and my dick flopped in front of her with her mouth at level with my groin.

Mom lovingly held the base of my dick and lifted its head towards her lips. Her warm palm and fingers sent currents of electricity in my body. This unscripted deviation was a welcome surprise for me and Adam junior.

When Mom sank my cock in her mouth, her job of getting me erect was already done. It took no more than three or four bobs of her head on my cock to have me raging hard and hot. My hands flew behind her head and held her steady, letting her know I wasn't going to last long if she continued this pleasurable attack.

Mom let the cock out with an unintentional pop that echoed only because we had a pin-drop silence in the hall.

"mmuuuah," Mom let out as if satisfied with her job.

Mom turned to look towards the crowd and with a half-smile turned on her bum. She flipped around to have her knees parked where her butt was moments earlier. Her knees were slightly apart to let me stand behind, between her legs and nestled into her bum.

Mom rested her hands on stair six and seven as if she was going to crawl up on the stairs.

I held her waist and lowered my dick into her pussylips, finding her entrance with little difficulty.

I pulled Mom on her waist, and she sank on my pole with no difficulty whatsoever. Forward and upwards I went into her.

The Stair Master position was achieved with a lot more ease than one would imagine and it looked super hot. Mom's knees on the fifth step, spread slightly wide for me, her hands parked on steps six and seven giving an impression that she was crawling up on her hands and knees. I had been standing on the third step, and as I entered into Mom's pussy, my knees bent forward and found a surface on the fourth step.

My height advantage on her helped, Mom pushed back slightly to cover whatever gap was left between us. Instead of movement from my hips and legs, the fuck motion completed when Mom pushed forward to climb up - pulling my cock out of her, and I pulled Mom from her waist to pull her back on my cock. The playful position of Stair Master was whimsical and adventurous.

We both loved it so much that long after Megan and the video camera had their shots, we kept at it, enjoying every moment of this marvelous and sexy performance - if we could call it that.

After some ten minutes of rocking forward and backward, from experience, I remembered Mom's knees must be tired, and I relented reluctantly and slowed down the action. After I plopped out of Mom, I helped her turn around and saw her giggle and lie back.

Mom's butt rested on a step, and her back fell back over the edge of steps above, arching her chest out towards me sexily. I looked down towards her, even hornier than I was already.

I glanced down to see Mom's knees had turned red, and I was glad that we had stepped off from going any further, else she would have bruised her knees purple.

I lowered my hand behind Mom's back and lifted her torso into my arms as she rolled her arms around my neck to help herself up. Our lips met again for a long, loving kiss, promising each other relief very soon.

Mom met Alex at the bottom of the first step and pulled her robe on. Alex handed Mom a bottle, but Mom wasn't interested in drinking up, possibly horny enough to get on to the next sex-position. Her gait was purposeful.

I had a big erection, covered with Mom's juices swinging left and then right, as I climbed down behind Mom and rushed towards my robe and covered myself up hastily.

Megan was showing off the Stair Master shot she had captured to Mom and Alex. With smiles on each girl's face, it was clear that they had more than what was desired.

Mom looked up and smiled at me, confirming that she was glad of the outcome of the Stair Master.

Everyone shuffled upstairs for the final act of the day. This one was a crucial sex-position that was to be the cover of the calendar. Queen. Everyone was looking forward to this position. Everyone. We had a couple of others as back-up for the cover, but everyone agreed the Queen would be ideal for the cover if it came out right.

In the second bedroom, on the first floor, we had a square bed ready. For the last few days, we had been using this bedroom with a rotating bed. Now the large rectangle bed was placed against the wall, and the round one was missing.

Magic of the production team was in play. The aesthetics of the room were fantastic. A royal chamber of a queen, harmonizing in line with the name of the sex-position we would enact. The room had undergone a fair amount of detail. The curtains, the color on the wall, the bed cover, the mirror, the accessories around the room, and the carpet on the floor. It was as if we were transported back a century, into some royal mansion or a queen's chamber in a palace.

The red and gold effect was magnificent. The lighting was luminous and soothing yellow giving a soft golden glow around the room.

Mom and I walked in hand-in-hand, and behind us were Megan and the video camera fellow.

"awesome," I mumbled.

Mom looked pleased and left my hand to put them together in front of her and turned to look towards Megan happily.

Alex had also come in by now and hustled ahead in front and helped me with the robe. She started to clear the sweat off first with soft dabs. My dick was still hard and hung in front of me. Alex handled the entire five minutes on me professionally and let me off towards the bed.

I sat on the edge of the bed and admired the team’s handiwork. Alex took Mom's robe off and started padding her with a towel, and then started the usual brush-and-powder routine we had now gotten used to.

After some five minutes, Alex got Mom to sit on a raised chair in a corner and started playing with her breasts, or at least it my lust-ridden mind that is what she was doing. The Queen position was mostly Mom, and she was going to get a lot of footage in the shot, full-frontal at that. Alex rubbed a decent amount of lotion on her hand and started rubbing Mom across her front from her neck to her belly. She followed through down to her thighs and then her legs.

Alex turned back up and rubbed a cloth kind of sponge on Mom, and every inch that she rubbed on Mom started glowing. Within a minute, Mom was radiating and shining with a glow that made her look like an angel. It felt as if her body had been illuminated with a soft glow from inside her. What a wonderful sight!

My dick started to stand back up in agreement.

Alex worked on her face and got her to look like a goddess even when her task was to only make her look like a queen.

I was rock hard, as Mom strolled towards the bed where I eagerly waited for her.

The Queen position was a classy, immaculate position where I would lay on my back on the edge of the bed. The bed itself was a lower height than normal. Mom would sit on me, right on my groin, enveloping my cock inside her. Sitting sideways with her legs crossed and hanging off the bed towards the cameras, there would be no sign visible for the cameras that her pussy was milking my cock inside her, and yet it would be apparent, completely.

Mom reached me, slowly strutting her stuff, and I turned to lay sideways on the bed on its edge. I had no time to waste before entering this goddess, this queen.

Mom realized my urgency and smiled at me before turning at the end of the bed. When she was next to the bed, the back of her knees touched my hip sending shivers in my body. When you are that horny, a mere skin contact can send to wonderland.

I held my dick up towards the ceiling as Mom descended on me, as calmly as if she was sitting on an office chair. She made no attempt to open her legs wide or spread her ass cheeks to facilitate entry for my dick. This made the entry even more pleasurable.

Upon contact with the head of my dick, Mom made a slight adjustment without looking back or below. She balanced her weight on me with the help of her hands. Her hand on my chest held her steady, and her other hand touched down the front of my thigh above my knee. Mom moved her hips only a few inches and got the angle right.

Mom looked sideways towards my face and started loosening her weight from her arms and her legs, shifting it on my dick. As she loosened herself, gravity started doing the rest as she lowered delightfully on my cock. Her glide down was slow and deliberate, and I realized the benefit of her not having opened her thighs. The tightened pussy was blissfully snug for my cock to dive deep into her.

Mom closed her eyes and turned her head forward involuntarily, enjoying the moment.

My face lit up in joy, and my eyes shut as my throat let out a grunt, "unnnnngggh."

My role in this position was little, and Mom had the upper hand. Instead of rocking, bucking, or churning, she chose to squeeze. Every few seconds, she squeezed her pussy muscles tight to give my cock a choke and then released it slowly.

On my part, I flexed my pectoral muscles to get my cock to twitch inside Mom's pussy.

I was beside myself with this newest experience.

At first, this squeeze was sparsed out, but as things got hotter for Mom, she found herself a rhythm that was ten seconds apart.

I knew Mom was close, and I brought my hand from her ankle to her belly and moved it upwards, without leaving her skin. When my hand reached her right tit, I cupped her full breast, middling her nipple in my palm.

Her squeezes on my cock inside her pussy closed in with five seconds intervals, and her breathing was raspy.

My hand left her breast and traveled up, still not leaving her skin. I reached her neck.

I flexed some more, and found an up-and-down movement with my hips that were no more than a couple of inches. The jabs were haphazard initially but slowly I synchronized with Mom's squeezes.

The sublime fuck was having an effect on Mom. Her squeezes were now equivalent to bucking as she did it every two seconds, breathing heavily.

My hands reached Mom's chin and then her lips. She parted her lips and let me in. Two fingers in and her hips started bucking. Her hands clenched in my chest and my knee as she bellowed into orgasm.

"MMMMMMMMuuuuuuaaaaghhh." Mom cried. Failing to control her exults. I was surprised with the expression of her pent up lust.

I turned my fingers inside her mouth to claw them inside her teeth, pulling her downwards.

Much as I wished to cum at that moment, I was too fascinated by the sexy animalistic demeanor Mom had let out.

After many minutes of squeezing, churning, bucking, Mom calmed down and opened her eyes. My hand had come out from her mouth and was rubbing her back.

Mom looked towards Megan and the video camera fellow sheepishly, as if she was apologetic for getting lost in the moment and had forgotten to give the desired shot to them.

On the contrary, Megan and Alex were smiling back as if it was a top-notch performance.

Mom looked sideways and down towards my face and silently mouthed something that I could not understand.

Mom realized I hadn't gathered what she was saying. She got up, leaving my raging hot pole with a pop.

In a departure from routine, Mom did not wait to check out the photos, with Megan and Alex. She picked her robe and kept on walking even as she tightened the belt on her way out.

After pulling my robe on, I covered up briefly with Megan and Alex to look at the photos and complimented Megan for the great pictures she had taken.

All of us knew we had bagged the cover shot for the calendar. It would look splendid.

I joined Mom in the make-up room and checked with her, "everything ok, Mom?"


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