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Kama Sutra - Ch.5



I was in such a swivet that I could barely speak to Mom on the way home. The fact that we had blatantly and unabashedly fucked each other, in the glare of cameras and with an audience, started to sink in with each passing minute.

With both of us riding the journey out in our own thoughts, it was smart to mull over the developments and then decide on the next course of action.

For one thing, I had no remorse, zero regrets. I had had the most beautiful moments in our session earlier today, and I thoroughly loved it all, every second of it. So my reflections were relegated to replaying every sequence in my mind and storing it for posterity.

But I was equally anxious to know as to how Mom felt. It was difficult for me even to turn my face to look towards her. I drove silently, looking straight ahead.

Halfway home, I reluctantly turned towards her and asked, "Mom, would you like to go out for dinner? Instead of eating at home." I asked more out of concern that Mom must be tired.

"yes, I'd like that," she responded with a little more pep in her voice than I was expecting to get, abundantly reinvigorating me with just half of a sentence.

I turned towards the stylish Mexican restaurant we both liked, without too many questions and still avoiding conversation.

The restaurant was almost empty, and only a few families were around in the large upmarket restaurant. Thankfully we got a corner and gratefully looked forward to enjoying dinner, in each other's company, without too much noise and clatter of others.

Once our food was ordered, I started the conversation, "Mom, about tonight...," knowing full well it's best to deal with the issue than let it simmer for long.

Mom looked at me, and her face told me she was okay. She said, "Don't worry, Manu. We can deal with it." She used my name 'Manu' from back home in India. She rarely did that. Clearly, she was emotional. Sometimes, she'd call me 'Manu' usually when she felt very caring, loving, or concerned.

Impulsively, I brought my hand across the table to hold hers. I don't know if it was to thank her, to appreciate her, or merely to convey that I cared for her. "I love you, mom," I said.

"I love you too, Adam." She took my hand and squeezed it enough to assure me of the seriousness of her intent.

A few seconds later, with my hand still in hers, she added, "remember what I said earlier, only until the shoot is going on." Reading between the lines, I knew she meant that we could go on making love and the fucking until the end of the calendar shoot, and it must end after that. Who was I to argue? As the adage goes, 'why stare a gift horse in the face?'

I nodded, confirming that I understood her terms of the agreement, and I brought her hand up towards my lips, kissing it slowly, lovingly. I kept looking towards her face and in her eyes. All of my anxiety was gone, vanished.

Until the food was served, her hand remained in mine over the table, even as we discussed, in small pretenses, the events of our evening. I repeated, "I love you, Mom," at least thrice until our dinner arrived, each time getting an impassioned endorsement in return.

"While we are on the subject, Mom, you need to work on your expressions as we go about our business," ribbing her about her climactic expressions in our lovemaking session.

She got that. In response, she pulled her hand and made an angry face, more in jest than in reality, "you rascal," she exclaimed.

I cracked a laugh and happy that we could joke about our sexual sessions as well.

She playfully threw a couple of sugar sachets, from the table, towards me as she saw me laughing. Finally giving in, she too laughed it off just as our food arrived.

After putting food on our table, the waitress bent down and picked a couple of sugar sachets that had gotten away a bit further than my reach. She smiled at us and pocketed the sachets in her apron as she walked off. We giggled at our embarrassing frolicking and then turned towards our food.

Later that night, after cleaning up, I changed into my pajama bottoms and reached Mom's bedroom without putting on a t-shirt.

Mom was already under the covers. Her bright red nightgown on the comforter gave away the color of her negligee. The white covers until her waist contrasted with the red, thin negligee she was wearing. My dick twitched. Christmas had come early for me. Really.

Mom was reading some book, and she looked up as I came in. Her eyes followed me until the bed. If I didn't know better, I would have read this stare as a signal questioning my presence in her bedroom at this late an hour.

I averted her eyes as I shucked my pajama bottom, and reverting to the facade of practicing sessions, joined her under the covers. With a couple of feet between us, I turned towards her and used a line I had been practicing in my room for the last twenty minutes, "Mom, I was wondering if we could rehearse the rowing boat position, once, properly." All the practice gone waste, I ended up blurting like a child requesting for a candy. Kicking myself for it, in my mind.

Somehow my naivete was received lovingly by her. Mom almost laughed at my coy request. She knew what I meant.

Rowing Boat was one of the positions we had shortlisted for the calendar. It was one of the adventurous positions that required flexibility of the partners and nimbleness; besides being playful, it was also somewhat amusing.

While finalizing the shortlist, Rowing Boat made the cut because it looked a lot like what Kama Sutra is perceived at times, a guide to some contorted sexual positions, often difficult, meant to be seen, not practiced by normal couples. The team decided to give it a go, to test out its practicality.

Mom and I had practiced it a couple of times in the days before the photo shoot began. We had laughed a few times before we finally reached the final posture, but when we did practice it, on each occasion, Mom was in her bodysuit and me in my boxers.

Tonight, when I requested to give it a go 'properly,' after shucking off my boxers, Mom knew what I meant. I was proposing a full undress rehearsal.

Much to my surprise, neither did Mom blow her lid, nor did she laugh at my childlike directness. She slowly kept her book down and opened her arms for me, giving me a big smile.

After an awkward side-hug, in which we remained for a long minute, I slowly retreated enough to kiss her neck and then her shoulder. I kept kissing her until I reached her arm. In a simultaneous move, I worked my hand up her other shoulder, dragging the strap off from her. On my return journey up her arm, my lips found her bare neck and stayed stuck there until I had her whimpering and mewing. I might have kissed and sucked her neck fifty times, sloppily. I again used the deflection to work the other straps off her shoulder.

As I traveled downwards, kissing and licking her clavicle, my lips never left her chest until I reached her exposed breast. My crafty hands and mouth got her negligee to fall below her breasts, laying them bare, only fleetingly, as I scooped one in my mouth promptly and covered the other with my hand, squeezing it.

Mom's hand reached behind my head, and she started rubbing it lovingly. With each passing minute as I sucked her tit, Mom's grip opened into a cup, and her fingers snaking in my hair. Slowly her petting and caressing turned into an inward pull.


The next morning, when I got up, Mom was already in the shower.

I got up lazily and got into my pajamas, and went to my room to freshen up.

Mom wanted to go to the book store early before going for the photoshoot.

We caught up on the breakfast table, and I wished her, "Good morning, Mom."

She replied, "good morning," as she moved briskly about in the kitchen, getting the breakfast together.

I was showered and ready for my meeting with Sam before reaching for the photoshoot.

Mom looked beautiful in an Indian-style dress, possibly reminiscing about India or everything Indian, Kama Sutra maybe? I wondered. Be that as it may, I had not seen her in an Indian-style dress for a long while, and it was a welcome change.

I wish I had the courage to go up and kiss Mom. Her fluid movements around me, mundane on any other day, seemed alluring to me. In the last twenty-four hours, I had fucked this beautiful person more than a few times, made love to her, and yet I did not have the courage to stand up and take her in my arms to kiss her on the lips. I loved and respected my Mom at the same time.

Mom saw me staring as she put the two plates on the table and smiled. She turned to the shelf and picked the two glasses of smoothies she had mixed and was back at the table, swiftly.

As she put my glass on the table in front of me, she bent and kissed me on the forehead, holding my head in both her hands. "eat up," she said.

We sat at the breakfast table for half an hour; we discussed routine issues - mostly about the book store.

An hour later, both of us were out of the house and on our way to face the world.


My conversation with Sam was on expected lines. "Hello, Adam." he beamed excitedly.

"Hi, Sam," I replied, toned down.

"I hear things are going on great at the photo shoot?" He quizzed more than stated. I was well aware that he hadn't got the details of the show we were putting on, but certainly, he would have a report of things going perfectly as planned, as far as he was concerned.

"Yes, it's okay," I replied. "we are keeping the schedule," I added, changing the track to administrative rather than juicy.

He knew better than to dive deeper, knowing well he would be prying on my mom's privacy. We chatted for about an hour before I got out and found myself driving towards the book store.

Mom was happy to have me at the store. I ate sandwiches at the book store with Mom, and we started for our appointment with Megan at 2 pm.


We entered the mansion-studio, hand in hand, confident and elated, not a shred of anxiety between us.

Whatever little trepidation was building was put to rest last night, when I had made love with Mom in the most delectable of fashions. The motive of our practice sessions was long behind us; if getting comfortable with each other's bodies was what we were going for, then that had most certainly been accomplished.

Alex met us in the make-up room, waiting, rearranging her gear. She sure knew we would be on time.

"Hello, Sara...Adam." She gravitated towards Mom and hugged her lightly before air-kissing her cheek, all happy and grinning.

Mom excitedly replied, "Good afternoon, Alex," her hands went to Alex's arms, holding her near while greeting.

They looked at each other happily, broad smiles all around, as if old friends were meeting after a long while. I stood and watched the spirited exchange of greetings. Waiting for my presence to be acknowledged.

Alex took her time, complimenting Mom, then stepped back to appreciate her Indian-style dress. Going on about its colors and fabric, its legacy, and whatnot.

Eventually, they remembered my presence, and Alex turned towards me, smiling cockishly.

"Hi, Alex," I said belatedly, a wry smile mocking on being ignored.

"Hey, Adam," she replied, smiling. Her pierced eyebrow metal raised as she asked, "Should we get started?"

"sure," I replied.

Mom went upstairs to have a chat with Megan and to see the preparations.

Twenty minutes later, I was ready with my robe on me, and Mom entered along with Megan, who smiled at me, nodding confirmations that we had what was planned and I was welcome to take a look.

I left Mom with Alex, almost reluctantly. Upstairs, with Megan by my side, we entered the second bedroom. It was still decked up with the same circular bed, but the ambiance had been altered completely. The room that earlier represented a luxurious tent now looked like a palace room.

Megan and I discussed the settings and the positions and cleared up the doubts. Mom and Megan had stuck to the plans for today's positions, and we were going for the shortlisted sex-positions.

Today's schedule was to shoot the mutual positions. Most of these would require an equal amount of effort on the part of Mom and me. There wasn't going to be one dominating partner in today's sex-positions.

Mom and I had practiced most of these positions, in one way or the other. Some like Rowing Boat was tried multiple times by us, and at least once properly last night. Most of the other practice sessions were clothed dry runs, though it had involved lots of groping, hugging, cuddling, and fun.

We knew we would handle the mutual positions in two sets. The first set would have us performing the Double Kneel, Flying Fish, and Creeper. The second set was supposed to be Triumph Arch and Rowing Boat.

All of us were confident Rowing Boat had the best chance to make the final cut for the calendar. Essentially because it had a special appeal about it, along with an air of playfulness.

After about half an hour, Mom joined us in the studio-bedroom, and she looked beautiful as always. Every time she entered a room, there was a magnetic attraction around her, an aura, that everyone started looking towards her.

I smiled and looked at her lovingly and stepped forward to take her hand in mine and compliment her. "You look lovely, m..." recovering just in time.

Mom knew I had erred, and to cover up, she stepped forward and kissed me on the lips. We exchanged a few hot kisses, like lovers. None with tongues, our hands holding each other.

After a couple of minutes, we looked towards Megan as if asking permission, should we start here, or should we reach for the bed?

Megan confirmed, nodding silently she was ready with the cameras and the set.

We shed our robes and turned towards Alex, who did her superficial final dabs of brush and some powder. She had to do some extra clean up on the mouth because of our kissing. She allowed Mom first and then did the same to me before letting me off smiling.

Mom and I had discussed beforehand that even though the position we were expected to start with was Double Kneel, it would be best to start with the Kneel position. Megan was aware of that.

I had more than the hard-on needed to go straight in, but the Kneel position would take care of any further developments on the part of my dick.

On the bed, I joined Mom, who was sitting up straight on her knees. I too, trudged forward on my knees, keeping my back straight.

When I met her in the middle of the bed, we embraced and kissed for a couple of minutes. On our knees, facing each other, we hugged and kissed comfortably. I had to bend a little to reach down to her lips, and as pressure from my mouth increased, I held her shoulders to keep her from going backward. My dick played fencing lower on her belly.

After some frisky making out, I took the lead and backed a little, probably eager to get into the act. I bent down to brought my hand between Mom's thighs, nudging her to spread them. She knew why she needed to spread her legs. We had to get into the Kneel position.

Without putting pressure on her thighs, I put my hand inside, and she volunteered by spreading her thighs as far as they'd go. Her knees angled outwards, stretched. My other hand behind her back held her straight. I moved forward, taking my knees between hers. I kept going inwards until my dick touched her pussy. Mom twitched at the contact.

As I moved ahead, my dick caressed the length of her pussy. The bottom of my erect dick in full rubbed her pussylips as I kept going on. Her pussy laid a thick coat of goo on my dick. Reluctantly I went on just until I had enough angle from where I would go inside her, above me. The height advantage on me meant that my knees and thighs had to bend a bit more than hers to match the elevation where my dick could find the entrance of her pussy.

My shoulders slouched back as I moved forward inside her thighs. I left Mom's back to bend backward while I moved my knees a few inches further between her thighs. Mom was on her knees, thighs open wide, back straight, looking down toward me. She smiled at how swiftly we reached the go-point.

Mom's left hand flew back to hold my dick on her entry. I looked up one final time and started moving upwards - pelvis, hips, shoulders, all in one smooth motion. I entered her like a hot knife in butter. As my shoulders came up, she opened her arms to welcome me. We hugged and twisted to settle our union below. My upward move lifted her slightly on top of my thighs. My hands behind her back hefted her slowly - just enough that my cock remained embedded inside her pussy.

Her arms around my shoulders, holding my head with her forearms, pulling my face into hers. When we kissed, it was the most delightful moment I could experience.

Our bodies remained motionless momentarily, her pussy continuing to envelop my cock inside her, as we concentrated only on kissing. My cock that had rapidly gained length and girth found it upon itself to expand further inside her.

Involuntarily, we started bucking, her mouth never leaving mine. I kissed her passionately, my tongue dancing in her mouth, and Mom's playing with mine.

The fact that this was merely a start point of the actual first sex-position that we were supposed to go to was lost on both of us as we jammed into each other with our pelvis.

Somewhere in the past ten minutes, the bed had started rotating. We were inside each other's mouths and too lost to notice. I was so excited that it was difficult for me to control myself. The Kneel position gave me full penetration; Mom's body was attached to me; I could play with her back with my hands, and her mouth was on mine. I could not fathom a reason to move ahead into the next position.

Somewhere after the next few rotations, Mom took the initiative and brought her hand between us and pushed on my chest lightly, as if asking to get a move on.

The Double Kneel was a variation of our current position. It required both of us to stretch back and hold ourselves on our hands on the bed. I went first, with my knuckles on the mattress, I stretched back until I was about forty-five degrees bent back. It made my cock go up further into her and bending her backward.

Just as she went back on her hands, her pussy stretched so wonderfully on my cock, that I could feel the squeeze all the way to my heart. Mom also must have felt the pussy squeezing on my cock because her shoulder went back slower than intended. The slow-motion drop backward enhanced her pleasures in the nether region, with my cock stimulating more than just the vacuum inside her pussy.

Eventually, Mom's hands reached the bed, and she held herself on my cock that was now tilting inside her and reaching deep. The mutual bend backward did pull my cock out a couple of inches, but at the same time, it enabled my cock to rub her clitoris with every slight movement. The pleasure of this more than made up for yielding a couple of cock from her pussy.

If we thought Kneel was a great start, Double Kneel was the icing on the cake. As Mom got comfortable with the stretch in her pussy, she started jerking. It was wild. I started pulling and pushing slowly. Mom got wilder. She sped up her jerks, and in less than a minute, she went berserk with the shoves.

I kept my thrusts regular, and thankfully the strength in my triceps supported my pulls and pushes inside Mom. She started cumming violently as my cock incited her clitoris, and the grind inside her pussy was too much for her to control.

She grunted in her orgasm, "huuuuungh, huuungh, huuungh."

I kept pumping in and out.

Our upper bodies made a perfect V, joined at the pelvis, supported by our knees. Well, it was an M, actually, if you consider our arms parked on the bed. Whatever may be the letter, Mom was orgasming supremely.

Eventually, her grunts slowed, "huuuugh, huuu, huuh."

I knew the next move was Flying Fish. I didn't want her to lose our rhythm. I also knew Flying Fish would be easier on Mom, considering she had just climaxed lavishly.

I pulled myself forward, brought my hands behind her back, and drew her forward in my arms, effectively coming back into the Kneel position.

We maintained a long pause by holding each other. Mom's arms swung back behind me to hold herself in my arms. My arms drew deeper behind her back, and my one hand caressing her spine, the other traveled down to her bum. I applied mild pressure to pull her up, and her arms on my shoulders went behind my head again to drag my mouth into hers.

Her bodily energy told me she was game for more. I rested my buttocks on my heels, and she pulled her feet off from the bed to curled them on top of my thighs and knees. She raised her position further and started bucking up and down, having found enough leverage with her shins on my thighs. Her breasts that were mashed into my chest created delightful friction outside and immeasurable gratification inside my chest.

I, too, started shoving, and we made a small show of frenzied fucking, but I eventually found the rhythm, and with every downward of Mom's bucking, I pushed upwards, slamming my cock in her. I was in heaven, and we continually bucked and shoved into each other, and out of nowhere, I started spraying inside her as if it wasn't in my control. It wasn't.

My grunts were deep, and Mom must have felt them before the voice reached my throat because we were joined at the sternums as well.

I grunted, "huuugh,huuuungh, huungh." My exults sounded more labored than they actually were, probably because I was taken by surprise by my own climax.

We hugged above and stayed joint below as my cum continued to fly inside Mom. Flying Fish was a success.

I relaxed for a little bit after shooting my cum inside her, and we held each other lovingly. The room around us was spinning. We were oblivious to this because we were in each other's mouth and our eyes were closed.

Both of Mom's hands were cupping me behind my head and pulling me towards her mouth. My hands behind her back roamed luxuriously. I opened my eyes, and she was looking into mine. We were communicating our mutual appreciations through our eyes, our tongues, and our hands.

We both kissed and kissed until our audience got tired. Alex came up near us in exasperation. "urr hhh," she cleared her throat, loud enough for us to hear.

Mom turned towards Alex and smiled, blushing profusely. Both nodded, grinning.

I took a few moments before summoning up my energies for my next move. We needed to get into the Creeper position.

I hugged Mom tighter in my arms and turned my feet inwards until my toes were facing down into the bed. I pulled my heels up into my buttocks, and I used my knees on the bed to push both Mom's and my weight up.

I tried to do it and failed. Mom giggled, and I smiled. Feeling embarrassed in not being able to push up. I took a long smooth breath in, looked towards Mom, and pushed upwards with her in my arms.

I was up on my toes, my legs folded, Mom in my arms and her butt on my thighs. I was crouching on my toes with my back straight, and Mom hung on to my neck like a panda on a tree. Her triceps dug into my shoulders to take the weight off a little from my legs. My cock deep inside.

As Mom was clung to me, her legs went behind me and interlocked. I started bucking clumsily. Mom started giggling even more. She was loving it and was enjoying herself. She laughed heartily before getting serious into the fucking as I plowed up into her vigorously.

Had Mom been any heavier, I would have collapsed much earlier. I kept her hoisted in my arms, perched on my thighs, even as my cock shoved in and almost out of her. I made the most of the position.

More than the sex, the Creeper got us loosened up for fun in our lovemaking process.

I wasn't going to cum soon and, at the same time, wanted to hold myself back for the second session. For now, I was getting my jollies but my toes and feet hurt.

I looked around towards Megan and got the confirmation that she had the desired shots. She smiled and nodded. She was having a laugh, as well.

I rolled back without warning, with Mom in my arms, and we chuckled loudly, rolling on the bed, hugging each other.

My dick had popped out of Mom's pussy as we fell back on the bed. We lay side by side with our faces in front of each other, inches apart.

Mom mouthed a 'thank you,'

I mouthed, 'I love you.' She returned it with a silent 'I love you too.'

We needed a break and slowly rolled off the bed to collect ourselves and gather some energy before going back into the second session of the day.

As Mom and I pulled our robes back on, Megan reviewed her camera and smiled at the results. As I reached across to her, followed by Mom, we saw some of the shots, and in our common opinion, the best one was when I had Mom on my thighs in the Creeper position, and she was giggling. Megan had captured the right moment when my back was turned towards her, and Mom was facing the camera. Mom's eyes were closed, and her elated face gave away that she was enjoying herself thoroughly.

We retreated to the make-up room. Mom relaxed on the sofa, and I went to the bathroom. When I returned, Alex was sitting with Mom on the sofa. Megan stayed upstairs, Alex and I took a coke, and Mom sipped on some ginger ale.

Rehydrated, we were ready for the second session. Alex worked on me for about ten minutes and longer on Mom before releasing us for the next session.


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