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  • Writer's pictureSciolist I

Glory Hole - Ch.2

Chapter 2


Later that night in their cabin, after the gala evening, Helene did not tell Ernst about her tryst with Sara. Not that she wanted to hide. She just wanted the timing to be right.

Her giddiness was apparent, and Ernst knew something was keeping her happy but probably mistook it for a fun cruise than her newfound friend. He knew she and Sara had gotten close on the cruise and would remain probably good friends post the cruise as well, to whatever level possible, given the distance between Los Angeles and Germany.

On the last day of the cruise, Sara and Helene were inseparable. They went about the cruise doing almost everything together, leaving their respective partners to themselves mostly.

Later in the afternoon, Helene told Ernst she wanted to stay back in Barcelona for a day post the cruise. Sara and Adam already had plans to stay in Barcelona for a day, before taking their flight back to Los Angeles.

Ernst did not think much of it and agreed to alter their tickets for a day later. They also checked into the same hotel where Sara and Adam had booked and requested for a room for one night.

Later that evening, the four of them had dinner together and enjoyed each other’s company. Ernst and Adam were also warming up to each other, with this new friendship amongst families. Though, they could barely find a common interest to bond over. Adam was into movies, arts, travel, and food. Ernst was into engineering, business, designing, and football.

Eventually, they found something to discuss – football. Ernst expressed his displeasure of it being referred as soccer in the US. Adam confirmed that in India it was still referred to as Football. Adam had followed Chelsea, as a fan. Ernst had only good things to say about the club. Finally, they had found a subject to discuss.

The ladies, on the other hand, found every little thing about the other interesting and could discuss tiny item for hours with one another, and then go to the next one.

Helene had an ulterior motive to take an extra day in Barcelona; she had invited Sara and Adam to come with them to Germany, and to stay with them for a couple of days. Sara did not confirm on the cruise. She was extremely keen but was not sure about Adam.

Helene thought an extra day in Barcelona and regular nagging might wear Sara down, and she eventually succeeded in convincing her for one day with them in Germany. Before the end of dinner, Helene informed Ernst that Adam and Sara would be joining them to stay over at their home for a day. Helene was very keen to show her new friend their home. Ernst was amused but welcoming at the same time. He liked that his wife was happy around their new friends, and he would do anything to keep his wife happy.

On the dinner table, Adam was equally surprised, but he knew better than to question his mother’s decision in front of others.

Both Ernst and Adam had noticed change in Sara’s and Helene’s over the last couple of days. They were extra touchy and feely around each other. The men gave it no extra bother than necessary.

After dinner, they retreated to Ernst and Helene’s suite for a nightcap. The discussion changed to cruise’s review, and at that point, everyone had comments to offer. Each had their own opinion about one or the other facility on the cruise, the functions and shows at the theatre, the gala, and so on.

The ladies were sitting close to each other on the bigger sofa, and Adam and Ernst took the single-seaters, opposite them.

Somewhere during the discussion, as they sat barely a foot apart on the sofa, Sara telling everyone about her experience about her cabin and their accommodation, Helene realized that she could not hear anything. As she sat next to Sara, facing her, Helene noticed Sara’s lips were moving, but nothing was audible. Helene was drawn towards Sara’s face, and she was admiring Sara’s lips, her cheeks, her eyes, and her nose.

Without any warning, Helene pulled up her hand and cupped Sara’s right cheek, full length, and turned Sara’s face towards her. Helene moved forward and brought her lips near Sara. She looked up into Sara’s eyes with affection she had felt for her on the cruise. The glint in Sara’s eyes permitted Helene, and she kissed Sara on the lips. There was no aggression in Helene’s move but a simple loving gesture of kissing. Helene’s reaction towards Sara was as if she had something sweet, and she had to be rewarded.

Sara’s response in return to the kiss was equally motivated. She lifted her hand behind Helene’s head and pulled her in, to return the kiss. Their lips opened together, and it was Helene who took the lead by sending her tongue into Sara’s mouth on a mission. Their kiss grew from soft loving gesture to one of passion and need. They kept kissing one after the other and tongues exchanging between them regularly. It was Sara who went after Helene’s lips and started sucking on her lower lip, and a few moments later Helene repeated this on Sara’s lips.

It took Helene some minutes to compose herself back. Adam and Ernst were both looking at the girls, mouth open, and eyes wide – surprised and shocked.

Helene blushed on what she had done openly, and the embarrassment left her moments later when Sara restarted where she had left off in the conversation, to distract the men back to normal. She could barely manage that.

On her door, Helene kissed Sara briefly again, before saying their goodnights.

Ernst came out of the bathroom, having changed into his pajamas for the night. When Helene returned from the door, he took her in his arms and kissed her forcefully.

Ernst had never seen his wife peck a woman on the lips, let alone make out in front of him. He was getting hard thinking about it. Helene was already on edge and responded with equal eagerness.

Their lovemaking that night was impassioned and urgent. Both did not make it to the bed. Moments after their kissing, Ernst took off Helene’s dress, and then without waiting for her bra and panties to come off, he turned her around, peeled her panties aside, and entered her swiftly from behind. Helene’s pussy was already wet and hungry, and she moaned loud her approval.

‘MMMMmmmmm.’ She moaned.

He humped her from behind while she bent forward with her hands resting on the bed.

Both of them were panting in no time, and Ernst burst into her pussy with a loud, “aaaagghh.”

He was not much of a noisy fellow while making love, but this was a welcome exception to Helene.

Helene had not cum yet, but she was just about there.

She closed her eyes. The first image that came to her mind was that of Sara. She pictured Sara below her; she felt Sara’s lips on hers. She remembered their kiss from a little while back. She remembered Sara going down on her, on the cruise. She started cumming instantly, on Ernst’s dick that was still inside her.

She grunted, “uuuungh.” Loud enough for the room to echo.

Both Ernst and Helene lay still on the bed for a long while before dozing off.

Helene was yet to convince Sara for her next plan, to stay longer, but she knew she would. She would plead to Sara if it comes to that but she would ask her stay for a few days, instead of just one.


The next morning, over breakfast, Sara informed Ernst and Helene that Adam shall not be coming to Germany because he had some work back home in LA. He would take his scheduled flight later in the evening, but she has canceled her ticket. She would have to book another from Germany.

Helene offered, “leave it to me. I will get you the perfect connection to LA from Germany. I will also drop you to the airport personally.”

Sara smiled and reached out to touch Helene’s hand in appreciation.

Ernst offered ‘Sorry to hear you won’t be joining us. Is there any way you can reconsider? It’s just for a day.’

Adam, “I’m sorry, Ernst, but I have something I need to attend to. And it’s urgent. Maybe next time.”

Ernst nodded his consent.


The day was spent sightseeing around the old city in Barcelona, and they went to see the cathedral – Sagrada Familia, and spent some time at Casa Mila. Their day went by like a breeze. Everyone had lunch at an outdoor cafe and they ate Barcino food. The ladies did some shopping, and they all enjoyed each other’s company.

After their lunch, at one boutique Helene chose a dress, she went for a trial. Without thinking twice she held Sara’s hand and pulled her along with her into the trial room.

Inside the trial room, Helene shucked the dress on the small stool, and turned to take Sara in her arms. After a fiery kiss, she went down on Sara’s neck, only to come back up changing her mind as if remembering she had left something in Sara’s mouth. She searched Sara’s mouth for her belongings. Sara let Helene lead the interplay.

All they did was kiss and neck each other. Helene did take the dress off, but it was Sara’s, as if the store’s dress to be tried on by Sara; but she found no logic in letting Sara try it on. Sara’s dress was taken off, only so she could be kissed and licked on every part of her body.

A good twenty minutes later, they came out giggling. Helene bought the dress out of courtesy, having no idea if it would fit Sara or her. The cost of the dress was way too low to bother for what she had achieved in the trial room.

They reached back the hotel around the evening, leaving very little time for Adam to pack and leave for the airport. Their own flight to Cologne was an hour later, and they all decided to travel together to the airport, and the three of them would kill their extra time at the airport lounge.

Adam barely made it to the connection he got for a flight that would take him to New York first and then to LAX. At the airport, Ernst spent his hour relaxing at the first-class lounge, and the ladies strolled the airport, arm-in-arm.

In the flight, their seats were in the first-class and the girls sat in the center row with two seats joint from between, while Ernst took the lone window seat. Their full recliner seats were plush. A shutter, if lifted, divided the seats and could convert them as separate cocoons of isolated spaces – should one want the privacy. But with shutter down, the adjacent recliner seats let the neighbors chat all they wanted. Of course, the girls kept the shutter down throughout the flight of about two and a half hours.

Champagnes were followed by dinner served by beautiful air-hostesses. With that out of the way, the lights were dimmed, so as to let passengers relax before arrival into Cologne. Sara stepped out in the aisle and pulled the shutter up on her aisle side. She moved up the aisle to the front of the plane, two rows ahead, and turned towards the other side aisle. On reaching Helene’s seat, she stepped in front of Helene, facing her and slowly pulled the shutter on Helene’s aisle side, and they were now in an enclosed cubicle. Sara pulled the hand-rest between the two seats and made the two-recliner seats as one large space for both of them.

Sara brought up her knees on either side of Helene’s thighs and rode her once again in the exact fashion she had a couple of days back on the cruise. She descended with her lips on Helene for a scorching kiss, shoving her pussy into Helene’s and her elbows on Helene’s shoulders, her hands behind her head, and pulling Helene into her face. Their breasts mashing in front, Helene brought her arms behind Sara to pull her tight with all her might. They kept kissing one after another and then another. Helene released one hand from behind Sara and pressed the recline-button without looking at the console, and they started going back and stopped only when the back was on full recline.

Sara was riding her, with knees still outside of Helene’s hips. She pressed into Helene, from her mound to her shoulders. They were attached at their lips, as if with adhesive. Eventually slowing down, their kissing relaxed to a loving pace with no urgency; they was no hurry; there was no rush. They kissed slowly, loving and sucking each other.

For the next hour, Sara just rode Helene, laid on top of her. Eventually, they had stopped kissing, but Sara had dug her lips in Helene’s neck, embracing her. She stayed there until the call bell announced plane’s descent towards Cologne. They both reluctantly peeled away from each other, and Sara took her seat next to Helene. Post buckling up, their hands were locked and resting on the hand-rest between them. The airline staff pulled the shutters back down, for the landing.


When they reached Cologne, the ride back home was a little over an hour. Their car was parked at the airport, and they took the A1 to get home.

Helene asked Ernst sweetly, “Ernst, do you mind if I sit at the back with Helene.”

Ernst was already way too confused with what was going on with Helene to respond. He just smiled and nodded.

Helene and Sara talked on their way home, with Helene sunk deep into Sara’s arm. Their faces were close, and Sara’s arm was around Helene’s shoulder. Both looked towards one another, as they whispered sweet nothing into each other’s face. Every couple of sentences, one would kiss the other on her lips, and then there was silence for many long minutes. The conversation would restart, and then again the kissing would break it off mid-sentence.

Ernst had a hard time concentrating on the road with this foreplay between the girls. By the time, they reached home late evening they were all dead tired.

Their large house gates opened by an electronic remote system fitted in their car and they drove down the driveway to the house. Sara was super impressed with the expansive house from outside and the sophisticated interiors inside the mansion of a home. Helene showed off the house to Sara with pride and took her to a room right, opposite theirs. The room belonged to their son, Peter. Their own room and Sara’s shared a small living section – a kind of sitting area with two large sofas, a TV, a fireplace, a piano, and a shelf full of books. Usually, their family of three would sit around here in the evenings and read or watch TV or just relax together. The house itself was large, but they had intentionally built it to ensure the two rooms – their own and their son Peter’s – were nearby, and an intervening sitting section would act as a lounge exclusively for the family.

Ernst was surprised when Helene offered Peter’s room to Sara, what with at least four other spare rooms in the house. There was another on the first floor, which his parents used when they came to stay. But he thought nothing of it, reckoned it was a matter of a day or so.

Sara loved the cozy set up of the adjacent bedrooms and the sitting room in the middle. She politely asked Helene and Ernst to give her a room other than that of Peter’s, but Helene insisted – to which Sara could not say anything.

When everyone had freshened up, changed for the night – they met again in the sitting area. Helene offered wine to Sara, which she declined. Ernst, after a drink, retreated to the bedroom and left the girls to talk. He was only half confident that he might get up in the morning and see them still talking on the sofa there.

After an hour or so of sitting together, they fell silent, exhausted, but unwilling to let go of each other. They had slumped on the sofa and cuddled into each other. Both were silent for a few minutes, and finally, Helene moved her back up and bent down on Sara to kiss her. They both necked again for a long while before breaking off.

Helene got up from the sofa even though her thighs were under Sara’s head, making Sara also shift and sit up. Helene pulled Sara up and held her right hand in her left. Instead of going for a good night kiss, or good night, Helene turned towards her bedroom while continuing to hold Sara’s hand. Clearly, Helene was inviting Sara into her bedroom. The resistance to Sara’s hand was negligible. Sara walked behind a resolute Helene with their fingers locked in one hand.

Once inside the bedroom, they saw Ernst lying down on the bed, and his eyes closed. There was a small light on the other side of the bedside table that was on, and the rest of the room was dark. That was Helene’s side.

Helene did not stop or pause to check on Ernst, or to check with him. Her sensually-charged mind found no reason. Upon reaching the far side of the bed, she kicked her slipper off, removed her hand from Sara’s grip, turned to face Sara.

While looking into Sara’s eyes, Helene pulled her nightie off, and she was naked under it. She pulled her hands up on Sara’s shoulder to pick up the straps of her nightie and let them fall off from her arms. The silk fell to the ground in one swift motion. Sara was not wearing any bra either, but she had panties on her. Helene sat back on the bed and bent forward to take the panties from off Sara’s hips. Sara merely complied silently with whatever Helene was doing.

Once Helene had Sara as naked as she herself was, she sat back and parked her palms on the bed behind her. Admiring Sara’s nakedness in the low yellow light of the bedside lamp, she looked up into Sara’s eyes before pulling herself up on the bed. When she reached the middle of the bed, she arched towards the pillows next to Ernst with her back towards him. She left ample space for Sara to join on the bed. Once she had placed herself where she wanted, her right arm lifted towards Sara inviting her to join in.

Sara, aware of what was expected of her, reached out with her left hand to hold Helene’s hand. She stepped up on the bed with her knee taking the corner first and then her other climbing up. Once she was on the bed she reclined next to Helene, facing her friend.

Once Sara was in the bed with her, Helene opened her arms completely, and Sara sunk into her arms, full length. A few moves later, they were in a full-frontal embrace with their bellies and lips pasted; their breasts’ mashing into one another; their legs entwined to have their pussies and mounds touching. Their lips opened slightly for a long lover’s kiss with slow tonguing. They were tired and beat from the entire day of sightseeing and travel.

They both slept in each other’s arms. Every couple of hours, one or the other would get up to notice that they had untangled, then she would pull the other back into her arms and fall asleep again. It got repeated the entire night and early morning. They were tired and slept heavy, but what trumped their weariness hands down was their horniness and their attraction towards one another. Their sleep was so scattered that when both got up in the morning, in each other’s arms, their heads were heavy, and they were drifty.

When Ernst got up in the morning, before either of them, he was surprised to see this new interplay. Two naked women in his bed.


Months back, when Ernst and Helene had discussed swinging briefly, it was shot down. Their tryst with experimenting led them to explore various ways to spice up their sex lives, including porn videos, and seeing some adult TV channels. They gave it up soon enough and moved on to other ways to deal with their experimentation.

In a candid opening up and talking about fantasizes, he had shared with her that he had fantasized about a threesome. Helene had laughed at it, at the time; and to lessen his embarrassment, he had also laughed it aside. Having another woman in his bed, along with his wife, was his ultimate fantasy.

On her part, she told him that she didn’t have a fantasy in particular, though on prodding she did talk about a sex sequence from a pron flick they had seen together that had left an impression on her. She was referring about a a rather stark aggressive fucking through a glory hole. A woman being fucked through a hole by strange men, one after another, as she lay on a bench exposing only her bottom half to the men. It had a lasting impression on her mind; it was overwhelming for her.

They both scoffed at their fantasies and had moved on.


When Ernst got up in the morning, before either of them, he was surprised to see this new interplay. Two naked women in his bed.

He was rock hard in a matter of minutes. There were no covers on either of the girls. They were holding each other as if the other might run away in the middle of the night. They were stark naked.

It was very difficult for him to not ravage Helene at the moment, if not both of them. Sara’s lips were near Helene’s chest, a few inches above her breast. Helene’s right hand was gripping Sara’s back from near her neck. Sara’s left leg was way up inside Helene’s thighs, and her left hand was behind Helene’s butt as if lifting Helene into herself.

Ernst was in a desperate state of horniness, but he eventually decided against moving between the lovers on his bed. He wanted to touch and feel Helene and assure himself that it was indeed really them, and naked and not his dream.

He got off the bed and went into the attached bathroom to relieve himself. He washed his face, pissed, brushed, and went out of the bedroom, before looking back at the bed to reassure that there was indeed a pair of beauties on his bed.

He made breakfast for himself and the two girls. After a long wait, he went for a jog to clear his mind. When he came back, the girls were still out of it, but positions had changed. Sara was lying half on top of Helene who was almost on her back. Helene’s hand cupped Sara’s face and cheeks.

Ernst smiled and went into the bathroom to shower. By the time he came out, both the girls were up and still lying into the other’s arms, facing each other.

He cleared his throat when he saw they were up and whispering.

Helene looked up, turning behind her. Sara dug her face into Helene’s chest.

Helene said, “Get lost, Ernst.”

Ernst smiled, almost laughed at her snap. He walked out towards the sitting area.

Half an hour later, the girls were back in their nighties, and they came out of the bedroom into the sitting area, where Ernst was sitting ready for his office. There was breakfast made and laid on the coffee table in front of the sofa, along with coffee and juice.

When the girls sat down, Ernst got up to heat up the coffee and let them start with breakfast and juice.

Ernst was modest enough to not broach the elephant in the room with either of the girls during breakfast and had decided to tease Helene after Sara had returned the next day. More importantly, he was hoping for a repeat of last night and could not risk discussing it and jinx it.

He kept the discussion on what they were planning to do during the day. He was of course going to the office and would catch up back early in the evening to have supper together.

With Ernst out of the house, the girls lazed around the sitting room for a long time, eating a slow breakfast. They had not slept very well and had frequently woken up throughout the night, and it made them both lazy.

With Ernst out of the house, both decided to lie down again for a bit. What was on their minds was clear.

When they reached the bed, Helene pulled herself up until she had her back on the headboard and her bums on the pillow. Sara moved up between her legs and started kissing Helene from her toes and went up slowly licking, and cleaning the sweat she had on her. The saltiness and muskiness were intoxicating to Sara.

When she reached Helene’s quim, she devoted an unreasonably long time licking the outside of the pussylips.

No sooner had Sara kissed Helene’s pussylips that Helene started cumming.

Sara kept on and went in; she started pushing her tongue deep into Helene’s pussy. When three inches of her tongue was inside Helene, Sara turned her tongue, and Helene moaned louder with passion.

Sara licked the inside of Helene’s pussylips for a long while, and Helene’s orgasm lasted a long long while. Helene’s hands gripped Sara’s hair to pull her in deeper as if it was possible.

Helene’s orgasm was in continuous flow when Sara upped the ante by stroking her sensitive clitoris with her tongue.

Helene shuddered violently and came with louder than ever grunt, “unnnggghhhhh.”

Sara was not done; she kept stroking the clitoris and alternated between licking the insides of the pussy and flicking her clit. Helene was in throes of passion, and she was writhing in ecstasy below Sara.

Sara did not want to give up on her prized possession, but when Helene lay limp, Sara got scared that she might have passed out. Sara traveled up on Helene’s body licking, and kissing until she reached Helene’s lips. By then, Helene had her eyes open and was waiting for Sara to join their lips. They looked into each other’s eyes and kissed like lovers.

Helene was motivated to return the favor. Just that she needed some guidance. Sara turned on the bed, from above Helene to rest her back on the pillow. She reclined on the headboard just enough so her neck was tilting forward somewhat. She snaked her arm behind Helene’s neck and pulled her from the side and on top of her. Once Helene was on top of Sara, after kissing a few times, she tentatively started going down on her breasts. Her kisses turned to passionate licking on Sara’s nipples. In a matter of moments, she was sucking Sara hard on the nipple and got Sara all worked up.

Sara moaned in affirmation, “mmmm” while her hand strayed on top of Helene’s head to keep her there.

Helene chose to move ahead after sucking on Sara’s breasts for long, shuffling from one to the other. She went down to Sara’s bare pussy and took extra pleasure in licking the smooth skin. Sara’s pussy mound felt like a baby’s skin. When Helene found Sara’s pussy, it was leaking heavily. Sara guided Helene’s head to the pussy making it known, she wanted no more delay.

Helene slowed her licks and started lapping. Her licks were long and slow. She was trying to figure out the taste, the feeling, the experience, and the smell of her first pussy. Some ten licks later, she drilled inside exactly how Sara had, earlier, and it got her a home run.

Sara shouted…“…hhhuuunggh.”

Helene was in heaven. She just drilled on, in no logical flow; she just licked, and kissed, and flicked, and dove in. Sara kept the inward pressure behind Helene shoving her head into the pussy. Just as Sara had done, Helene moved towards Sara’s engorged clitoris. She pursed her lips to pull it slightly, and Sara burst in loud cry, “HEELLLLLENNN…..”

Sara let Helene play with the clitoris and continued to reward her with juices. Her pent up desire had burst out through her pussy, and there was an eager customer with her mouth plastered to ensure not a drop got wasted.

When Sara settled down, she pulled up Helene on top of her and quickly took Helene by her mouth. Their lips met aggressively, and juices exchanged as if each needed some juice for survival.

They remained entangled and hugging long after the kissing had ended. Both took about half an hour to gather themselves.

Lazily they got up and went in for shower together. In the shower, both girls cleaned the other patiently and slowly. Every inch was scrubbed with hand and soap.

Post their shower, neither bothered to put any clothes on. They went back to bed and started making out all over again. It took them another one hour to bring each other to orgasm, and they stayed on one another until both had at least two orgasms each drawn from them.

Both of them skipped lunch and stayed in bed lazily in each other’s arms.

It was around five that Helene felt guilty of not letting Sara get up and offered to get something to eat.

Sara told her, “Don’t bother, I’m not hungry.”

Helene turned around towards the side stand and found her phone to call Ernst.

“Ernst, could you please get food for dinner. I have not been able to cook anything for us yet, and we are hungry.” She asked.

“Sure, I’m on my way. I’ll pick up something from Brauhaus.” Ernst replied.

An hour later, Ernst was home with food in his hands. He found Helene and Sara in the sitting room upstairs; both of them relaxing. Helene was wearing one of Ernst’s long shirts, she sometimes wore it at home to relax in. It was obvious that she had nothing underneath it. Sara had chosen to wear one of Helene’s gowns. He bet she too had nothing below it either.

They had an early dinner on the coffee table, with Helene and Sara sharing one sofa and Ernst on the other, opposite them. They drank some wine from their impressive wine stock that Ernst and Helene maintained.

They did not respond to his question of, “what did you girls do today then?”

Both burst out laughing as if Ernst had joked about something. It happened again a while after when Ernst asked the same question again.

After dinner, Sara and Helene cleared up the table and the packaging. They washed up and went into Peter’s room, which was now supposedly Sara’s for her brief stay.

Helene showed Sara her son, and his photos, and his cupboard, and his desk. They finally fell back on his bed, and Sara picked up a photo, from his bedside table. A candid photo of his mother, Helene, and him. The photo did not seem old.

They were lying on their backs and the framed photo in Sara’s hand up above them. Both admiring a handsome Peter and a lovely Helene.

Teasing, “Why does he have your picture on his bedside?” Sara asked.

Pat came the reply, “We love him so much, I cannot tell you.” She added, “he is the loveliest child a mother could ask for.”

It was not what Sara had asked or meant, but she knew her innuendo would not find Helene’s attention. She let it pass.

Helene took the picture from Sara and brought it to her lips and kissed her son.

With her eyes gleaming, she turned towards Sara, all emotional, missing her son. Sara consoled her and kissed her lightly to move her away from the somber thought.

Sara pulled them up and asked if they should get up and go down.

Helene offered, “let me show you the house?”

Sara replied, “sure.”

They took a grand tour of each room, all the facilities around the house, the cellar where they had sauna and steam rooms, and a small home theatre; they moved outside to the pool, and on the far side saw the tennis court.

Helene told Sara, “we should play some tennis tomorrow. If you are up for it?”

Sara was always willing, “I’d love that.”

Helene pulled her back and said, “tomorrow I’ll show you the gardens.” It was getting late in the evening, even though it was not really dark out.

Sara smiled back and followed her in.

On their way back upstairs, they stopped on the ground floor sitting area, which had a huge, plush sofa on three sides, a large screen TV, and a console of various electronics on the fourth side. They had three different tables in front of each sofa stretch. An expensive rug covered the floor, which would be a delight in the winters given it usually got really cold around then.

They did not stop to relax downstairs and found themselves back on the first-floor sitting area, which was between their master bedroom and Peter’s room. The place had a very cozy feel to it, and the comfort of the deep sofa pair allowed one to stretch back and relax for however long one wanted.

Ernst had retreated to their bedroom. Helene took the sofa and pulled herself up deep into the corner, and that left a large space in front of her. Her back had nudged into the corner of two backrests with a small cushion supporting her lower back. As she got up, her legs remained folded. And as she moved back up, her legs spread out. She raised her left arm towards Sara offering to take her hand and to invite her to come to sit in between her legs. Sara got up on the sofa and sat in front of Helene. Sara’s back thrust completely into Helene, and she had slumped a tad bit more than Helene. Her butt ground into Helene’s open legs, towards her quim. Her back found Helene’s tits, and Helene’s arm went around her.

Sara tilted her head back on Helene’s arm, and looked up, her face turned up towards Helene’s face. Their eyes locked. Helene’s hands went around Sara’s front, and one took hold of her right breast, and the other palmed her tummy.

Helene’s hands were drawing slow circles on Sara’s body, while their faces were mere inches apart. As they continued to talk, the relevance of the subject of conversation mattered less to both of them, until they stopped talking and just whimpered and moaned to each other’s mouth. Sara’s head moved up, to find herself resting on Helene’s shoulder, and whatever distance there was between their faces became irrelevant as their lips met for a slow kiss. It felt like they could kiss for hours.

Helene’s hands untied Sara’s robe without looking down her front. On removing the lapels from Sara’s front, Helene repossessed Sara’s breast in one hand and took her tummy in the other. Satisfied with her progress, Helene started mauling Sara’s breast in her hand and moved her other hand in slow circles, until it reached Sara’s mound. When the fingers reached Sara’s pussy, in a natural thrust she jerked her hips upwards turning it into Helene’s hand.

Helene’s lips never left Sara’s, and she kept sucking Sara’s tongue. Her hand moved down full length on her pussy and cupped it in her full palm. She squashed the wet pussy as if it were a squeezie-ball. Sara’s hand went up behind Helene’s head, and she arched as much as she could in her aroused state.

Many minutes of foreplay later, Helene synchronized her finger and tongue and entered both together into Sara from bottom and top. She inserted two fingers together in Sara’s pussy as she also inserted her tongue in Sara’s mouth. She did this as she rolled on her nipple with her other hand.

Sara started cumming with a muted moan, “mmmmmuuuuuuaaaaahhh.” Helene’s tongue muffling somewhat Sara’s expression of jubilation.

Sara kept cumming until Helene kept playing with her. In time, Helene stopped playing inside Sara but did not withdraw the fingers from inside her pussy. Withdrawing her tongue to let Sara breathe, she brought her lips down to Sara’s neck and gave her a tight kiss and left a a hickie on her neck.

When Sara normalized from her high, she remained slumped on Helene with her head on Helene’s shoulder and face pasted cheek to cheek with Helene. Slowly, they got up, as Helene pushed forward, and both got up to retreat for their bed. Helene kept holding Sara’s hand, so there was no scope of doubt, which way they would head.

On the way in, Helene flicked the light button of the sitting area off, entered their bedroom with Ernst on the bed already. Sara’s robe was open from the front completely, and on reaching the bed, Helene unbuttoned the shirt she had been wearing. Helene dropped her shirt and went up the bed, to the middle, and waited for Sara to join. Helene remained turned towards Sara, and Ernst peered over Helene’s back to look at Sara.

Sara seductively played nymph and dropped the robe in slow motion. Before going up the bed, she switched off the bedside lamp on her side of the bed. Though dim, there was enough light pouring in for a summery August night, for everyone to be able to see. The curtains were not drawn enough.

Sara climbed up the bed and slipped near Helene, who had not really pushed far into the middle tonight. With both remaining on Sara’s half of the bed, Helene opened her arms to take Sara into her fold. Their embrace like the previous night was total – from lips to legs.

Ernst, on his part, had nothing to do, even with his dick rock hard, and two naked ladies next to him. He dared not touch and shake the applecart in front of him.

Sara had just cum on the sofa and that had taken her edge off somewhat, but Helene was in need of some serious loving. She pushed Sara down and let her take an inviting breast in the mouth. Sara sucked Helene’s breast softly at first and kept going, slowly building her sucking and alternating with the licking from the base of her tongue while flicking the nipple. The play had Helene moaning, “mmmm.”

Helene turned a little to see, what was Ernst up to? Still, in his pajamas, he had turned towards Helene and was staring at this erotic lesbian act on his bed. Without saying anything, Helene, pushed her hips back a little towards Ernst, giving him a go-ahead.

As fast as he could, Ernst shed his lower, kicking it half the way, after having pushed it by his hand somewhat. As soon as his dick was free, already hard, he moved ahead and lodged it into Helene’s crack.

Helene whimpered her approval.

Ernst started adjusting and raised himself to find the angle. Helene lifted her right thigh to offer him space. In two small shoves, he was entering Helene. She whimpered again, feeling horny. Another couple of shoves and he was deep inside her.

To get himself aligned properly, he had moved closer to Helene near her butt; His right leg touched Sara’s left, which had crossed over from between Helene’s thighs. Sara recognized the third person but paid no heed.

Ernst started fucking his wife, in brief pushes and pulls. He wanted to last as long as God would let him. He slowed himself and forced himself to think of anything other than the threesome he was in, something he had long fantasized. In passion, he moved forward, and his chest touched Helene, on her back, locking Sara’s hand between them. His push and pull became more urgent.

Ernst started breathing from his nose as if holding back words in his mouth, grinding his teeth.

Sara and Helene were at level with their pace. Helene let him have this. Sara pulled her hand from between Helene’s back and Ernst’s chest. She pulled her hand out and threw it all the way behind Ernst. She pressed deeper into Helene’s chest and held Ernst from near his wings on his back.

The fact that a second woman was pulling him into a threesome with his cock deep inside his wife was too much for Ernst to handle. He grunted and started spewing his semen into Helene.

He stayed stuck to his wife and Sara’s hand behind him. His hand, which until now was still behind Helene found its way in front of her. He snaked his hands from between Helene’s breasts, and he pushed his hand up next to his wife’s cheek, cupping her chin. Sara was on the lower breast, sucking hard.

His grunts, “aaagh”, and his spurts inside her did it for Helene as well. It was overwhelming for Helene to have her husband fuck her, while Sara was sucking on her nipple.

She whimpered a sweet climax and shuddered, right after Ernst finished inside her.

Even while his dick had softened and slipped out of Helene, he kept shoving slowly into Helene long after he had finished cumming as if dry humping. Hoping against hope to stay hard, and stay inside his wife. But laws of nature overtook, and his dick went soft in the minutes that followed.

They stayed joint, for a while longer, when Helene playfully folded her leg back at Ernst and asked him, “Errrnnnst.” The message within her tone was, ‘go away, Ernst.’

Reluctantly, Ernst pulled back, and while withdrawing his hand back, he dragged it over Helene’s breast and pinched her nipple on retreat. Helene responded in an “mmmMMM” reprimanding him silently.

Sara did not leave Helene’s nipple the whole night and stayed buried in Helene’s breast until the next morning. Throughout the night, no matter how many times, they woke up, either she would pull the nipple back in her mouth, pulling Helene back into her, or Helene would push it back in between her lips, pulling Sara into her chest.

Early in the morning, well before 6, Ernst had found his energy back and found his place on the back of Helene. He wanted another shot, but Helene woke up and glared at him.

She did not want to disturb the play-toy in her arms. Under no circumstance was she letting him wake her up. She just shooed him away, with her eyes.

As he acquiesced to her command, Helene turned around again, cupping her breast and pushing it back into Sara’s mouth. There was sufficient light in the room, given the slightly open curtains, but both of them rested until long after Ernst had gone.

When Sara came to, Helene was already up for a while. She just kept looking down lovingly towards Sara, stuck to her breast, as a child would. The feeling inside Helene’s gut for Sara was that of overwhelming love and desire.

Sara saw Helene looking down toward her face, and rose up to say, “good morning, Helene.”

Helene replied with a “good morning, my love.” and dropped her head to kiss Sara.

They kissed like lovers and stayed lazing in the bed for a long time.

An hour or so later, Ernst came to bedroom with a large tray.

“good morning, Sara.” and then he turned towards Helene, “good morning, darling.”

Only Sara responded, “g’morning Ernst.” and Helene nodded with her head up as if asking, “why are you still here?”

Ernst smiled. “breakfast and juice, for both of you.”

Both Sara and Helene were half up on the bed, with their breasts hanging out from the top of the covers. Sara pulled up the covers slightly to cover her breasts and as a result, also got the cover on Helene’s.

Ernst, ever a smart man, knew he was unwelcome and offered. “I better be going. I have an early day. I will see you both later in the afternoon.”

Helene nodded, happy that he was leaving. Sara was polite and said, “sure.”

They ate breakfast in bed and drank up some juice.

They did not want to get out of bed and kept talking about some mundane stuff that sounded poetic to each other.

An hour later, they found themselves in the shower. Again, they cleaned up each inch of the other with their hand and soaped every nook in their bodies.

Sara wore a small dress that reached her thighs. She had on a summer dress that would be perfect for a Californian summer and good enough for a sunny afternoon in North Rhine.

Helene wore a tennis dress that did not fully cover her butt. Of course, neither wore anything underneath.

They decided to go into the gardens and do a small picnic there.

Late in the afternoon, they made sandwiches and iced tea in a flask. With a basket in Helene’s hand and blanket under Sara’s arm, they strolled the large attached garden of the house.

During their outdoor sex experimentation, Helene and Ernst had picked a couple of shaded, and secluded enough, areas, to make love. Helene guided the garden tour in a manner that they landed at a spot best suitable for the picnic. The far-out view was good from this slightly raised spot and yet was under a shade of dense trees.

They lazed in the garden under the trees. Every few minutes, a leaf or a flower would fall on them or next to them. A warm summer sun shined near them, while their shade made the slight breeze very comfortable. They were neither too hot nor cold.

“You know this is the spot, where Ernst and I have made love, many times,” Helene informed Sara as if this were a routine chat amongst them.

Sara chuckled at this piece of information. “it does seem like a great spot.”

“Yep, it does have a good view,” Helene replied looking only towards Sara.

They chatted about their husbands; Sara told her about her divorce, which had got finalized the previous year. Helene assumed Adam was her new partner. Sara did not offer any further detail, and Helene did not ask.

Sara did however tell her about her life back at home in Bombay and her publishing business she and her ex-husband had built. While parting from him, she had sold out her half to her ex-husband and had moved to Los Angeles. That had worked out well. She told Helene about her book store she was running along with Adam’s help, whenever he was free, and some staff. She had again dabbled into some publishing project, but it was quite different.

Helene told Sara about her law practice and their life back in Hamburg. Their son, Peter, whom she loved more than anything. His growing up years in this very garden and this home.

Helene kept talking while she lay on Sara’s stretched arm, both looking up at the clear blue sky, from under the shade.

A slightly longer interruption in their chat prompted them to turn towards one another to check. Facing each other was better than looking up into the sky, and their lips met automatically. They kissed and kissed until their bodies wanted more.

Helene took the lead and started going down Sara’s neck. She intended to peel the dress off from Sara. The elastic band on top of Sara’s dress allowed it to go down from the breasts. Helene released Sara’s breasts and started sucking on one. She ardently kissed every inch of the mammary before centering her aim on the nipple and then going after it with enthusiasm.

A few weeks back, it would be not imaginable for Helene to get physical with another woman sexually, and now, she couldn’t get enough of this sex goddess.

It took a great many minutes for Helene to get satisfied with her work on Sara’s breast. Then she switched to the other and restarted the licking, the kissing and sucking with as much zest as she had with the first. Sara arched back, relaxed, and played into Helene’s hair and let her have her fun.

Helene moved lower while remaining angled outside Sara. Helene kissed Sara’s tummy, through the dress and reached the skin where the dress ended. Her dress had climbed up considerably. On top of her mound, Helene again felt Sara’s baby-like skin and rubbed her nose on the skin to feel its smoothness.

Helene turned her cheek to rub it on Sara’s mound and moaned in pleasure, “mmm.”

With nothing underneath their dresses, Helene had clear access to Sara’s quim, and she was grateful for their decision. Having lost Helene’s head to pet, Sara moved her hand sideways to find Sara’s butt – to caress and to hold.

Helene was going to go down on Sara but did not feel like losing Sara’s hands from her butt, so she descended on Sara’s pussy from above, instead of getting between Sara’s legs for entry. It brought their bodies closer but it placed them in opposite directions.

Sara went on her back completely, pulling Helene on top of her. It took a couple of moves to have Helene ride Sara on the face while she remained focused on Sara’s pussy. They were both looking into each other’s pussy, inches ahead of their mouths. Sara held both of Helene’s ass cheeks in a wide open-hand grip. She started pulling Helene into her mouth. Not wanting to lose out, Helene quickly dove and touched down on Sara’s pussy first with a full mouth open kiss. Her hands went under Sara’s thighs to grip and hold tight.

With their bodies pasted from neck to their mounds, Sara moved her head up a couple of inches to take Helene’s pussy in her mouth, exactly as Helene had done on her.

When Sara made contact, Helene left Sara’s pussy and lifted her head to moan, “Mmmmm.”

Every time Sara licked her pussy, Helene would go crazy. She had been licked quite many times by Ernst, but on every occasion Sara went down on her, Helene felt it would drive her over the cliff. The fact that a woman was licking her pussy was beyond her imagination. It was an other-worldly feeling.

Helene went back into Sara’s pussy and kissed it again, and restarted where she had left. She gave one long lick on Sara’s pussy top to bottom and licked its full length from the base of her tongue. Sara quivered below her.

Sara was giving her slow and small licks in the center of the pussy, clearing the juices coming out of Helene. When a decent amount of the pussy was clean, Sara went deeper into Helene’s pussy shoving her tongue as she went in, and her full face making contact with Helene’s butt. With her mouth full, Helene gave a muffled moan again, “mmm.”

Helene’s mouth had Sara’s pussy lips in them. She was sucking the lips and taking the time to kiss them proper. She was performing her first sixty-nine position with a woman; she had only heard about it and seen it in pictures up until now. How cool was that? She willed herself to slow down and tried to soak-in the moment. She was in heaven.

Helene swore that this is going to be one of her favorite positions from now on. She kissed the top end of Sara’s pussy and lined her nose on the pussy lips. She started going in and pushed her nose inside Sara’s pussy. The aroma, the smell, and the feel were too much for her. While keeping her nose inside Sara, she moved her nose in an up and down motion a few times and stayed there. She was breathing from her mouth. She pulled her mouth away and thought to herself – breathing was no fun; she took a long breath and planted her lips back on top of the pussy and pushed her nose deeper once more, holding her breath for as long as she could. She did this over and over. On one such dive, she let the air from lungs come out while her nose was inside Sara’s pussy. Sara felt a warm gust of breath inside her pussy and moaned. Helene played with Sara’s pussy to her heart’s content.

Sara was in an ecstasy of this small penetration-move Helene was playing. On her part, she had closed her lips on Helene’s clitoris and was pulling on the nub. The lips weren’t moving forcefully enough to get Helene over the edge but were stimulating enough to keep her on the edge of her release. She was waiting for her own climax to build and wanted to experience them orgasming together. Sara was letting Helene have her fun with her pussy and waited for Helene to go in with the tongue and get her off.

Instinctively, Helene upped her game and went inside her pussy deeper, avoiding the clitoris. She already had Sara quivering below her, and she herself was buzzing and did not know how long she could hold back. Licking the insides of her pussy, Helene tasted the juices on Sara – as fresh as it was being generated. She could not believe the taste was so powerful for her that she felt intoxicated. She tried to eat it all, she tried to drink it all – the more she increased the tempo, the more juices came out.

Sara, on the other hand, could not hold it any longer and was soon going to go over the top. She changed her action on Helene’s clit and increased the flicking, licking, and pulling. Helene was in heaven, and she started cumming in a full body orgasm. She was shaking and shuddering and quaking on top of Sara.

Helene was giving a muffled shout, “mmmmmuuuuunngghh.”

Sara held on to Helene’s ass cheeks and pulled with force, and she did not let go of Helene’s clitoris.

Even while spasming, Helene was resolute in her task in Sara’s pussy and ground her lips and tongue heavily into Sara’s pussy. Her quivering added to Sara’s pleasures as she shuddered to an orgasm of her own, and her natural reaction was to push her butt up so she could get Helene deeper into her pussy.

Sara orgasmed with a loud muffled moan, “mmaaaagh.” Her focus was on Helene and trying to control the rapidly shaking body on top of her. Sara was holding her bum tight with both her hands, never slowing the tongue action.

Both friends stayed like that long after they had settled down. Helene was limp on top of Sara and her full body weight crushing Sara underneath her. There was no power in her knees and arms to keep her weight off from Sara. When she tried to slip off from Sara, trying to be considerate for her lover below her, Sara did not let her move, holding her on top. Eventually, Helene made them turn slowly, in a manner that kept their lips pasted into each other’s pussies and they were side-to-side. Each used the lower thigh of the other as a pillow, while their other thigh locked their lover’s head in place.

They lay like that for a long time, luxuriously licking each other again. Without any rush, got a few climaxes out of each other before giving up their prized possessions.

Later in the evening, Helene called Ernst again to remind him to bring dinner because they had not bothered to cook anything for supper.

Ernst laughed on the other end of the phone, “sure, darling.”

The evening was spent in the sitting room, on the first floor and they enjoyed Italian dinner along with some wine.

Ernst withdrew to his room, and the girls laid back in each other’s arms on the sofa, just hugging. After an hour of necking and kissing, they were tempted enough to sleep on the large sofa, but Helene pulled them up and held Sara’s hand to their bedroom. There was no question of Sara going into the other direction towards Peter’s room.

Before climbing the bed, both shed their nighties, and Sara followed Helene.

Helene did not bother turning towards Ernst and kept facing Sara who rested her head on Helene’s stretched arm. As Sara lay on her back, Helene’s right hand was free to roam around Sara’s breasts, and her hand traveled up to Sara’s face. Helene lined Sara’s face with her fingers and touched her lightly on every part of her head and face, from her hair to forehead; from her eyes to her chin; from her cheeks to her lips. When Helene’s fingers reached the lips, Sara opened them enough for the fingers to slip in. Helene felt very sexy trying to explore her mouth from inside, and turned her fingers in every corner and stopped when Sara held her on top of the tongue and started sucking and licking the two fingers inside her mouth.

Helene went mad with desire and forgot that Ernst was pawing her ass. She moved her head forward and removed her fingers from Sara’s mouth to replace it with her own tongue. As she was bent forward on Sara, her ass naturally turned up slightly. Ernst mistook it as a welcome signal. He entered her from behind into the wet pussy with slow shoves. Helene was in heat and moaned in Sara’s mouth informing her of the intrusion, “mmmuuuaah.”

The jerks were apparent, and when Ernst increased the tempo, it became difficult for Helene to stay in Sara’s mouth. Both held their cheeks together while Helene’s hand and arm held Sara’s head pulled into her face.

Sara’s right hand was stuck between their bodies. She dug her elbow into the mattress to turn. She turned even with Helene resisting the move. When Sara was able to turn sideways, facing Helene, they kissed again. Helene was thankful for Sara’s turn; She held Helene’s head in both her hands and kissed her forcefully trying to steady a moving Helene because of Ernst fucking her from behind.

To increase Helene’s pleasure, Sara’s left hand moved inward from near her ears to near her lips. Her finger joined the tongue inside Helene’s mouth giving her the same experience Helene had given a few moments back. The lewdness of the action took Helene over, and she started cumming.

When Ernst came, Helene was still rolling in her own climax, sucking Sara’s finger and tongue, her eyes closed. The fact that Ernst’s cock in her pussy was pulsing added to the sensation, and she just moaned to thank God for this life.


Helene and Sara spent many weeks like a honeymooning couple. They lazed in bed long after Ernst served them breakfast in bed. They made love in bed in the morning after Ernst had left, showered together every day. They walked hand in hand around the house, in the garden, in the kitchen. They talked for hours non-stop and then stopped only to start kissing each other. Then they restarted talking to stop only for kissing and necking again.

They both loved exercising to stay fit, but they had not bothered with any formal way of exercising over the past few weeks.

Each afternoon, they would go to the garden and make love under the trees. Every few days, they would just laze next to the pool sometimes not even bothering to jump in.

The change, if any, was in their nightly routines. Ernst would take Helene more openly every night. One day she was slumped with her back into Sara, her head resting on Sara’s tits. Sara’s hands holding on to each of her breasts, and lips pasted on her neck. Ernst took her from the front entering her while she lay in Sara’s arms. Ernst’s shoves got his face very near to where Helene and Sara’s were.

On one occasion, he entered Helene while her lips were pasted in Sara’s pussy. He had lifted Helene from the rear and entered her while looking straight towards Sara, who was sitting with her back resting on the sofa backrest. His wife’s face hidden between Sara’s thighs. His shoves into Helene pushed her deeper into Sara, and every jerk caused a ripple into Sara’s pussy through Helene’s mouth.

On another occasion, he started fucking Helene even while she lay on top of Sara with their mouth joint and their tongues dueling. He entered Helene from behind her, and the ladies jerked together with his every push into Helene.

Ernst was getting bolder and open, and Sara and Helene also got more comfortable around him. Initially, Helene was hesitant, but Sara’s nonchalance ease her down somewhat.

Each morning, Ernst would attempt to take his wife again while she was cuddling with Sara. On each instance, Helene would kick or shoo him away as if he had had more than he deserved already.

Each morning, he would bring breakfast on their bed, Helene and Sara would be lying about in the naked state. Sara had long left the habit of pulling the covers over her, Helene had never bothered with it anyway. It was not as if they were strolling about naked when around him, or even otherwise around the house, but there was this comfort zone now – in which covering up was not a necessity.

One evening, the girls lay on the sofa in sixty-nine when Ernst arrived. They were both lost to the world with their mouths pasted into the other’s pussy, tongues lapping calmly. The atmosphere was charged, and Ernst kept the food aside. The scene playing in front of him was very erotic, to say the least. He climbed the sofa on his knees and traveled towards Helene’s butt, which had been planted on Sara’s mouth from above. He came right up to Helene, and took her hips in his hands, and raised her. Helene was too lost in her dream world inside Sara’s pussy to recognize there were additional hands on her back. She merely responded to the upward nudge and raised her hips. Sara’s lips reluctant to leave Helene’s pussy came up along with her pussy.

Only when the pussy went way above her lips’ reach did Sara realize Ernst’s presence. He looked down towards Sara and smiled, as she smiled back. Ernst lined his dick behind Helene outside her pussy and attempted to enter. He pulled a couple of small shoves inside to intimate Helene of penetration, who still could not understand the breach. He shoved harder and reached the hilt within two more pushes. Helene lifted her head from Sara’s pussy noisily, “aaaaugh” only then acknowledging her husband.

Ernst kept fucking while on his knees, Helene’s knees spread outside his. Sara’s head was positioned between Ernst’s knees. When he had had a few minutes of slow fucking, he increased the tempo. Suddenly, he felt Sara’s hand on his cock. She held his dick from its bottom, near his balls, and squeezed. If her effort was to help him delay, it was having a contrary effect on him. He increased his piston movement even more, grunting, and was about to burst when Sara pulled him out completely. He was shocked at first and did not know how to be rude and go in again.

Helene moaned her disapproval to Ernst and shook her butt to call him in again…“mmmmm?”

Sara kept holding her fist tight on Ernst’s dick on its base and continued to squeeze tighter. The pressure added with frustration got Ernst to ease off.

Sara without loosening her grip on Ernst put her left hand on Helene’s head and shoved it deep back into her pussy. She ensured the pressure on Helene’s head told her to keep doing what she was doing. Helene eagerly complied.

Sara slowly pulled Ernst’s dick in her hand and lined it up again, this time on Helene’s anal opening. With her legs spread wide and Ernst’s dick fully lubricated, the entry was easier than one would imagine. His climb down into Helene sent shockwaves in Helene’s body. Her tongue left Sara’s pussy as she tried to raise her head to complain. Sara’s hand was planted behind her head for this exact reason and she squeezed her thighs further to hold her inside. Sara shoved Helene’s head back into her pussy and kept the pressure inwards.

Sara guided Ernst’s cock into Helene’s anal opening, and Ernst did the rest by applying inward force. Even though he went in super slow, moments later, he was embedded inside Helene, with no possible movement available, considering the tight resistance her backdoor provided. He was lubricated enough to pull back and push in again. His first couple of shoves were just that, shoves – with little cock movement. Then he started moving in and out slowly, an inch out and an inch back in. When she relaxed her butt, he increased the distance in her, and in another minute, he was giving her long but still slow pulls and pushes.

Sara released her grip on Ernst, to his dismay, and moved on Helene’s ass cheek with her now free hand. She pulled her head up, a couple of inches, and retook her coveted place inside Helene’s pussy. She straight went for Helene’s clitoris and stimulated her.

Helene’s orgasm was something she had never felt before. She was shaking long before it hit her when Sara started playing with her clitoris. But when her orgasm did take over, she was uncontrollable on top of Sara. Sara lost her grip behind Helene’s head as she violently shook her head and grunted like an animal.

“UUUUUURRRNNNGHHH.” shouted Helene.

She tried to arch upwards, but Ernst’s cock was deep in her ass and could not be turned up while Sara held on her butt hard, planting her pussy back into Sara’s mouth.

Helene did not know how to react to what was happening to her. She shook, and she croaked. She shouted, and she whimpered.

Ernst started spewing his cum inside Helene, when he saw Helene’s overwhelming response to the anal fucking. The double penetration of Sara’s tongue and Ernst cock inside her was too much for Helene. The fact that she was heady from Sara’s pussy juices added to her extraordinary response.

When she settled down, Helene lay limp on Sara, with her entire body weight crushing Sara. Ernst exited her from behind and moved back towards the coffee table, looking down at the lovely naked ladies on the sofa.

Helene did not even have it in her to slip down on Sara’s side. Sara was not letting go of her – with arms around Helene – in reassurance and to calm her down.

Ernst stepped forward and scooped Helene in his arms – adjusting a couple of times and lifted her off from top of Sara. Helene slumped into Ernst’s arms and looked up into his eyes in dizziness. Ernst took her to the bed and lay her slowly down on the bed, in the middle.

Sara got up slowly and followed Ernst a few feet behind. As soon as Ernst laid Helene on the bed, Sara slipped next to Helene and inched closer to her. Helene whimpered and nuzzled into Sara like a baby. Sara once again took in Helene in her arms, with Helene’s head resting high on her arm and her hand behind Helene’s back pulling her close as if protecting her from Ernst. Her hand petting Helene’s head slowly, and her other hand going in circles behind her back.

Dinner still lay on the coffee table in the sitting room.

The next morning, Ernst did not attempt any move to enter Helene as she still nestled in Sara’s arms.

He did bring breakfast and juice for them and left the girls on the bed, leaving for office, after greeting them good morning.

Sara and Helene would talk hours about her experience of the previous night. It was not that Ernst, and she had not had anal sex, but last night had changed her perspective completely on this uncomfortable sexual act. Helene felt and knew the reason was Sara’s presence next to her, inside her.


More than a month after Sara had come to Germany, they were yet to step out of the house. Actually they did step out of the house, to the gardens. But never stepped out of the property. They had still not discussed Sara leaving back to Los Angeles. Sara and Helene were inseparable; they made love everywhere.

Ernst could not get a single minute alone with his wife.


Helene and Sara spent entire days at a time, simply holding each other, hugging each other and kissing. Then on other days making love for hours and breaking off briefly to start all over again. The love they felt for each other was powerful. With each passing day, their feelings for each other were intensifying. The atmosphere in the house was sensual, sexual, and loving.

There were an odd bit of light moments also. Like one day, Peter called Helene to check-in.

Peter, “hi, Mom. How are you doing?”

Helene, “Hello, darling. I am very good. Thanks. How have you been?” with Sara resting in her arms.

Peter replied, “Mom, I’m great. Classes have been hectic, but since this is my last semester, we are preparing for our dissertation. I hope to complete mine soon.”

Sara thought of something naughty, and even while Helene was on the phone, Sara came near the sofa and opened the lapels of her nightgown and started kissing her chest. She kept on kissing as Helene giggled.

Peter asked, “what’s wrong, Mom?”

Helene, “nothing dear. Just saw something funny on tv.”

Sara bent lower and took her nipple in the mouth. Helene moaned in response, stopped giggling.

Peter surprised, “Doesn’t sound funny anymore?”

Helene was being sucked heavily, and Sara increased her pressure and flicked the nipple with her tongue.

Helene could not think of a response instantly, and too sometime before responding, still moaning, she said, “just hit my toe on the table.”

Peter offered, “should I call back later.”

Sara responded immediately, “no. no. we can talk.”

Peter went on, “I have not been able to come last month, I’d like to see pictures of your vacation.”

“mmm, hmm.” Helene responded, thankfully able to keep her head on both sides of the conversation. Her hand behind Sara’s head stroked to let her continue the titillation.

Sara went to business, and Helene tried to compensate for her moaning with writhing. She felt a strange excitement.

Peter kept shooting one or the other sentences at his mother, and Helene responded with mono-syllables. Peter was surprised at her usually-eager Mom to not reply in her usual manner.

He offered again, “Mom, should we talk later.”

Helene was instant in her reply, “no, dear. tell me about your dissertation.” Thinking fast of something that he would take time explaining.

Peter started rattling something on the other end, and Helene looked down at Sara, who was almost at the end of her downward journey into Helene’s mound.

Helene was wrung with anticipation. She could not imagine the excitement this bipolar behaviour, that bordered on exhibitionism, would do to her.

Just as Sara found Helene’s pussy – Sara too took her full pussylips in her mouth – and started sucking instantly.

Helene could not help but moan and say, “Sara” half out of exasperation and half out of excitement.

Peter remembered that there was a guest at their home, “Is Sara still around? What’s she doing?”

Helene responded, “Why won’t she be around?” as if angry. Then added, “She’s having her lunch.” recovering back to a naughty thought.

Sara lapped fiercely on her pussy. Helene was shaking to respond to Sara’s assault on her pussy. She was scared that she might cum while Peter is on the phone.

Peter said, “I didn’t mean to say she should go or something, just surprised. Dad told me she is staying in my room?”

Helene took her time playing with Sara’s hair and pulling her head in before saying, “Peter, I want her to be close to me all the time, and that’s why.” Her hand in Sara’s hair pulled her in further, as she said ‘close’.

Not catching an odd choice of the word for a guest. Peter said, “Mom, I hope she is not fiddling with my stuff?” probably anxious about his porn.

His Mom knew all about his porn collection and said, “don’t worry, Peter she is mostly busy with my stuff. And nothing that’s yours.” Pulling Sara’s head inwards further.

Catching the reference, Sara pulled her head up and attacked Helene’s clitoris. She pulled on the nub with her lips. She pursed the lips in such a manner that the sucking motion in the pussy started making noise.

Helene could not take it anymore and started cumming. The thrill of talking to him while being sucked on was exhilarating. Her climax was hard, and it shook her from within.

She started moaning louder, not bothering with Peter anymore. Her moan’s merged with her cry, and she was mouthing a muffled, “Mmmmm.”

On the other end of the line, to Peter, it sounded as if she was in pain.

He kept asking her questions but the phone had left Helene’s hands, and she was forcing Sara into her pussy with both hands, and pulling with all her might.

Sara continued her flicking and stroking Helene’s clitoris, not letting Helene come down from her sexual high. On and on she went.

Helene was in throes of her orgasm, and she fell back on the backrest of the large sitting room sofa they were relaxing on. Phone, still on call, lay on her side.

Peter was now virtually shouting, on the phone, thinking of the worst, trying to figure out if his Mom was fine.

Thankfully the girls did not talk. Sara was still lapping on Helene’s pussy, cleaning the juices when Helene bent forward and picked up the phone.

“Sorry, Peter. I hurt my toe again while talking to you.” Helene offered lamely.

Peter, “are you okay?” sounding concerned now for more than her toe. She seemed distracted and was certainly not responding properly.

Helene offered, “let’s talk later. I need to apply some cream on my toe.”

He made a mental note to check with his dad.

Sara, with a mouth full of Helene’s juices, bent further down to Helene’s foot and took her big toe inside her mouth. She started licking and sucking. A clear reference to applying cream on the toe, Sara applied a different cream on her toe, Helene’s juice.

“No problem, we can talk. Sara is putting cream on my toe.” Helene offered, still speaking with a lilt.

Peter offered, “really.”

“Yes, Peter. She is. She is the most loving, caring person I have ever met. I cannot imagine where she was my entire life, but she is not going anywhere now. I won’t let her.” Helene went mushy.

Sara left Helene’s toe and came up slowly to Helene’s face. She took the phone from Helene’s hand; disconnected the line without letting her say goodbye; started kissing Helene with love and lust.


A week later, one late evening, Sara and Helene lay on the sofa. Sara was half on top of Helene, who lay on her back. Her head high on Helene’s shoulder and her lips next to Helene’s neck. Her one leg lay high on Helene, near her quim, and her arm stretched across Helene holding her far-side tit in her hand, playfully squeezing the mammary.

Helene’s left hand behind Sara holding her in place tightly attaching their bodies and her free hand on Sara’s face caressing her cheek lightly.

It had become their favorite position over the last month. The only difference was that it was Helene holding Sara on top of her many times a day, and Sara holding Helene on top of her for the rest of the day. The glue between them bound them together.

On this particular evening, Sara’s lips were busy on Helene’s neck, and her hand played with Helene’s right breast. As foreplay would go, this was a preamble to her next move. She climbed on top of Helene and started kissing her on the lips, and soon enough, their tongues were dueling in each other’s mouth. Helene’s hands went behind Sara and held her inwards while she lay on her back. Sara’s breasts mashed into hers. Sara lay face down on Helene’s full length. To lever herself around Helene, she spread her legs outside of Helene and ground her pussy into Helene’s. Her hands held Helene’s next to both her ears and she kept kissing Helene.

Ernst entered the sitting area and saw the all too familiar scene of the girls making love. He was in a constant state of arousal around them. It was almost a decade back when he had fucked his wife every day of the month. It was one such month.

He quickly shed his clothes and came behind the girls and perched himself behind the pair, near their feet. He slowly climbed up on his knees, not trying to hide himself but just being gentle.

The girls had been at it for quite a while and were panting in each other’s mouths, in heat.

Ernst found no option but to hold Sara from the hips before lining himself behind them. It would also inform her of his presence and so that she would make space for his entry into Helene. As soon as he touched Sara, touching her hips and lifting her slightly, it sent shockwaves inside Sara. At first, she was surprised by the unusual contact, and then she warmed up to Ernst’s claim of his wife, which had been now settled for no more than once a day, even while she could have her rest of the day, multiple times a day.

Sara was leaking already. She lifted her butt, enabled by Ernst’s hands. She knew this position is going to be tough for Ernst to maneuver without bumping her regularly throughout the fucking. The anticipation of the action made her moan in Helene’s mouth.

Helene until now was not aware of the intrusion. When Sara lifted her hips, she thought it was part of Sara’s lovemaking process to roll her hips up. Helene was used to Sara changing the tone of their lovemaking sessions, and she loved the free thought Sara brought to their coupling.

Helene felt the tip of Ernst dick on her, and she opened her eyes. She saw Sara looking down towards her. Their eyes locked in confirmation of Ernst in the room and on the sofa. They both smiled at each other and restarted kissing each other while letting Ernst have his way. Sara kept her butt raised enough even while remaining pasted unto their mounds so Ernst could enter Helene. Ernst held Sara hips only because they offered a better grip from where he was, and lowered himself into Helene slowly. From his point of view, it seemed as if he was fucking Sara. His hands on her hips tightened, and he closed his eyes, imagined that he was indeed inside Sara and shoved harder.

The angle he got was awkward, but he soldiered on and kept shoving forward. By the time he had reached three-fourth length inside Helene, he had knocked Sara from above Helene forcing their lips to detach. Squeezed Sara’s lips had reached Helene’s forehead, and Helene’s mouth was leveling with Sara’s neck.

Improvising, Sara moved up a couple of more inches and gave her breast to Helene while Ernst remained inside Helene fucking harder. Helene latched on Sara’s breast as if it would away milk and that she needed feeding. Instinctively, her arms went behind Sara to pull. Ernst’s fucking motion soon picked up its tempo. His shoves and pulls did not let Helene hold on to Sara’s tit either. She wanted to hold on to the breast so bad in her mouth. Ernst banged hard and his hips bumped on Sara’s ass with every shove; and he didn’t hold back. The awkwardness of their position kept Sara pushing forward into the hand rest of the sofa.

Not ready to give up on Sara just yet, Helene dragged back Sara until Sara’s butt clapped with Ernst on each hump. She was part of this session, and Helene could not do without her. Ernst had to slow down, and his depth became shallow as he lost his leverage after Sara came back down on Helene.

Sara and Helene were again into each other’s mouth not caring in the world what and who Ernst should fuck. Sara acquiesced to Helene pull, and they started fucking each other’s mouths with their tongues. Both had got worked up and were horny.

With her tongue in Helene’s mouth, Sara pulled her hand behind her butt and reached Helene’s pussy. Helene’s eyes opened. Sara held Ernst’s cock in her hand and slowly pulled it out. Ernst was in pain, thinking that he was being kicked out of this communion. As soon as Ernst exited in Sara’s hand, Helene looked at Sara and to thank her silently in appreciation of throwing out Ernst.

Their eyes remained locked when Sara did not leave Ernst’s dick and lined it upwards into her own pussy. Helene could not feel it, but she knew it in Sara’s eyes and gave her consent. Ernst could not believe that Sara had voluntarily pulled his dick and was inviting him to have her. Once his dick was set at the entry gate, Sara left his dick and brought her hand back in front. She held the wet fingers in front of her lips and licked them clean. Then she took her hand behind Helene’s head and lifted it up and kissed to return the juice to its owner.

As Ernst entered Sara, Helene and she were kissing again, their eyes closed. Sara held Helene’s head from both sides with her hands and Helene’s arms were stretched behind her neck in a death grip behind Sara, trying to pull her with immense force, out of love. Ernst’s entry was deliberately slow. If this was a one-time thing, he was going to make the most of it. He willed himself to slow down and enter her at a leisurely pace. He took a minute an inch to relish this new pussy he had only seen and had been dreaming off over the last month and a half. He was in heaven, and one does not dash in heaven, you soak it in. That’s what he did, went down in slow motion. Picturing Sara’s face while he entered her. Sara groaned in Helene’s face, low enough for Helene to hear, confirming it had happened. An appreciating low groan. Their kissing intensified. She had not had a cock in her for over a month now. Usually, Adam would fuck her multiple times every week, and she could barely catch up on his youth. But this last month had been fulfilling in many ways for her.

Sara shut her eyes tight and brought herself to think of Adam while Ernst took her. The thumps behind her were impassioned. She started cumming way before Ernst did. On feeling her pussy squeeze he attempted to synchronize their climaxes. He started humping her vigorously hard enough that her face again left Helene’s. He shot his load inside Sara before she settled down from her climax.

Her eyes remained closed, and she was hunched on top of Helene, who was looking up into her face trying to understand her response.

Ernst having spent his coupon of the night on them, slowly withdrew. He moved to the bedroom, without disturbing them any further.

Helene and Sara stopped their lovemaking and just lay in each other’s arms. Helene had noticed a strange expression on Sara’s face when Ernst was inside her. She could not place it, but she knew something was amiss.

They lay there the whole night, neither bothering to get up and eat, or go to the bedroom. The sofa was wide and large enough for them to comfortably sleep in. They were, in any case, joined enough half riding one another, to not care about space.

They woke up the next morning in each other’s arms and started their day by kissing, as always, before even offering their good mornings.

Ernst came with the breakfast tray and juice. He was grinning when he sat opposite them. Usually, he would wish them good morning and leave, but he felt cocky and sat in front of their sofa on the opposite side.

“Good morning, Sara” he offered. “good morning, darling,” he said looking towards Helene.

Both wished him back. He was pouring juice for everyone and did not notice his wife’s frown.

In the next ten minutes, he was made aware that he was not welcome to stay. He left, with just a glass of juice in him.


After a shower, they went for a walk in the gardens, while holding hands.

Sara broached the subject, “I think I should be getting back home, Helene.”

Helene knew this was coming. She had known this was coming for a long while. But still hearing it was like someone had slapped her on the face. She did not say anything but just stood still.

Sara also halted, looking at Helene having stopped, mid-walk.

Helene wanted to say a million things, she had hundreds of excuses thought of, to coax Sara to stay back; she had mentally built rationale as to why it made sense for Sara to stay. But when it came to saying anything in response, to Sara … nothing came to her mouth, she could not speak. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she started crying.

She looked at Sara pleading. It made Sara’s heart cringe with guilt, and Sara took Helene in her arms.

They sunk into the grass in the middle of the garden, way before they had reached the trees to their favorite spot.

Sitting with their hands around each other, Sara burst out crying, and Sara cried as well, seeing Helene cry.

They sunk further and lay in the grass, and held each other in a bear hug. Their dresses rolled up. They kissed in between crying and even after an hour of their embrace, neither had Helene spoken a word nor did she stop crying.

Sara stopped crying in between sobs and never leaving Helene’s eyes as if apologizing.

Helene uttered, “please” just once.

Sara could not hold it together and took Helene in her lips, and they kissed to their heart’s content.

Instead of going further up to the trees, they went back to the house and sat in the living room on the ground floor. On an equally plush sofa as the first floor, they held each other in their arms, not speaking much.

In one light moment, Helene offered, “you know I could leave Ernst and you can come to stay with me forever” and then as an afterthought “better still, ……”

Before she completed the sentence, Sara took her lips into hers to silence her.

Another argument, Helene gave later was, “I could come down to stay with you in LA.” Almost resolving in her mind to do it, trying to convince herself more than convey it to Sara.

To which, Sara replied, “If you don’t, I would know for sure you don’t love me enough.”

After many hours of sulking, and no effort at lovemaking, Sara reasoned with Helene, who lay in her arms, “If I stay any longer it would be even more difficult for me to leave as much as it would be for you to let me go.”

“that does not make sense, as to why do you have to go in the first place,” Helene responded, not rationalizing her demand properly.

By the end of the day, Sara had mellowed Helene down somewhat, but Helene and Sara cried their hearts out for the rest of the day, many numbers of times. Only kissing each other to stop from crying. Sara clearly was holding her resolve together for the both of them.

When Ernst came that evening, the girls were still on the ground floor, and the chill in the air was evident.

Ernst tried to soft talk somewhat and offered dinner to both. They had not eaten anything since breakfast, and both ate silently. They all went to the sitting room on the first floor to relax and to talk.

Ernst found something to read, while the girls held each other on the sofa. Ernst could feel something was wrong but did not dare ask. But he kept them company nonetheless.

An hour later, Sara asked him, “Ernst, can you do me a favor, please.”

Helene’s heart sank again.

Ernst looked at his wife and automatically said, “sure.” His wife’s expression told him to shoot her request down.

Sara said, “I’d like to fly back tomorrow. If you could possibly book me on a flight to LA.”

Ernst knew he should not have returned home that night, or maybe he should have come late. Dumb rationale.

But he did not have any option. He still offered, “Sara, you cannot go just yet. We would love to have you stay with us longer. Please, I insist.”

Sara smiled back and said, “Thank you, Ernst. But I must. It’s been quite many weeks now.”

Ernst was prompt, “so what’s a few more days then?”

Sara just nodded and smiled. But insisted, “please.”

Helene could not hold back tears and started crying in front of her husband and Sara. A silent tearful cry with no sobbing but nonstop tears flowing like a waterfall.

Sara willed herself to not cry in front of Ernst and hugged Helene, both fell back turning their face into each other, out of sight from Ernst.

Ernst beat a retreat from the room, giving the girls space and realizing what the chill in the air was about, since earlier that evening.

They both slept on the sofa again, not bothering to move to their bedroom or even to Peter’s room.

Both of them were in too much pain, they could not make love and just held each other together, and as the night grew Helene held Sara tighter as if there were a possibility that Sara might vanish in the middle of the night.

Sara stroked Helene’s head, resting on her breasts all night, and they barely caught a few hours of sleep, that too mostly from exhaustion than willingness.

Their last night together was emotional and loving, sans of any sexual overture on either’s part.

The next morning, Ernst brought them breakfast in the sitting room and sat near them to ensure that they ate. He took a holiday from office for the day, and kept them company in the house, even while staying out of sight. Whenever the girls were ready to talk, he wanted to be around so they could find their own pace. He just hung around on the ground floor leaving them upstairs.

Helene and Sara had a short shower together again. Around noon, Sara and Helene came down to check with Ernst, hand in hand.

Ernst before saying anything looked towards Helene and noticed her pain. She did not seem to respond to any signal between them.

They sat opposite Ernst on the sofa, and Sara looked towards Ernst as if asking.

Ernst offered, “Sara, I have organized a private plane to take you to LAX. Whenever you are comfortable, in a day or a week, it shall take you there.” He lightened the moment.

Sara smiled at the underlying reference of an offer to extend her stay.

She offered, “later tonight, please. If that’s ok?”

Ernst once again looked towards Helene before saying yes or no.

Sara caught this pause and understood what he was doing to remain polite. She let it pass.

He nodded, eventually.

Helene and Sara retreated upstairs arm-in-arm, leaving Ernst alone.

They all had lunch together, which Ernst tried to make and failed miserably. Thankfully there were leftovers from the previous night to help them pass the meal. They drank the rest of the afternoon.

Sara and Helene left Ernst again to stroll in the garden. They sat under the trees, holding each other close until the sun went down.

Their final kiss alone was loving and caring; they did not want the goodbyes to be crying and weepy.

Helene and Ernst accompanied Sara to the airport in their car to Cologne. The ladies without asking sat in the back, in each other’s arms, while Ernst drove silently. Helene clung to Sara as if she were a child.

Their kissing in the car was intermittent and ones filled with reassurances to one another.

When the plane took off, Helene cried her heart out again. She cried non-stop on her way back home. Tears did not stop until they were home.

Ernst tried his best to console her and hold her, but she was in pain that he could not mend.

Eight weeks of her life had changed her worldview. Sara had come one day and had stayed for over six weeks. Deep in her heart, she knew Sara would return to LA one day, but she had willed it so much for it not to happen. She wanted it not to happen. Helene tried to wrack her mind, even while in inconsolable pain, what had broken the spell? What had happened that made Sara decide to go back? She wanted a reason, and the more she thought of it, sadder it made her.

She could not sleep the whole night, and lay on her back stone-faced, looking up towards the ceiling.


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