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Kama Sutra - Ch.1



When Mom and I moved from India to America, we were not going for the American Dream. We just wanted to get as far away from India as possible. The furthest point looked most promising to both of us. Thus started our move from Bombay to Los Angeles.

I am an Actor with quite a few decent modeling assignments under my belt and also a few short scenes as a side-character. I was waiting for a big break in my career, when a major fight between Mom and Dad broke our family. Our family was breaking up.

Mom and Dad had a flourishing business, which they had jointly built when they had started as young executives. The publishing business that was bootstrapped in the nineties, was now booming and had a couple of major franchises under its belt. A protracted battle would have hurt business and Dad offered to buy-out Mom in the business to ensure an amicable way out for the both of them. It worked out well enough for her because the liquidity gave her the freedom she needed to get away.

At 22, being their only child I was loved by both my parents and was very happy with my life until this separation happened. Both Mom and Dad doted on me and gave to my every whim and I could not have imagined living just one of them.

One amongst Mom's priorities was to leave Bombay. She was emotionally saturated and could not afford to be around, she felt. She decided to go back to her home in New Delhi. The liquidity of her deal with Dad gave her this freedom.

I was in a dilemma. I wanted to go along with Mom so that she wasn't alone. Way too busy with work, Dad clearly could handle himself well alone. My problem was the movie industry was in Bombay, and the potential in New Delhi was close to nil for an actor. One Sunday evening, when I was sitting with Mom and I told her I want to pursue my career as an actor further but I also wanted to stay with her.

She responded impromptu, "Let's shift to Los Angeles. You will be able to take a shot at Hollywood and see if you luck out. I don't want to be in New Delhi also, to be honest. I could use a fresh start."

And a few weeks of meandering later, the plan to relocate to L.A. was firmed up.

We had no connections in Los Angeles or for that matter in the USA, nor any relatives who could help. I found a couple of colleagues in the film circuit who put me in touch with an talent agent. I corresponded with Sam Mayer and found him willing and very cooperative. A young bloke of about 35, open gay and modestly known in the casting circuit.

My parent's divorce application languished in court, three months later - the middle of December last year - we were in a rented house in the suburbs of Los Angeles in South Pasadena. Spread over two floors, the house had four bedrooms, and a drawing room. We chose a house without a swimming pool, both of us weren't keen swimmers even though both were decent swimmers. The rent was modest and we went for a two-year lease. Both of us leased cars immediately.

Nine months later, I had little to speak of in terms of assignments that Sam has gotten me except for a couple of modeling assignments that were printed in technical magazines. One, which projected me as a software engineer because of my skin color and the other, was a gym chain, where my in-shape physique came in handy. The gym assignment was a repeat business fortunately, and I had done four print advertisements for them. Their ask was simple - smile, loose the sweaty t-shirt, and show a flat tummy, flexing abdominal muscles. We were in talks with for role in a TV series and were waiting for the confirmation after the auditions. The producers needed a South Asian face for a role as one of the five main friends in the series. It could be a big break if it materialized.

Besides Sam I hadn't made many friends yet. I also owed that to Sam because I hung out with him most of the time. To his credit, he did show me around, and he partied regularly, I guess mostly on account of networking that he needed for his gig. I liked the parties though and got to meet girls almost every time. Most of them were fun. Clearly Sam wasn't keen on the girls but he knew how to be great company.

Mom after a long hiatus bought a running Book Store in a mall on Lake Avenue. Publishing was out from her life but books weren't. She loved it and was happy with the change in pace that the bookstore gave her. She was slowly working on changing the core of the bookshop; it would specialize for a certain target audience, but it would take time she had told me. I helped her four days a week because I had lots of time on me.

I already knew Sam respected Mom tremendously and they clicked very well, but Mom kept her distance and gave me space with my friend-cum-agent.

Sam was always welcome at our home and he had become good pals with me. We drank beer regularly when he came by. Once he had taken the gripe from me about lack of auditions that he was getting for me, we'd move on to talking about Hollywood and then he would tell me stories of his successes and also the opportunities he had missed. I was taking it easy, partly because we were well off financially and money wasn't a problem. Mom wasn't splurging with her settlement she had received from Dad, when she had cashed out.

On one such evening, I was giving him hell and chased him into frustration.

To lighten the mood he said, "Maybe I could get you a role in a Porn movie." He grinned when he ran the plan in his mind. "You sure have the looks and the talent. You won't be getting any lines, or at least not many. But that helps, right?"

On his advise, I had been taking accent classes from Beth's and she was working with me on my accent to ensure I could be considered for mainstream scripts.

He pushed ahead, "Maybe we can have them specialize a porn film for you on Kama Sutra or something. Surely you are well acquainted with the book, you know. You will kill it with your looks and your body. Almost all the scenes would be bare, so that works, eh? Girls would love it."

I was not taking the bait.

"I'm sure you got offers back home doing the Kamaaa Sutra?" Sam said making fun. "Oh man, you guys came out with porn way before America industrialized it." He was blabbering now.

Mom happened to be coming out of the kitchen exactly at the time and stopped still when she heard him say 'KamaSutra' and 'Porn'.

She walked across the hall and calmly sat on the chair, which was placed between Sam's chair and the sofa where I was sitting. She looked at me smiling and knew it would be slightly embarrassing but then looked towards Sam and told him curtly.

"Sam, let me tell you about KamaSutra. Firstly, it isn't porn. I know you well enough to know that you mock it only because you don't know enough about it. The KamaSutra is neither a sex manual nor a sex position book as is often mistaken by Americans. It is a 2000-year-old text written as a guide to the art of living well, the nature of love, maintaining one's love life, and other aspects of the pleasure-oriented faculties of the human life."

Sam gulped silently.

Mom drilled on... "It is extant and is referred to globally as the most recognized and acknowledged piece of work on the philosophy of relationships. It's author was Vatsyayana. His observations on the three worldly attainments Virtue, Wealth, and Love have remained relevant ever since. His acknowledgment of the arts including singing, dancing, and playing instruments pre-dated most inventions. His sermon on conduct in civil society might come in handy even today."

Sam looked at her in awe.

She wasn't over yet... "I'll have you know when the world was still grappling with existential issues when Vatsyayana wrote in great detail about human psychology and relationships. He removed the stigma of sex from the common person's mind. He acknowledged masculinity in his works and listed Desire, Sexuality, and Emotional fulfillment as a goal of life. KamaSutra is his treatise on the relationship between Men and Women."

Sam had his tail between his legs.

Mom relaxed the assault. "I understand with western culture corrupting the society, you have a limited understanding of the KamaSutra or some other Indian culture. But be assured Sam, once you get to know it, you will be transformed. Did you know Vatsyayana acknowledged gays, transgender, and queers in his work?" She ended on this note.

If he could, Sam would have run. He just looked at her but nothing came out of his mouth.

When Sam looked at me, I was smiling. Mom got up and left for her room upstairs, with her glass of white in hand.

Sam felt he had upset Mom. He didn't realize it is difficult to rattle her. It was not that he was making fun of KamaSutra that she got worked up but the fact that he was pulling my leg. I took precedence in her life well above anything else. She just used a subject of KamaSutra to put him in his place. Her phenomenal grip on Indian literature helped; also that she was in publishing and good with all things Indian, especially literature and poetry.

A couple of beers later, he asked again "Does she sell KamaSutra in her book shop."

We both burst out laughing.


A week later Sam called me one morning to check If I was comfortable doing a Calendar deal.

I said "sure". I asked joking "Is it Pirelli?" Mocking him with pun.

With a chuckle, he responded "It's better" and he followed it up with "Meet me in my office."

A couple of hours later in the afternoon, I was in his office.

"Adam, I have spoken to Bartholomew and they have agreed to do a Calendar with you on KamaSutra." Sam grinned.

I bent forward with my head in my hand.

"You should listen to this, my friend." He went on unperturbed by my reaction. "After your Mom explained to me, I did some research of my own. The KamaSutra hasn't been tackled in the format that I am telling you - a high-end Calendar, limited circulation. A twenty-by-thirty inch calendar with the finest printing at Bartholomew, shot by Megan Williams; it would be an art piece. We would do various positions each of the twelve months. The peel-off format of the Calendar would make one to hold back time until he has mastered the sex-position in the picture. Or maybe he fast-forwards and tries all the positions in one month itself, whatever." He was ranting but he had my attention when used names like Megan Williams.

"You will get $25000 for the 12 pictures." he nailed it at the end.


Mom sat across Sam and told him, "Sam, you've corrupted my boy and I don't like it".

Sam replied "I apologize Sara, If you feel that way. But I assure you I have his best interest at heart." After a brief pause he added "It's just that the industry is ruthless to new talent; but when it does shower upon one its blessings, there is no looking back".

Mom responded "Spare me the pitch, Sam. I am not your talent here. It's Adam."

Sam plied on "Okay, so as Adam's agent allow me to be candid, if I may." He looked towards Mom and waited for a small acknowledgment which he didn't get, but he carried on "he has to work on his accent for some more time and in the meantime stills and print advertising seem to be a better idea for him than movies. We are working on a TV contract. His experience from back home is very useful and we know he is talented but given his accent, the roles he is getting are typecast and typical. We have discussed it all and he doesn't like them and honestly nor do I."

"I know all that." Mom responded.

"While he is taking his accent coaching at Beth's, this is a short-term measure. It would help him immensely. I am quite excited about this opportunity." he added "Surely in the next couple of months we should have something for him coming through."

"I understand the rationale you have built around your failure to get him a break, and let's not beat around the bush and discuss this calendar you have pulled out of thin air." Mom said curtly.

Sam didn't bite the bait on the insult and gave a thick-skinned reply "I can't tell you how excited I am about this." He carried on enthusiastically "the producer didn't understand what I was talking about at first. He didn't get the depth of Kama Sutra. He thought it's an archaic book of sex or something. Added to what you told me, I did some research to guide him through it. I had to buy him a book to demonstrate my point and Bartholomew is now sold. They are now ready to produce the Calendar." He ended on a high note.

"The fact that Adam will be the star of the Calendar is a given. But Bartholomew has thrown a spanner in, and he wants me to come up with the female model as well." He said somewhat dismayed. "we've been looking at lots of girls and we haven't been able to narrow one down yet."

"mm..hmm" Mom nodded.

"When I say this, I tell you this with only honesty and transparency," he paused "your name came up, only as a referral point when Adam and I were discussing the potential models. No doubt I hope and pray you'll agree but that wasn't the original plan."

No sound between the two.

Taking that as a positive, he continued, "I would like to reassure you on a few points and as a friend to Adam, I'd like you to believe me." He added without waiting this time "the pictures shall be taken by one of the finest photographers in trade. The imagery shall be portrayed to be artistic and not lurid or cheap. If you are not aware of this, let me tell you - the picture stock that does not get published or printed shall remain your property. The ones that are getting printed shall be approved by you and only then will they leave the studio for printing. The chances of any pictures going out, apart from the ones approved, is nil because the studio where the shooting will happen would be under a confidentiality agreement which will be watertight."

Mom's eyebrows raised.

The impact of this eyebrow movement had on Sam was immeasurable. He beamed inwardly but controlled his smile.

He carried on "the circulation would be aimed at connoisseurs and not masturbating teenagers; the price would reflect it. We aren't going for notoriety but for the craft. Once the final twelve pictures are selected, the rest shall be handed over to you — as per the contract. The photography itself shall attempt to focus on the positions and the bodies synthesizing in the act. The objective is not to blur the face but enhance the act, and the viewer will end up focusing on the positions and appreciating the art; soak in the history behind it all. If it arouses emotions, all the better. Isn't that the objective of the original text of KamaSutra as well? To encourage man and woman to explore the sexual relationship and dive deeper into oneself to find ways to pleasure your partner."

Mom caught his weak link "oh, so now you are trying to teach me about KamaSutra." She knew he made sense but didn't want to leave an upper hand with him. She was indeed loosening up.

Mom changed tracks and started asking Sam about the economics of the operation. Her mind had changed gears and something else clicked within her.

"Tell me Sam, how much circulation would this calendar get?"

"Approximately ten thousand I'd suspect. Maybe more if we get it right." he responded, with salesman finesse.

"How much would the photographer charge?" asked Mom.

"I'd guess 25G more or less" he was confused with the direction of this conversation.

"How much would it cost to print the 10000 units?" Mom went in further.

Sam felt he knew where Mom was headed and said "look, Sara, I understand where you are going with this. I assure you there is no royalty in the calendar operation."

Mom replied smiling "indulge me a little."

Amused Sam replied "I'd peg it would cost $3 to $5 to produce per unit for the quality we are aiming for."

Mom asked again "and how much would it retail for?"

Proud of knowing this one accurately Sam responded "$24.99 a pop. You see Bartholomew is going for the class audience with this one."

Mom closed her eyes for a minute and did some rough mental calculations and when she opened her eyes the glint told Sam he had a deal.

Instead, Mom nonchalantly got up and told him "I'll come back tomorrow."

Sam was perplexed with what was happening. In his years of experience, he had not met someone so calm, sexy, composed, and confident. He was eager to represent her, even if it meant ditching me.


On the dinner table, Mom told me "I met Sam earlier today."

I looked up in anticipation and tried to read her face. Glad what I saw but I didn't say anything.

Mom continued "I think we can pull this off." Then she gazed into my eyes and checked again "Do you really want to do this?" emphasizing 'really'.

I choked on the morsel of food in my mouth and took a sip of water before replying. "Mom, you know I don't have to do this. I have been killing time for a long while without something concrete coming through. Sam sold me this idea and has now thrown this zinger at me. Had he not been gay, I'd have guessed his intentions were different. I know he truly has been trying to get me auditions and he isn't to blame for my run with ill luck."

Mom looked at me, She knew I wasn't done yet.

I took another sip of water "I am sold on the idea but only because I have seen the work of Megan Williams. She is truly great and it is indeed a big thing to be clicked by her. Plus, when she agreed to do it I knew this isn't just a sex calendar and we have an opportunity to create it as a piece of art. So yes, I'd like to do it, and if you'd agree I'll die of embarrassment but will also be grateful to you for playing along."

Mom was silent for a few seconds and after a couple of bites said, "I was also thinking of it as a project; bringing KamaSutra to America in a different light. Making Americans understand that this is not just a sex guide for perverts but a piece of literature, a work of art and its contents guide men and women into taking their sexual relationship to another level and as a result strengthening the bond between partners."

I nodded, letting her carry on.

She said "my question was more towards us. I was confused about whether you wanted to be photographed with me in those seemingly compromising and erotic positions, no matter what the message? Would you be able to do it?"

"I am an actor, Mom" I smiled.

"Don't give me that line please" she snapped.

I said slowly but steadily "Mom, to be honest, first I couldn't imagine that you would agree to do it; then I couldn't dream if you would be comfortable with me in the same room without clothes on. Most importantly, should you agree to do it, I can't be more comfortable with anyone other than you. I adore you and this isn't about money or fame or a break. I would get there eventually. But this has gotten into my head that I want to do this Calendar because it makes sense for us."

Mom sighed deeply and left her fork down on the plate and started "Okay. Here's what I'm thinking. Instead of getting someone else to underwrite it, let me produce it. The economics of it, definitely works out, but more importantly, the content control in our hands makes far too much sense than leaving it out there with someone with financial interests in it. I would like to be satisfied that there is no negative backlash with the pictures, and if there is anything - then we should be the ones in control. We hardly know many people in this country and I can't restart my life elsewhere again at 43 years."

I was confused. My mouth open, I was staring at my mother in awe. She has turned this thing upside down.

I got up and kissed her on the head and hugged her while she was sitting in the chair. She knew I was excited about the right reasons.

The next morning, I called Sam and asked him to come home in the afternoon. As soon as I invited him to come, he understood we had a deal, but he knew nothing of what was waiting for him.

In the evening when he came around 6 PM, Mom and I were waiting for him in our drawing room. Mom and I were both enjoying iced tea. Mom looked ravishing in her blue jeans and white tight short t-shirt. Sam flopped on the sofa on the third end of our drawing room, diagonal to both Mom and me. I got up and brought two beers from the fridge and handed him one. I left my iced tea on the table and started with the beer along with Sam.

Sam said "Sara you look beautiful, as always."

"Thank you, Sam." Mom replied, not encouraging him any further.

After a few minutes of chit chat, Sam veered to the subject of Calendar and wanted to know Mom's view about the offer.

Mom said, "I don't remember you making me an offer?"

Sam was stumped. Indeed he hadn't told Mom what was in it for her. He said, "I thought that part was clear, you'd get the same $25000 as would Adam. I'm sorry if I wasn't clear before." He immediately offered her the highest bracket Bartholomew had set for the models.

Mom smiled.

She took her time and made him wait before saying "So here is how we are going do it. The Calendar shall be produced by me. I shall write the preface to ensure the introduction does justice to the great work that is Kamasutra. We will hire Megan Williams as a photographer. We will engage Bartholomew Inc. as our printers and distributors. I will bear the production cost and will also pay you a fee of ten percent against a modeling fee of twenty-five thousand for the both of us. Against this fee, you shall engage for us a good lawyer, who shall draft the necessary documentation of engagements for yourself, Megan, Bartholomew, and the studio. I will foot the lawyer fee as well."

By the time Mom finished her monologue, Sam was staring at her wide-eyed and jaw to the floor.

I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear.

Mom was enjoying this as much as she could and smiled at Sam in her follow-through, and then looked at me smiling.

Sam took a moment to collect himself and said "Sara, I'm sure you have thought this through and I'm impressed with your homework, but this is way too much risk. Are you sure?"

"I am." Mom responded not thinking for long. Sipped her iced tea.

Sam was taken by surprise but was glad and the more he thought about it the more it made sense to him. Mom didn't have to dumb it down for him. He understood the maths of it all. He was just skeptical of the risk and he had gotten his answer. After all, this was a parent taking a small risk on her son. He had seen parents take worse risks than this in his line of work.

His smile widened as he let this all sink in. He knew Mom had been a publisher back home for close to two decades.

When Mom saw him calm down, she asked "How much do you think we need to give Bartholomew for the printing and distribution fee?"

Sam said "I told you the printing could range between $3 to $5 per unit if we do a ten thousand print run. The distribution itself can be 25%. But considering the risks are now towards us, I can bring them down to 20%."

Sam and Mom exchanged looks of an acknowledgment as if the numbers were tallied and both nodded an agreement. Both were smiling and I was beaming at the outcome.

"I have a committed finders fee of two and a half grand from Bartholomew." Sam remembered.

"We will compensate you for that as well." Mom responded without batting an eyelid.

"If the Calendar takes a second print run, as I suspect it would, I'd be able to knock a few more points down with Bartholomew and you will be mighty pleased with that fortune you will pocket." Sam chipped in further.

Mom just nodded as if she knew it all along.

By the time Sam left, we had exchanged confirmation on all points of the deal ... printers, top-end printing expected at five dollars per piece, the first print run ten thousand units; Sam's fee ten percent of fifty-thousand dollars from our modeling fee plus his finder's fee of two thousand five hundred dollars; Megan Williams twenty-five thousand dollars, and lawyers must be locked under five thousand dollars, though this was still to be confirmed.

Sam was eager to leave and get to work already. Mom reminded him again and emphasized that other than the three of us, no one was aware that I was her son and she wanted that to remain like that. The scandal was to be avoided at any cost. There weren't many people we were friends within California and for that matter in America.

After he left, Mom and I had a wonderful late dinner on our first-floor balcony.


In two weeks, all open ends were stitched together. Megan gave dates for seven days at the end of September. A special small studio was booked which usually came good for shooting porn movies, though neither Mom nor I were informed of this. Many walls of many rooms in the mansion were see-through from one side. The team decided for the shoot was a minimal team of four persons besides Megan, all professionals who had seen a lot steamier live sessions than what we were shooting. The team included a makeup artist and a light specialist.

For posterity, Sam had suggested and eventually wore us down for recording the entire session on video as well. He assured us the same rules of confidentiality and content copyright apply. We own it all. These were also included in the legal agreements. He got another team of two persons to shoot the entire affair with video as well. The additional cost was not objectionable to the project.

Each team member was pre-verified and recommended from the studio and referencing done by the lawyers. During the two weeks, in the run-up to the start of the shoot, we met with Megan twice along with Sam. She sized up the project and understood the script and the purpose; she discussed with us the shots, angles, and effects on a macro level. Since Mom was the producer of the project it made sense to discuss in detail what Mom expected of her. All meetings were conducted in Sam's office, including the lawyers, studio teams, and the Bartholomew representatives.

A week before the shoot Sam came by the house and sat through the evening chugging beers and trying to be merry about the assignment. I could sense he had something on his mind but he was hesitant to discuss it. At an opportune moment, when we were alone I asked "Sam, is everything all right. How are the dates looking for the shoot?"

"All good, Adam" he replied. "I also wanted to discuss with you something, if you don't mind" He added

"Sure. Go ahead" I asked calmly.

"It's just that I had a detailed chat with Megan and as per her, the brief from Sara has been rather graphic, the reference pictures selected also reflect this. Now if that's what's coming through, which I'm sure it will be, given that Sara is very detail-oriented, I just want to be sure that you guys have worked out the chemistry between the two of you. Only I know that you both are related. You know what I mean. I have seen many accomplished actors fumble when it comes to mere nude scenes. These are way more sensual. This is new for you, and for Sara. Megan is a stickler and very costly resource, you know." Sam stayed away from calling us Mother and Son as if it would reduce the inference somehow.

I mulled over what he was saying briefly and replied "Sam, I have been through all the sittings myself as well and I understand the positions and shoot well enough. Mom and I have discussed it between us as well, even though the choices of positions is completely her decision." I paused and added "But I take your point and I will discuss it with her. I'm sure we will be fine. Not that there is actual intercourse happening." I reconfirmed.

"I am aware of that. I'm just saying what Megan and I discussed. I'm sure you both will figure it out. Sara is supremely confident in what she is doing and I can't imagine she hasn't been in the movie business for a decade." Sam reassured.

Mom walked back and interrupted our chat. She instantly realized we were discussing something important because we shut up as soon as she walked up to us. She said "I just came by to say good night to you both."

She added "I have an early day tomorrow and I will see you day-after-tomorrow, Sam."

"Sure Sara." Adam replied "Good night."

"Good night, Mom." I pitched in.

She took her glass of wine along with her and went towards her bedroom.

We finished our snack and spent another hour discussing what's next after this project. As usual, Sam regaled me with Hollywood lore and his high achievements with other wannabes. An hour later, he bid goodbye and assured to meet the day-after.

Once he was gone for the night, I went to my room to change. I brushed and changed before I went looking for Mom in her bedroom. I saw her bedroom door slightly ajar and a bedside lamp on. I knocked and peeked in to see Mom reading in her bed. She had changed into her nightie and was sitting with her back on the cushioned headboard.

"Want to talk?" I asked.

"I was waiting for you to come and tell me what was up. I understood Sam and you were discussing something and that's why I came back here." She replied expectantly.

"Not much. But he had some important feedback which he thought of sharing with me before we dive into our big moment." I said guarded.

"Okay?" Mom nudged me to spill.

"Sam feels, in his experience, what fails quite often in nude scenes is the chemistry between two persons. Even Megan feels the same. She asked him to talk to us about it. She hesitated in asking you directly because I have always been around in all our meetings with her. She probably would have asked you herself, had she found you alone. She did figure out we are very comfortable with each other but not our relationship. She asked Sam if we have done this earlier." I slowly articulated all of it even while trying to avoid eye contact.

"Ohh." she responded. Her tone suggested she wanted to hear more from me.

I had nothing to offer.

After a brief pause, she said "are you okay with this?"

I responded immediately "of course I am, mom."

I knew her confidence in this was increasing with each passing day, mine seemed to be dissipating as D-Day neared.

She said with poise "Let's work up our confidence with each other over the next week and see where we are by the 23rd." I looked at her confused.

"Let's practice with each other over the next week and I'm sure we will have it worked out by the time we are facing the camera. It can't be that bad." She clarified reassuringly.

"That's a splendid idea." I smiled wide and moved forward from the edge of the bed where I was sitting, to hug her. She came forward and we hugged sideways briefly.

"Great then." I got up to go to my room and turned.

"Where do you think you are going?" She said. I turned back to look at her.

"If you want to practice let's start it now. No time better than current. We have to work out 14 to 15 positions over the next few days and most have to be done in the bed. Come over." She said while pulling the sheet on the other side of the bed halfway off to let me step in.

I could only respond in action. No words found their way up my throat. I was in my pajamas and a nightshirt; I slipped into the bed, next to Mom. The lifted sheet from my side showed that her nightie was thigh length and purple in color.

I didn't know what to do next, so just laid down straight. Mom kept her book aside and turned on my side smiling. The soft glow from behind her came from the bedside lamp. The yellow effect of the lamp gave a soothing, warm glow to the room.

Mom stretched her hand out for me and I moved ahead to get myself on her left arm. On turning towards her I stretched my left arm over her waist and around her. Mom did the same with her right arm and once both her hands were behind me she pulled me towards her.

My face rested on the nook of her neck, her head tilted upwards. My nostrils took in her sweet smell and I was intoxicated with the wafts of perfume coming from her, subtle and smooth.

Once I was nudged in, Mom's head rested on top of mine and she said "I think for starters, let's just hold each other tonight and cuddle. I've missed this." I pressed in on that cue and dug my lips on her neck without kissing.

Her breasts smashed straight into my chest and her hands on my back circling lightly. I moved my arm around her and my hand traveled from the middle of her back towards her neck and when it reached the neck I pulled it further towards me as if there were space between us.

A soft moan escaped Mom's lips "mmm."

Our bellies were stitched together and I shoved my pelvis upwards into her and we realized at the moment that I had an erection. I twitched. Mom on impulse let her hands travel down on my back and pulled my lower back into her. Without saying anything much the message was — to let it happen.

Message received.

After the one pelvic thrust which pasted me a few inches below her mound, I did the next natural thing. My left leg rose to climb on top of her thigh from the outside and on instinct, her leg pulled up inwards inside my legs. Her leg went up all the way until the top of her right thigh was almost touching my balls.

My right leg was stretched straight below me, as was her left leg under her. She moved her left leg slightly forward to meet mine. We were joined from neck to toes and in full embrace.

A few moments later, I realized my left hand was rubbing her back on it's own, and the silk of her nightie was giving me a heavenly feeling of smoothness. It was almost slippery. I spread my hand with fingers wide and it caught the nightie silk between her skin and my hand. From then on, the circling of my hand took the silk of her nightie along wherever it went. The rub on her skin was a smart move on my part because it started pulling her nightie up with my moving hand.

Her left hand stayed on my back keeping the inward pressure and her right hand came up traveling up my spine until it reached the back of my neck; her hand then scooped my head from the neck upwards and pulled it into her neck and jaw. My lips were already plastered on her and I gave her a kiss that couldn't end because my lips remained pasted on her.

Mom's idea was working splendidly. Holding each other in an embrace did a mighty good job of making me get to feel her up. We slept entwined. I slept in this dreamlike state and didn't open my eye once through the night. Mom woke up a couple of times, to adjust mostly trying to avoid my hard-on digging into her.

I couldn't imagine whether this dream state situation of mine was really a dream or was it really happening. I opened my eyes to recheck. Yes, it was indeed happening. I had Mom in a deep hug and we were sleeping together on her bed.

When we woke up in the morning the embrace was lost and we were both on our backs; but we lay very close to each other - our hands touching, my leg slightly on top of hers. I woke up first and thought of reaching out to pull her back into me but my arm movement on her hand brought her about. She opened her eyes to see me looking at her face. Groggily she smiled and turned to look at the watch.

"Good Morning, Mom." I greeted her.

She kissed me on my head and sat up, all motherly. "Good morning Adam."

She turned to get her feet on the floor and her back to me in the silk nightie was a sight to admire. Her nightie had risen to her lower back and from behind her, I could make out her panties were black and covered her full butt. When she stood up her nightie dropped on her back to her thighs and she walked slowly to the bathroom.

I stayed in the bed for a while and painfully aware that I must stand up and go to my room for freshening up and getting ready. I got up and went to my room after closing her door behind me.


Later that morning after breakfast, Mom suggested we go for some shopping for our practice sessions. I couldn't think of what was needed but knew better than to make a feeble argument. She wore a black and white dress, which drew attention to her hips and her breasts with the stylized highlights that the white strips on her black dress gave. I walked behind her two steps to admire her dress when going from the parking lot to the escalators.

In the mall, she headed straight to the lingerie section and picked up a few items slowly roaming around, choosing her pace while I tried avoiding eye contact with virtually everyone. I busied myself in my phone and hovered around for her to return. When she called me on my phone and asked me to come back to the trial room, I nearly froze. I didn't know how to reach from the front of the store to the trial rooms. I kept my head down in the phone and walked briskly in the general direction of the hanging sign.

When I reached the two trial rooms at the back, only one was locked and the other was slightly open. I knocked on the one that was locked and was about to call out Mom when the latch opened and I saw Mom. She had on her a bodysuit that started from the top of her breasts and ended up a couple of inches above her thighs. It was beige colored skin-tight bodysuit, which from ten feet away would be invisible to a naked eye.

There was not a bubble of space between her skin and the fabric that clearly was stretch material. She pirouetted and the fabric went into the crack of her ass leaving nothing to the imagination and it had no back after three inches above her ass.

When I looked up after a very long while to her face, she was smiling.

"What do you think?" she asked for no reason, even when she knew the purpose was fulfilled.

"Mom, it looks great." I stuttered.

The object of this piece of apparel was to ensure a modicum of modesty even while the effect it was supposed to generate was sexiness.

It dawned upon me that she was buying this thing to let my hands wander freely as if to deliver the effect of smooth skin under my fingers. It was only natural for me to test run it. I looked into Mom's eyes and she signaled a confirmation. Why else, you idiot, did she call you back there?

I stepped forward into the trial room door and she opened her arms for me. I dropped the phone on the stool next to her and leaned into her for a hug. It went from a hug to a squeeze and my hands pulled her into my chest with all their might. Belatedly my hands traveled around her back to feign the test I had to give to the fabric but found to my surprise I had her bare back under my fingers. I carried on as if that was the purpose of the test. My mouth dived into her neck and her arms around me rose up towards my shoulders.

When I found my wits I reckoned there was indeed a way to get the fabric in my hands and I traveled downwards towards the general direction of her butt. I got my fingers to travel slowly on her lower back and then found the efferent bump that was firm, hot, and round. I clasped my hands around each bun and squeezed them ever so lightly. My fingers moved around her butt and it was only after some twenty circles around her bum did I realize there was indeed a fabric between my hands and her skin. I was mighty pleased with the piece of apparel, whatever this invention is called.

Mom stepped back and queried "Do you think I should take this?"

"Hell yes." I blurted

Mom almost laughed out loud.

"About turn, mister" She shooed me out. "I've to try some other girly stuff and I can't have you practicing with me here". Mom gave my shenanigan some shade of reason.

I waited for her by the door, hoping that she would call me in again for the next set or two. But she didn't.

When she came out, she saw me looking at her dress and somewhat disappointed. She smiled and tugged me with her to the cash counter. I saw she had a few pieces of lingerie in her hand and two bodysuits on her arm. I only observed in awe that she had few sets of lingerie in her hand. A fistful of lingerie and they were four sets! I shuddered at the thought of seeing her in these sets that had so little fabric. If that many can fit in her small fists, I couldn't imagine the coverage they would provide on her body.

She checked out all the four sets of lingerie and two bodysuits. It all came in a bag not larger than the one I got for an iPhone. She paid and we smiled at the assistant before saying our thanks and getting lost in the mall. We ate lunch at the mall and returned home around 4 PM.


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